Straight p.c. 9-37 way 90º p.c. 9-37 way PCB layouts Ø 0.76 min. 2.84 CRS Plug viewed from above, socket viewed from below. 1 2 2.76 2.54 CRS 2 holes at Ø 3.2 min. (2 holes at Ø 3.0/3.1 boardlock only)* 2.76 A Ø 0.76 min. 1 2 2 holes at Ø 3.2 min. (2 holes at Ø 3.0/3.1 boardlock only)* 50 A FRONT 50 way 50 way 2.76 2.76 2.84 CRS 1 2 3 2.54 CRS Ø 0.76 min. 4 1 2 3 Ø 0.76 min. 4 50 50 A A 2 holes at Ø 3.2 min. (2 holes at Ø 3.0/3.1 boardlock only)* FRONT 2 holes at Ø 3.2 min. (2 holes at Ø 3.0/3.1 boardlock only)* *Special D only DIMENSIONS Contact Arrangement A crs 9 25.00 15 33.32 25 47.04 37 63.50 50 61.10 High Density D only 15 way Plug viewed from above, socket viewed from below. 26 way High Density D 2.29 1.05 Ø min. High Density D 2.29 J 1 10 19 6 11 18 44 way J 0.44 1 25.00 33.32 90º FRONT 90º FRONT 62 way High Density D 2.29 High Density D 2.42 J 1 22 43 16 31 47.04 63.50 90º FRONT 90º FRONT 78 way DIMENSIONS J 0.60 1 1 High Density D 90º FRONT Contact Arrangement Straight p.c J 90º p.c J 15 1.98 2.54 26 1.98 2.54 44 1.98 2.54 62 1.98 2.54 78 2.08 2.54 2.42 90º p.c. J 90º p.c. 60 40 1 21 STRAIGHT p.c. 1 61.10 STRAIGHT p.c. ORDERING information for CONNECTORS Series D – Standard/Budget/Crimp SD – Special D LD – Special D 90º p.c. alternative HD-High Density D B X 25 P N B T Shell finish No designator – Zinc/yellow passivate T – Tinned (socket only) TD – Tinned and dimpled (plug only) D Performance code No designator – standard, HD, special, crimp B – Budget Shell size E, A, B, C and D Mounting options/crimp select No designator – Standard fixing holes B – 90º brackets and stabiliser rivetted (fitted on 50 and 90º p.c. as standard) F – Float mount for rear panel mounting R – Reverse float mounting G – MP501 rivetted H – 4-40 UNC threaded inserts fitted K – MP625 and screwlock fitted L – MP501-2 screw mounted N – 90º brackets and stabiliser with screwlock fitted S – Screwlock fitted T – Boardlocks fitted X – Screwlocks and Boardlocks fitted C-Crimp (contacts ordered separately) Termination type No designator – Solder bucket (and crimped when selector code has been used) N – 90º p.c. OL – Straight p.c. W – Wire wrapping Contact type P – Plug S – Socket Contact arrangement 9, 15, 25, 37 and 50 High Density 15, 26, 44, 62 and 78 CONTACT ORDERING INFORMATION Contact/Wire Gauge MP642-Pin, 24/28 A.W.G (HD only) MP643-Socket, 24/28 A.W.G (HD only) MP647-Pin, 24/28 A.W.G (crimp D only) MP648-Socket, 24/28 A.W.G (crimp D only) MP649-Pin, 20/24 A.W.G (crimp D only) MP650-Socket, 20/24 A.W.G (crimp D only) MP642 R Performance Code High Density 05-Pin, 200 operations 06-Pin, 50 operations 15-Socket, 200 operations 16-Socket, 50 operations Crimp D 45-Pin, standard 500 operations 46-Pin, budget 300 operations 55-Socket, standard 500 operations 56-Socket, budget 300 operations 06 Method of supply No designator – in packs of 100 R – 10,000 on a reel CONTACT ARRANGEMENT(viewed from ma ting face of male connector) Special, Standard and Crimp D 1 2 3 4 5 High Density D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 6 6 7 8 9 E - 9 contacts 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B - 25 contacts A - 15 contacts 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 C - 37 