To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog and discrete devices, and memory chips other than DRAMs (flash memory, SRAMs etc.) Accordingly, although Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Semiconductors, and other Mitsubishi brand names are mentioned in the document, these names have in fact all been changed to Renesas Technology Corp. Thank you for your understanding. Except for our corporate trademark, logo and corporate statement, no changes whatsoever have been made to the contents of the document, and these changes do not constitute any alteration to the contents of the document itself. Note : Mitsubishi Electric will continue the business operations of high frequency & optical devices and power devices. Renesas Technology Corp. Customer Support Dept. April 1, 2003 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Description The M30221 group of single-chip microcomputers are built using the high-performance silicon gate CMOS process using a M16C/60 Series CPU core. The M30221 group has LCD controller/driver. M30221 group is packaged in a 120-pin plastic molded QFP. These single-chip microcomputers operate using sophisticated instructions featuring a high level of instruction efficiency. With 1M bytes of address space, they are capable of executing instructions at high speed. Features • Basic machine instructions .................. Compatible with the M16C/60 series • Memory capacity .................................. See Figure 1.1.3 Memory Expansion • Shortest instruction execution time ...... 100ns (f(XIN)=10MHz) • Supply voltage ..................................... 4.0 to 5.5V (f(XIN)=10MHz) 2.7 to 5.5V (f(XIN)=7MHz with software one-wait) • Interrupts .............................................. 24 internal and 8 external interrupt sources, 4 software interrupt sources; 7 levels(including key input interrupt) • Multifunction 16-bit timer ...................... Timer A (output) x 8, timer B (input) x 6 • Real time port outputs .......................... 8 bits X 3 lines,6 bits X 1 lines • Serial I/O .............................................. 2 channels for UART or clock synchronous • DMAC .................................................. 2 channels (trigger: 24 souces) • A-D converter ....................................... 10 bits X 7 channels • D-A converter ....................................... 8 bits X 2 channels • Watchdog timer .................................... 1 line • Programmable I/O ............................... 83 lines (26 lines are shared with LCD outputs) • Output port ........................................... 14 lines (14 lines are shared with LCD outpus) • Input port .............................................. 1 line (P77, shared with NMI pin) Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are • LCD drive control circuit ....................... 1/2, 1/3 bias not guaranteed to be entirely free of 2, 3 and 4 duty error. 4 common outputs Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or 40 segment outputs performance improvements. Please built-in charge pump make sure your manual is the latest • Key input interrupt ................................ 20 lines edition. • Clock generating circuit ....................... 2 built-in clock generation circuits (built-in feedback resistor, and external ceramic or quartz oscillator) Applications Camera, Home appliances, Portable equipment, Audio, office equipment, etc. ------Table of Contents-----Central Processing Unit (CPU) ................................ 9 Reset ...................................................................... 12 Programmable I/O Port .......................................... 18 Electric Characteristics .......................................... 28 Usage precaution peculiar to M30221 Group ........ 41 1 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Pin Configuration Figures 1.1.1 show the pin configurations (top view). 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 67 66 65 64 63 62 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 M30221MX-XXXFP 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 P14/KI4 P15/KI5 P16/KI6 P17/KI7 P20/KI8 P21/KI9 P22/KI10 P23/KI11 P24/KI12 P25/KI13 P26/KI14 P27/KI15 P30/KI16 P31/KI17 P32/KI18 P33/KI19 P34 P35 P41/TA0IN P42/TA1OUT P46/TA3OUT/INT4 P47/TA3IN/INT4 P50/TB0IN P51/TB1IN P52/TB2IN P53/TB3IN P56/INT3 P57/CKOUT P60/CTS0/RTS0 P61/CLK0 P96/AN6 P95/AN5 P94/AN4 P93/AN3 P92/AN2 P91/AN1 P90/AN0 P86/TA7OUT P84/TA6OUT P82/TA5OUT P81/TA4IN/INT5 P80/TA4OUT/INT5 CNVSS XCIN XCOUT RESET XOUT VSS XIN VCC P77/NMI P76/INT2 P75/INT1 P74/INT0 P73/CTS2/RTS2 P72/CLK2 P71/RXD2/SCL(Note) P70/TXD2/SDA(Note) P63/TxD0 P62/RxD0 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 120 1 2 3 P131/DA1 AVSS P130/ADTRG/DA0 VREF AVCC 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 P101/SEG17 P100/SEG16 SEG15 SEG14 SEG13 SEG12 SEG11 SEG10 SEG9 SEG8 SEG7 SEG6 SEG5 SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 COM3 COM2 COM1 COM0 C2 C1 VL3 VL2 VL1 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 90 89 88 P102/SEG18 P103/SEG19 P110/SEG24 P111/SEG25 P112/SEG26 P113/SEG27 P114/SEG28 P115/SEG29 P116/SEG30 P117/SEG31 P120/SEG32 P121/SEG33 VSS P122/SEG34 VCC P123/SEG35 P124/SEG36 P125/SEG37 P00/SEG40 P01/SEG41 P02/SEG42 P03/SEG43 P04/SEG44 P05/SEG45 P06/SEG46 P07/SEG47 P10/KI0 P11/KI1 P12/KI2 P13/KI3 PIN CONFIGURATION (top view) Note. N channel open-drain output. Package: 120P6R-A Figure 1.1.1. Pin configuration for the M30221 group (top view) 2 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Block Diagram Figure 1.1.2 is a block diagram of the M30221 group. 4 I/O ports Port P4 4 6 Port P5 1 7 Port P7 Port P6 5 Port P77 Port P8 7 Port P9 M16C/60 series 16-bit CPU core Registers R0H R0L R0H R0L R1H R1 R1HR R1L L RR2 2 AR3 3 AA0 0 A1 F 1B FB Program counter PC Stack pointer ISP USP Vector table INTB Flag register ROM (Note 1) RAM (Note 2) AAAA AAAA Multiplier Port P3 Port P2 Note 1: ROM size depends on MCU type. Note 2: RAM size depends on MCU type. Figure 1.1.2. Block diagram of M30221 group 3 2 FLG SB Memory Port P13 Port P0 LCD drive control circuit (4COM X 40SEG) (8 bits X 2 channels) 6 Port P1 8 UART/clock synchronous SI/O 8 8 4 XIN-XOUT XCIN-XCOUT (10 bits X 7 channels Port P12 D-A converter (8 bits X 2 channels) A-D converter Port P11 Watchdog timer (15 bits) DMAC (2 channels) 8 System clock generator Timer Timer TA0 (16 bits) Timer TA1 (16 bits) Timer TA2 (16 bits) Timer TA3 (16 bits) Timer TA4 (16 bits) Timer TA5 (16 bits) Timer TA6 (16 bits) Timer TA7 (16 bits) Timer TB0 (16 bits) Timer TB1 (16 bits) Timer TB2 (16 bits) Timer TB3 (16 bits) Timer TB4 (16 bits) Timer TB5 (16 bits) Port P10 6 Internal peripheral functions Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Performance Outline Table 1.1.1 is performance outline of M30221 group. Table 1.1.1. Performance outline of M30221 group Item Number of basic instructions Shortest instruction execution time Memory ROM capacity RAM I/O port P0 to P13 (except P77) Input port P77 Output port SEG2 to SEG15 Multifunction TA0 to TA7 timer TB0 to TB5 Real time port outputs Serial I/O UART0 , UART2 A-D converter D-A converter DMAC LCD COM0 to COM3 SEG2 to SEG47 Watchdog timer Interrupt Clock generating circuit Supply voltage Power consumption I/O withstand voltage (P0 to P13) I/O charOutput current P1 to P9,P13 acteristics P0, P10 to P12 Device configuration Package Performance 91 instructions 100ns (f(XIN)=10MHz 24 Kbytes 1.5 Kbytes 8 bits x 4, 2 bits x 1, 6 bits x 3, 7 bits x 2 5 bits x 1, 4 bits x 3 1 bit x 1 2 bits x 7 16 bits x 8 16 bits x 6 8 bits x 3 lines,6 bits x 1 lines (UART or clock synchronous) x 2 10 bits x 7 channels 8 bits x 2 channels 2 channel(trigger:24 sources) 4 lines 40 lines (26 lines are shared with I/O ports) 15 bits x 1 (with prescaler) 24 internal and 8 external sources, 4 software sources 2 built-in clock generation circuits (built-in feedbackresistor, and external ceramic or quartz oscillator) 4.0 to 5.5V (f(XIN)=10MHz) 2.7 to 5.5V (f(XIN)=7MHz with software one-wait) 18 mW (Vcc=3.3V, f(XIN)=7MHz with software one-wait) 5V 5 mA 0.1mA("H" output), 2.5mA("L" output) CMOS silicon gate 120-pin plastic mold QFP 4 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Mitsubishi plans to release the following products in the M30221 group: (1) Support for mask ROM version, flash memory version (2) Memory capacity (3) Package 120P6R-A : Plastic molded QFP (mask ROM and flash memory versions) Figure 1.1.3 shows the memory expansion and figure 1.1.4 shows the Type No., memory size, and package. April. 