HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 128K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS BANK-SWITCHABLE DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE IDT70V7399S Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-ported SRAM Architecture – 64 independent 2K x 18 banks – 2 megabits of memory on chip Bank access controlled via bank address pins High-speed data access – Commercial: 3.4ns (200MHz)/3.6ns (166MHz)/ 4.2ns (133MHz) (max.) – Industrial: 3.6 (166MHz)/4.2ns (133MHz) (max.) Selectable Pipelined or Flow-Through output mode Counter enable and repeat features Dual chip enables allow for depth expansion without additional logic Full synchronous operation on both ports – 5ns cycle time, 200MHz operation (14Gbps bandwidth) – Fast 3.4ns clock to data out – 1.5ns setup to clock and 0.5ns hold on all control, data, and address inputs @ 200MHz ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ – Data input, address, byte enable and control registers – Self-timed write allows fast cycle time Separate byte controls for multiplexed bus and bus matching compatibility LVTTL- compatible, 3.3V (±150mV) power supply for core LVTTL compatible, selectable 3.3V (±150mV) or 2.5V (±100mV) power supply for I/Os and control signals on each port Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C) is available at 166MHz and 133MHz Available in a 144-pin Thin Quad Flatpack (TQFP), 208-pin fine pitch Ball Grid Array (fpBGA), and 256-pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) Supports JTAG features compliant with IEEE 1149.1 – Due to limited pin count, JTAG is not supported on the 144-pin TQFP package. Functional Block Diagram PL/FTL OPTL CLKL ADSL CNTENL REPEATL R/WL CE0L CE1L UBL LBL OEL MUX CONTROL LOGIC CONTROL LOGIC 2Kx18 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 0) PL/FTR OPTR CLKR ADSR CNTENR REPEATR R/WR CE0R CE1R UBR LBR OER MUX I/O0L-17L A10L A0L BA5L BA4L BA3L BA2L BA1L BA0L MUX I/O CONTROL I/O CONTROL 2Kx18 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 1) ADDRESS DECODE ADDRESS DECODE MUX BANK DECODE BANK DECODE MUX I/O0R-17R A10R A0R BA5R BA4R BA3R BA2R BA1R BA0R 2Kx18 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 63) NOTE: 1. The Bank-Switchable dual-port uses a true SRAM core instead of the traditional dual-port SRAM core. As a result, it has unique operating characteristics. Please refer to the functional description on page 19 for details. MUX , TDI TDO JTAG TMS TCK TRST 5630 drw 01 DECEMBER 2002 1 ©2002 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC 5630/6 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Description: The IDT70V7399 is a high-speed 128Kx18 (2Mbit) synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM organized into 64 independent 2Kx18 banks. The device has two independent ports with separate control, address, and I/O pins for each port, allowing each port to access any 2Kx18 memory block not already accessed by the other port. Accesses by the ports into specific banks are controlled via the bank address pins under the user's direct control. Registers on control, data, and address inputs provide minimal setup and hold times. The timing latitude provided by this approach allows systems to be designed with very short cycle times. With an input data register, the IDT70V7399 has been optimized for applications having unidirectional or bidirectional data flow in bursts. An automatic power down feature, controlled by CE0 and CE1, permits the on-chip circuitry of each port to enter a very low standby power mode. The dual chip enables also facilitate depth expansion. The 70V7399 can support an operating voltage of either 3.3V or 2.5V on one or both ports, controllable by the OPT pins. The power supply for the core of the device(VDD) remains at 3.3V. Please refer also to the functional description on page 19. Pin Configuration(1,2,3,4) 11/20/01 A1 IO9L B1 NC C1 A2 NC B2 VSS C2 A3 VSS B3 NC C3 A4 TDO B4 TDI C4 A5 NC B5 NC C5 VDDQL I/O9R VDDQR PL/FTL D1 NC E1 I/O11L F1 D2 VSS E2 NC F2 VDDQL I/O11R G1 NC H1 VDD J1 VDDQL K1 I/O14R L1 NC M1 VDDQL N1 NC P1 G2 VSS H2 NC J2 VDD K2 VSS D3 I/O10L E3 F3 NC G3 I/O12L H3 VSS T1 NC U1 VSS D5 BA4L B6 BA2L C6 BA3L D6 BA0L A7 BA1L B7 A9L C7 A10L D7 A7L A8 A9 A8L NC B9 B8 NC CE0L C9 C8 UBL CE1L D9 D8 LBL VDD A10 VDD B10 VSS C10 VSS D10 A11 A12 CLKL CNTENL B11 ADSL C11 R/WL D11 OEL REPEATL B12 A5L C12 A6L D12 A3L A13 A4L B13 A1L C13 A2L D13 VDD E4 J3 VSS K3 I/O13R NC N2 VSS P2 M3 I/O15R N3 NC P3 R2 NC T2 R3 NC T3 U2 NC U3 PL/FT R J14 VSS 208-Pin fpBGA Top View(6) K4 VSS K14 L14 NC M4 M14 VSS VSS N4 N14 I/O15L NC A15 OPTL B15 P6 P7 TRST BA5R BA1R R5 NC T5 NC U5 R6 BA2R T6 BA3R U6 BA4R BA0R R7 A9R T7 A10R U7 A7R P8 P9 A8R NC R9 R8 NC T8 CE0R T9 UBR CE1R U9 U8 LBR VDD P10 VDD R10 VSS T10 VSS U10 OER NC C15 I/O8R D15 C16 NC F15 I/O6R G15 NC J15 VDD K15 L15 I/O3L M15 NC N15 P11 P12 P13 CLKR CNTENR A4R R11 ADSR T11 R/WR R12 A5R T12 A6R U12 A3R R13 A1R T13 A2R U13 A0R P14 NC R14 VSS T14 VSS U14 VDD P15 I/O1L R15 VSS D17 D16 I/O7R E17 E16 VSS F16 NC F17 NC G16 VDDQR G17 VDDQL I/O5L H15 NC C17 NC VDDQL I/O7L E15 VSS B17 B16 VDDQR I/O8L I/O1R VDDQL P5 A17 A16 H16 NC H17 VSS J16 I/O5R J17 VSS VDDQR K16 K17 I/O3R VDDQL I/O4R L4 U4 NC VDD VSS T4 D14 H14 70V7399BF BF-208(5) J4 I/O17L VDDQL TMS VDD NC H4 I/O17R TCK C14 G14 G4 R4 VSS VSS VSS NC B14 F14 F4 P4 A0L I/O6L I/O14L VDDQR I/O13L M2 A14 E14 VDDQR I/O12R I/O16R I/O16L VDDQR R1 NC BA5L VDDQR I/O10R L3 L2 D4 NC A6 L16 VSS L17 VSS M16 I/O4L M17 I/O2R VDDQR N16 N17 NC I/O2L P17 P16 VSS R16 NC R17 VDDQL I/O0R VDDQR T15 NC U15 OPT R T16 T17 VSS NC U17 U16 NC I/O0L , 5630 drw 02c NOTES: 1. All VDD pins must be connected to 3.3V power supply. 