InvenSense Inc. 1197 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A. Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyro Product Specification A printed copy of this document is NOT UNDER REVISION CONTROL unless it is dated and stamped in red ink as, “REVISION CONTROLLED COPY.” ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................4 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE .............................................................................................................................5 3. PRODUCT OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................................5 4. FEATURES ..................................................................................................................................................5 5. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................................6 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................6 6.1 OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................................6 6.2 RATE SENSOR .....................................................................................................................................6 6.3 OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT ...........................................................................................................................6 6.4 AMPLITUDE CONTROL ..........................................................................................................................6 6.5 CORIOLIS SENSE .................................................................................................................................7 6.6 DEMODULATOR....................................................................................................................................7 6.7 LOW-PASS FILTER ...............................................................................................................................7 6.8 AUTO ZERO .........................................................................................................................................7 6.9 TEMPERATURE SENSOR .......................................................................................................................7 6.10 CHARGE PUMP ....................................................................................................................................7 6.11 MEMORY TRIM .....................................................................................................................................7 6.12 SCALE FACTOR ...................................................................................................................................7 6.13 REFERENCE VOLTAGE .........................................................................................................................7 6.14 ANALOG OUTPUTS ...............................................................................................................................7 7. SPECIFICATION..........................................................................................................................................8 7.1 SPECIFIED PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................8 7.2 SPECIFIED PARAMETERS, CONTINUED...................................................................................................9 7.3 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................9 7.4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .............................................................................................................9 7.5 REFERENCE CIRCUIT .........................................................................................................................10 8. APPLICATION INFORMATION ................................................................................................................11 8.1 PIN OUT AND SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................11 8.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................................................12 8.2.1 POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO.....................................................................................................12 8.2.2 POWER SUPPLY FILTERING ................................................................................................................12 8.2.3 AMPLITUDE CONTROL ........................................................................................................................12 8.2.4 TEMPERATURE SENSOR .....................................................................................................................12 8.2.5 INTERNAL LOW-PASS FILTER ..............................................................................................................12 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 8.2.6 EXTERNAL LOW-PASS CIRCUITRY.......................................................................................................13 8.2.7 GYRO OUTPUTS ................................................................................................................................13 8.2.8 AUTO ZERO ..................................................................................................................................13 