J501 Current Regulator Diode Linear Systems replaces discontinued Siliconix J501 The Linear Systems J501 is a ± 20% range current regulator The J501 is a ±20% range current regulator designed for demanding applications in test equipment and instrumentation. The J501 utilizes JFET techniques to produce a single two-leaded device which is extremely simple to operate. • • • • • • • • Two-Lead Plastic Package Guaranteed ±20% Tolerance Operation up to 50V Excellent Temperature Stability Simple Series Circuitry, No Separate Voltage Source Tight Guaranteed Circuit Performance Excellent Performance in Low-Voltage/Battery Circuits and High-Voltage Spike Protection High Circuit Stability vs. Temperature J501 Applications: • • • Constant-Current Supply Current-Limiting Timing Circuits Available Packages: TO-92 Bare Die. Please contact Micross for full package and die dimensions Micross Components Europe Notes: 1. Absolute maximum ratings are limiting values above which serviceability may be impaired. 2. Pulsed, t = 2ms. Maximum VF where IF < 1.1IF(max). 3. Pulsed, t = 2ms. Continuous currents may vary. 4. Pulsed, t = 2ms. Continuous impedances may vary. 5. Min VF required to ensure IF = 0.8IF(min). Tel: +44 1603 788967 Email: chipcomponents@micross.com Web: http://www.micross.com/distribution Information furnished by Linear Integrated Systems and Micross Components is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Linear Integrated Systems. Micross Components Ltd, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1603 788967, Fax: +44 1603788920, Email: chipcomponents@micross.com Web: www.micross.com/distribution.aspx