contacts 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E - 15 contacts 15 30 44 1 16 31 1 22 43 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 C - 62 contacts 1 10 19 B - 44 contacts 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 D - 50 contacts 5 10 15 21 42 62 9 18 26 A - 26 contacts 1 21 40 60 20 39 59 78 D - 78 contacts Accessories A range of accessories are available including automatic and hand crimp tools, insertion and extraction tools – ask our sales office for details. Due to our policy of continuous product development, ITW McMurdo Connectors retain the right to change the specification at any time without prior notice. Designed & printed in the UK. ITW McMurdo Connectors Division of ITW Limited Norway Road Hilsea Portsmouth PO3 5HT United Kingdom Tel: 02392 656200 Fax: 02392 666352 e-mail: Connectors D range connectors Special D COMMERCIAL D SUB-MINIATURE Standard D HIGH PERFORMANCE D SUB-MINIATURE Crimp D FLEXIBLE AND FAST ASSEMBLY D SUB-MINIATURE High Density D INCREASED DENSITY D SUB-MINIATURE D Accessories Connectors Special D COMMERCIAL D SUB-MINIATURE Standard Special A range of D connectors utilising stamped and formed or turned contacts to provide a low cost option for commercial applications. FEATURES Choice of three termination styles – solder bucket, straight p.c. and 90° p.c. Threaded inserts on 90° p.c. versions as standard – accepts a wide range of mounting hardware. Optional solderable boardlock features for 90° p.c. types – reduces installation time. 9.5 2.3 min 5.3 3.3 Tinned and dimpled shell options – for EMI/RFI shielding. 10.2 9.1 2.54 Ø 0.6 90º P. C. FEATURES Standard D meets the most demanding requirements. Available in five shell sizes, providing up to 50 contacts. Precision turned contacts. Solder bucket, straight p.c., 90° p.c. and wire wrapping termination styles – to suit all your applications. 9.5 2.3 min Tinned and dimpled shell options – for EMI/RFI shielding. Wide range of accessories – greater user flexibility. 5.3 Ø 0.6 5.3 Ø 0.6 18.3 2.54 5.00 9.4 Solder Bucket 0.6 x 0.6 Wire Wrap Straight P. C. No.of contacts FRONT FACE 9 r: 2.64 E/2 A 15 B r: 1.04 max 25 D E/2 E 10º 37 50 C 4.00 Ø 0.6 2.54 9.4 2.54 9.1 All ranges: male F Straight P. C. 11.5 HIGH PERFORMANCE D SUB-MINIATURE Designed for demanding industrial applications, McMurdo’s D connectors offer precision turned contacts in two performance levels: Standard D offers a minimum of 500 operations. Budget D has been developed for harsh industrial applications offering 300 operations. r: 1.65 1.02 SD 12.5 LD 13.5 Solder Bucket Standard D 15 Ø 0.6 90º P. C. 90º P. C. (50 contacts) A B C D E F 31.19 30.43 39.52 38.76 53.42 52.65 69.70 68.94 67.34 66.55 17.04 16.79 25.37 25.12 39.09 38.84 55.55 55.30 52.93 52.68 25.12 24.87 33.45 33.20 47.17 46.91 63.63 63.37 61.24 60.99 8.48 8.23 8.48 8.23 8.48 8.23 8.48 8.23 11.33 10.95 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 15.75 14.99 6.12 5.82 6.12 5.82 5.99 5.69 5.99 5.69 5.99 5.69 D range connectors Technical Data Special D Standard D Crimp D High Density D FEATURES Steel plated zinc/yellow passivate or tin Shell Insulator Thermoplastic rated UL94V-O Contact Copper alloy plated hard acid gold Termination – solder