8.2.9 HIGH IMPEDANCE NODES ...................................................................................................................14 8.2.10 CHARGE PUMP ..............................................................................................................................14 8.2.11 PROPER INTERFACE CLEANING ......................................................................................................14 8.2.12 ACOUSTIC NOISE SENSITIVITY .......................................................................................................14 8.2.13 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVITY ......................................................................................14 9. ASSEMBLY ...............................................................................................................................................15 9.1 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................................................15 9.2 PACKAGE MARKING SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................16 9.3 TAPE & REEL SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................................16 9.4 LABEL ...............................................................................................................................................18 9.5 PACKING ...........................................................................................................................................18 9.6 TRACE ROUTING ................................................................................................................................19 9.7 SOLDERING EXPOSED DIE PAD ..........................................................................................................19 9.8 COMPONENT PLACEMENT ..................................................................................................................19 9.9 AGC NODE .......................................................................................................................................19 9.10 MEMS HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................19 9.11 GYROSCOPE SURFACE MOUNT GUIDELINES .......................................................................................19 9.12 PCB MOUNTING AND CROSS-AXIS SENSITIVITY ..................................................................................19 9.13 REFLOW SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................................21 9.14 STORAGE SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................22 10. RELIABILITY .............................................................................................................................................22 10.1 QUALIFICATION TEST POLICY .............................................................................................................22 10.2 QUALIFICATION TEST PLAN ................................................................................................................22 11. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE...........................................................................................................23 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 3 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 1. Revision History Revision Date Revision Description 02/04/09 01 Initial Release 07/08/09 02 Reversed orientation of positive Z-axis rotation; removed package landing diagram; new solder reflow specifications; updated environmental compliance section; updated qualification test policy; moved disclaimer to end of document and changed wording; various other figure and wording changes. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 4 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 2. Purpose and Scope This document is a preliminary product specification, providing a description, specifications, and hardware design related information relating to the ISZ-650 gyroscope. Electrical characteristics in this preliminary document are based upon simulation results and limited characterization data of advanced samples only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Final specifications will be updated based upon characterization of final silicon. 3. Product Overview The ISZ-650 is a state-of-the-art single-axis Z-gyroscope designed specifically for complex motion sensing in 3D-input devices and gaming controllers. The ISZ-650 gyroscope utilizes state-of-the-art MEMS fabrication with wafer-scale integration technology. This technology combines completed MEMS wafers and completed CMOS electronic wafers together using a patented and proprietary wafer-scale bonding process that simultaneously provides electrical connections and hermetically sealed enclosures. This unique and novel fabrication technique is the key enabling technology that allows for the design and manufacture of high performance, integrated MEMS gyroscopes in a very small and economical package. Integration at the wafer-level minimizes parasitic capacitances, allowing for improved signal-to-noise over a discrete solution. With the addition of the new patent-pending Auto Zero feature for minimizing bias drift over temperature, the ISZ-650 offers unparalleled gyroscope performance in 3D-input and gaming applications. 