Bluetooth ® Module – Part Code LM-071 Class 2 BC04 Features Đ Đ Đ Đ Đ Đ Đ The module is a Max .4dBm( Class2 ) module. Bluetooth standard Ver. 2.0 + EDRcertification . Low current consumption : Hold,Sniff,Park ,Deep sleep Mode 3.0v to 3.6v operation S upport for up to 7 ACL links and 3 SCO links Interface: USB, UART&PCM(for voice CODEC) SPP,HSP/HFP,HID,DUN firmware are available Support for 802.11 Co -Existence RoHS compliant Small outline. 25 x 14.5 x 2.2 mm Đ Đ Đ Đ Đ Đ PDA Cordless headset Digital camera & printer Access Points GPS,POS, Barcode Reader Domestic and industrial applications Đ Đ Đ Applications General Electrical Specification Parameter Operating Voltage (VDD) RF Output Power RX Sensitivity Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Average Current Consumption Average Current Consumption Average Current Consumption Peak C urrent Description Measured in 50 ohm RESET,UART,GPIO,PCM RESET,UART,GPIO,PCM UART,GPIO,PCM UART,GPIO,PCM Deep sleep ACL 40ms sniff SCO connection HV1 Tx burst +4dBm Min. 3.00 -6 -0.30 0.70VDD VDD -0.40 Typ. 3.30 0 -83 40 2.4 39 - Max. 3.60 4 -80 0.80 VDD+0.30 0.40 58 Units V dBm dBm V V V V uA mA mA mA Block Diagram Regulator RF_I O B.P.F Balun VDD UART(4) USB(2) Loop Filter PCM(4) Xtal Flash Memory PF+BB I/O SPI(4) GPIO( 14) RESET GND(3) LM-071 Page Number : 1 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected] LM-071 Specifications Radio Characteristics – Basic Data Rate Radio Characteristics, VDD = 3.3V Temperature =+20°C Freauency (GHz) Sensitivity at 0.1% BER 2.402 2.441 2.480 Maximum received signal at 2.402 0.1% BER 2.441 2.480 2.402 RF transmit power(1) 2.441 2.480 Initial carrier frequency tolerance 2.402 2.441 2.480 20dBm bandwidth for modulated 2.402 carrier 2.441 2.480 Drift (single slot packet) 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.402 Drift (five slot packet) 2.441 2.480 2.402 Drift Rate 2.441 2.480 RF power control range RF power range control resolution 2.402 2.441 f1avg “Maximum Moudulation” 2.480 2.402 2.441 f2maz “Minimum Modulation” 2.480 C/I co-channel Min Typ Max 16 145 145 145 115 115 115 - -83 -83 -83 -6 -6 -6 +2 +2 +2 12 10 9 879 816 819 35 1.8 165 165 165 150 150 150 10 -82 -82 -82 0 0 0 20 20 20 1000 1000 1000 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 175 175 175 11 Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 +1 MHz - -4 Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 - 1MHz(3)(5) - Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 +2 MHz(3)(5) Bluetooth Specification Unit <= 11 dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz/50µs kHz/50µs kHz/50µs dB dB kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz dB 0 <= 0 dB -4 0 <= 0 dB - -35 -30 <= - 30 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 - 2MHz - -21 -20 <= - 20 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F>=F0 +3 MHz(3)(5) - -45 - <= - 40 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F<=F0 -5 MHz(3)(5) - -45 - <= - 40 dB (3)(5) (3)(5) < - 70 > - 20 -6 to +4(2) ±75 < 1000 <25 <40 20 >16 140< f1avg <175 115 LM-071 Page Number : 2 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected] Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=Fimage(3)(5) - -18 -9 <= - 9 dB Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0±2MHz(4)(5) - -35 -20 <= - 20 dBc Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0±3MHz(4)(5) - -55 -40 <= - 40 dBc Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) BlueCore-External firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification v2.0 limits. Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v2.0 Up to five exceptions are allowed in v2.0 of the Bluetooth specification Up to three exceptions are allowed in v2.0 of the Bluetooth specification Measured at F0 = 2441MHz Radio Characteristics – Enhanced Data Rate Transmitter , VDD = 3.3V Temperature =+20°C Min. Typ. Max. -6 -6 -6 - 0 0 0 -1.5 2 +2 +2 +2 - - 6 - π/4 DQPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability | w0 + wi | 8 DPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability w0 8 DPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability wi - 8 - < ±75 for all blocks kHz - 2 - < ±10 for all blocks kHz - 6 - kHz 8 DPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability | w0 + wi | RMS DVEM π/4 DQPSK - 8 - < ±75 for all packets < ±75 for all blocks kHz - 7 - < 20 % Modulation Accuracy 99% DEVM - 13 - < 30 % Peak DEVM - 19 - < 35 % RMS DVEM - 7 - < 13 % 