bucket Tin Gold – Tin – straight PC Tin Gold – Tin – 90º PC Tin Gold – Tin – CRIMP – – Tin or Gold Tin 100 300 (budget) 500 (standard) 300 (budget) 500 (standard) 100 50 or 200 crimp MECHANICAL Operations Temperature range -55ºC to +105ºC ELECTRICAL Current – individual contact (in isolation) at 70ºC 3A 6.5A 3A 3A – All contacts (simultaneously) at 70ºC 2A 3.3A 2A 2A 350V 500V 350V 300V 1500V 1500V 1500V 1000V 15mΩ max 10mΩ max 15mΩ max 15mΩ max 5000mΩ min 1000mΩ min 5000mΩ min 1000mΩ min Working voltage (DC or AC PEAK) Proof voltage (DC or AC PEAK) Contact resistance Insulation resistance All ranges: panel mounting options Contact Arrangement Shell size No of Contacts D,SD,LD HD Rear Panel Mounting E A Std F Float Std Front Panel Mounting R Float E Std F Float Std R Float E 9 15 25.00 20.32 21.16 11.30 12.09 3.50 22.07 22.88 12.90 13.71 2.25 A 15 26 33.32 28.70 29.49 11.30 12.09 3.50 30.40 31.22 12.90 13.71 2.25 B 25 44 47.04 42.42 43.20 11.30 12.09 3.50 44.14 44.96 12.90 13.71 2.25 C 37 62 63.50 58.93 59.77 11.30 12.09 3.50 60.60 61.42 12.90 13.71 2.25 D 50 78 61.10 56.26 57.02 13.97 14.78 3.50 58.21 59.44 15.69 16.51 2.25 A A Panel R E 10º R E 10º Panel F F R Rear Panel Mounting 3±0.1 R Front Panel Mounting 3±0.1 Crimp D FLEXIBLE AND FAST ASSEMBLY D SUB-MINIATURE High Densi Crimp D Maximum flexibility and reduced assembly costs are achieved through full or partial loading of selectively plated stamped and formed contacts. FEATURES Replaceable contacts – no connector wastage. Two contact performance levels – Budget for commercial and Standard for industrial applications. Wire strip length 2.4 ± 0.2mm. ASSEMBLY TOOLS AND HAND TOOLS Accepts wire sizes of 20 to 28 AWG – offers greater flexibility. 11 max Tinned and dimpled shell options – for effective EMI/RFI shielding. High Density D Increased contact density is provided in five industry standard shell sizes providing up to 78 contacts. A choice of four termination styles including crimp are available making this range one of the most versatile. Hand Crimp Tool MP600-D/HD Insertion/extraction tool MP601-D or MP601-HD Crimp INCREASED DENSITY D SUB-MINIATURE FEATURES Tinned and dimpled shell as standard for enhanced electrical continuity and effective EMI/RFI shielding. 12.5 9.1 Threaded inserts – enable quick assembly of mounting hardware to 90° p.c. versions. Optional screwlocks and solderable boardlocks fitted to 90° p.c. versions. Solder bucket, straight p.c. 90° p.c. and crimp termination styles. Compatible with Standard D range accessories. 9.5 5.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 10.5 11 max 9.0 11.5 14.0 Ø 0.6 Solder Bucket Straight P. C. Ø 0.6 90º P. C. No.of contacts All ranges: female FRONT FACE 9 r: 2.54 A E/2 r: 1.30 0.75 15 B r: 1.04 max 25 E D E/2 F Complete selection of crimp tooling enables quick assembly. 10º 37 50 C Crimp A B C D E F 31.19 30, 43 39.52 38.76 53.42 52.65 69.70 68.94 67.34 66.55 16.46 16.21 24.79 24.54 38.51 38.25 54.97 54.71 52.56 52.30 25.12 24.87 33.45 33.20 47.17 46.91 63.63 63.37 61.24 60.99 8.03 7.77 8.03 7.77 8.03 7.77 8.03 7.77 10.87 10.62 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 12.93 12.17 15.75 14.99 6.30 6.05 6.30 6.05 6.30 6.05 6.30 6.05 6.30 6.05