4. Features By integrating the control electronics with the sensor elements at the wafer level, the ISZ-650 gyroscope supports a rich feature set including: Z-axis (yaw rate) gyro on a single chip Two separate analog outputs for standard and high sensitivity: 2000°/s full scale range Z-Out Pin: 0.5mV/°/s sensitivity Z4.5Out Pin: 440°/s full scale range 2.27mV/°/s sensitivity Integrated amplifiers and low-pass filter Auto-Zero function On-chip temperature sensor High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range High cross-axis isolation by proprietary MEMS design 3V single-supply operation Hermetically sealed for temperature and humidity resistance 10,000 g shock tolerant Smallest single axis gyro package at 4 x 5 x 1.2mm RoHS and Green Compliant CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 5 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 5. Functional Block Diagram ISZ-650 Oscillator Coriolis Sense 300k 24 AZ Output Gain Demodulator Z-Rate Sensor ZAGC 15 VDD Gain + Low-Pass Filter 14 Z4.5OUT Z4.5IN 16 Auto Zero Temperature Sensor Charge Pump Regulator Memory Trim Reference 23 12 22 PTATS CPOUT VREF Z-OUT 20 Optional External Filters Figure 1 6. Functional Description 6.1 Overview The ISZ-650 gyroscope consists of a dual-mass, vibratory MEMS gyroscope. The gyroscope measures rotation rate about the Z-axis, the axis normal to the surface of the package. The gyroscope’s proof-masses are electrostatically oscillated at resonance. An internal automatic gain control circuit precisely controls the oscillation of the proof masses. When the sensor is rotated about the Zaxis, the Coriolis Effect causes a vibration that can be detected by a capacitive pickoff. The resulting signal is amplified, demodulated, and filtered to produce an analog voltage that is proportional to the angular rate. 6.2 Rate Sensor The mechanical structure for detecting angular rate about the Z-axis is fabricated using InvenSense’s proprietary bulk silicon technology. The structure is covered and hermetically sealed at the wafer level. The cover shields the gyro from electromagnetic and radio frequency interferences (EMI/RFI). The dual-mass design inherently rejects any signal caused by linear acceleration. 6.3 Oscillator Circuit The oscillator circuit generates electrostatic forces to vibrate the structure at resonance. The circuit detects the vibration by measuring the capacitance between the oscillating structure and a fixed electrode. The oscillator circuit switches in quadrature phase with the capacitance measurement in order to vibrate at resonance. 6.4 Amplitude Control The scale factor of the gyroscope depends on the amplitude of the mechanical motion and the trim setting of the internal programmable gain stages. The oscillation circuit precisely controls the amplitude to maintain constant sensitivity over the operating temperature range. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 6 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 6.5 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Coriolis Sense Rotating the sensor about the Z-axis results in a Coriolis force on the Z-rate sensor. The Coriolis force causes the mechanical structure to vibrate in-plane. The resulting vibration is detected by measuring the capacitance change between the mechanical structure and fixed electrodes. This signal is converted to a voltage waveform by means of low-noise charge integrating amplifier and amplification stages. 6.6 Demodulator The output of the Coriolis sense is an amplitude modulated waveform. The amplitude corresponds to the rotation rate, and the carrier frequency is the mechanical drive frequency. The synchronous demodulator converts the Coriolis sense waveform to the low-frequency, angular rate signal. 6.7 Low-Pass Filter After the demodulation stage, there is a low-pass filter. This filter attenuates noise and high frequency artifacts before final amplification. 6.8 Auto Zero The Auto Zero function is used to reduce DC offset caused by bias drift. The implementation of this function will vary by application requirement. Pin 24 (AZ) is used to set the Auto Zero function, resetting the bias to approximately VREF. 6.9 Temperature Sensor A built-in Proportional-To-Absolute-Temperature (PTAT) sensor provides temperature information on Pin 23. 6.10 Charge Pump The on-chip charge pump generates the voltage required to oscillate the mechanical structure. 6.11 Memory Trim The on-chip memory is used to select the gyro’s sensitivity, calibrate the sensitivity, null DC offsets and select the low-pass filter option 6.12 Scale Factor The Rate-Out of the gyro is not ratiometric to the supply voltage. The scale factor is calibrated at the factory and is nominally independent of supply voltage. 6.13 Reference Voltage The gyro includes a bandgap reference circuit. The output voltage is typically 1.35V and is nominally independent of temperature. The zero-rate signal is nominally equal to the reference value. 