2001 RAM (Byte) Under development M30221FCFP 10K M30221MC-XXXFP Under planning Under planning 4K M30221M8-XXXFP Under planning 2K 1.5K M30221M4-XXXFP M30221M3-XXXFP 24K 32K 128K 64K Figure 1.1.3. Memory expansion Type No. M30 22 1 M 3 - XXX FP Package type: FP: Package120P6R-A ROM No. Omitted for flash memory version Shows characteristic, use None: General ROM capacity: 3 : 24K bytes 4 : 32K bytes 8 : 64K bytes C : 128K bytes Memory type: M : Mask ROM version F : Flash memory version Shows pin count, etc. (The value itself has no specific meaning) M16C/22 Group(built-in LCDC) M16C Family Figure 1.1.4. Type No., memory size, and package 5 ROM (Byte) Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Pin Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Pin Description Pin name Signal name Function I/O VCC, VSS Power supply input CNVSS CNVSS I Connect it to the VSS pin. RESET Reset input I A “L” on this input resets the microcomputer. XIN Clock input I XOUT Clock output O XCIN Clock input I XCOUT Clock output O AVCC Analog power supply input This pin is a power supply input for the A-D converter. Connect it to VCC. AVSS Analog power supply input This pin is a power supply input for the A-D converter. Connect it to VSS. VREF Reference voltage input P00 to P07 I/O port P0 P10 to P17 I/O port P1 P20 to P27 I/O port P2 I/O This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as input pins for the key input interrupt function and real time port output. P30 to P35 I/O port P3 I/O This is a 6-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. P30 to P33 also function as input pins for the key input interrupt function. P41, P42, P46, P47 I/O port P4 I/O This is a 4-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. The P41 pin is shared with timer A0 input. The P42 pin is shared with timer A1 output. The P46 pin is shared with timer A3 output and INT4. The P47 pin is shared with timer A3 input and INT4. P50 to P53, P56, P57 I/O port P5 I/O This is a 6-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. The P50, P51, P52, and P53 pins are shared with timerB0, B1, B2, and B3 input, respectively. The P56 pin is shared with INT3. The P57 pin is shared with CKOUT output. P60 to P63 I/O port P6 I/O This is an 4-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. The P60 pin is shared with CTS0 and RTS0. The P61, P62, and P63 pins are shared with CLK0, RxD0, and TxD0, respectively. Supply 2.7 to 5.5 V to the VCC pin. Supply 0 V to the VSS pin. I These pins are provided for the main clock generating. circuit.Connect a ceramic resonator or crystal between the XIN and the XOUT pins. To use an externally derived clock, input it to the XIN pin and leave the XOUT open. These pins are provided for the sub clock generating circuit.Connect a ceramic resonator or crystal between the XCIN and the XCOUT pins. To use an externally derived clock, input it to the XCIN pin and leave the XCOUT open. This pin is a reference voltage input for the A-D converter. I/O This is an 8-bit CMOS I/O port. It has an input/output port direction register that allows the user to set each pin for input or output individually. When set for input, the user can specify in units of four bits via software whether or not they are tied to a pull-up resistor. Pins in this port also use as LCD segment output and real time port output. I/O This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as input pins for the key input interrupt function and real time port output. 6 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Pin Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Pin Description Pin name P70 to P76 Signal name I/O port P7 P77 I/O Function I/O P70 to P76 are I/O ports equivalent to P0 (P70 and P71 are N channel open-drain output). The P70, P71, and P72 pins are shared with TxD2, RxD2, and CLK2, respectively. The P73 is shared with CTS2 and RTS2. The P74, P75 and P76 pins are shared with INT0, INT1 and INT2, respectively. P77 is an input-only port that also functions for NMI. I P80 to P82, P84, P86 I/O port P8 I/O This is a 5-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. The P80 pin is shared with timer A4 output and INT5 input . The P81 pin is shared with timer A4 input and INT5 input. The P82 pin is shared with timer A5 output. The P84 pin is shared with timer A6 output. The P86 pin is shared with timer A7 output. P90 to P96 I/O port P9 I/O This is an 7-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as A-D converter input pins. P100 to P103 I/O port P10 I/O This is an 4-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as SEG output for LCD. P110 to P117 I/O port P11 I/O This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as SEG output for LCD. P120 to P125 I/O port P12 I/O This is an 6-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Pins in this port also function as SEG output for LCD and real time port output. P130, P131 I/O port P13 SEG2 to SEG15 I/O This is an 2-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. P130 pins in this port also function as D-A converter output pins or start trigger for A-D input pins. P131 pins in this port also function as D-A converter output pins. Segment output O Pins in this port function as SEG output for LCD drive circuit. Pins in this port function as common output for LCD drive circuit. COM0 to COM3 Common output VL1 to VL3 Power supply input for LCD Power supply input for LCD drive circuit. C1 , C 2 Step-up condenser connect port Pins in this port function as external pin for LCD step-up condenser. Connect a condenser between C1 and C2. O 7 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Memory SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Operation of Functional Blocks The M30221 group accommodates certain units in a single chip. These units include ROM and RAM to store instructions and data and the central processing unit (CPU) to execute arithmetic/logic operations. Also included are peripheral units such as timers, real time port, serial I/O, LCD drive control circuit, D-A converter, A-D converter, DMAC and I/O ports. Memory Figure 1.4.1 is a memory map of the M30221 group. The address space extends the 1M bytes from address 0000016 to FFFFF16. From FFFFF16 down is ROM. For example, in the M30221M3-XXXFP, there is 24K bytes of internal ROM from FA00016 to FFFFF16. The vector table for fixed interrupts such as the reset _______ and NMI are mapped to FFFDC16 to FFFFF16. The starting address of the interrupt routine is stored here. The address of the vector table for timer interrupts, etc., can be set as desired using the internal register (INTB). See the section on interrupts for details. From 0040016 up is RAM. For example, in the M30221M3-XXXFP, 1.5K bytes of internal RAM is mapped to the space from 0040016 to 009FF6. In addition to storing data, the RAM also stores the stack used when calling subroutines and when interrupts are generated. The SFR area is mapped to 0000016 to 003FF16. This area accommodates the control registers for peripheral devices such as I/O ports, A-D converter, serial I/O, timers, and LCD, etc. Figures 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 are location of peripheral unit control registers. Any part of the SFR area that is not occupied is reserved and cannot be used for other purposes. The special page vector table is mapped to FFE0016 to FFFDB16. If the starting addresses of subroutines or the destination addresses of jumps are stored here, subroutine call instructions and jump instructions can be used as 2-byte instructions, reducing the number of program steps. 0000016 SFR area For details, see Figures 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 0040016 Internal RAM area XXXXX16 RAM size 1.5K 2K 4K 10K bytes bytes bytes bytes ROM size 24K 32K 64K 128K bytes bytes bytes bytes FFE0016 Address XXXXX16 Special page vector table 009FF16 00BFF16 013FF16 02BFF16 FFFDC16 Internal RAM area BRK instruction Address match Single step Address YYYYY16 FA00016 F800016 F000016 E000016 Undefined instruction Overflow Watchdog timer YYYYY16 Internal ROM area FFFFF16 FFFFF16 Figure 1.4.1. Memory map 8 DBC NMI Reset Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group CPU SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Central Processing Unit (CPU) The CPU has a total of 13 registers shown in Figure 1.5.1. Seven of these registers (R0, R1, R2, R3, A0, A1, and FB) come in two sets; therefore, these have two register banks. AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA b15 R0(Note) b8 b7 b15 R1(Note) R2(Note) b15 R3(Note) b15 A0(Note) b15 A1(Note) b15 FB(Note) b8 b7 H b15 b0 L H b19 b0 L Program counter Data registers b0 b19 INTB b0 Interrupt table register L H b15 b0 b0 User stack pointer USP b15 b0 b0 b0 PC b0 Interrupt stack pointer ISP Address registers b15 b0 Static base register SB b15 b0 b0 FLG Frame base registers Flag register A AAAAAAA AA A AA A AA AA AA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AAA AAA IPL U I O B S Z D C Note: These registers consist of two register banks. Figure 1.5.1. Central processing unit register (1) Data registers (R0, R0H, R0L, R1, R1H, R1L, R2, and R3) Data registers (R0, R1, R2, and R3) are configured with 16 bits, and are used primarily for transfer and arithmetic/logic operations. Registers R0 and R1 each can be used as separate 8-bit data registers, high-order bits as (R0H/R1H), and low-order bits as (R0L/R1L). In some instructions, registers R2 and R0, as well as R3 and R1 can use as 32-bit data registers (R2R0/R3R1). (2) Address registers (A0 and A1) Address registers (A0 and A1) are configured with 16 bits, and have functions equivalent to those of data registers. These registers can also be used for address register indirect addressing and address register relative addressing. In some instructions, registers A1 and A0 can be combined for use as a 32-bit address register (A1A0). 