2. All VDDQ pins must be connected to appropriate power supply: 3.3V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIH (3.3V), and 2.5V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIL (0V). 3. All VSS pins must be connected to ground supply. 4. Package body is approximately 15mm x 15mm x 1.4mm with 0.8mm ball pitch. 5. This package code is used to reference the package diagram. 6. This text does not indicate orientation of the actual part-marking. 6.42 2 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Pin Configuration(1,2,3,4) (con't.) 70V7399BC BC-256(5) 256-Pin BGA Top View(6) 11/20/01 A1 NC B1 NC C1 NC D1 NC E1 A2 TDI B2 NC C2 I/O9L D2 I/O9R E2 I/O10R I/O10L F2 F1 I/O11L G1 NC H1 NC J1 NC G2 NC H2 A3 NC B3 TDO C3 VSS D3 NC E3 NC F3 NC B4 NC C4 BA5L D4 G3 E4 VDDQL F4 G4 I/O12L VDDQR H3 NC J3 H4 NC L1 I/O15L M1 K2 J4 NC L2 NC M2 I/O16R I/O16L N1 NC P1 NC R1 NC T1 NC N2 I/O17R P2 K3 NC T2 TCK L4 I/O15R VDDQR M3 NC N3 NC P3 I/O17L TMS R2 K4 I/O14L VDDQL L3 R3 TRST T3 NC BA3L B5 BA4L C5 BA2L D5 E5 VDD F5 VDD G5 VSS H5 VDDQR VSS I/O13L I/O14R I/O13R VDDQL K1 A5 A6 BA0L B6 BA1L C6 A10L D6 A7 A8L B7 A9L C7 A7L D7 A8 NC B8 UBL C8 NC D8 A9 CE1L B9 A10 A11 OEL CNTENL B10 B11 CE0L R/WL REPEATL C9 LBL D9 C10 C11 CLKL ADSL D10 D11 A12 A5L B12 A4L C12 A6L D12 A13 A2L B13 A1L C13 A3L D13 PL/FTL VDDQL VDDQL VDDQR VDDQR VDDQL VDDQL VDDQR VDDQR VDD I/O11R VDDQL I/O12R J2 A4 M4 VDDQR N4 J5 VSS K5 VSS L5 VDD M5 VDD N5 E6 VDD F6 VSS G6 VSS H6 VSS J6 VSS K6 VSS L6 VSS M6 VDD N6 E7 VSS F7 VSS G7 VSS H7 VSS J7 VSS K7 VSS L7 VSS M7 VSS N7 E8 VSS F8 VSS G8 VSS H8 VSS J8 VSS K8 VSS L8 VSS M8 VSS N8 E9 VSS F9 VSS G9 VSS H9 VSS J9 VSS K9 VSS L9 VSS M9 VSS N9 E10 VSS F10 VSS G10 VSS H10 VSS J10 VSS K10 VSS L10 VSS M10 VSS N10 E11 VDD F11 VSS G11 VSS H11 VSS J11 VSS K11 VSS L11 VSS M11 VDD N11 E12 F12 P5 BA5R BA2R R4 NC T4 NC R5 P6 A10R R6 BA4R BA1R T5 T6 BA3R BA0R P7 A7R R7 A9R T7 A8R P8 NC R8 UBR T8 NC P9 LBR R9 P10 P11 CLKR ADSR R10 R11 CE0R R/WR REPEATR T9 CE1R T10 T11 OER CNTENR F13 A0L B14 VDD C14 OPTL D14 NC E14 NC F14 VDD VDDQR I/O6R G12 VSS H12 VSS J12 VSS K12 VSS L12 VDD M12 VDD N12 PL/FTR VDDQR VDDQR VDDQL VDDQL VDDQR VDDQR VDDQL VDDQL P4 E13 VDD VDDQR A14 P12 A6R R12 A4R T12 A5R G13 G14 VDDQL I/O5L H13 VDDQL J13 H14 NC J14 A15 A16 NC B15 B16 NC VDDQR L13 K14 NC L14 VDDQL I/O2L M13 M14 VDDQL I/O1R N13 VDD P13 A3R R13 A1R T13 A2R N14 NC P14 NC R14 OPTR T14 A0R NC C16 C15 NC I/O8L D16 D15 NC I/O8R E16 E15 I/O7L F15 I/O7R F16 NC G15 I/O6L G16 NC NC H16 H15 NC I/O5R J16 J15 VDDQR I/O4R I/O3R K13 NC K15 I/O4L K16 NC I/O3L L16 L15 NC I/O2R M16 M15 I/O1L NC N16 N15 I/O0R P15 NC P16 NC I/O0L R16 R15 NC T15 NC , T16 NC NC 5630 drw 02d NOTES: 1. All VDD pins must be connected to 3.3V power supply. 2. All VDDQ pins must be connected to appropriate power supply: 3.3V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIH (3.3V), and 2.5V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIL (0V). 3. All VSS pins must be connected to ground supply. 4. Package body is approximately 17mm x 17mm x 1.4mm, with 1.0mm ball-pitch. 5. This package code is used to reference the package diagram. 6. This text does not indicate orientation of the actual part-marking. 6.42 3 , IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM (con't.) 70V7399DD DD-144(5) 144-Pin TQFP Top View(6) 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 OPTL VDDQR VSS I/O8L I/O8R I/O7L I/O7R I/O6L I/O6R VSS VDDQL I/O5L I/O5R VSS VDDQR VDD VDD VSS VSS VSS VDDQL I/O4R I/O4L I/O3R I/O3L VSS VDDQR I/O2R I/O2L I/O1R I/O1L I/O0R I/O0L VSS VDDQL OPTR PL/FTR NC NC NC NC BA5R BA4R BA3R BA2R BA1R BA0R A10R A9R A8R A7R UBR LBR CE1R CE0R VDD VSS CLKR OER R/WR ADSR CNTENR REPEATR A6R A5R A4R A3R A2R A1R A0R VDD VSS 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 11/20/01 VSS VDDQR VSS I/O9L I/O9R I/O10L I/O10R I/O11L I/O11R VDDQL VSS I/O12L I/O12R VDDQR VSS VDD VDD VSS VSS VDDQL VSS I/O13R I/O13L I/O14R I/O14L VDDQR VSS I/O15R I/O15L I/O16R I/O16L I/O17R I/O17L VSS VDDQL NC Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges PL/FTL NC NC NC NC BA5L BA4L BA3L BA2L BA1L BA0L A10L A9L A8L A7L UBL LBL CE1L CE0L VDD VSS CLKL OEL R/WL ADSL CNTENL REPEATL A6L A5L A4L A3L A2L A1L A0L VDD VSS Pin Configuration (1,2,3,4,7) , 5630 drw 02a NOTES: 1. All VDD pins must be connected to 3.3V power supply. 2. All VDDQ pins must be connected to appropriate power supply: 3.3V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIH (3.3V), and 2.5V if OPT pin for that port is set to VIL (0V). 3. All VSS pins must be connected to ground supply. 4. Package body is approximately 20mm x 20mm x 1.4mm. 5. This package code is used to reference the package diagram. 6. This text does not indicate orientation of the actual part-marking. 7. Due to the limited pin count, JTAG is not supported in the DD-144 package. 