6.14 Analog Outputs The ISZ-650 gyro has two Z-outputs (Z-OUT and Z4.5OUT), with scale factors and full-scale sensitivities that vary by a factor of 4.5, as detailed in Section 8.2.7. Having two sensitivities and two full-scale ranges for the one axis allows the end user to have one output that can be used for faster motions (over a full scale range of ±2000º/sec), and a second output that can be used for slower motions (over a full scale range of ±440º/sec). Thus a lower-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) may be used to digitize the motion, with the gain of 4.5 in the Z4.5OUT output effectively giving the user additional two-plus bits of resolution. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 7 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 7. Specification 7.1 Specified Parameters All parameters specified are @ VDD = 3.0 V and TA = 25°C. External LPF @ 2kHz. PARAMETER SENSITIVITY Full-Scale Range CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS °/s °/s At Z-OUT At Z4.5OUT ±2000 ±440 Sensitivity At Z-OUT At Z4.5OUT 0.5 2.27 mV/°/s mV/°/s Initial Calibration Tolerance Calibration Drift Over Specified Temperature Nonlinearity Cross-axis Sensitivity At Z-OUT At Z-OUT ±6 ±10 % % At Z-OUT, Best Fit Straight Line 0.5 ±1 % of FS % REFERENCE Voltage (VREF) Tolerance Load Drive Capacitive Load Drive Power Supply Rejection Reference Drift Over Specified Temperature ZERO-RATE OUTPUT (ZRO) Static Output (Bias) Initial Calibration Tolerance 1.35 ±50 100 100 1 ±5 Load directly connected to VREF VDD= 2.7V to 3.3V Factory Set 1.35 Relative to VREF With Auto Zero ±20 Without Auto Zero ±150 ZRO Drift Over Specified Temperature Power Supply Sensitivity FREQUENCY RESPONSE High Frequency Cutoff LPF Phase Delay @ 50 Hz Internal LPF -90° 10Hz OUTPUT DRIVE CAPABILITY Output Voltage Swing Capacitive Load Drive Output Impedance POWER ON-TIME Zero-Rate Output AUTO ZERO CONTROL AZ Logic High AZ Logic Low Auto Zero Pulse Duration Offset Settle Time After Auto Zero CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY V mV ±20 mV 10 °/sec/V 140 -4.5 MECHANICAL FREQUENCY Z-Axis Resonant Frequency NOISE PERFORMANCE Total RMS Noise V mV µA pF mV/V mV 26 Bandwidth 1Hz to 1kHz, At Z-OUT Load = 100kΩ to VDD/2 30 Hz ° 34 0.3 0.05 mV rms VDD-0.05 V pF Ω 200 ms 100 200 Settling to ±3°/s 50 Rising Input Falling Input 1.9 0.9 2 1500 7 8 of 24 kHz V V µsec msec ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 7.2 Specified Parameters, continued All parameters specified are @ VDD = 3.0 V and TA = 25°C. External LPF @ 2kHz. PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 2.7 3.0 4.5 ±1 3.3 POWER SUPPLY (VDD) Operating Voltage Range Quiescent Supply Current Supply Current Change Over Specified Temperature TEMPERATURE SENSOR Sensitivity Offset Output Impedance Range -20 to +85°C 4 1.25 12 TEMPERATURE RANGE Specified Temperature Range 7.3 -20 V mA mA mV/°C V kΩ +85 °C Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Power Supply Voltage (VDD) 2.7 3.0 3.3 V 20 ms Power Supply Voltage (VDD) Rise Time (10% - 90%) 7.4 UNITS Absolute Maximum Ratings Stress above those listed as “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device under these conditions is not implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Parameter Rating Supply Voltage -0.3V to +3.6V Acceleration (Any Axis, unpowered) 10,000g for 0.3ms Operating Temperature Range -40 to +105°C Storage Temperature Range -40 to +125°C CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 9 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 7.5 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Reference Circuit ISZ-650 Oscillator ZAGC 15 Coriolis Sense VDD 24 AZ Output Gain Demodulator Z-Rate Sensor 300k Gain + Low-Pass Filter 4.5X 14 Z4.5OUT Z4.5IN 0.22µF 16 Auto Zero Supply 2.2 9 VDD 1.0µF LDO 0.1µF Temperature Sensor Memory Trim Charge Pump Regulator Reference PTATS GND CPOUT 12 2 8 26 27 28 22 VREF 0.1µF/25V Figure 2 Bill of Material for External Components Component Specification Low Pass Filter Capacitor 0.1µF ±20% / 10V AGC Capacitor 0.22µF ±10% / 10V VDD Bypass Capacitor 0.1µF ±20% / 10V Charge Pump Capacitor 0.1µF ±20% / 25V LDO Input Filter Capacitor 1.0µF / Ratings Dependent upon Supply Voltage LDO Input Filter Resistor 2.2Ω ±1% Low Pass Filter Resistor 750Ω ±1% CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 10 of 24 750 0.1µF 19 VDD 23 Z-OUT 20 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 8. Application Information 8.1 Pin Out and Signal Description Number Pin 2, 8, 26, 27, 28 GND Ground Description 9, 19 VDD Positive supply voltage 12 CPOUT 14 Z4.5OUT Charge pump capacitor connection 15 ZAGC Amplitude control capacitor connection 16 Z4.5IN Z-axis input to the 4.5X amplifier 20 Z-OUT Rate output for rotation about the Z-axis (±2000°/sec FSR) 22 VREF Precision reference output 23 PTATS Temperature Sensor Output 24 AZ 10, 11, 13, 21, 25 RESV 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18 NC Z-axis output of the 4.5X amplifier (±440°/sec FSR) Auto Zero control pin Reserved. Do not connect. Not internally connected. May be used for PCB trace routing. Z4.5OUT RESV RESV AZ RESV RESV RESV VDD VREF GND GND CPOUT GND NC PTATS GND Figure 3 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 11 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 8.2 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Design Considerations 8.2.1 Power Supply Rejection Ratio The gyro is most susceptible to power supply noise (ripple) at frequencies less than 100Hz. At less than 100Hz, the PSRR is determined by the overall internal gain of the gyroscope. Above 100Hz, the PSRR is determined by the characteristics of the on-chip low-pass filter. Above 1kHz, the PSRR is relatively constant except for a narrow frequency range corresponding to the resonant frequency of the Z-gyroscope. 