9 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group CPU SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER (3) Frame base register (FB) Frame base register (FB) is configured with 16 bits, and is used for FB relative addressing. (4) Program counter (PC) Program counter (PC) is configured with 20 bits, indicating the address of an instruction to be executed. (5) Interrupt table register (INTB) Interrupt table register (INTB) is configured with 20 bits, indicating the start address of an interrupt vector table. (6) Stack pointer (USP/ISP) Stack pointer comes in two types: user stack pointer (USP) and interrupt stack pointer (ISP), each configured with 16 bits. Your desired type of stack pointer (USP or ISP) can be selected by a stack pointer select flag (U flag). This flag is located at the position of bit 7 in the flag register (FLG). (7) Static base register (SB) Static base register (SB) is configured with 16 bits, and is used for SB relative addressing. (8) Flag register (FLG) Flag register (FLG) is configured with 11 bits, each bit is used as a flag. Figure 1.5.2 shows the flag register (FLG). The following explains the function of each flag: • Bit 0: Carry flag (C flag) This flag retains a carry, borrow, or shift-out bit that has occurred in the arithmetic/logic unit. • Bit 1: Debug flag (D flag) This flag enables a single-step interrupt. When this flag is “1”, a single-step interrupt is generated after instruction execution. This flag is cleared to “0” when the interrupt is acknowledged. • Bit 2: Zero flag (Z flag) This flag is set to “1” when an arithmetic operation resulted in 0; otherwise, cleared to “0”. • Bit 3: Sign flag (S flag) This flag is set to “1” when an arithmetic operation resulted in a negative value; otherwise, cleared to “0”. • Bit 4: Register bank select flag (B flag) This flag chooses a register bank. Register bank 0 is selected when this flag is “0” ; register bank 1 is selected when this flag is “1”. • Bit 5: Overflow flag (O flag) This flag is set to “1” when an arithmetic operation resulted in overflow; otherwise, cleared to “0”. • Bit 6: Interrupt enable flag (I flag) This flag enables a maskable interrupt. An interrupt is disabled when this flag is “0”, and is enabled when this flag is “1”. This flag is cleared to “0” when the interrupt is acknowledged. 10 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group CPU SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER • Bit 7: Stack pointer select flag (U flag) Interrupt stack pointer (ISP) is selected when this flag is “0” ; user stack pointer (USP) is selected when this flag is “1”. This flag is cleared to “0” when a hardware interrupt is acknowledged or an INT instruction of software interrupt Nos. 0 to 31 is executed. • Bits 8 to 11: Reserved area • Bits 12 to 14: Processor interrupt priority level (IPL) Processor interrupt priority level (IPL) is configured with three bits, for specification of up to eight processor interrupt priority levels from level 0 to level 7. If a requested interrupt has priority greater than the processor interrupt priority level (IPL), the interrupt is enabled. • Bit 15: Reserved area The C, Z, S, and O flags are changed when instructions are executed. See the software manual for details. AA AAAAAAA AA AA A AA AA AA A AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA A AA b15 b0 IPL U I O B S Z D C Flag register (FLG) Carry flag Debug flag Zero flag Sign flag Register bank select flag Overflow flag Interrupt enable flag Stack pointer select flag Reserved area Processor interrupt priority level Reserved area Figure 1.5.2. Flag register (FLG) 11 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Reset SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Reset There are two kinds of resets; hardware and software. In both cases, operation is the same after the reset. (See “Software Reset” for details of software resets.) This section explains on hardware resets. When the supply voltage is in the range where operation is guaranteed, a reset is effected by holding the reset pin level “L” (0.2VCC max.) for at least 20 cycles. When the reset pin level is then returned to the “H” level while main clock is stable, the reset status is cancelled and program execution resumes from the address in the reset vector table. Figure 1.6.1 shows the example reset circuit. Figure 1.6.2 shows the reset sequence. 5V 4.0V VCC 0V RESET VCC 5V RESET 0.8V 0V Figure 1.6.1. Example reset circuit XIN More than 20 cycles are needed RESET BCLK 24 cycles BCLK Content of reset vector FFFFC16 Address (Internal Address signal) FFFFE16 Figure 1.6.2. Reset sequence ____________ Table 1.6.1 shows the statuses of the other pins while the RESET pin level is “L”. Figures 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 show the internal status of the microcomputer immediately after the reset is cancelled. ____________ Table 1.6.1. Pin status when RESET pin level is “L” Status Pin name P0, P10 to P12 Input port(with a pull up resistor) P1 to P9, P13 Input port (floating) SEG2 to SEG15 “H” level is output COM0 to COM3 “H” level is output 12 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Reset SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER (1)Processor mode register 0 (000416)••• (2)Processor mode register 1 (000516)••• 0 (3)System clock control register 0 (000616)••• 0 0 0 0 (27)Timer A0 interrupt control register (005516)••• ? 0 0 0 0 0 (28)Timer A1 interrupt control register (005616)••• ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (29)Timer A2 interrupt control register (005716)••• ? 0 0 0 (4)System clock control register 1 (000716)••• 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (30)Timer A3 interrupt control register (005816)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 (5)Address match interrupt enable register (000916)••• 0 0 (31)Timer A4 interrupt control register (005916)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 (6)Protect register (000A16)••• 0 0 (32)Timer B0 interrupt control register (005A16)••• ? 0 0 0 (7)Watchdog timer control register (000F16)••• 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? (33)Timer B1 interrupt control register (005B16)••• ? 0 0 0 (8)Address match interrupt register 0 (001016)••• 0016 (34)Timer B2 interrupt control register (005C16)••• ? 0 0 0 (001116)••• 0016 (001216)••• (9)Address match interrupt register 1 0 0 0 0 (001416)••• 0016 (001516)••• 0016 (35)INT0 interrupt control register (005D16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 (36)INT1 interrupt control register (005E16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 (37)INT2 interrupt control register (005F16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (38)LCD mode register (012016)••• 0 (39)Segment output enable register (012216)••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 (40)Key input mode register (012616)••• 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (003C16)••• 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 (41)Count start flag 1 (034016)••• 0 0 0 (004416)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 (42)One-shot start flag 1 (034216)••• 0 0 (13)Timer B5 interrupt control register (004516)••• ? 0 0 0 (43)Trigger select flag 1 (034316)••• (14)Timer B4 interrupt control register (004616)••• ? 0 0 0 (44)Up-down flag 1 (034416)••• (035616)••• 0016 0016 (001616)••• 0 0 0 0 (10)DMA0 control register (002C16)••• (11)DMA1 control register (12)INT3 interrupt control register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (15)Timer B3 interrupt control register (004716)••• ? 0 0 0 (45)Timer A5 mode register (16)Timer A7 interrupt control register (004816)••• ? 0 0 0 (46)Timer A6 mode register (035716)••• (17)Timer A6 interrupt control register (004916)••• ? 0 0 0 (47)Timer A7 mode register (035816)••• (18)Timer A5 interrupt control register (004A16)••• ? 0 0 0 (48)Timer B3 mode register (035B16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (19)DMA0 interrupt control register (004B16)••• ? 0 0 0 (49)Timer B4 mode register (035C16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (20)DMA1 interrupt control register (004C16)••• ? 0 0 0 (50)Timer B5 mode register (035D16)••• 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (21)Key input interrupt control register (004D16)••• ? 0 0 0 (51)Interrupt cause select register 0 (035E16)••• (22)A-D conversion interrupt control register (004E16)••• ? 0 0 0 (52)Interrupt cause select register 1 (035F16)••• ? 0 0 0 (53)Clock division counter control register (036016)••• 0016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0016 0 (23)UART2 transmit interrupt control register (004F16)••• (24)UART2 receive interrupt control register (005016)••• ? 0 0 0 (54)UART2 special mode register 2 (037616)••• 0016 (25)UART0 transmit interrupt control register (005116)••• ? 0 0 0 (55)UART2 special mode register (037716)••• 0016 (26)UART0 receive interrupt control register (005216)••• ? 