6.42 4 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Pin Names Left Port Right Port Names CE0L, CE1L CE0R, CE1R Chip Enables R/WL R/WR Read/Write Enable OEL OER Output Enable BA0L - BA5L BA0R - BA5R Bank Address (4) A0L - A101L A0R - A10R Address I/O0L - I/O17L I/O0R - I/O17R Data Input/Output CLKL CLKR Clock PL/FTL PL/FTR Pipeline/Flow-Through ADSL ADSR Address Strobe Enable CNTENL CNTENR Counter Enable REPEATL REPEATR Counter Repeat(3) LBL, UBL LBR, UBR Byte Enables (9-bit bytes) VDDQL VDDQR Power (I/O Bus) (3.3V or 2.5V)(1) OPTL OPTR Option for selecting VDDQX(1,2) VDD Power (3.3V)(1) VSS Ground (0V) TDI Test Data Input TDO Test Data Output TCK Test Logic Clock (10MHz) TMS Test Mode Select TRST Reset (Initialize TAP Controller) NOTES: 1. VDD, OPTX, and VDDQX must be set to appropriate operating levels prior to applying inputs on the I/Os and controls for that port. 2. OPTX selects the operating voltage levels for the I/Os and controls on that port. If OPTX is set to VIH (3.3V), then that port's I/Os and controls will operate at 3.3V levels and VDDQX must be supplied at 3.3V. If OPTX is set to VIL (0V), then that port's I/Os and address controls will operate at 2.5V levels and VDDQX must be supplied at 2.5V. The OPT pins are independent of one another—both ports can operate at 3.3V levels, both can operate at 2.5V levels, or either can operate at 3.3V with the other at 2.5V. 3. When REPEATX is asserted, the counter will reset to the last valid address loaded via ADS X. 4. Accesses by the ports into specific banks are controlled by the bank address pins under the user's direct control: each port can access any bank of memory with the shared array that is not currently being accessed by the opposite port (i.e., BA0L - BA 5L ≠ BA0R - BA 5R). In the event that both ports try to access the same bank at the same time, neither access will be valid, and data at the two specific addresses targeted by the ports within that bank may be corrupted (in the case that either or both ports are writing) or may result in invalid output (in the case that both ports are trying to read). 5630 tbl 01 6.42 5 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Truth Table IRead/Write and Enable Control Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges (1,2,3,4) OE3 CLK CE0 CE1 UB LB R/W Upper Byte I/O9-17 Lower Byte I/O0-8 X ↑ H X X X X High-Z High-Z Deselected–Power Down X ↑ X L X X X High-Z High-Z Deselected–Power Down X ↑ L H H H X High-Z High-Z All Bytes Deselected X ↑ L H H L L High-Z DIN Write to Lower Byte Only X ↑ L H L H L DIN High-Z Write to Upper Byte Only X ↑ L H L L L DIN DIN L ↑ L H H L H High-Z DOUT Read Lower Byte Only L ↑ L H L H H DOUT High-Z Read Upper Byte Only L ↑ L H L L H DOUT DOUT Read both Bytes H X X X X X X High-Z High-Z Outputs Disabled MODE Write to both Bytes NOTES: 1. "H" = VIH, "L" = VIL, "X" = Don't Care. 2. ADS, CNTEN, REPEAT are set as appropriate for address access. Refer to Truth Table II for details. 3. OE is an asynchronous input signal. 4. It is possible to read or write any combination of bytes during a given access. A few representative samples have been illustrated here. 5630 tbl 02 Truth Table IIAddress and Address Counter Control(1,2,7) Address An Previous Address X Addr Used CLK An ↑ ADS (4) L CNTEN REPEAT(6) I/O(3) X H DI/O (n) MODE External Address Used X An An + 1 ↑ H L H DI/O (n+1) Counter Enabled—Internal Address generation X An + 1 An + 1 ↑ H H H DI/O (n+1) External Addre ss Blocked—Counter disab led (An + 1 reused) An ↑ X (4) DI/O (0) X X X (5) L Counter Set to last valid ADS load 5630 tbl 03 NOTES: 1. "H" = VIH, "L" = VIL, "X" = Don't Care. 2. Read and write operations are controlled by the appropriate setting of R/W, CE 0, CE1, UB/LB and OE. 3. Outputs configured in flow-through output mode: if outputs are in pipelined mode the data out will be delayed by one cycle. 4. ADS and REPEAT are independent of all other memory control signals including CE0, CE1 and UB/LB. 5. The address counter advances if CNTEN = VIL on the rising edge of CLK, regardless of all other memory control signals including CE0, CE1, UB/LB. 6. When REPEAT is asserted, the counter will reset to the last valid address loaded via ADS. This value is not set at power-up: a known location should be loaded via ADS during initialization if desired. Any subsequent ADS access during operations will update the REPEAT address location. 7. The counter includes bank address and internal address. The counter will advance across bank boundaries. For example, if the counter is in Bank 0, at address FFFh, and is advanced one location, it will move to address 0h in Bank 1. By the same token, the counter at FFFh in Bank 63 will advance to 0h in Bank 0. Refer to Timing Waveform of Counter Repeat, page 18. Care should be taken during operation to avoid having both counters point to the same bank (i.e., ensure BA0L - BA5L ≠ BA0R - BA5R), as this condition will invalidate the access for both ports. Please refer to the functional description on page 19 for details. 6.42 6 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Recommended Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage(1) Grade Commercial Industrial Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Recommended DC Operating Conditions with VDDQ at 2.5V Symbol Parameter Ambient Temperature GND VDD V DD Core Supply Voltage 0OC to +70OC 0V 3.3V + 150mV VDDQ I/O Supply Voltage (3) 0V 3.3V + 150mV V SS Ground O O -40 C to +85 C NOTE: 1. This is the parameter TA. This is the "instant on" case temperature. 5630 tbl 04 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 3.15 3.3 3.45 V 2.4 2.5 2.6 V 0 0 0 VDDQ + 100mV (2) V V VIH Input High Voltage (Address & Control Inputs) 1.7 ____ VIH Input High Voltage - I/O(3) 1.7 ____ VDDQ + 100mV(2) V ____ 0.7 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 (1) 5630 tbl 05a NOTES: 1. Undershoot of VIL > -1.5V for pulse width less than 10ns is allowed. 