ER Vishay ESTA DC Filter Capacitors RIPPLE % RIPPLE The sum of the peak ripple voltage and the DC voltage should not exceed the rated voltage. Refer to graph fig. 1 for permissible peak-to-peak ripple voltage as a percentage of rated voltage for various frequencies. 30 20 10 TYPE ER 0 10 Capacitors offer unusually good electrical characteristics, coupled with very small size. The ER range of capacitors are manufactured using a mixed dielectric material that consists of polyester/polypropylene. The container is a rolled seamed tinplate case that is hermetically sealed. The construction is designed to prevent internal movement when subjected to shock and vibration. POWER FACTOR The power factor is variable, and a function of temperature and frequency. See fig 2. Nominal value < 0.5 % at 20 °C. at 20 °C 2% Power Factor vs. Temperature 1 kHz 1% APPLICATIONS • Audio coupling 1000 10 000 FREQUENCY Hz Fig. 1 Note • The impregnant used is a non toxic highly refined, purified and inhibited mineral oil. The ER range of capacitors are specifically designed for DC applications. 100 50 Hz 0% - 20 0 40 65 80 Fig. 2 DIELECTRIC RESISTANCE (Parallel resistance) is indicated by the graph of insulance (MΩ x μF) vs temperature fig 3. The insulance (MΩ x μF) is nominally 10 000 s at + 20 °C. (Measurements taken after 1 minute with an applied voltage of 500 V). • Pulse forming networks • Oscillator circuits • Arc and spark suppression MΩ x MF • RF by-pass • Tuned filters • Energy storage • Integrating circuits 105 104 103 • Low and high pass filters 102 • High voltage smoothing Insulance vs. Temperature Typical Values - 40 Consult Vishay Electronic GmbH, Division Roederstein ESTA and Hybrids for your specific requirements. TEMPERATURE RANGE Temperature range is - 55 °C to + 85 °C. The nominal voltage rating is applicable from - 55 °C to + 85 °C. 0 40 80 Fig. 3 LIFE EXPECTANCY ER type capacitors are designed for a life exceptancy of 50 000 h at 65 °C. To achieve the same life expectancy at 85 °C derate to 60 % of rated voltage fig 4. Hours Capacitors required for AC applications and high discharge rates can also be designed from the ER range. 105 104 Derating is required for higher operating temperatures. 103 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT Capacitance will increase by 2 % per 100 °C temperature change. Document Number: 13013 Revision: 11-Aug-10 102 For technical questions, contact: 50 100 150 °C Rated Voltage Fig. 4 1 ER DC Filter Capacitors Vishay ESTA CAPACITANCE RANGE 0.01 μF to 100 μF. The tolerance is ± 10 %. Other tolerances are available on request. Nominal values measured at 1 kHz. VOLTAGE RANGE 1000 VDC to 40 000 VDC other values on request. TEST VOLTAGE Terminal/terminal (Vt/t) For DC rating < 20 kV Vt/t = 2.0 x rated voltage 60 s For DC rating > 20 kV Vt/t = 1.5 x rated voltage 60 s WEIGHT The approximate weight in kg of capacitors in the ER range can be estimated by multiplying the volume of the capacitor container by 1.45 (1) x 10 -6. TERMINATIONS Add suffix W to part No. To indicate wire terminations. CAPACITANCE Capacitance tolerance of 20 % is standard with those marked (1). FLASHOVER Up to 5000 V rating, the capacitor terminals will withstand 125 % of the rated voltage without flashover at a pressure of 85 mm Hg., equivalent to 50 000 feet altitude. Above 5000 V rating, the capacitor terminals will withstand 125 % of the rated voltage at a pressure of 500 mg Hg, equivalent to 10 000 feet altitude. LIFE TESTS Conducted at 85 °C for 500 h. The voltage applied will be 140 % of the rated voltage. A±1 E±1 M6 M C 1 mm D B K L Fig. 5 2 TYPE DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER CAP. μF A B C D E 0.1 0.5 1.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 25.0 50.0 50 50 75 75 95 115 155 155 48 48 48 60 60 80 85 130 28 28 28 54 54 48 67 100 20 20 20 25 25 40 40 50 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 0.1 0.5 2.