0 0 0 (56)UART2 transmit/receive mode register (037816)••• 0016 The content of other registers and RAM is undefined when the microcomputer is reset. The initial values must therefore be set. x : Nothing is mapped to this bit ? : Undefined Figure 1.6.3. Device's internal status after a reset is cleared(1) 13 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Reset SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER (03E216)· · · 0016 (57)UART2 transmit/receive control register 0 (037C16)· · · 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (83)Port P0 direction register (58)UART2 transmit/receive control register 1 (037D16)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (84)Port P1 direction register (03E316)· · · 0016 (85)Port P2 direction register (03E616)· · · 0016 (86)Port P3 direction register (03E716)· · · 0016 (59)Count start flag 0 (038016)· · · (60) Clock prescaler reset flag (038116)· · · 0 (61)One-shot start flag 0 (038216)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (87)Port P4 direction register (03EA16)· · · 0016 0 0 0 0 0 0 (62)Trigger select flag 0 (038316)· · · 0016 (88)Port P5 direction register (03EB16)· · · 0016 (63)Up-down flag 0 (038416)· · · 0016 (89)Port P6 direction register (03EE16)· · · 0016 (64)Timer A0 mode register (039616)· · · 0016 (90)Port P7 direction register (03EF16)· · · (65)Timer A1 mode register (039716)· · · 0016 (91)Port P8 direction register (03F216)· · · 0016 (66)Timer A2 mode register (039816)· · · 0016 (92)Port P9 direction register (03F316)· · · 0016 (67)Timer A3 mode register (039916)· · · 0016 (93)Port P10 direction register (03F616)· · · 0016 (68)Timer A4 mode register (039A16)· · · 0016 (94)Port P11 direction register (03F716)· · · 0016 (69)Timer B0 mode register (039B16)· · · 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (95)Port P12 direction register (03FA16)· · · 0016 (70)Timer B1 mode register (039C16)· · · 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (96)Port P13 direction register (03FB16)· · · (71)Timer B2 mode register (039D16)· · · 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 (97)Pull-up control register 0 (03FC16)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (72)UART0 transmit/receive mode register (03A016)· · · (98)Pull-up control register 1 (03FD16)· · · (99)Pull-up control register 2 (03FE16)· · · 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0016 (73)UART0 transmit/receive control register 0 (03A416)· · · 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (74)UART0 transmit/receive control register 1 (03A516)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (75)UART transmit/receive control register 2 (03B016)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (76)Flash memory control register (Note) (03B416)· · · 0 (77)DMA0 cause select register (03B816)· · · 0016 (78)DMA1 cause select register (03BA16)· · · 0016 0 1 (79)A-D control register 2 (03D416)· · · 0 0 0 0 (80)A-D control register 0 (03D616)· · · 0 0 0 ? ? ? (81)A-D control register 1 (03D716)· · · (82) D-A control register (03DC16)· · · 0016 0 0 0 (100)Real time port control register 0 0 0 0016 0016 (101)Data registers (R0/R1/R2/R3) ··· 000016 (102)Address registers (A0/A1) ··· 000016 (103)Frame base register (FB) ··· 000016 (104)Interrupt table register (INTB) ··· 0000016 (105)User stack pointer (USP) ··· 000016 (106)Interrupt stack pointer (ISP) ··· 000016 (107)Static base register (SB) ··· 000016 (108)Flag register (FLG) ··· 000016 x : Nothing is mapped to this bit ? : Undefined The content of other registers and RAM is undefined when the microcomputer is reset. The initial values must therefore be set. Note : This register is only exist in flash memory version. Figure 1.6.4. Device's internal status after a reset is cleared(2) 14 (03FF16)· · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group SFR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER 004016 000016 004116 000116 004216 000216 004316 004416 000316 000416 000516 000616 000716 004516 Processor mode register 0 (PM0) Processor mode register 1(PM1) System clock control register 0 (CM0) System clock control register 1 (CM1) 004616 004716 004816 004916 000816 000916 000A16 004A16 Address match interrupt enable register (AIER) Protect register (PRCR) 000B16 004B16 000C16 004C16 004D16 000D16 000E16 000F16 004E16 Watchdog timer start register (WDTS) Watchdog timer control register (WDC) 004F16 005016 001016 001116 005116 Address match interrupt register 0 (RMAD0) 001216 005216 001316 005316 005416 001416 001516 005516 Address match interrupt register 1 (RMAD1) 001616 005616 001716 005716 001816 005816 001916 005916 001A16 001B16 001C16 005A16 001D16 005B16 001E16 005C16 001F16 005D16 005E16 002016 002116 DMA0 source pointer (SAR0) 005F16 INT3 interrupt control register (INT3IC) Timer B5 interrupt control register (TB5IC) Timer B4 interrupt control register (TB4IC) Timer B3 interrupt control register (TB3IC) Timer A7 interrupt control register (TA7IC) Timer A6 interrupt control register (TA6IC) Timer A5 interrupt control register (TA5IC) Bus collision detection interrupt control register (BCNIC) DMA0 interrupt control register (DM0IC) DMA1 interrupt control register (DM1IC) Key input interrupt control register (KUPIC) A-D conversion interrupt control register (ADIC) UART2 transmit interrupt control register (S2TIC) UART2 receive interrupt control register (S2RIC) UART0 transmit interrupt control register (S0TIC) UART0 receive interrupt control register (S0RIC) UART1 transmit interrupt control register (S1TIC) UART1 receive interrupt control register (S1RIC) Timer A0 interrupt control register (TA0IC) Timer A1 interrupt control register (TA1IC) Timer A2 interrupt control register (TA2IC) Timer A3 interrupt control register (TA3IC) INT4 interrupt control register (INT4IC) Timer A4 interrupt control register (TA4IC) INT5 interrupt control register (INT5IC) Timer B0 interrupt control register (TB0IC) Timer B1 interrupt control register (TB1IC) Timer B2 interrupt control register (TB2IC) INT0 interrupt control register (INT0IC) INT1 interrupt control register (INT1IC) INT2 interrupt control register (INT2IC) 002216 002316 010016 002416 010116 002516 DMA0 destination pointer (DAR0) 010216 010316 002616 010416 002716 002816 010516 DMA0 transfer counter (TCR0) 002916 010616 002A16 010716 010816 002B16 002C16 010916 DMA0 control register (DM0CON) 002D16 010A16 002E16 010B16 002F16 010C16 003016 010D16 003116 DMA1 source pointer (SAR1) 010E16 003216 010F16 003316 011016 011116 003416 003516 011216 DMA1 destination pointer (DAR1) 003616 011316 003716 011416 003816 003916 011716 012016 LCD mode register (LCDM) 011616 003A16 LCD RAM12(LRAM12) LCD RAM13(LRAM13) LCD RAM14(LRAM14) LCD RAM15(LRAM15) LCD RAM16(LRAM16) LCD RAM17(LRAM17) LCD RAM18(LRAM18) LCD RAM20(LRAM20) LCD RAM21(LRAM21) LCD RAM22(LRAM22) LCD RAM23(LRAM23) 011516 DMA1 transfer counter (TCR1) LCD RAM0(LRAM0) LCD RAM1(LRAM1) LCD RAM2(LRAM2) LCD RAM3(LRAM3) LCD RAM4(LRAM4) LCD RAM5(LRAM5) LCD RAM6(LRAM6) LCD RAM7(LRAM7) LCD RAM8(LRAM8) LCD RAM9(LRAM9) 003B16 003C16 DMA1 control register (DM1CON) 003D16 012116 003E16 012216 003F16 012316 012416 Segment output enable register (SEG) LCD frame frequency counter (LCDTIM) 012516 012616 Key input mode register (KUPM) Note : Locations in the SFR area where nothing is allocated are reserved areas. Do not access these areas for read or write. Figure 1.7.1. Location of peripheral unit control registers (1) 15 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group SFR 034016 SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Count start flag 1 (TABSR1) 038016 034116 034216 034316 034416 038116 One-shot start flag 1 (ONSF1) Trigger select register 1 (TRGSR1) Up-down flag 1(UDF1) 038216 038316 038416 034516 034616 034716 034816 034916 034A16 034B16 038516 038616 Timer A5 register (TA5) 038716 Timer A6 register (TA6) 038816 Timer A7 register (TA7) 038A16 038916 038B16 034C16 038C16 034D16 038D16 034E16 038E16 034F16 038F16 035016 035116 035216 035316 035416 035516 035616 035716 035816 039016 Timer B3 register (TB3) 039116 039216 Timer B4 register (TB4) 039316 Timer B5 register (TB5) 039416 Timer A5 mode register (TA5MR) Timer A6 mode register (TA6MR) Timer A7 mode register (TA7MR) 039616 039516 039716 039816 035916 039916 035A16 035B16 035C16 035D16 035E16 035F16 Count start flag 0 (TABSR0) Clock prescaler reset flag (CPSRF) One-shot start flag 0 (ONSF0) Trigger select register 0 (TRGSR0) Up-down flag 0 (UDF0) 039A16 Timer B3 mode register (TB3MR) Timer B4 mode register (TB4MR) Timer B5 mode register(TB5MR) Interrupt cause select register 0 (IFSR0) Interrupt cause select register 1 (IFSR1) Clock division counter control register (CDCC) 039B16 039C16 039D16 Timer A0 register (TA0) Timer A1 register (TA1) Timer A2 register (TA2) Timer A3 register (TA3) Timer A4 register (TA4) Timer B0 register (TB0) Timer B1 register (TB1) Timer B2 register (TB2) Timer A0 mode register (TA0MR) Timer A1 mode register (TA1MR) Timer A2 mode register (TA2MR) Timer A3 mode register (TA3MR) Timer A4 mode register (TA4MR) Timer B0 mode register (TB0MR) Timer B1 mode register (TB1MR) Timer B2 mode register (TB2MR) 039E16 039F16 03A016 UART0 transmit/receive mode register (U0MR) 036116 03A116 UART0 bit rate generator (U0BRG) 036216 03A216 036316 03A316 UART0 transmit buffer register (U0TB) 036416 03A416 036516 03A516 036616 03A616 036716 03A716 036816 03A816 036916 03A916 036A16 03AA16 036B16 03AB16 036C16 03AC16 036016 036D16 036E16 03AE16 03AF16 037016 03B016 037116 03B116 037216 03B216 037316 03B316 037416 03B416 037516 03B516 037716 037816 037916 037A16 037B16 037C16 037D16 037E16 037F16 UART0 receive buffer register (U0RB) 03AD16 Clock division counter (CDC) 036F16 037616 UART0 transmit/receive control