2. VTERM must not exceed VDDQ + 100mV. 3. To select operation at 2.5V levels on the I/Os and controls of a given port, the OPT pin for that port must be set to VIL (0V), and VDDQX for that port must be supplied as indicated above. Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Symbol Rating Commercial & Industrial Unit VTERM(2) Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND -0.5 to +4.6 V TBIAS Temperature Under Bias -55 to +125 o C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to +150 o C IOUT DC Output Current Recommended DC Operating Conditions with VDDQ at 3.3V Symbol 50 mA 5630 tbl 06 NOTES: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. VTERM must not exceed VDD + 150mV for more than 25% of the cycle time or 4ns maximum, and is limited to < 20mA for the period of VTERM > VDD + 150mV. Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Core Supply Voltage 3.15 3.3 3.45 V VDDQ I/O Supply Voltage (3) 3.15 3.3 3.45 V VSS Ground 0 0 0 (2) VDDQ + 150mV V V VIH Input High Voltage (Address & Control Inputs)(3) 2.0 ____ VIH Input High Voltage - I/O(3) 2.0 ____ VDDQ + 150mV(2) V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3(1) ____ 0.8 V 5630 tbl 05b NOTES: 1. Undershoot of VIL > -1.5V for pulse width less than 10ns is allowed. 2. VTERM must not exceed VDDQ + 150mV. 3. To select operation at 3.3V levels on the I/Os and controls of a given port, the OPT pin for that port must be set to VIH (3.3V), and VDDQX for that port must be supplied as indicated above. 6.42 7 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges (1) Capacitance (TA = +25°C, F = 1.0MHZ) PQFP ONLY Symbol CIN Parameter Input Capacitance (3) COUT Output Capacitance Conditions(2) Max. Unit VIN = 3dV 8 pF V OUT = 3dV 10.5 pF 5630 tbl 07 NOTES: 1. These parameters are determined by device characterization, but are not production tested. 2. 3dV references the interpolated capacitance when the input and output switch from 0V to 3V or from 3V to 0V. 3. COUT also references CI/O. DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range (VDD = 3.3V ± 150mV) 70V7399S Symbol Min. Max. Unit VDDQ = Max., VIN = 0V to V DDQ ___ 10 µA Output Leakage Current CE0 = VIH or CE1 = VIL, VOUT = 0V to V DDQ ___ 10 µA VOL (3.3V) Output Low Voltage (2) IOL = +4mA, VDDQ = Min. ___ 0.4 V VOH (3.3V) Output High Voltage(2) IOH = -4mA, VDDQ = Min. 2.4 ___ V VOL (2.5V) (2) IOL = +2mA, VDDQ = Min. ___ 0.4 V 2.0 ___ V |ILI| |ILO| VOH (2.5V) Parameter (1) Input Leakage Current (1) Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage (2) Test Conditions IOH = -2mA, VDDQ = Min. 5630 tbl 08 NOTES: 1. At VDD < 2.0V leakages are undefined. 2. VDDQ is selectable (3.3V/2.5V) via OPT pins. Refer to p.5 for details. 6.42 8 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range(5) (VDD = 3.3V ± 150mV) Sym bol IDD IS B1 IS B2 IS B3 IS B4 P aram eter Test Condition Version 70V 7399S200 (7) Com 'l O nly 70V 7399S166 (6) Com 'l & Ind Typ. (4) M ax. Typ. (4) M ax. Typ. (4) M ax. Unit mA 70V 7399S133 Com 'l & Ind Dy nam ic O p e rating Curre nt (Bo th P o rts A c tiv e ) CEL and CER = V IL , O utp uts Dis ab le d , f = fM A X (1 ) COM 'L S 815 950 675 790 550 645 IND S ____ ____ 675 830 550 675 S tand b y Curre nt (Bo th P o rts - TTL Le v e l Inp uts ) CEL = CER = V IH f = fM A X (1 ) COM 'L S 340 410 275 340 250 295 IND S ____ ____ 275 355 250 310 S tand b y Curre nt (One P o rt - TTL Le v e l Inp uts ) CE"A " = V IL and CE"B " = V IH (3 ) Ac tiv e P o rt Outp uts Disab le d , f= fM A X (1 ) COM 'L S 690 770 515 640 460 520 IND S ____ ____ 515 660 460 545 F ull Stand b y Curre nt (Bo th P o rts - CM O S Le v e l Inp uts ) B o th Po rts CEL and CER > V DD - 0.2V, V IN > V DD - 0.2V o r V IN < 0.2 V, f = 0 (2 ) COM 'L S 10 30 10 30 10 30 IND S ____ ____ 10 40 10 40 F ull Stand b y Curre nt (One P o rt - CM OS Le v e l Inp uts ) CE"A " < 0.2V and CE"B " > V DD - 0.2V (3 ) V IN > V DD - 0.2V o r V IN < 0.2V Ac tiv e P o rt, O utp uts Disab le d , f = f M A X (1 ) COM 'L S 690 770 515 640 460 520 IND S ____ ____ 515 660 460 545 mA mA mA mA 5630 tb l 0 9 NOTES: 1. At f = f MAX, address and control lines (except Output Enable) are cycling at the maximum frequency clock cycle of 1/tCYC, using "AC TEST CONDITIONS" at input levels of GND to 3V. 2. f = 0 means no address, clock, or control lines change. Applies only to input at CMOS level standby. 3. Port "A" may be either left or right port. Port "B" is the opposite from port "A". 4. VDD = 3.3V, T A = 25°C for Typ, and are not production tested. IDD DC (f=0) = 120mA (Typ). 5. CE X = VIL means CE0X = VIL and CE1X = VIH CE X = VIH means CE0X = VIH or CE1X = V IL CE X < 0.2V means CE0X < 0.2V and CE1X > VCC - 0.2V CE X > VCC - 0.2V means CE0X > VCC - 0.2V or CE1X < 0.2V "X" represents "L" for left port or "R" for right port. 6. 166MHz Industrial Temperature not available in BF-208 package. 7. This speed grade available when VDDQ = 3.3.V for a specific port (i.e., OPTx = VIH). This speed grade available in BC-256 package only. 6.42 9 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges AC Test Conditions (VDDQ - 3.3V/2.5V) Input Pulse Levels (Address & Controls) GND to 3.0V/GND to 2.4V Input Pulse Levels (I/Os) GND to 3.0V/GND to 2.4V Input Rise/Fall Times 2.5V 833Ω 2ns Input Timing Reference Levels 1.5V/1.25V Output Reference Levels 1.5V/1.25V Output Load DATAOUT 5pF* 770Ω Figures 1 and 2 5630 tbl 10 , 3.3V 590Ω 50Ω 50Ω DATAOUT 1.5V/1.25 10pF (Tester) , DATAOUT 435Ω 5pF* 5630 drw 03 Figure 1. AC Output Test load. 5630 drw 04 Figure 2. Output Test Load (For tCKLZ , tCKHZ, tOLZ, and tOHZ). *Including scope and jig. 10.5pF is the I/O capacitance of this device, and 10pF is the AC Test Load Capacitance. 