IP5560C IP5560C TOP VIEW SWITCHED–MODE POWER SUPPLY CONTROL CIRCUIT VCC 1 16 FEED FORWARD VZ 2 15 OUTPUT (COLLECTOR) FEEDBACK 3 14 OUTPUT (EMITTER) GAIN 4 13 DEMAGNETISATION / OVERVOLTAGE MODULATOR 5 12 GND • STABILISED POWER SUPPLY DUTY CYCLE 6 CONTROL 11 CURRENT LIMITING RT 7 10 REMOTE ON/OFF • TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED REFERENCE SOURCE CT 8 9 EXTERNAL SYNC FEATURES • SAWTOOTH GENERATOR • PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR • REMOTE ON/OFF SWITCHING J Package – 16 Pin Ceramic DIP N Package – 16 Pin Plastic DIP D Package – 16 Pin Plastic (150) SOIC • CURRENT LIMITING • LOW SUPPLY VOLTAGE PROTECTION • LOOP FAULT PROTECTION • DEMAGNETISATION/OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION • MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE CLAMP • FEED FORWARD CONTROL • EXTERNAL SYNCHRONISATION Order Information Part Number IP5560 IP5560C J–Pack 16 Pin ✔ ✔ N–Pack 16 Pin D–16 16 Pin ✔ ✔ Temp. Range -55 to +125°C 0 to +70°C Note: To order, add the package identifier to the part number. eg. IP5560J IP5560CD–16 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25°C unless otherwise stated) SUPPLY Voltage Sourced Current Sourced 18V 30mA OUTPUT TRANSISTOR TJ TSTG Output Current Collector Voltage (Pin 15) Maximum Emitter Voltage (Pin 14) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk 40mA 18V 5V See Ordering Information –65 to +150°C Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C DESCRIPTION The IP5560 is a control circuit for use in switched mode power supplies. This single monolithic chip incorporates all the control and supervisory (protection) functions required in switched mode power supplies, including an internal temperature compensated reference source, internal reference, sawtooth generator, pulse width modulator, output stage and various protection circuits. BLOCK DIAGRAM FEED FORWARD RT 16 REFERENCE VOLTAGE 7 CT DEMAGNETISATION OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION EXTERNAL SYNC INPUT 8 9 13 0.6V SAWTOOTH GENERATOR VC C 0.48V 0.6V FEEDBACK VOLTAGE 3 15 Collector 4 S MODULATOR INPUT 5 R DUTY CYCLE CONTROL 6 GAIN ADJUST OUTPUTS LATCH 14 Emitter O1 0.6V 1kΩ 100Ω 0.6V R START S STOP 0.48V CURRENT LIMITING 11 2 STABILISED SUPPLY Vz 0.6V 10 REMOTE ON/OFF Semelab plc. 1 VC C Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk 16 GND Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise stated) Parameter Test Conditions Min. IP5560 Typ. Max. Min. IP5560C Typ. Max. Units REFERENCE SECTIONS 3.69 Internal Reference Voltage (VREF) TJ = Over Temp. Range 3.65 3.81 3.57 3.85 3.53 ±100 Temperature Coefficient of VREF Internal Reference (VZ) 3.72 IL = –7mA 7.8 Temperature Coefficient of VZ 8.4 3.72 3.95 4.00 ppm/°C ±100 8.8 7.8 ±200 8.4 V 8.8 V ppm/°C ±200 OSCILLATOR SECTION Frequency Range TJ = Over Temp. Range Initial Accuracy Oscillator R = 5kΩ Duty Cycle Range fO = 20kHz 50 100k 50 5 0–90 100k 5 0–98 0–90 Hz % 0–98 MODULATOR Modulator Input Current Voltage at Pin 5 = 2V –0.2 –20 –0.2 –20 mA –0.2 –20 –0.2 –20 µA 40 50 60 40 50 60 8 9 10.5 8 9 10.5 V 400 600 720 400 600 720 mV –7 –15 –35 –7 –15 –35 µA 470 600 720 470 600 720 mV –0.6 –10 –0.6 –10 TJ = Over Temp. Range SUPERVISORY FUNCTIONS Pin 6 Input Current At 2V Pin 6 Duty Cycle Limit Control f = 15kHz to 50kHz (for 50% Max. Duty Cycle) Vpin6 = 0.4VZ TJ = Over Temp. Range Pin 1 Low Supply Voltage Protection Thresholds Pin 3 Feedback Loop Protection Trip Thresholds At 2V Pin 3 Pull Up Current Pin 13 Demagnetisation / OverVoltage Protection Threshold At 0.25V Pin 13 Input Current Pin 16 Feed Forward Duty Cycle Control –20 –20 Cycle µA % Orig. Voltage at Pin 16 = 2VZ 30 40 50 30 40 50 Duty Cycle Pin 16 Feed Forward Input Current TJ = Over Temp. Range % Duty At 16V VCC = 18V 0.2 5 0.2 5 µA NOTES 1) Test Conditions: VCC = 12V , TJ = 25°C unless otherwise stated 2) Tests marked TJ = Over Temp. Range apply over the full temperature range ie. TJ = -55 to +125°C for IP5560 