register 0 (U0C0) UART0 transmit/receive control register 1 (U0C1) UART2 special mode register 2(U2SMR2) UART2 special mode register (U2SMR) 03B616 UART2 transmit/receive mode register (U2MR) UART2 bit rate generator (U2BRG) 03B816 UART2 transmit buffer register (U2TB) 03BA16 UART transmit/receive control register 2 (UCON) Flash memory control register (FMCR)(Note) 03B716 DMA0 request cause select register (DM0SL) 03B916 DMA1 request cause select register (DM1SL) 03BB16 UART2 transmit/receive control register 0 (U2C0) UART2 transmit/receive control register 1 (U2C1) 03BC16 UART2 receive buffer register (U2RB) 03BE16 03BD16 03BF16 Note1 : This register is only exist in flash memory version. Note2 : Locations in the SFR area where nothing is allocated are reserved areas. Do not access these areas for read or write. Figure 1.7.2. Location of peripheral unit control registers (2) 16 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group SFR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER 03C016 03C116 03C216 03C316 03C416 03C516 03C616 03C716 03C816 03C916 03CA16 03CB16 03CC16 03CD16 A-D register 0 (AD0) A-D register 1 (AD1) A-D register 2 (AD2) A-D register 3 (AD3) A-D register 4 (AD4) A-D register 5 (AD5) A-D register 6 (AD6) 03CE16 03CF16 03D016 03D116 03D216 03D316 03D416 A-D control register 2 (ADCON2) 03D516 03D616 03D716 03D816 A-D control register 0 (ADCON0) A-D control register 1 (ADCON1) D-A register 0 (DA0) 03D916 03DA16 D-A register 1 (DA1) 03DB16 03DC16 D-A control register (DACON) 03DD16 03DE16 03DF16 03E016 03E116 03E216 03E316 03E416 03E516 03E616 03E716 03E816 03E916 03EA16 03EB16 03EC16 03ED16 03EE16 03EF16 03F016 03F116 03F216 03F316 03F416 03F516 03F616 03F716 03F816 03F916 03FA16 03FB16 03FC16 03FD16 03FE16 03FF16 Port P0 register (P0) Port P1 register (P1) Port P0 direction register (PD0) Port P1 direction register (PD1) Port P2 register (P2) Port P3 register (P3) Port P2 direction register (PD2) Port P3 direction register (PD3) Port P4 register (P4) Port P5 register (P5) Port P4 direction register (PD4) Port P5 direction register (PD5) Port P6 register (P6) Port P7 register (P7) Port P6 direction register (PD6) Port P7 direction register (PD7) Port P8 register (P8) Port P9 register (P9) Port P8 direction register (PD8) Port P9 direction register (PD9) Port P10 register (P10) Port P11 register (P11) Port P10 direction register (PD10) Port P11 direction register (PD11) Port P12 register (P12) Port P13 register (P13) Port P12 direction register (PD12) Port P13 direction register (PD13) Pull-up control register 0 (PUR0) Pull-up control register 1 (PUR1) Pull-up control register 2 (PUR2) Real time port control register (RTP) Note : Locations in the SFR area where nothing is allocated are reserved areas. Do not access these areas for read or write. Figure 1.7.3. Location of peripheral unit control registers (3) 17 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Programmable I/O Ports There are 83 programmable I/O ports: P0 to P13 (excluding P77). Each port can be set independently for input or output using the direction register. A pull-up resistance for each block of 4 ports can be set. P77 is an input-only port and has no built-in pull-up resistance. Figures 1.19.1 to 1.19.4 show the programmable I/O ports. Figure 1.19.5 shows the I/O pins. Each pin functions as a programmable I/O port and as the I/O for the built-in peripheral devices. To use the pins as the inputs for the built-in peripheral devices, set the direction register of each pin to input mode. When the pins are used as the outputs for the built-in peripheral devices (other than the D-A converter), they function as outputs regardless of the contents of the direction registers. When pins are to be used as the outputs for the D-A converter, do not set the direction registers to output mode. (1) Direction registers These registers are used to choose the direction of the programmable I/O ports. Each bit in these registers corresponds one for one to each I/O pin. Note: There is no direction register bit for P77. (2) Port registers These registers are used to write and read data for input and output to and from an external device. A port register consists of a port latch to hold output data and a circuit to read the status of a pin. Each bit in port registers corresponds one for one to each I/O pin. (3) Pull-up control registers The pull-up control register can be set to apply a pull-up resistance to each block of 4 ports. When ports are set to have a pull-up resistance, the pull-up resistance is connected only when the direction register is set for input. The pull-up resistance is not connected for pins that are set for output from peripheral functions, regardless of the setting in the pull-up control register. When pull-up is ON for ports P1 and P2, an intermittent pull-up that pulls up the port for only a set period of time, can be performed from the key input mode register. (4) Key input mode register With bits 0 and 1 of this register, it is possible to select both edges or the fall edge of the key input for P1 and P2. Also, with bit 2, it is possible to make the pull-up for a port (P1 or P2), which is set for pull-up using the pull-up control register, automatically connect as an intermittent pull-up. And, using the significant 3 bits, the pull-up resistance can be connected to and disconnected from ports P12 and P13. (5) Real-time port control register The real-time port control register can be used to set the registers of ports P0, P1, P2 and P12 for realtime port output, whereby output is synchronized with timer overflow of timers A0, A1, A5 and A6 in the timer mode. 18 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER P00 to P07, P120 to P125 VL3/VCC Direction register VL2/VCC VL3/VCC LCD drive timing “1” “1” Interface logic level shift circuit Data bus Port latch Segment output VL1/VSS Port/segment D Timer A overflow Q Port ON/OFF CK P10 to P17, P20 to P27 Intermittent pull-up control Pull-up selection Direction register “1” Port latch Data bus D Q Timer A overflow CK Q D CK P30 to P33, P41, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P62, P74 to P76, P81 Pull-up selected Direction register Data bus Port latch P34, P35 Pull-up selection Direction register Data bus Port latch Figure 1.19.1. Programmable I/O ports (1) 19 Intermittent pull-up control Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Pull-up selection P42, P46, P60, P61, P72, P73, P80, P82, P84, P86 Direction register “1” Output Data bus Port latch Input respective peripheral functions Pull-up selection P57, P63 Direction register “1” Output Data bus Port latch Direction register P70, P71 “1” Output Data bus Port latch Input respective peripheral functions P77 Data bus NMI interrupt input Figure 1.19.2. Programmable I/O ports (2) 20 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port P90 to P96 SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Pull-up selection Direction register Data bus Port latch Analog input P100 to P103, P110 to P117 VL3/VCC Direction register LCD drive timing “1” Interface logic level shift circuit Data bus Port latch Segment output VL1/VSS Port/segment Port ON/OFF P130 Pull-up selection Direction register Data bus Port latch Input respective peripheral functions Analog output Figure 1.19.3. Programmable I/O ports (3) 21 VL2/VCC VL3/VCC Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER P131 Pull-up selection Direction register Data bus Port latch Analog output COM0 to COM3, SEG2 to SEG15 VL3 VL2 VL1 The gate input signal of each transistor is controlled by the LCD duty ratio and the bias value. VSS Figure 1.19.4. Programmable I/O ports (4) RESET RESET signal input (Note) Note : symbolizes a parasitic diode. Do not apply a voltage higher than VCC to each pin. Figure 1.19.5. I/O pins 22 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Programmable I/O Port SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Table 1.19.1. Example connection of unused pins in single-chip mode Pin name Connection Ports P0 to P13 (excluding P77) After setting for output mode, leave these pins open; or after setting for input mode, connect every pin to VSS via a resistor.