8.2.2 Power Supply Filtering The Power Supply Voltage (VDD) rise time (10% - 90%) must be less than 20ms at VDD (Pins 9 and 19) for proper device operation. The ISZ-650 gyroscope should be isolated from system power supply noise by a combination of an RC filter that attenuates high frequency noise and a Low Drop Out linear regulator (LDO) that attenuates low frequency noise. Figure 4 shows a typical configuration. Figure 4 The low-pass RC filter should be chosen such that it provides significant attenuation of system noise at high frequencies. The LDO should be a low noise regulator (<100V/rtHz) that exhibits good noise rejection at low frequencies. 8.2.3 Amplitude Control The scale factor of the gyroscope depends on the amplitude of the mechanical motion and the trim setting of the internal programmable gain stages. The oscillation circuit precisely controls the amplitude to maintain constant sensitivity over the specified temperature range. The capacitor connected to Pin 15 (ZAGC) is a compensation capacitor for the amplitude control loop. 8.2.4 Temperature Sensor A built-in Proportional-To-Absolute-Temperature (PTAT) sensor provides temperature information on Pin 23 (PTATS). The temperature sensor output signal is analog, and has a bias of approximately 1.25V at room temperature, and increases at a rate of 4mV/ºC. The output impedance is nominally 12kΩ and is therefore not designed to drive low impedance loads. If necessary, the output can be externally buffered with a low offset-drift buffer, and optionally a low-pass filter to minimize noise. 8.2.5 Internal Low-Pass Filter After the demodulation stage, there is a low-pass filter. This filter limits noise and high frequency artifacts from the demodulator before final amplification. The following graph shows the typical gain and phase response. The low-pass filter has been designed for a nominally flat gain up to the cutoff frequency while still achieving a low phase delay at 10Hz and 30Hz. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 12 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 LPF Phase & Gain 10 10 5 Gain 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 Phase -15 -15 -20 -20 -25 -25 -30 Phase (deg) Filter Response (dB) 5 -30 1 10 100 1000 Nominal Limits Frequency (Hz) Figure 5 8.2.6 External Low-Pass Circuitry To further attenuate high-frequency noise, an optional external low-pass filter may be used. 8.2.7 Gyro Outputs The ISZ-650 gyro has two Z-outputs, with scale factors and full-scale sensitivities as summarized below. Axis Z Gyro Output Sensitivity (mV/º/s) Full-Scale Range (±º/s) Z-OUT 0.5 2000 Z4.5OUT 2.27 440 Having two sensitivities and two full-scale ranges for one axis allows the end user to have one output that can be used for faster motions such as full-motion gaming (over a full scale range of ±2000º/sec), and a second output that can be used for slower motions such as for gesture and menu-navigation functionality (over a full scale range of ±440º/sec). Thus a lower-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) may be used to digitize the motion, with the gain of 4.5 in the Z4.5OUT output effectively giving the user additional two-plus bits of resolution. The ISZ-650 gyro outputs are independent of supply voltage (i.e. they are not ratiometric). Gyro rotation rate is calculated as: (Gyro Output Voltage – Gyro Zero-Rate Out) / Sensitivity where the Zero-Rate Output (ZRO) is nominally VREF. There is a temperature dependence to ZRO, and an initial accuracy to ZRO. 8.2.8 Auto Zero Auto Zero (AZ) is a function that is used to maximize the gyro’s dynamic range when using the Z4.5OUT output. AZ works by keeping the gyro’s Zero-Rate Output (ZRO) close to VREF, and thus allows the user to achieve a wider usable signal range, without using an external analog high pass filter. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 13 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 When activated, the Auto Zero circuit internally nulls the ZRO to approximately VREF. The typical usage of Auto Zero is in conditions where: 1. The gyro’s motion is known, such as when: a. The gyro is stationary. b. Other sensors can report angular rotation rate. 2. The DC value of the gyro output is not important, but only the AC value is. In this case, a digital ac filter may be used to extract the gyro data, which provides a higher-quality output than is possible with an analog R-C filter. The Auto Zero function is initiated on the rising edge of the AZ pin. The Auto Zero settling time is typically 7ms. This time includes the time required for nulling the ZRO and for the settling of the internal low pass filter (LPF). If the external LPF bandwidth is less than 200Hz, the Auto Zero settling time will be longer than specified. The AZ pulse width should meet the specified minimum time requirement of 2µs to start the Auto Zero function, and should be shorter than the maximum specified time of 1,500µs. The Auto Zero pulse should occur after the start-up period to cancel any initial calibration error. 