7 6 5 4 ∆tCD (Typical, ns) 3 2 • 1 • 20.5 • 30 • 50 80 100 200 -1 Capacitance (pF) 5630 drw 05 Figure 3. Typical Output Derating (Lumped Capacitive Load). 6.42 10 , , IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges AC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature Range (Read and Write Cycle Timing)(2,3) (VDD = 3.3V ± 150mV, TA = 0°C to +70°C) 70V7399S200 (5) Com'l Only Symbol tCY C1 tCY C2 tCH1 Parameter Clo ck Cycle Time (Flo w-Thro ug h) Clo ck Cycle Time (P ip e line d) (1) (1) Clo ck Hig h Time (Flo w-Thro ug h) (1) (1) Min. Max. 15 ____ 5 ____ 5 ____ 70V7399S166 (3,4) Com'l & Ind Min. Max. 20 ____ 6 ____ 6 ____ 70V7399S133 (3) Com'l & Ind Min. Max. Unit 25 ____ ns 7.5 ____ ns 7 ____ ns ns tCL 1 Clo ck Lo w Tim e (Flow-Thro ugh) 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ tCH2 Clo ck Hig h Time (P ip e line d) (2) 2.0 ____ 2.1 ____ 2.6 ____ ns tCL 2 Clo ck Lo w Tim e (P ipe line d )(1) 2.0 ____ 2.1 ____ 2.6 ____ ns tR Clo ck Rise Time ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ns Clo ck Fall Time ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ns 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns ns tF tS A tHA tS C tHC tS W A d dre ss Se tup Tim e A d dre ss Ho ld Tim e Chip E nab le S e tup Time Chip E nab le Ho ld Time R/W S e tup Time tHW R/W Ho ld Time 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ tS D Inp ut Data S e tup Time 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns tHD Input Data Ho ld Tim e 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tSA D ADS S e tup Time 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns tHA D ADS Ho ld Time 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tSCN CNTEN S e tup Time 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns tHCN CNTEN Ho ld Time 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tS RP T REPEAT S e tup Time 1.5 ____ 1.7 ____ 1.8 ____ ns tHRP T REPEAT Ho ld Time 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tOE Outp ut Enab le to Data Valid ____ 4.0 ____ 4.0 ____ 4.2 ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 1 3.4 1 3.6 1 4.2 ns tOL Z Outp ut Enab le to Outp ut Lo w-Z tO HZ Outp ut Enab le to Outp ut Hig h-Z tCD1 tCD2 Clo ck to Data Valid (Flo w-Thro ug h) Clo ck to Data Valid (Pip e lined ) (1) ____ (1) 10 ____ 12 ____ 15 ns ____ 3.4 ____ 3.6 ____ 4.2 ns 1 ____ 1 ____ ns tDC Data Output Ho ld A fte r Clo ck Hig h 1 ____ tCK HZ Clo ck Hig h to Outp ut Hig h-Z 1 3.4 1 3.6 1 4.2 ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 5.0 ____ 6.0 ____ 7.5 ____ ns tCKL Z Clo ck Hig h to Outp ut Lo w-Z Port-to-Port Delay tCO Clo ck-to -Clo ck Offse t 5 630 tb l 11 NOTES: 1. The Pipelined output parameters (tCYC2, tCD2 ) apply to either or both left and right ports when PL/FTX = VIH. Flow-through parameters (tCYC1, tCD1 ) apply when PL/FTX = VIL for that port. 2. All input signals are synchronous with respect to the clock except for the asynchronous Output Enable (OE) and PL/FTX. PL/FTX should be treated as a DC signal, i.e. steady state during operation. 3. These values are valid for either level of VDDQ (3.3V/2.5V). See page 5 for details on selecting the desired operating voltage levels for each port. 4. 166MHz Industrial Temperature not available in BF-208 package. 5. This speed grade available when VDDQ = 3.3.V for a specific port (i.e., OPTx = VIH). This speed grade available in BC-256 package only. 6.42 11 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Read Cycle for Pipelined Operation (ADS Operation) (FT/PIPE'X' = V IH)(2) tCYC2 tCH2 tCL2 CLK CE0 tSC tSC tHC tHC (3) CE1 tSB tSB tHB UB/LB tHB (5) R/W tSW tHW tSA tHA (4) ADDRESS An An + 1 (1 Latency) An + 2 tDC tCD2 DATAOUT Qn tCKLZ OE An + 3 Qn + 1 Qn + 2 (5) (1) tOHZ tOLZ (1) tOE 5630 drw 06 Timing Waveform of Read Cycle for Flow-through Output (FT/PIPE"X" = VIL)(2,6) tCYC1 tCH1 tCL1 CLK CE0 tSC tSC tHC tHC (3) CE1 tSB tHB UB/LB tSB tHB (5) R/W tSW tHW tSA (4) ADDRESS tHA An An + 1 tCD1 DATAOUT An + 2 tCKHZ Qn Qn + 2 (5) Qn + 1 tCKLZ OE An + 3 tDC tOHZ tOLZ tDC (1) tOE NOTES: 1. OE is asynchronously controlled; all other inputs are synchronous to the rising clock edge. 2. ADS = VIL, CNTEN and REPEAT = VIH. 3. The output is disabled (High-Impedance state) by CE 0 = VIH, CE1 = VIL, UB/LB = VIH following the next rising edge of the clock. Refer to Truth Table 1. 4. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially since ADS = VIL constantly loads the address on the rising edge of the CLK; numbers are for reference use only. 5. If UB/LB was HIGH, then the appropriate Byte of DATAOUT for Qn + 2 would be disabled (High-Impedance state). 6. "x" denotes Left or Right port. The diagram is with respect to that port. 6.42 12 5630 drw 07 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of a Multi-Device Pipelined Read(1,2) tCYC2 tCH2 tCL2 CLK tSA tHA A0 ADDRESS(B1) tSC tHC CE0(B1) tSC tHC tCD2 tCD2 tCKHZ Q0 DATAOUT(B1) tSA A0 tSC Q3 tCKLZ tDC tCKHZ tHA A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 tSC CE0(B2) tCD2 Q1 tDC ADDRESS(B2) A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 tHC tHC tCD2 DATAOUT(B2) tCKHZ tCD2 Q4 Q2 tCKLZ tCKLZ 5630 drw 08 Timing Waveform of a Multi-Device Flow-Through Read(1,2) tCH1 tCYC1 tCL1 CLK tSA A0 ADDRESS(B1) CE0(B1) tHA tSC A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 tHC tSC tHC tCD1 tCD1 D0 DATAOUT(B1) tCKHZ tCD1 D3 tCKLZ tDC (1) D5 tCKHZ (1) tCKLZ (1) tHA A0 ADDRESS(B2) tCD1 D1 tDC tSA (1) A1 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 tSC tHC CE0(B2) tSC tHC tCD1 DATAOUT(B2) tCKLZ (1) tCKHZ (1) tCD1 D2 tCKLZ (1) tCKHZ (1) D4 5630 drw 09 NOTES: 1. B1 Represents Device #1; B2 Represents Device #2. Each Device consists of one IDT70V7399 for this waveform, and are setup for depth expansion in this example. ADDRESS(B1) = ADDRESS(B2) in this situation. 