(Note1,Note3) XOUT (Note 2),XCOUT Open XCIN Connect via resistor to VSS (pull-down) NMI Connect via resistor to VCC (pull-up) AVCC Connect to VCC AVSS, VREF Connect to VSS COM0〜COM3 Open SEG2〜SEG15 Open C1, C2 Open VL2, VL3 Connect to VCC VL1 Connect to VSS CNVSS Connect via resistor to VSS Note 1: If setting these pins in output mode and opening them, ports are in input mode untill switched into output mode by use of software after reset. Thus the voltage levels of the pins become unstable, and there can be instances in which the power source current increases while the ports are in input mode. In view of an instance in which the contents of the direction registers change due to a runaway generated by noise or other causes, setting the contents of the direction registers periodically by use of software increases program reliability. Note 2: With external clock input to XIN pin. Note 3: Output "L" if port P70 and P71 are set to output mode.Port P70 and P71 are N channel open drain. Microcomputer Port P0 to P13 (except for P77) (Input mode) · (Input mode) (Output mode) · · · Open NMI VCC Open XCOUT Open COM0〜COM3 SEG2〜SEG15 Open AVCC VL3 VL2 VL1 AVSS VREF XCIN CNVSS VSS Figure 1.19.13. Example connection of unused pins 23 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Usage precaution SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Usage Precaution Timer A (timer mode) (1) Reading the timer Ai register while a count is in progress allows reading, with arbitrary timing, the value of the counter. Reading the timer Ai register with the reload timing gets “FFFF16”. Reading the timer Ai register after setting a value in the timer Ai register with a count halted but before the counter starts counting gets a proper value. Timer A (event counter mode) (1) Reading the timer Ai register while a count is in progress allows reading, with arbitrary timing, the value of the counter. Reading the timer Ai register with the reload timing gets “FFFF16” by underflow or “000016” by overflow. Reading the timer Ai register after setting a value in the timer Ai register with a count halted but before the counter starts counting gets a proper value. (2) When stop counting in free run type, set timer again. Timer A (one-shot timer mode) (1) Setting the count start flag to “0” while a count is in progress causes as follows: • The counter stops counting and a content of reload register is reloaded. • The TAiOUT pin outputs “L” level. • The interrupt request generated and the timer Ai interrupt request bit goes to “1”. (2) The timer Ai interrupt request bit goes to “1” if the timer's operation mode is set using any of the following procedures: • Selecting one-shot timer mode after reset. •Changing operation mode from timer mode to one-shot timer mode. • Changing operation mode from event counter mode to one-shot timer mode. Therefore, to use timer Ai interrupt (interrupt request bit), set timer Ai interrupt request bit to “0” after the above listed changes have been made. Timer A (pulse width modulation mode) (1) The timer Ai interrupt request bit becomes “1” if setting operation mode of the timer in compliance with any of the following procedures: • Selecting PWM mode after reset. •Changing operation mode from timer mode to PWM mode. •Changing operation mode from event counter mode to PWM mode. Therefore, to use timer Ai interrupt (interrupt request bit), set timer Ai interrupt request bit to “0” after the above listed changes have been made. (2) Setting the count start flag to “0” while PWM pulses are being output causes the counter to stop counting. If the TAiOUT pin is outputting an “H” level in this instance, the output level goes to “L”, and the timer Ai interrupt request bit goes to “1”. If the TAiOUT pin is outputting an “L” level in this instance, the level does not change, and the timer Ai interrupt request bit does not becomes “1”. Timer B (timer mode, event counter mode) (1) Reading the timer Bi register while a count is in progress allows reading , with arbitrary timing, the value of the counter. Reading the timer Bi register with the reload timing gets “FFFF16”. Reading the timer Bi register after setting a value in the timer Bi register with a count halted but before the counter starts counting gets a proper value. 24 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Usage precaution SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Timer B (pulse period/pulse width measurement mode) (1) If changing the measurement mode select bit is set after a count is started, the timer Bi interrupt request bit goes to “1”. (2) When the first effective edge is input after a count is started, an indeterminate value is transferred to the reload register. At this time, timer Bi interrupt request is not generated. Real time port (1) Make sure timer Ai for real time port output is set for timer mode, and is set to have “no gate function” using the gate function select bit. (2) Before setting the real time port mode select bit to “1”, temporarily turn off the timer Ai used and write its set value to the timer Ai register. Sirial I/O (1) In case IIC mode select bit (bit 0 of address 037716) is set to "1" with UART2.When setting up port direction P7 (address 03EF16), write immediate values. If you use Read/Modify/Write instructions (BSET,BCLR,AND,OR,etc..) on the P7 direction register, the value of P71 direction register may change to unknown data. (2) MASK ROM version ONRY when IIC mode select bit (bit 0 of address 037716) and the internal/ external select bit (bit 3 of address 037816) are both set to "1". The function of "SCL wait output bit 2 (bit 5 of address 037616)" dose not work. (3) MASK ROM version ONRY when IIC mode select bit (bit 0 of address 037716) and the internal/ external select bit (bit 3 of address 037816) are both set to "1". According to the datasheet, when IICM is set to "1", the port terminal is readable by the CPU even though "1" is assigned to P71 of the direction register. However, the CPU cannot read port P71 data if the P71 direction register is set to "1". A-D Converter (1) Write to each bit (except bit 6) of A-D control register 0, to each bit of A-D control register 1, and to bit 0 of A-D control register 2 when A-D conversion is stopped (before a trigger occurs). In particular, when the Vref connection bit is changed from “0” to “1”, start A-D conversion after an elapse of 1 µs or longer. (2) When changing A-D operation mode, select analog input pin again. (3) Using one-shot mode or single sweep mode Read the correspondence A-D register after confirming A-D conversion is finished. (It is known by AD conversion interrupt request bit.) (4) Using repeat mode, repeat sweep mode 0 or repeat sweep mode 1 Use the undivided main clock as the internal CPU clock. Stop Mode and Wait Mode ____________ (1) When returning from stop mode by hardware reset, RESET pin must be set to “L” level until main clock oscillation is stabilized. (2) When switching to either wait mode or stop mode, instructions occupying four bytes either from the WAIT instruction or from the instruction that sets the every-clock stop bit to “1” within the instruction queue are prefetched and then the program stops. So put at least four NOPs in succession either to the WAIT instruction or to the instruction that sets the every-clock stop bit to “1”. (3) When the MCU running in low-speed or low power dissipation mode, do not enter WAIT mode with peripheral function clock stop bit (CM02) set to "1". 25 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Usage precaution SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Interrupts (1) Reading address 0000016 • When maskable interrupt is occurred, CPU read the interrupt information (the interrupt number and interrupt request level) in the interrupt sequence. The interrupt request bit of the certain interrupt written in address 0000016 will then be set to “0”. Reading address 0000016 by software sets enabled highest priority interrupt source request bit to “0”. Though the interrupt is generated, the interrupt routine may not be executed. Do not read address 0000016 by software. (2) Setting the stack pointer • The value of the stack pointer immediately after reset is initialized to 000016. Accepting an interrupt before setting a value in the stack pointer may become a factor of runaway. Be sure to set a value in the stack pointer before accepting an interrupt. _______ When using the NMI interrupt, initialize the stack point at the beginning of a program. Concerning _______ the first instruction immediately after reset, generating any interrupts including the NMI interrupt is prohibited. _______ (3) The NMI interrupt _______ _______ • The NMI interrupt can not be disabled. Be sure to connect NMI pin to Vcc via a pull-up resistor if unused. _______ • Do not get either into stop mode with the NMI pin set to “L”. (4) External interrupt • When the polarity of the INT0 to INT5 pins is changed, the interrupt request bit is sometimes set to "1". After changing the polarity, set the interrupt request bit to "0". 