8.2.9 High Impedance Nodes The ZAGC pin is a high impedance node (>1Mohm). Any coating, glue or epoxy on this pin or on the capacitor connected to this pin, will affect part performance and should be avoided. 8.2.10 Charge Pump The on-chip charge pump requires a capacitor for stable operation. This capacitor should be 0.1µF and rated for 25V. 8.2.11 Proper Interface Cleaning Proper cleaning of PCB solder pads prior to assembly is recommended. PCB surface contaminants at pin 15 may affect part performance. 8.2.12 Acoustic Noise Sensitivity The ISZ-650 gyroscope is insensitive to vibration except for a narrow frequency range near the gyro’s resonant frequency and at odd multiples of the resonant frequency. The typical bandwidth of the acoustic sensitivity is 200Hz. It is recommended that products using the ISZ-650 gyroscope along with mechanical actuators be designed such that the acoustic noise in the 20kHz to 31kHz range be attenuated by the product’s enclosure avoids these frequency ranges. 8.2.13 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity The ISZ-650 gyroscope can be permanently damaged by an electrostatic discharge. ESD precautions for handling and storage are recommended. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 14 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 9. Assembly 9.1 2X Package Dimensions 0.15 TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW A 2X D2 D C 0.15 C E2 E Chamfer, 0.10mm L e B DETAIL ‘A’ 0.10 S Y M B O L C A SEATING PLANE A b A3 C 0.10 M C B MIN. 1.10 A3 A SIDE VIEW 15 of 24 DIMENSIONS INCH NOM. MAX. MIN. 1.15 1.20 0.042 0.203 BSC NOM. MAX 0.044 0.046 0.008 BSC b 0.18 0.25 0.30 0.007 0.009 0.011 D 3.85 4.00 4.15 0.150 0.156 0.161 D2 2.65 2.80 2.95 0.103 0.109 0.115 E 4.85 5.00 5.15 0.189 0.195 0.200 E2 3.50 3.65 3.80 0.137 0.142 0.148 e Figure 6 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY COMMON DIMENSIONS MILLIMETERS 0.50 BSC 0.019 BSC L 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.011 0.013 0.015 L1 0.00 0.08 0.15 0.000 0.003 0.006 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 9.2 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Package Marking Specification Line 1 = Company Name Line 2 = Part Number Line 3 = Lot Traceability Code Line 4 = Fabricator, Assembly, Date Code, Revision InvenSense ISZ-650 XXXXXX-XX XX XXXX X Top View 9.3 Tape & Reel Specification DETAIL ‘A’ (l) Measured from centerline of sprocket hole to centerline of pocket. (ll) Cumulative tolerance of 10 sprocket holes is ± 0.20. (lll) Measured from centerline of sprocket holes to centerline of pocket. (lV) Other material available. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. CARRIER TAPE (mm) PKG Tape Width Pocket Pitch SIZE (W) (P1) 4x5 16.00 ±0.3 12.00 ±0.1 Ao 5.30 ±0.1 Bo Ko 4.30 ±0.1 1.65 ±0.1 Figure 7 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 16 of 24 F 7.50 ±0.1 Leader Trailer Length Length (Min.) (Min.) 300 300 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Figure 8 PKG SIZE REEL (mm) 4x5 L V W Z 330 100 16.4 3.0 User Direction of Feed Package Orientation Cover Tape (Anti-Static) Carrier Tape (Anti-Static) Label Pin 1 Terminal Tape Reel Figure 9 Quantity Per Reel 5000 Reels per Pizza Box 1 Pizza Boxes Per Carton (max) 3 full pizza boxes packed in the center of the carton, buffered by two empty pizza boxes (front and back). Pieces/Carton (max) 15,000 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 17 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 9.4 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Label Location of Label 9.5 Packing Anti-static Label Moisture-Sensitive Caution Label Tape & Reel Label Moisture Barrier Bag With Labels Reel in Pizza Box CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Moisture-Sensitive Caution Label Pizza Box with Tape & Reel Label 18 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 9.6 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Trace Routing Routing traces or vias under the gyro package such that they run under the exposed die pad is prohibited. 9.7 Soldering Exposed Die Pad The exposed die pad is internally connected to VSS, and should not be soldered to the PCB since soldering to it contributes to performance changes due to package thermo-mechanical stress. 9.8 Component Placement There are no specific design considerations other than generally accepted industry design practices for component placement near the ISZ-650 gyroscope to prevent noise coupling. 9.9 AGC Node The gyro pin marked ZAGC is a high impedance node that is sensitive to current leakage, which can impact gyroscope performance. Care should be taken to ensure that this node is not contaminated by residue such as flux and is clean. 