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 25.0 50.0 60 60 75 115 95 115 135 115 180 48 48 54 54 85 85 85 130 130 28 28 48 48 67 67 67 100 100 20 20 22 22 40 40 40 50 50 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 12.0 20.0 60 60 60 95 75 115 135 115 135 115 48 48 48 48 54 54 60 85 85 130 28 28 28 28 48 48 54 67 67 100 20 20 20 20 22 22 25 40 40 50 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 20.0 25.0 0.1 60 75 115 75 115 155 180 155 95 155 180 60 48 48 48 54 54 60 80 85 130 130 130 48 28 28 28 48 48 54 48 67 100 100 100 28 20 20 20 22 22 25 40 40 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 20 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 60 75 95 95 135 115 115 135 230 320 48 48 48 54 54 85 130 130 130 130 28 28 28 48 48 67 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 22 22 40 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 1000 VDC WKG ER10-104 ER10-504 ER10-105 ER10-405 ER10-605 ER10-106 ER10-256 ER10-506 1500 VDC WKG ER15-104 ER15-504 ER15-205 ER15-405 ER15-805 ER15-106 ER15-126 ER15-256 ER15-506 2000 VDC WKG ER20-104 ER20-254 ER20-504 ER20-105 ER20-205 ER20-405 ER20-605 ER20-106 ER20-126 ER20-206 3000 VDC WKG ER30-104 ER30-504 ER30-105 ER30-105X ER30-205 ER30-405 ER30-605 ER30-805 ER30-106 ER30-206 ER30-256 ER30-104 4000 VDC WKG ER40-104 ER40-254 ER40-504 ER40-105 ER40-205 ER40-405 ER40-805 ER40-106 ER40-206 ER40-306 For technical questions, contact: Document Number: 13013 Revision: 11-Aug-10 ER DC Filter Capacitors TYPE DESCRIPTION CAP. PART NUMBER μF 5000 VDC WKG Vishay ESTA TYPE DESCRIPTION A B C D E PART NUMBER CAP. μF A B C D E 12 000 VDC WKG ER50-104 0.1 60 48 28 20 20 ER120-503 0.05 75 85 67 40 60 ER50-254 0.25 75 48 28 20 20 ER120-104 0.10 100 85 67 40 60 ER50-105 1.0 115 54 48 22 35 ER120-254 0.25 105 85 67 40 60 ER50-405 4.0 155 85 67 40 35 ER120-105 1.0 145 130 100 75 60 ER50-805 8.0 135 130 100 50 35 ER120-205 2.0 240 130 100 75 60 ER50-106 10.0 155 130 100 50 35 ER120-405 4.0 280 190 120 75 60 ER50-206 20.0 290 130 100 50 35 15 000 VDC WKG ER50-506 50.0 295 180 180 75 35 ER150-103 0.01 60 60 54 (1) 60 ER150-203 0.02 60 60 54 (1) 60 60 6000 VDC WKG ER60-104 0.1 65 54 48 (1) 35 ER150-503 0.05 85 60 54 (1) ER60-254 0.25 80 54 48 (1) 35 ER150-104 0.10 105 80 48 (1) 60 ER60-504 0.5 100 80 48 40 35 ER150-254 0.25 125 85 67 40 60 ER60-105 1.0 100 85 67 40 35 ER150-504 0.50 190 85 67 40 60 ER60-205 2.0 100 130 100 50 35 ER150-504X 0.50 105 130 100 75 60 ER60-405 4.0 135 130 100 50 35 ER150-105 1.0 160 130 100 75 60 ER60-605 6.0 180 130 100 50 35 ER150-205 2.0 190 159 120 75 60 ER60-805 8.0 250 130 100 50 35 20 000 VDC WKG ER60-106 10.0 290 130 100 50 35 ER200-103 0.01 70 80 48 (1) 60 ER60-126 12.0 345 130 100 50 35 ER200-503X 0.05 85 85 67 40 60 ER60-206 20.0 180 220 164 125 60 ER200-104 0.1 105 85 67 40 60 ER200-254 0.25 190 85 67 40 60 8000 VDC WKG ER80-503 0.05 58 60 54 (1) 60 ER200-504 0.5 160 130 100 75 60 ER80-104 0.1 65 60 54 (1) 60 ER200-105 1.0 300 130 100 75 60 ER80-254 0.25 85 60 54 (1) 60 ER200-205 2.0 250 180 180 90 100 ER80-504 0.5 140 60 54 (1) 60 ER200-405 4.0 305 240 180 100 100 ER80-105 1.0 120 85 67 40 60 ER80-205 2.0 120 130 100 50 60 ER250-503 0.05 110 85 67 (1) 70 ER80-405 4.0 200 130 100 50 60 ER250-104X 0.1 95 130 100 65 70 ER80-605 6.0 270 130 100 50 60 ER250-254 0.25 130 130 100 65 70 ER80-805 8.0 345 130 100 50 60 ER250-504 0.5 250 130 100 65 70 ER80-156 15.0 280 180 180 75 60 30 000 VDC WKG ER300-303 0.03 120 85 67 (1) 70 ER100-503 0.05 58 80 48 40 60 ER300-104 0.1 200 85 67 (1) 70 ER100-104 0.1 65 80 48 54 60 ER300-104X 0.1 120 130 100 65 70 ER100-504 0.5 140 80 48 40 60 ER300-504 0.5 315 130 100 65 70 ER100-105 1.0 160 85 67 40 60 ER300-105 1.0 295 180 180 75 100 ER100-205 2.0 140 130 100 50 60 ER100-405 4.0 260 130 100 50 60 ER400-303 0.03 160 85 67 (1) 70 ER100-605 6.0 350 130 100 50 60 ER400-503 0.05 210 85 67 (1) 70 ER100-805 8.0 300 190 120 75 60 ER400-503X 0.05 125 130 100 65 70 ER100-156 15.0 350 180 180 75 60 10 000 VDC WKG 25 000 VDC WKG 40 000 VDC WKG Note (1) These capacitors are fitted with one high voltage terminal and case terminal. An additional terminal for connection to case is available as an optional extra. Add suffix M to part number. Document Number: 13013 Revision: 11-Aug-10 For technical questions, contact: 3 Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify and hold Vishay and its distributors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses and damages arising or resulting in connection with such use or sale, including attorneys fees, even if such claim alleges that Vishay or its distributor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Document Number: 91000 Revision: 11-Mar-11 1