26 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Usage precaution SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER (5) Rewrite the interrupt control register • To rewrite the interrupt control register, do so at a point that does not generate the interrupt request for that register. If there is possibility of the interrupt request occur, rewrite the interrupt control register after the interrupt is disabled. The program examples are described as follow: Example 1: INT_SWITCH1: FCLR I AND.B #00h, 0055h NOP NOP FSET I ; Disable interrupts. ; Clear TA0IC int. priority level and int. request bit. ; Four NOP instructions are required when using HOLD function. ; Enable interrupts. Example 2: INT_SWITCH2: FCLR I AND.B #00h, 0055h MOV.W MEM, R0 FSET I ; Disable interrupts. ; Clear TA0IC int. priority level and int. request bit. ; Dummy read. ; Enable interrupts. Example 3: INT_SWITCH3: PUSHC FLG FCLR I AND.B #00h, 0055h POPC FLG ; Push Flag register onto stack ; Disable interrupts. ; Clear TA0IC int. priority level and int. request bit. ; Enable interrupts. • When a instruction to rewrite the interrupt control register is executed but the interrupt is disabled, the interrupt request bit is not set sometimes even if the interrupt request for that register has been generated. This will depend on the instruction. If this creates problems, use the below instructions to change the register. Instructions : AND, OR, BCLR, BSET 27 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Table 1.21.1. Absolute maximum ratings Parameter Symbol Vcc AVcc Supply voltage Analog supply voltage VI Input voltage Condition Vcc=AVcc Vcc=AVcc RESET, VREF, XIN P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41 ,P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131 (Mask ROM version CNVss) Rated value V V – 0.3 to Vcc+0.3 V VL1 – 0.3 to VL2 VL2 VL1 to VL3 VL3 Unit – 0.3 to 6.5 – 0.3 to 6.5 VL2 to 6.5 – 0.3 to 6.5 P70, P71, C1, C2 (flash memory version CNVss) VO Output voltage P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131, XOUT P00 to P07, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125 – 0.3 to Vcc+0.3 When output port – 0.3 to Vcc When segment output – 0.3 to VL3 P70, P71 V – 0.3 to 6.5 Pd Power dissipation Operating ambient temperature 300 – 20 to 85 mW Topr Tstg Storage temperature – 40 to 150 °C Ta = 25°C 28 °C Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Table 1.21.2. Recommended operating conditions (referenced to VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V at Ta = – 20 to 85oC unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter 2.7 Vcc Supply voltage AVcc Vss Analog supply voltage Analog supply voltage Analog supply voltage AVss VIH VIL HIGH input voltage LOW input voltage IOH (peak) HIGH peak output current (Note 2) IOH (avg) IOL (peak) IOL (avg) Min. 5.5 0 V Vcc 0.2Vcc –0.5 V mA –10.0 –0.1 HIGH average P00 to P07, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125 output current P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, (Note 1) P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131, LOW peak P00 to P07, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125 output current P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, (Note 2) P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131, LOW average P00 to P07, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125 output current P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, (Note 1) P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131, VCC=4.0V to 5.5V 0 VCC=2.7V to 4.0V 0 VCC=4.0V to 5.5V 0 VCC=2.7V to 4.0V 0 With wait V 6.5 P00 to P07, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125 P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131, Main clock input oscillation frequency V V V 0.8Vcc P70, P71 P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, 0 P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS (Note 3) f (XcIN) 5.0 Unit Vcc 0 P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, 0.8Vcc P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS No wait f (XIN) Standard Typ. Max. mA –5.0 5.0 10.0 mA 2.5 mA 5.0 Subclock oscillation frequency 32.768 10 5 X VCC –10.000 10 2.31 X VCC +0.760 50 MHz MHz MHz MHz kHz AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Main clock input oscillation frequency (No wait) 10.0 5 X Vcc–10.000MHz 3.5 0.0 2.7 4.0 5.5 Supply voltage [V] (BCLK: no division) 29 Operating maximum frequency [MHZ] Operating maximum frequency [MHZ] Note 1: The mean output current is the mean value within 100ms. Note 2: The total IOL (peak) for ports P0, P1, P2, P30 to P35, P4, P5, P6, P70 to P76 and P122 to P127 must be 80mA max. The total IOH (peak) for ports P0, P1, P2, P30 to P35, P4, P5, P6, P72 to P76 and P122 to P127 must be 80mA max. The total IOL (peak) for ports P8, P9, P10, P11, P120, P121 and P130 to P132 must be 80mA max. The total IOH (peak) for ports P8, P9, P10, P11, P120,P121 and P130 to P132 must be 80mA max. Note 3: Relationship between main clock oscillation frequency and supply voltage. AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Main clock input oscillation frequency (With wait) 10.0 7.0 0.0 2.31 X VCC+0.760MHz 2.7 4.0 Supply voltage [V] (BCLK: no division) 5.5 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 5V Table 1.21.3. Electrical characteristics (referenced to VCC = 5V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN)=10MHZ unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Measuring condition Standard Min. Typ. Max. VOH HIGH output P00 to P07, P100 to P103, voltage P110 to P117, P120 to P125 IOH= –0.1mA 3.0 VOH HIGH output P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, IOH= –5mA voltage P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, IOH= –200µA P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131 3.0 VOH VOH VOL VOL VOL VT+-VT- HIGH output voltage XOUT HIGH output voltage XCOUT LOW output XOUT voltage LOW output XCOUT voltage Hysteresis IOH= –1mA 3.0 IOH= –0.5mA 3.0 HIGHPOWER With no load applied 3.0 LOWPOWER With no load applied 1.6 V IOL=5mA V 2.0 IOL=200µA IOH=1mA 2.0 LOWPOWER IOH=0.5mA 2.0 HIGHPOWER With no load applied 0 LOWPOWER With no load applied 0 TA0IN, TA3IN, TA4IN, TB0IN to TB3IN, INT0 to INT5, ADTRG, CTS0, CLK0, NMI, TA3OUT, TA4OUT, TA7OUT, KI0 to KI15 (Note), KI16 to KI19 IIH HIGH input P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, current P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS LOW input P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, current P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, Pull-up resistance P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, V 0.45 HIGHPOWER Hysteresis RPULLUP V 4.7 HIGHPOWER VT+-VT- IIL V LOWPOWER LOW output P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, voltage P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131 Unit V V 0.2 0.8 V 0.2 1.8 V VI=5V 5.0 µA VI=0V –5.0 µA RESET VI=0V 30.0 50.0 167.0 k RfXIN Feedback resistance XIN 1.0 M RfXCIN Feedback resistance XCIN 6.0 M VRAM RAM retention voltage When clock is stopped Note : Has no effect during intermittent pullup operation. 30 2.0 V Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 5V Table 1.21.4. Electrical characteristics (referenced to VCC = 5V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN)=10MHZ unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Measuring condition Min. f(XIN)=10MHz 19.0 Square wave, no division I/o pin is no load applied Mask ROM version f(XCIN)=32kHz Square wave Flash memory f(XCIN)=32kHz version Square wave Power supply current Icc Standard Typ. Max. Unit f(XCIN)=32kHz When a WAIT instruction is executed Supply voltage (VL1) When voltage multiplier used IL1 Power supply current (VL1) VL1=1.7V,f(LCDCK)=200Hz mA 90.0 µA 200.0 µA 4.0 µA When clock is stopped Ta=25 ºC When clock is stopped Ta=85 ºC VL1 38.0 1.0 µA 20.0 1.3 1.7 2.1 V 3.0 6.0 µA Table 1.21.5. A-D conversion characteristics (referenced to VCC = AVCC = VREF = 5V, Vss = AVSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 10MHZ unless otherwise specified) Symbol – – Parameter VREF =VCC 10 Sample & hold function not available VREF =VCC = 5V ±3 Bits LSB Sample & hold function available(10bit) VREF =VCC= 5V ±3 LSB Sample & hold function available(8bit) VREF = VCC = 5V ±2 LSB VIA Analog input voltage tSAMP Unit Absolute accuracy VREF tCONV Standard Min. Typ. Max. Resolution Ladder resistance Conversion time(10bit) Conversion time(8bit) Sampling time Reference voltage RLADDER tCONV Measuring condition VREF =VCC 10 40 k 3.3 µs 2.8 µs µs 0.3 2 VCC V 0 VREF V Table 1.21.6. D-A conversion characteristics (referenced to VCC = AVCC =VREF =5V, VSS = AVSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 10MHZ unless otherwise specified) Symbol tsu RO IVREF Parameter Resolution Absolute accuracy Setup time Output resistance Reference power supply input current Measuring condition (Note) Standard Typ. Max. 8 1.0 3 4 10 20 1.5 Min. Unit Bits % µs k mA Note: This applies when using one D-A converter, with the D-A register for the unused D-A converter set to “0016”. The A-D converter's ladder resistance is not included. Also, when the Vref is unconnected at the A-D control register, IVREF is sent. 31 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 5V Timing requirements (referenced to VCC = 5V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC unless otherwise specified) Table 1.21.7. External clock input Symbol tc tw(H) tw(L) tr tf Standard Min. Max. Parameter External clock input cycle time External clock input HIGH pulse width External clock input LOW pulse width External clock rise time External clock fall time 100 40 40 15 15 Unit ns ns ns ns ns Table 1.21.8. Timer A input (counter input in event counter mode) Symbol Standard Max. Min. Parameter Unit ns 100 tc(TA) tw(TAH) TAiIN input HIGH pulse width 40 ns tw(TAL) TAiIN input LOW pulse width 40 ns TAiIN input cycle time Table 1.21.9. Timer A input (gating input in timer mode) Standard Max. Min. 400 Parameter Symbol tc(TA) TAiIN input cycle time tw(TAH) tw(TAL) TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width Unit ns ns ns 200 200 Table 1.21.10. Timer A input (external trigger input in one-shot timer mode) Standard Parameter Symbol tc(TA) TAiIN input cycle time tw(TAH) tw(TAL) TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width Min. Max. 200 100 100 Unit ns ns ns Table 1.21.11. Timer A input (external trigger input in pulse width modulation mode) tw(TAH) tw(TAL) Standard Max. Min. 100 100 Parameter Symbol TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width Unit ns ns Table 1.21.12. Timer A input (up/down input in event