, Una. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. FE3A to FE3D Ultra Fast Sinterglass Diode Features • High temperature metallurgically bonded construction • Cavity-free glass passivated junction • Superfast recovery time for high efficiency • Low forward voltage, high current capability • Hermetically sealed package • Low leakage current • High surge current capability Mechanical Data Case: Sintered glass case, G4 Terminals: Plated axial leads, solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 Polarity: Color band denotes cathode end Mounting Position: Any Weight: 1040 rng Parts Table Type differentiation Part Package FE3A V RRM = 50 V G4 FE3B VRRM-100V G4 FE3C V RRM = 150V G4 FE3D V RRM = 200V G4 Absolute Maximum Ratings Tamb =25 C. unless otherwise specified Parameter Reverse voltage = Repetitive peak reverse voltage Test condition see electrical characteristics Part FE3A see electrical characteristics FE3B see electrical characteristics FE3C Symbol Vaiue 50 Unit V 100 V 150 V 200 V IpiAV) 3.0 A 'FSM 125 A Tj. TSTG -55to + 175 C VR = V RRM VR = V RRM VR = VRRM see electrical characteristics Maximum average forward rectified current 0. 375 " (9. 5 mm j lead length at T;,mt, = 75 C Peak forward surge current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC Method) Operating junction and storage temperature range Quality Semi-Conductors FE3D VR = VRRM FE3A to FE3D Maximum Thermal Resistance T.imb = 25 C. unless otherwise specified " Parameter Typical thermal resistance 1| - -•' Symbol Value Unit R^JA 55 K'W RSJL 20 K.'W Thermal resistance from junction to ambient and.'or lead, 0,375 " (9.5 mm) lead length mounted on P.C.B. with 0.5 x 0.5 (12 x 12 mm) copper pads. 1l ••' Thermal resistance from junction to lead at 0.375 " (9.5 mm) lead length with both leads attached to heatsinks Electrical Characteristics Tamb = 25 C. unless otherwise specified Max Unit IF = 3 . 0 A VF 0.95 V V R = VRRH. Tamb = 25 C IR IR 5.0 iiA 50 UA Test condition Parameter Maximum instantaneous forward voltage Maximum reverse current Symbol VR = V RRM .T amb = 100 C Maximum reverse recovery time Ip =0.5 A. IR = 1.0 A. l,.r = 0.25A t,T Typical junction capacitance V R = 4V. f = 1 MHZ Q.i Typ, ns 35 PF 100 Typical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified) Iv : T.J -Tj Ira-, x ^n"-?. bin>:|lr H^lf i-'in -.JEDECMVthodi I** •:•!' h Mi-* L:od . Uod Uiv.nh s \ N, L- : \i oi An-biert Temperature ' Ci 1 •i^ f'2 Figure 1. Maximum Forward Current Derating Curve 10 100 Nun^bsr of Cycles at 60 HZ Figure 2. Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current FE3A to FE3D Package Dimensions in Inches (mm) T 0.180(4.6) 1.0(25.4) MIN. 0.115(2.9) DIA. 0.300 (7.6) MAX. 0.042 (1.07) 0.038 (0.962) DIA. 1.0(25.4) MIN.