Application Notes TITLE: EM61002 Memory Reservation Notes number : REVISED DATE : REVISED VERSION : APPLY TO CHIPS : APPLY TO SOFTWARE : AP-EM61-0002E-V1 7,DEC, 2001 1.0 EM61002 2.0 In EM61002, parts of the program/voice memory area have been reserved for testing purpose. Reserved area of program memory area The upper 1K word of program memory has been reserved for testing. That is, address 0x1C00~0x1FFF (page 7) are reserved and user can not use it. Program memory 0x0000 Available for user (7K words) 0x1C00 Reserved (1K words) 0x1FFF Reserved area of program memory area The first 256 bytes of voice memory have been reserved for testing. That is, address 0x0000~0x00FF are reserved and user can not use it. The IDE tool will avoid this area, it place tables and data from 0x0100 to 0x7FFF. Voice memory Reserved (256 bytes) 0x0000 0x00FF Available for user (32512 bytes) 0x7FFF