TJ = 0 to +70°C for IP5560C Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise stated) Parameter Test Conditions Min. IP5560 Typ. Max. Min. IP5560C Typ. Max. Units EXTERNAL SYNCHRONISATION Pin 9 Off 0 0.8 0 0.8 Pin 9 On 2 VZ 2 VZ Voltage at Pin 9 = 0V Pin 9 Sink Current -85 TJ = Over Temp. Range -125 -85 -125 V µA REMOTE ON/OFF Pin 10 Off 0 0.8 0 0.8 Pin 10 On 2 VZ 2 VZ Voltage at Pin 9 = 0V Pin 10 Sink Current TJ = Over Temp. Range V -85 -125 -85 -125 µA -2 -10 -2 -10 µA 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 µs CURRENT LIMITING Voltage at Pin 11 = 250mV Pin 11 IIN Single Pulse Inhibit Delay Inhibit Delay Time for 20% Overdrive at 30mA IOUT Trip Levels: Shut Down, Slow Start 560 600 700 560 600 700 Trip Levels: Current Limit 400 480 500 400 480 500 9.5 6.2 mV ERROR AMPLIFIER Output Voltage Swing (VOH) 6.2 Output Voltage Swing (VOL) 9.5 0.7 Open Loop Gain 54 Feedback Resistor 10 Small Signal Bandwidth 60 0.7 54 60 dB 10 3 V kΩ 3 MHz OUTPUT STAGE VCE(sat) IC = 40mA 0.5 0.5 V Output Current (Pin 15) 40 40 mA Max. Emitter Voltage (Pin 14) 5 5 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE/CURRENT IZ = 0 , Voltage Fed , VPIN6 = 0.5V Supply Current (ICC) RPIN7 = 25kΩ TJ = Over Temp. Range Supply Voltage (VCC) 10 10 15 15 ICC = 10mA , Current Feed 20 24 19 24 ICC = 30mA , Current Feed 20 30 20 30 mA V NOTES 1) Test Conditions: VCC = 12V , TJ = 25°C unless otherwise stated 2) Tests marked TJ = Over Temp. Range apply over the full temperature range ie. TJ = -55 to +125°C for IP5560 TJ = 0 to +70°C for IP5560C Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS — ERROR AMPLIFIER Open Loop Gain 60 -30 50 -60 40 GAIN (dB) PHASE ANGLE (˚) Open Loop Phase 0 -90 30 -120 20 -150 10 -180 0 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 1k 10k 1M 100k 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) Transfer Curve of Pulse Width Modulator Duty Cycle vs Input Voltage Regulation vs Error Amp Closed Loop Gain 100 R1 7 4 90 RS = 20 R1 VO – REGULATION (%) RS 60 50 40 30 20 10 VREF (3.72V) R1 RS 1 R1 RS V REF 70 VO δ – DUTY CYCLE (%) 80 = 100 = 500 V Pins 4,5 or 6 0 0 1 2 3 INPUT VOLTAGE Semelab plc. 4 (V) 5 6 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 δ – ERROR AMP CLOSED LOOP GAIN Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS — ERROR AMPLIFIER Voltage / Current Fed Supply Characteristics Power Derating Curve 30 ICC SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 1.25 PD MAX (W) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 20 10 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0 10 TA AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (˚C) 20 30 VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) PD = VCC ICC + ( VCC – VZ ) IZ + [ ( Vpin15 – Vpin14 ) Ipin15 x δ ] Typical Frequency Plot vs RT and CT Duty Cycle Sensitivity To Feed Forward Voltage (Pin 16) 100 200 OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) 90 δ – DUTY CYCLE (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 100 R=5 kΩ R=1 0kΩ R=2 0kΩ R=4 0kΩ 10 10 0 1 1.00 1.50 VPIN16 / VZ Semelab plc. 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 TIMING CAPACITANCE (nF) Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/95 IP5560C IP5560C TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS — ERROR AMPLIFIER Soft Start Min. Duty Cycle vs R1 + R2 Current Fed Dropping Resistor VS SOFT START DUTY CYCLE (%) 80 δ max = 90% 70 RV C C 60 δ max = 70% 1 VC C 50 40 30 GND δ max = 50% 16 δ max = 30% δ0 20 RVCC = 10 0 1 10 30 VS – VCC (10 to 20 mA) See DC Electrical Characteristics For Current Feed VCC Range R1 + R2 (kΩ) Graph for Determining δ max δ max – MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE (%) 100 90 2 VZ 6 DUTY CYCLE CONTROL 80 70 R1 60 50 40 R2 30 12 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 R2 R1 + R2 Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455) 556565. Fax +44(0)1455) 552612. Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/95