99% DEVM - 13 - < 20 % Peak DEVM - - < 25 % F>F0 +3 MHz F<F0 -3 MHz - 17 <-50 - < -40 dBm - <-50 - < -40 dBm Maximum RF transmit power Relative transmit power Frequency (GHz) 2.402 2.441 2.480 π/4 DQPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability w0 π/4 DQPSK Maximum carrier frequency stability wi 8 DPSK Modulation Accuracy In-band spurious emissions Bluetooth Specification -6 to +20 -4 to +1 < ±10 for all blocks < ±75 for all packets Unit dBm dBm dBm dB kHz kHz LM-071 Page Number : 3 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected] Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=Fimage 8 DPSK -20 < -7 dB -15 <0 dB LM-071 Pin Functions PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 NAME PIO(8) PIO(9) PIO(10) AIO0 AIO1 RESET SPI_MISO SPI_CSB SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI UART_CTS UART_TX UART_RTS UART_RX PIO(11) 3V3 GND PCM_OUT PCM_SYNC PCM_IN PCM_CLK USB_DP USB_DN PIO(7) PIO(6) PIO(5) PIO(4) PIO(3) PIO(2) PIO(1) PIO(0) GND RF_IO GND TYPE Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional CMOS input CMOS Output CMOS Input CMOS Input CMOS Input CMOS Input CMOS Output CMOS Output CMOS Input Bi-directional Power GND CMOS Output Bi-directional CMOS Input Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional GND Analogue GND FUNCTION Programmable Input/Output line Programmable Input/Output line Programmable Input/Output line Programmable Input/Output Line , 32KHz sleep clock input Programmable Input/Output Line Reset if high. Input debounced so must be high for >5ms to cause a reset Serial Peripheral Interface Data Output Chip Select For Synchronous Serial Interface active low Serial Peripheral Interface Clock Serial Peripheral Interface Data Input UART Clear To Send (Active Low) UART Data Output UART Request To Send (Active Low) UART Data Input Programmable Input/Output line 3.3V Power Supply Input Ground Synchronous Data Output Synchronous Data Sync Synchronous Data Input Synchronous Data Clock USB Data Plus USB Data Minus Programmable Input/Output line Programmable Input/Output line , CLK_REQ , WLAN_Ative/Ch_Data input Programmable Input/Output line , USB_DETACH, BT_Ative output Programmable Input / Output Line , USB_ON, BT_Priority/Ch_Clk Output Programmable Input/Output Line , USB_WAKE_UP, CLK_REQ_IN Programmable Input / Output Line , USB_PULL_UP, CLK_REQ_OUT Programmable Input/Output Line , TX Enable Programmable Input / Output Line , RX Enable Ground 50 ohm Antenna connection Ground LM-071 Page Number : 4 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected] F=F0 -3 MHz - -46 - < -40 dBm F=F0 -2 MHz - -34 - < -20 dBm F=F0 -1 MHz - -35 - < -26 dBm F=F0 +1 MHz - -35 - < -26 dBm F=F0 +2 MHz - -31 - < -20 dBm F=F0 +3 MHz - -33 - < -40 > 99 dBm EDR Differential Phase Encoding No Errors Receiver , VDD =3.3V Temperature =+20°C Modulation Min. Typ. π/4 DQPSK 8 DPSK - -82 - - -76 Maximum received signal level π/4 DQPSK at 0.1% BER 8 DPSK - C/I co-channel at 0.1% BER Sensitivity at 0.1% BER Max. Bluetooth Specification % Unit < -70 dBm - < -70 dBm -8 - > -20 dBm - -10 - > -20 dBm π/4 DQPSK 8 DPSK - 10 - < +13 dB - 19 - < +21 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 +1 MHz 8 DPSK - -10 - <0 dB - -5 - < +5 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 -1 MHz 8 DPSK - -11 - <0 dB - -5 - < +5 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 +2 MHz 8 DPSK - -40 - < -30 dB - -40 - < -25 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 -2 MHz 8 DPSK - -23 - < -20 dB - -20 - < -13 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 +3 MHz 8 DPSK - -45 - < -40 dB - -45 - < -33 dB Adjacent channel selectivity C/I π/4 DQPSK F=F0 -5 MHz 8 DPSK - -45 - < -40 dB - -45 - < -33 dB F0 = 2405, 2441, 2477 MHz LM-071 Page Number : 5 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected] LM-071 Pin out Information PIN DETAILS VIEWED FROM TOP SIDE 1 PIO(8) PIO(9) PIO(10) AIO( 0 ) AIO( 1 ) RESET SPI_ MISO SPI_CSB SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI UART_CTS UART_TX UART_RTS UART_RX PIO(11) 3V3 GND 17 34 GND RF_IO GND PIO( 0) PIO( 1 ) PIO( 2 ) PIO( 3 ) PIO( 4 ) PIO( 5 ) PIO( 6 ) PIO( 7 ) USB_DN USB_DP PCM_CLK PCM_IN PCM_SYNC PCM_OUT 18 MODULE PAD AND SOLDER MASK DETALS SOLDER MASK WINDOW 1.0mm MAX SOLDER PAD 0.8mm MECHANICAL DETAILS VIEWED FROM TOP/BOTTOM SIDE 18 34 BottomView Top View 17 Design to Micro Strip Line PCB Layout (Top View) LM-071 Page Number : 6 of 6 0121 270 6232 | | [email protected]