L6316 4-CHANNEL LOW POWER PREAMPLIFIER DATA BRIEF 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FEATURES Dual Power Supplies of +5V, 10% and -3v, 6% Low Power consumption; 980 mW @ 800Mb/s (Single Head 100% Write mode duty cycle, Random pattern, Iw = 40mA, Max Ovs). Flip Chip package.L6316 Differential Voltage Bias / Voltage Sense architecture. Current Bias available Programmable read input differential impedance. Selectable read path bandwidth from 200 to >600 MHz (Rmr=40Ω). (Parameter dependent on interconnect) Selectable LF corner (1, 2.5, 3.5 or 5.5 MHz with RMR=40Ω). Noise Figure of merit; 2.2 dB (Rmr=40Ω) MR bias voltage programmable from 70 to 225 mV nom. (5 bits) (7.2mA max). MR bias current programmable from 0.65 to 7.2 mA nom. (5 bits) (225mV max). Read input stage optimized for MR resistance from 20 to 70 Ohm. Programmable read voltage gain of 37, 40, 43, 46 dB Rmr = 40Ω, Rload = 100Ω Fully Differential write driver: Programmable overshoot amplitude (3bits) and duration (2bits). Write current rise/fall time with custom head and interconnect model 140 pS at 40 mA (10% to 90%) (Steady state to steady state) Write current amplitude programmable (5 bits) 0 to 62 mA (0-pk). Bi-directional 16-bit serial interface 2.5V and 3.3V CMOS compatible. 2-pin (RXW and TFI), 2 bits mode selection (WAKE, ENTFI). All control signals are 2.5 & 3.3V CMOS compatible. Analog buffered head voltage ABHV (gain of 5) Automatic digital MR resistance measurement (7 bits). Read head open detection, Read head shorted detection. Write head open or shorted to ground, Writer to Reader short, write data frequency too low detection. SAFEDETECT method for write fault detection. Figure 1. Package Flip Chip Table 1. Order Codes ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 Part Number Package L6316 Flip Chip Low VCC or VEE supply & die over temperature detect, Analog Temperature Measurement. Fast write-to-read recovery 150nS (max) (same head). Head-to-head switch in read mode 1.5us (nom). Zero MR bias, very low power (43mW) idle mode with fast recovery to read mode 1.5us (nom). MR bias switching without overshoot for head protection. Read-to-Write switching 50nS (max) (same head). ESD diodes for MR head protection DESCRIPTION The L6316 is a BICMOS Silicon Germanium integrated circuit differential preamplifier. It is designed for use with four-terminal MR read and inductive write heads. In read mode, the device consists of a fully differential amplifier, offering; voltage or current bias, voltage-sense input, programmable input impedance, low noise and high bandwidth. In write mode, it includes fast current switching differential write drivers, which support data rates up to 1200 Mb/s. This preamplifier provides programmable read voltage or current bias and write current (5 bit DACs for the read bias and for the write current), fault detection circuitry and servo track writing features. Read amplifier gain, low corner frequency, and write current wave shape are adjustable. The amplitude and duration of the overshoot are separately programmable through a 16-bit bi-directional serial interface (SEN, SDATA, and SCLK). The device operates from +5V and -3V supplies. September 2004 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development. Details are subject to change without notice. Rev. 1 1/6 L6316 Figure 2. Preamplifier Block Diagram VCC (+5V) VGND (0V) VEE (-3V) HW0X WDX HW0Y PREDRIVER HW1X WDY WRITE DRIVERS FAULT PROCESSOR HW1Y HW2X Low supply detection, Open/short heads, Low write frequency, High temperature FLT HW2Y HW3X WRITE DAC SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROL SCLK SEN Overshoot HW3Y SDATA RW enable head select 3v RXW 3v HEAD SELECTION & MODE CONTROL ABHV, MR meas, TEMP meas READ BIAS DAC Current/volt age bias Vmr, Iw HR0X TFI HR0Y Temperature monitoring MR READ INPUT STAGES RDX RDY HR1Y HR2X HR2Y Gain boost Low pass filter High pass filter L6316 2/6 HR1X VREF HR3X Rin DAC HR3Y L6316 Figure 3. Flip Chip Pinout Diagram - BUMPS DOWN Note: Minimum pad pitch = 204 um and pad opening (octagonal) = 70 um Bump Sequence (see next table for coordinates) TF VEE GND VCC SDEN HR3Y HR3X HW3Y WDY HW3X WDX HR2X HW2X SCLK RDX 0,0 HW2Y HR2Y HW1Y HR1Y RDY SDATA HW1X RXW HW0X FLT HW0Y VEE GND VREF VCC HR1X HR0Y HR0X Die dimensions: X = 2192 ±20 um Y = 2686 ±20 um Minimum distance between pads opening center to center: 204um Wafer thickness: 500 ±20 um Bump height: 90 Bump diameter: 120 ±15 um Die center misalignment w.r.t original die center after cut: 38 um Bump material if eutectic: 63% Tin, 37% Lead Bump material if lead free: 96% Tin, 3.5% Silver, 0.5% Copper ±15 um Note: VREF PAD can be left floating or grounded. DO NOT CONNECT IT ANYWHERE ELSE. 3/6 L6316 Table 2. Bump Coordinates (bumps down, from center of die, dimensions in microns). Pin name X-coord (um) Y-coord (um) Pin name X-coord (um) Y-coord (um) HR3Y 471 1140 VREF -278 -1140 HR3X 775 1140 GND -482 -1140 HW3Y 141.1 813.7 VEE -686 -1140 HW3X 141.1 566.7 FLT -890 -816 HW2X 141.1 362.7 RXW -890 -612 HW2Y 141.1 115.7 SDATA -890 -408 HR2Y 686 102 RDY -890 -204 HR2X 890 252 RDX -890 0 HR1X 890 -252 SCLK -890 204 HR1Y 686 -102 WDX -890 408 HW1Y 141.1 -115.7 WDY -890 612 HW1X 141.1 -362.7 SDEN -890 816 HW0X 141.1 -566.7 TFI -686 1140 HW0Y 141.1 -813.7 VEE -482 1140 HR0X 775 -1140 GND -278 1140 HR0Y 471 -1140 VCC -74 1140 VCC -74 -1140 - - - Note: VREF PAD can be left floating or grounded. DO NOT CONNECT IT ANYWHERE ELSE. 4/6 L6316 Table 3. Revision History Date Revision September 2004 1 Description of Changes First Issue in EDOCS dms. 5/6 L6316 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America www.st.com 6/6