Marketing Bulletin
Thursday, November 11, 1999
Affected Customers
EC23 Series Termination
To all concerned parties,
This bulletin is to notify all customers of the discontinuation of the EC23 series Ecliptek
oscillator effective Thursday, November 11, 1999.
In compliance with our End of Life (EOL) policy, this notice will serve as advanced
notice of product termination. New orders will not be accepted after Friday, February 11,
2000, with delivery to be conclude by Wednesday, May 10, 2000.
The EC25 series is a recommended alternate for the EC23 series. This may not be an
exact cross, so it is highly recommended that the data sheet(s) of the recommended
alternate are reviewed and samples tested to ensure conformance.
If there are any questions pertaining to this bulletin, please contact your Ecliptek sales
representative. Thank you again for your cooperation.
Ecliptek Marketing
3545 CADILLAC AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CA 92626-1401 • (714) 433-1200 • Fax (714) 433-1234