2. UB/LB, OE, and ADS = VIL; CE1(B1), CE1(B2), R/W, CNTEN, and REPEAT = V IH. 6.42 13 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Port A Write to Pipelined Port B Read(1,2,4) CLK"A" tSW tHW tSA tHA R/W"A" BANK ADDRESS AND ADDRESS"A" An tSD DATAIN"A" tHD Dn tCO(3) CLK"B" tCD2 R/W"B" BANK ADDRESS AND ADDRESS"B" tSW tHW tSA tHA An DATAOUT"B" Dn tDC 5630 drw 10 NOTES: 1. CE0, BEn, and ADS = VIL; CE1, CNTEN, and REPEAT = VIH. 2. OE = VIL for Port "B", which is being read from. OE = VIH for Port "A", which is being written to. 3. If tCO < minimum specified, then operations from both ports are INVALID. If tCO ≥ minimum, then data from Port "B" read is available on first Port "B" clock cycle (ie, time from write to valid read on opposite port will be tCO + tCYC2 + tCD2). 4. All timing is the same for Left and Right ports. Port "A" may be either Left or Right port. Port "B" is the opposite of Port "A" Timing Waveform with Port-to-Port Flow-Through Read(1,2,4) CLK "A" t SW tHW R/W "A" tSA BANK ADDRESS AND ADDRESS "A" An tSD DATAIN "A" t HA t HD Dn t CO(3) CLK "B" t CD1 R/W "B" BANK ADDRESS AND ADDRESS "B" tSW t HW t SA tHA An DATAOUT "B" Dn t DC tDC 5630 drw 11 NOTES: 1. CE0, BEn, and ADS = VIL; CE1, CNTEN, and REPEAT = VIH. 2. OE = VIL for the Right Port, which is being read from. OE = VIH for the Left Port, which is being written to. 3. If tCO < minimum specified, then operations from both ports are INVALID. If tCO ≥ minimum, then data from Port "B" read is available on first Port "B" clock cycle (i.e., time from write to valid read on opposite port will be tCO + t CD1). 4. All timing is the same for both left and right ports. Port "A" may be either left or right port. Port "B" is the opposite of Port "A". 6.42 14 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Pipelined Read-to-Write-to-Read tCYC2 (OE = V IL)(2) tCH2 tCL2 CLK CE0 tSC tHC tSB tHB CE1 UB/LB tSW tHW R/W (3) ADDRESS tSW tHW An tSA tHA An +1 An + 2 An + 3 An + 2 An + 4 tSD t HD DATAIN Dn + 2 tCD2 (1) tCKHZ tCKLZ tCD2 Qn + 3 Qn DATAOUT READ NOP (4) WRITE READ 5630 drw 12 NOTES: 1. Output state (High, Low, or High-impedance) is determined by the previous cycle control signals. 2. CE0, UB/LB, and ADS = VIL; CE1, CNTEN, and REPEAT = V IH. "NOP" is "No Operation". 3. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially since ADS = VIL constantly loads the address on the rising edge of the CLK; numbers are for reference use only. 4. "NOP" is "No Operation." Data in memory at the selected address may be corrupted and should be re-written to guarantee data integrity. Timing Waveform of Pipelined Read-to-Write-to-Read (OE Controlled)(2) tCYC2 tCH2 tCL2 CLK CE0 tSC tHC tSB tHB CE1 UB/LB tSW tHW R/W tSW tHW (3) ADDRESS An tSA tHA An +1 An + 2 tSD DATAIN Dn + 2 tCD2 (1) Qn DATAOUT An + 3 An + 4 An + 5 tHD Dn + 3 tCKLZ tCD2 Qn + 4 (4) tOHZ OE READ WRITE READ 5630 drw 13 NOTES: 1. Output state (High, Low, or High-impedance) is determined by the previous cycle control signals. 2. CE 0, UB/LB, and ADS = VIL; CE 1, CNTEN, and REPEAT = VIH. 3. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially since ADS = VIL constantly loads the address on the rising edge of the CLK; numbers are for reference use only. 4. This timing does not meet requirements for fastest speed grade. This waveform indicates how logically it could be done if timing so allows. 6.42 15 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Flow-Through Read-to-Write-to-Read (OE = VIL)(2) tCH1 tCYC1 tCL1 CLK CE0 tSC tHC CE1 tSB tHB UB/LB tSW tHW R/W tSW tHW (3) ADDRESS tSA An tHA An +1 An + 2 An + 4 An + 3 An + 2 tSD tHD DATAIN Dn + 2 tCD1 (1) tCD1 Qn DATAOUT t CD1 tCD1 Qn + 1 tDC tCKLZ tCKHZ READ NOP (4) Qn + 3 tDC READ WRITE 5630 drw 14 Timing Waveform of Flow-Through Read-to-Write-to-Read (OE Controlled)(2) tCYC1 tCH1 tCL1 CLK CE0 tSC tHC CE1 tSB tHB UB/LB tSW tHW tSW tHW R/W (3) An tSA tHA ADDRESS An +1 DATAIN (1) DATAOUT An + 2 tSD tHD An + 3 Dn + 2 Dn + 3 tDC tCD1 An + 4 tOE tCD1 Qn tCKLZ tOHZ An + 5 tCD1 Qn + 4 tDC OE READ WRITE READ 5630 drw 15 NOTES: 1. Output state (High, Low, or High-impedance) is determined by the previous cycle control signals. 2. CE0, UB/LB, and ADS = VIL; CE 1, CNTEN, and REPEAT = VIH. 3. Addresses do not have to be accessed sequentially since ADS = VIL constantly loads the address on the rising edge of the CLK; numbers are for reference use only. 4. "NOP" is "No Operation." Data in memory at the selected address may be corrupted and should be re-written to guarantee data integrity. 6.42 16 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Pipelined Read with Address Counter Advance(1) tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tSA tHA An ADDRESS tSAD tHAD ADS tSAD tHAD CNTEN tSCN tHCN tCD2 DATAOUT Qx - 1(2) Qn + 2(2) Qn + 1 Qn Qx Qn + 3 tDC READ EXTERNAL ADDRESS READ WITH COUNTER COUNTER HOLD READ WITH COUNTER 5630 drw 16 Timing Waveform of Flow-Through Read with Address Counter Advance (1) tCH1 tCYC1 tCL1 CLK tSA ADDRESS tHA An tSAD tHAD ADS tSAD tHAD tSCN tHCN CNTEN tCD1 DATAOUT Qx(2) Qn Qn + 1 Qn + 2 Qn + 3(2) Qn + 4 tDC READ EXTERNAL ADDRESS READ WITH COUNTER COUNTER HOLD READ WITH COUNTER 5630 drw 17 NOTES: 1. CE 0, OE, UB/LB = V IL; CE 1, R/W, and REPEAT = VIH. 2. If there is no address change via ADS = V IL (loading a new address) or CNTEN = VIL (advancing the address), i.e. ADS = VIH and CNTEN = VIH, then the data output remains constant for subsequent clocks. 