9.10 MEMS Handling Instructions MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) are a time-proven, robust technology used in hundreds of millions of consumer, automotive and industrial products. MEMS devices consist of microscopic moving mechanical structures. They differ from conventional IC products even though they can be found in similar packages. Therefore, MEMS devices require different handling precautions than conventional ICs prior to mounting onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). InvenSense’s ISZ-650 gyroscopes have a shock tolerance of 10,000g. InvenSense packages its gyroscopes as it deems proper for protection against normal handling and shipping. It recommends the following handling precautions to prevent potential damage: Individually packaged gyroscopes or trays of gyroscopes should not be dropped on hard surfaces. Components placed in trays could be subject to g-forces in excess of 10,000g if dropped. Printed circuit boards that incorporate mounted gyroscopes should not be separated by manually snapping apart. This could also create g-forces in excess of 10,000g. 9.11 Gyroscope Surface Mount Guidelines Any material used in the surface mount assembly process of the MEMS gyroscope should be free of restricted RoHS elements or compounds. Pb-free solders should be used for assembly. In order to assure gyroscope performance, several industry standard guidelines need to be considered for surface mounting. These guidelines are for both printed circuit board (PCB) design and surface mount assembly and are available from packaging and assembly houses. When using MEMS gyroscope components in plastic packages, package stress due to PCB mounting and assembly could affect the output offset and its value over a wide range of temperatures. This is caused by the mismatch between the Coefficient Temperature Expansion (CTE) of the package material and the PCB. Care must be taken to avoid package stress due to mounting. 9.12 PCB Mounting and Cross-Axis Sensitivity Orientation errors of the gyroscope mounted to the printed circuit board can cause cross-axis sensitivity in which one gyro responds to rotation about another axis, for example, the Z-axis gyroscope responding to rotation about the X or Y axes. The orientation mounting errors are illustrated in the figure below. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 19 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Figure 10 The table below shows the cross-axis sensitivity as a percentage of the specified gyroscope’s sensitivity for a given orientation error. Cross-Axis Sensitivity vs. Orientation Error Orientation Error (Φ) Cross-Axis Sensitivity (sinΦ) 0º 0% 0.5º 0.87% 1º 1.75% The specification for cross-axis sensitivity in Section 7 includes the effect of the die orientation error with respect to the package. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 20 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification 9.13 PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 Reflow Specification The approved solder reflow curve shown in the figure below conforms to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.01 (Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices) with a maximum peak temperature (Tc = 260°C). This is specified for component-supplier reliability qualification testing using lead-free solder for package thicknesses less than 1.6 mm. The reliability qualification preconditioning used by InvenSense incorporates three of these conforming reflow cycles. All temperatures refer to the topside of the QFN package, as measured on the package body surface. Customer solder-reflow processes should use the solder manufacturer’s recommendations, making sure to never exceed the constraints listed in the table and figure below, as these represent the maximum tolerable ratings for the device. For optimum results, production solder reflow processes should use lower temperatures, reduced exposure times to high temperatures, and lower ramp-up and ramp-down rates than those listed below. Approved IR/Convection Solder Reflow Curve Temperature Set Points for IR / Convection Reflow Corresponding to Figure Above Step Setting A B C D Troom TSmin TSmax TLiquidus TPmin E F G H I [≤TPmax-5˚C,255°C] TPmax [260°C] TPmin TLiquidus Troom CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Temp (°C) 25 150 200 217 CONSTRAINTS Time (sec) Rate (°C/sec) 60 < tBC < 120 r(TL-TPmax) < 3 255 r(TL-TPmax) < 3 260 -0/+5°C 255 217 25 21 of 24 tAF < 480 tEG < 30 60 < tDH < 120 r(TL-TPmax) < 3 r(TPmax-TL) < 6 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 9.14 Storage Specifications The storage specification of the ISZ-650 gyroscope conforms to Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 3, as defined by IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.01. Storage Specifications for ISZ-650 Calculated shelf-life in moisture-sealed bag 12 months -- Storage conditions: <40°C and <90% RH After opening moisture-sealed bag 168 hours -- Storage conditions: ambient ≤30°C at 60% RH 10. Reliability 10.1 Qualification Test Policy InvenSense’s products complete a Qualification Test Plan before being released to production. The Qualification Test Plan follows the JEDEC 47D Standards, “Stress-Test-Driven Qualification of Integrated Circuits,” with the individual tests described below. 