6.42 17 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Write with Address Counter Advance (Flow-through or Pipelined Inputs)(1,6) tCH2 tCYC2 tCL2 CLK tSA tHA An ADDRESS INTERNAL(3) ADDRESS An(5) An + 2 An + 1 An + 4 An + 3 tSAD tHAD ADS tSCN tHCN CNTEN tSD tHD Dn + 1 Dn DATAIN WRITE EXTERNAL ADDRESS Dn + 1 Dn + 4 Dn + 3 Dn + 2 WRITE WRITE WITH COUNTER COUNTER HOLD WRITE WITH COUNTER 5630 drw 18 Timing Waveform of Counter Repeat for Flow Through Mode(2,6,7) tCYC2 CLK tSA tHA An ADDRESS INTERNAL(3) ADDRESS An+2 An+1 An An+2 An An+1 An+2 An+2 tSAD tHAD ADS tSW tHW R/W tSCN tHCN CNTEN REPEAT (4) tSRPT tHRPT tSD tHD DATAIN D0 D3 D2 D1 tCD1 An DATAOUT WRITE TO ADS ADDRESS An ADVANCE COUNTER WRITE TO An+1 ADVANCE COUNTER WRITE TO An+2 HOLD COUNTER WRITE TO An+2 REPEAT READ LAST ADS ADDRESS An An+1 An+2 An+2 , ADVANCE COUNTER READ An+1 ADVANCE COUNTER READ An+2 HOLD COUNTER READ An+2 5630 drw 19 NOTES: 1. CE0, UB/LB, and R/W = VIL; CE1 and REPEAT = VIH. 2. CE0, UB/LB = VIL; CE1 = VIH. 3. The "Internal Address" is equal to the "External Address" when ADS = VIL and equals the counter output when ADS = VIH. 4. No dead cycle exists during REPEAT operation. A READ or WRITE cycle may be coincidental with the counter REPEAT cycle: Address loaded by last valid ADS load will be accessed. For more information on REPEAT function refer to Truth Table II. 5. CNTEN = VIL advances Internal Address from ‘An’ to ‘An +1’. The transition shown indicates the time required for the counter to advance. The ‘An +1’Address is written to during this cycle. 6. The counter includes bank address and internal address. The counter will advance across bank boundaries. For example, if the counter is in Bank 0, at address FFFh, and is advanced one location, it will move to address 0h in Bank 1. By the same token, the counter at FFFh in Bank 63 will advance to 0h in Bank 0. 7. For Pipelined Mode user should add 1 cycle latency for outputs as per timing waveform of read cycle for pipelined operations. 6.42 18 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Functional Description The IDT70V7399 is a high-speed 128Kx18 (2 Mbit) synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM organized into 64 independent 2Kx18 banks. Based on a standard SRAM core instead of a traditional true dual-port memory core, this bank-switchable device offers the benefits of increased density and lower cost-per-bit while retaining many of the features of true dual-ports. These features include simultaneous, random access to the shared array, separate clocks per port, 166 MHz operating speed, full-boundary counters, and pinouts compatible with the IDT70V3319 (256Kx18) dual-port family. The two ports are permitted independent, simultaneous access into separate banks within the shared array. Access by the ports into specific banks are controlled by the bank address pins under the user's direct control: each port can access any bank of memory with the shared array that is not currently being accessed by the opposite port (i.e., BA0L - BA5L ≠ BA0R - BA5R). In the event that both ports try to access the same bank at the same time, neither access will be valid, and data at the two specific addresses targeted by the ports within that bank may be corrupted (in the case that either or both ports are writing) or may result in invalid output (in the case that both ports are trying to read). The IDT70V7399 provides a true synchronous Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges interface. Registered inputs provide minimal setup and hold times on address, data and all critical control inputs. An asynchronous output enable is provided to ease asynchronous bus interfacing. Counter enable inputs are also provided to stall the operation of the address counters for fast interleaved memory applications. A HIGH on CE0 or a LOW on CE1 for one clock cycle will power down the internal circuitry on each port (individually controlled) to reduce static power consumption. Dual chip enables allow easier banking of multiple IDT70V7399s for depth expansion configurations. Two cycles are required with CE0 LOW and CE1 HIGH to read valid data on the outputs. Depth and Width Expansion The IDT70V7399 features dual chip enables (refer to Truth Table I) in order to facilitate rapid and simple depth expansion with no requirements for external logic. Figure 4 illustrates how to control the various chip enables in order to expand two devices in depth. The IDT70V7399 can also be used in applications requiring expanded width, as indicated in Figure 4. Through combining the control signals, the devices can be grouped as necessary to accommodate applications needing 36-bits or wider. BA6(1) IDT70V7399 CE0 CE1 CE1 VDD CE1 IDT70V7399 VDD CE1 CE0 CE0 Control Inputs CE0 Control Inputs Control Inputs IDT70V7399 IDT70V7399 Control Inputs 5630 drw 20 Figure 4. Depth and Width Expansion with IDT70V7399 BE, R/W, OE, CLK, ADS, REPEAT, CNTEN NOTE: 1. In the case of depth expansion, the additional address pin logically serves as an extension of the bank address. Accesses by the ports into specific banks are controlled by the bank address pins under the user's direct control: each port can access any bank of memory within the shared array that is not currently being accessed by the opposite port (i.e., BA0L - BA6L ≠ BA0R - BA6R). In the event that both ports try to access the same bank at the same time, neither access will be valid, and data at the two specific addresses targeted by the parts within that bank may be corrupted (in the case that either or both parts are writing) or may result in invalid output (in the case that both ports are trying to read). 6.42 19 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges JTAG Timing Specifications tJF tJCL tJCYC tJR tJCH TCK Device Inputs(1)/ TDI/TMS tJS Device Outputs(2)/ TDO tJDC tJH tJRSR tJCD TRST , 5630 drw 21 tJRST Figure 5. Standard JTAG Timing NOTES: 1. Device inputs = All device inputs except TDI, TMS, TRST, and TCK. 2. Device outputs = All device outputs except TDO. JTAG AC Electrical Characteristics(1,2,3,4) 70V7399 Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units tJCYC JTAG Clock Input Period 100 ____ ns 40 ____ ns 40 ____ ns (1) tJCH tJCL JTAG Clock HIGH JTAG Clock Low tJR JTAG Clock Rise Time ____ 3 ns tJF JTAG Clock Fall Time ____ 3(1) ns 50 ____ ns JTAG Reset Recovery 50 ____ ns tJCD JTAG Data Output ____ 25 ns tJDC JTAG Data Output Hold 0 ____ ns tJS JTAG Setup 15 ____ ns 15 ____ tJRST tJRSR tJH JTAG Reset JTAG Hold ns 5630 tbl 12 NOTES: 1. Guaranteed by design. 2. 30pF loading on external output signals. 3. Refer to AC Electrical Test Conditions stated earlier in this document. 4. JTAG operations occur at one speed (10MHz). The base device may run at any speed specified in this datasheet. 6.42 20 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Identification Register Definitions Instruction Field Value Revision Number (31:28) Description 0x0 Reserved for version number IDT Device ID (27:12) 0x321 Defines IDT part number IDT JEDEC ID (11:1) 0x33 Allows unique identification of device vendor as IDT ID Register Indicator Bit (Bit 0) 1 Indicates the presence of an ID register 5630 tbl 13 Scan Register Sizes Register Name Bit Size Instruction (IR) 4 Bypass (BYR) 1 Identification (IDR) Boundary Scan (BSR) 32 Note (3) 5630 tbl 14 System Interface Parameters Instruction Code Description EXTEST 0000 Forces contents of the bound ary scan cells onto the device outputs (1) . Places the boundary scan registe r (BSR) between TDI and TDO. BYPASS 1111 Places the bypass registe r (BYR) between TDI and TDO. IDCODE 0010 Loads the ID register (IDR) with the vendor ID code and places the register between TDI and TDO. 0100 Places the bypass register (BYR) between TDI and TDO. Forces all device output drivers to a High-Z state. HIGHZ Uses BYR. Forces contents of the bound ary scan cells onto the device outputs. Places the bypass registe r (BYR) between TDI and TDO. CLAMP 0011 SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0001 Places the boundary scan registe r (BSR) between TDI and TDO. SAMPLE allows data from device inputs (2) and outputs (1) to be captured in the boundary scan cells and shifted serially through TDO. PRELOAD allows data to be input serially into the b oundary scan cells via the TDI. All other codes Several combinations are reserved. Do not use codes other than those identified above. RESERVED NOTES: 1. Device outputs = All device outputs except TDO. 2. Device inputs = All device inputs except TDI, TMS, TRST, and TCK. 3. The Boundary Scan Descriptive Language (BSDL) file for this device is available on the IDT website (www.idt.com), or by contacting your local IDT sales representative. 6.42 21 5630 tbl 15 IDT70V7399S High-Speed 128K x 18 Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Ordering Information IDT XXXXX A 999 A A Device Type Power Speed Package Process/ Temperature Range Blank I Commercial (0°C to +70°C) Industrial (-40°C to +85°C) BF DD BC 208-pin fpBGA (BF-208) 144-pin TQFP (DD-144) 256-pin BGA (BC-256) 200 166 133 Commercial Only(1) Commercial & Industrial(2) Commercial & Industrial S Standard Power Speed in Megahertz 70V7399 2Mbit (128K x 18-Bit) Synchronous Bank-Switchable Dual-Port RAM 5630 drw 22 NOTES: 1. Available in BC-256 package only. 2. Industrial Temperature at 166Mhz not available in BF-208 package. Datasheet Document History: 1/5/00: 6/20/01: 8/6/01: 11/20/01: 3/18/02: 12/4/02: Initial Public Offering Page 1 Added JTAG information for TQFP package Pages 4 & 22 Changed TQFP package from DA to DD Corrected Pin number on TQFP package from 100 to 110 Page 20 Increased tJCD from 20ns to 25ns Page 4 Changed body size for DD package from 22mm x 22mm x1.6mm to 20mm x 20mm x 1.4mm Page 9 Changed ISB3 values for commercial and industrial DC Electrical Characteristics Page 2, 3 & 4 Added date revision for pin configurations Page 11 Changed tOE value in AC Electrical Characteristics, please refer to Errata #SMEN-01-05 Page 1 & 22 Replaced TM logo with ® logo Page 1, 9, 11 & 22 Added 200MHz specification Page 9 Tightened power numbers in DC Electrical Characteristics Page 14 Changed waveforms to show INVALID operation if tCO < minimum specified Page 1 - 22 Removed "Preliminary" status Page 9 , 11& 22 Designated 200Mhz speed grade in BC-256 package only. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-727-5166 fax: 408-492-8674 www.idt.com The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6.42 22 for Tech Support: 831-754-4613 DualPortHelp@idt.com