10.2 Qualification Test Plan Accelerated Life Tests Lot Quantity Samples / Lot Accept / Reject Criteria JEDEC JESD22-A108C, Dynamic, 3.63V biased, Tj>125°C [read-points 168, 500, 1000 hours] 3 77 (1/2) Steady-State Temperature Humidity Unbiased Life (1) JEDEC JESD22-A101C, 85°C/85%RH [read-points 168, 500, 1000 hours] 3 77 (1/2) High Temperature Storage Life JEDEC JESD22-A103C, Cond. A, 125°C Non-Bias Bake [read-points 168, 500, 1000 hours] 3 77 (1/2) Lot Quantity Samples / Lot Accept / Reject Criteria Test Method/Condition High Temperature Operating Life (HTOL/LFR) Device Component Level Tests Test Method/Condition ESD-HBM JEDEC JESD22-A114F, Class 2 (2KV) 1 15 (0/1) ESD-MM JEDEC JESD22-A115-A, Class B (200V) 1 12 (0/1) Latch Up JEDEC JESD78B Class 1 (25°C), Level 1 ( +/- 100mA) 1 6 (0/1) Mechanical Shock JEDEC JESD22-B104C, Mil-Std-883, method 2002, Cond. D, 10,000g’s, 0.3ms, ±X,Y,Z – 6 directions, 5 times/direction 3 5 Vibration JEDEC JESD22-B103B, Variable Frequency (random), Cond. B, 5-500Hz, X,Y,Z – 4 times/direction 3 5 (0/1) Temperature Cycling (1) JEDEC JESD22-A104D Condition N, -40°C to +85°C, Soak Mode 2, 100 cycles 3 77 (1/2) (1) Tests are preceded by MSL3 Preconditioning in accordance with JEDEC JESD22-A113F CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 22 of 24 (0/1) ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 11. Environmental Compliance The ISZ-650 gyroscope is RoHS and Green compliant. Assembler: Package Type: Package Total Mass (mg): Component Lingsen Precision Industries, Inc. QFN 28L 4x5x1.2mm 61.25 Substance CAS Number Percent (%) Material Weight (mg) Amount of Substance (mg) 7440-21-3 100 6.94 6.94 Semiconductor Device Silicon Chip Doped Silicon (Si) Lead Frame (ASM 28N C7025AG, with JAU JANQ Matte Sn Finish) Base Metal Copper (Cu) 7440-50-8 Balance 9.964 Base Metal Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 2.1-2.6 Base Metal Phosphorus (P) 7723-14-0 0.015-0.15 0.227 10.32 0.009 Base Metal Zinc (Zn) 7440-66-6 0.05-0.20 0.013 Finish Plating Matte Tin (Sn) 7440-31-5 1.04 0.107 Bond Wire (Sumitomo Metal Mining 1.0MIL (2KM) SGL-2 Gold Wire) Gold Metal Gold (Au) 7440-57-5 Die Attach Adhesive (Henkel Ablebond 2025D) Dimethyl Siloxane, Filler DimethylvinylsiloxyTerminated >99.99 068083-19-2 Balance 1.12 1.120 0.679 0.78 0.078 Filler Trimethylated Silica 068909-20-6 7-13 Filler Dimethyl, Methylhydrogen Siloxane, HydrogenTerminated 069013-23-6 1-5 0.023 Mold Compound (Sumitomo Bakelite GREEN EME-G770H) Filler Epoxy Resin-1 Trade Secret 2-5 1.475 Filler Epoxy Resin-2 Trade Secret 1-3 0.843 Filler Phenol Resin Trade Secret 2-5 Hardener Silica 60676-86-0 Balance Coloring Material Carbon Black 1333-86-4 Approx. 0.2 0.084 Filler Metal Hydroxide Trade Secret 1-10 2.318 - Others - Max. 5 2.107 1.475 42.14 33.84 Test results for RoHS banned substances/compounds: Substance/ Compound Test Method Die Lead-frame Bond Wire Die Attach Adhesive Mold Compound Hexavalent Chromium EPA3060A/ 7196A Not Available ND(<5) ND(<2) ND(<1) ND (<2) Cadmium EN1122 Method B:2001 Not Available ND(<5) ND(<2) ND(<2) ND (<2) Mercury US EPA 3052 Not Available ND(<5) ND(<2) ND(<2) ND (<2) Lead US EPA 3050B Not Available ND(<10) ND(<2) ND(<2) ND (<2) PBBs EPA3540B/ 3550B Not Available ND(<250) ND(<5) ND(<5) ND(<5) PBDEs EPA3540B/ 3550B Not Available ND(<250) ND(<5) ND(<5) ND(<5) ND = Not Detected Environmental Declaration Disclaimer: InvenSense believes this environmental information to be correct but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Conformity documents for the above component are on file. InvenSense subcontracts manufacturing and the information contained herein is based on data received from vendors and suppliers. This information has not been validated by InvenSense. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 23 of 24 ISZ-650 Single-Axis Z-Gyroscope Product Specification PS-ISZ-0650B-00-02 Release Date: 07/08/09 This information furnished by InvenSense is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by InvenSense for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. InvenSense reserves the right to make changes to this product, including its circuits and software, in order to improve its design and/or performance, without prior notice. InvenSense makes no warranties, neither expressed nor implied, regarding the information and specifications contained in this document. InvenSense assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages arising from information contained in this document, or from the use of products and services detailed therein. This includes, but is not limited to, claims or damages based on the infringement of patents, copyrights, mask work and/or other intellectual property rights. Certain intellectual property owned by InvenSense and described in this document is patent protected. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of InvenSense. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. Trademarks that are registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. InvenSense sensors should not be used or sold in the development, storage, production or utilization of any conventional or mass-destructive weapons or for any other weapons or life threatening applications, as well as in any other life critical applications such as medical equipment, transportation, aerospace and nuclear instruments, undersea equipment, power plant equipment, disaster prevention and crime prevention equipment. InvenSense TM is a registered trademark of InvenSense, Inc. ISZ TM TM and ISZ-650 are trademarks of InvenSense, Inc. ©2009 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 24 of 24