counter mode) tc(UP) TAiOUT input cycle time Standard Max. Min. 2000 tw(UPH) tw(UPL) TAiOUT input HIGH pulse width TAiOUT input LOW pulse width 1000 1000 ns tsu(UP-TIN) th(TIN-UP) TAiOUT input setup time TAiOUT input hold time 400 400 ns ns Symbol Parameter 32 Unit ns ns Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 5V Timing requirements (referenced to VCC = 5V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC unless otherwise specified) Table 1.21.13. Timer B input (counter input in event counter mode) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. Unit Max. tc(TB) tw(TBH) TBiIN input cycle time (counted on one edge) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width (counted on one edge) 100 40 ns ns tw(TBL) TBiIN input LOW pulse width (counted on one edge) TBiIN input cycle time (counted on both edges) 40 200 ns tc(TB) tw(TBH) tw(TBL) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width (counted on both edges) TBiIN input LOW pulse width (counted on both edges) ns ns 80 80 ns Table 1.21.14. Timer B input (pulse period measurement mode) Symbol Standard Parameter Max. Min. Unit tc(TB) TBiIN input cycle time 400 ns tw(TBH) tw(TBL) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width TBiIN input LOW pulse width 200 200 ns ns Table 1.21.15. Timer B input (pulse width measurement mode) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. tc(TB) TBiIN input cycle time tw(TBH) tw(TBL) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width 400 200 TBiIN input LOW pulse width 200 Max. Unit ns ns ns Table 1.21.16. A-D trigger input Symbol tc(AD) tw(ADL) Standard Parameter Min. ADTRG input cycle time (trigger able minimum) ADTRG input LOW pulse width Max. Unit 1000 ns 125 ns Table 1.21.17. Serial I/O Symbol Standard Parameter Min. Max. Unit tc(CK) CLKi input cycle time 200 ns tw(CKH) tw(CKL) CLKi input HIGH pulse width CLKi input LOW pulse width 100 100 ns ns td(C-Q) TxDi output delay time th(C-Q) tsu(D-C) TxDi hold time RxDi input setup time th(C-D) RxDi input hold time 80 0 30 90 ns ns ns ns _______ Table 1.21.18. External interrupt INTi inputs Symbol Standard Min. Max. Parameter tw(INH) INTi input HIGH pulse width tw(INL) INTi input LOW pulse width 250 250 33 Unit ns ns Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER P0 P1 P2 P3 30pF P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Figure 1.21.1. Port P0 to P13 measurement circuit 34 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 5V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 5V tc(TA) tw(TAH) TAiIN input tw(TAL) tc(UP) tw(UPH) TAiOUT input tw(UPL) TAiOUT input (Up/down input) During event counter mode TAiIN input tsu(UP–TIN) th(TIN–UP) (When count on falling edge is selected) TAiIN input (When count on rising edge is selected) tc(TB) tw(TBH) TBiIN input tw(TBL) tc(AD) ADTRG input tw(ADL) tc(CK) tw(CKH) CLKi tw(CKL) th(C–Q) TxDi td(C–Q) RxDi tw(INL) INTi input tw(INH) 35 tsu(D–C) th(C–D) Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 3V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 3V Table 1.21.19. Electrical characteristics (referenced to VCC = 3V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 7MHZ, with wait) Symbol Parameter Measuring condition VOH HIGH output P00 to P07, P100 to P103, voltage P110 to P117, P120 to P125 VOH HIGH output P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, IOH= –1mA voltage P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P130, P131 VOH HIGH output voltage XOUT HIGH output voltage XCOUT VOH IOH= –20µA Hysteresis 2.5 2.5 HIGHPOWER With no load applied 3.0 LOWPOWER With no load applied 1.6 HIGHPOWER IOH=0.1mA 0.5 LOWPOWER IOH=50µA 0.5 HIGHPOWER With no load applied 0 LOWPOWER With no load applied 0 TA0IN, TA3IN, TA4IN, TB0IN to TB3IN, INT0 to INT5, ADTRG, CTS0, CLK0, NMI, TA3OUT, TA4OUT, TA7OUT, KI0 to KI15 (Note), KI16 to KI19 IIH HIGH input P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, current P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS LOW input P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, current P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P77, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, XIN, RESET, CNVSS P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, Pull-up resistance P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P72 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131, Feedback resistance XIN RfXCIN Feedback resistance XCIN VRAM RAM retention voltage V V V 0.2 0.8 V 0.2 1.8 V VI=3V 4.0 µA VI=0V –4.0 µA RESET RfXIN V 0.5 Hysteresis RPULLUP V IOL=1mA VT+-VT- IIL V IOH= –0.1mA LOW output XOUT voltage VT+-VT- 2.5 IOH= –50µA VOL LOW output XCOUT voltage V HIGHPOWER LOW output P00 to P07, P10 to P17, P20 to P27, P30 to P35, P41, P42, P46, P47, voltage P50 to P53, P56, P57, P60 to P63, P70 to P76, P80 to P82, P84, P86, P90 to P96, P100 to P103, P110 to P117, P120 to P125, P130, P131 Unit 2.0 LOWPOWER VOL VOL Standard Min. Typ. Max. VI=0V When clock is stopped Note : Has no effect during intermittent pullup operation. 36 66.0 120.0 2.0 500.0 k 3.0 M 10.0 M V Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Electric characteristics (VCC = 3V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 3V Table 1.21.20. Electrical characteristics (referenced to VCC = 3V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 7MHZ, with wait) Parameter Symbol Measuring condition Min. f(XIN)=7MHz 6.0 Square wave, no division I/o pin is no load applied Mask ROM version f(XCIN)=32kHz Square wave Flash memory f(XCIN)=32kHz version Square wave Power supply current Icc Standard Typ. Max. f(XCIN)=32kHz When a WAIT instruction is executed Oscillation capacity High (Note) 15.0 Unit mA 40.0 µA 150.0 µA 2.8 µA 0.9 µA f(XCIN)=32kHz When a WAIT instruction is executed Oscillation capacity Low (Note) When clock is stopped Ta=25 ºC When clock is stopped Ta=85 ºC VL1 Supply voltage (VL1) When voltage multiplier used IL1 Power supply current (VL1) VL1=1.7V,f(LCDCK)=200Hz 1.0 µA 20.0 1.3 1.7 2.1 V 3.0 6.0 µA Note: With one timer operated using fC32. Table 1.21.21. A-D conversion characteristics (referenced to VCC = AVCC = VREF = 3V, VSS = AVSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 7MHZ, with wait unless otherwise specified) Symbol – – Absolute accuracy RLADDER Standard Min. Typ. Max. Bits ±2 LSB 10 40 14.0 2.7 0 VCC VREF k µs V V Sample & hold function not available(8bit) VREF =VCC = 3V, φAD=fAD/2 Ladder resistance VREF =VCC Conversion time(8bit) Reference voltage Analog input voltage Unit 10 VREF =VCC Resolution tCONV VREF VIA Measuring condition Parameter Table 1.21.22. D-A conversion characteristics (referenced to VCC = AVCC= VREF= 3V, VSS = AVSS = 0V, at Ta = 25oC, f(XIN) = 7MHZ unless otherwise specified) Symbol tsu RO IVREF Parameter Resolution Absolute accuracy Setup time Output resistance Reference power supply input current Measuring condition Min. 4 (Note) Standard Typ. Max. 10 8 1.0 3 20 1.0 Unit Bits % µs k mA Note : This applies when using one D-A converter, with the D-A register for the unused D-A converter set to “0016”. The A-D converter's ladder resistance is not included. Also, when the Vref is unconnected at the A-D control register, IVREF is sent. 37 Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 3V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 3V Timing requirements (referenced to VCC = 3V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC unless otherwise specified) Table 1.21.23. External clock input Symbol tc tw(H) tw(L) tr tf Standard Min. Max. Parameter External clock input cycle time External clock input HIGH pulse width External clock input LOW pulse width External clock rise time External clock fall time 143 60 60 18 18 Unit ns ns ns ns ns Table 1.21.24. Timer A input (counter input in event counter mode) Symbol Standard Max. Min. 150 Parameter tc(TA) tw(TAH) TAiIN input HIGH pulse width 60 tw(TAL) TAiIN input LOW pulse width 60 TAiIN input cycle time Unit ns ns ns Table 1.21.25. Timer A input (gating input in timer mode) Symbol tc(TA) tw(TAH) tw(TAL) Standard Max. Min. Parameter Unit TAiIN input cycle time 600 ns TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width 300 300 ns ns Table 1.21.26. Timer A input (external trigger input in one-shot timer mode) tc(TA) TAiIN input cycle time tw(TAH) TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width tw(TAL) Standard Min. Max. Parameter Symbol 300 150 150 Unit ns ns ns Table 1.21.27. Timer A input (external trigger input in pulse width modulation mode) tw(TAH) tw(TAL) Standard Min. Max. 150 150 Parameter Symbol TAiIN input HIGH pulse width TAiIN input LOW pulse width Unit ns ns Table 1.21.28. Timer A input (up/down input in event counter mode) tc(UP) tw(UPH) tw(UPL) tsu(UP-TIN) th(TIN-UP) Standard Min. Max. 3000 1500 1500 Parameter Symbol TAiOUT input cycle time TAiOUT input HIGH pulse width TAiOUT input LOW pulse width TAiOUT input setup time TAiOUT input hold time 600 600 38 Unit ns ns ns ns ns Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 3V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 3V Timing requirements (referenced to VCC = 3V, VSS = 0V at Ta = 25oC unless otherwise specified) Table 1.21.29. Timer B input (counter input in event counter mode) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. tc(TB) tw(TBH) tw(TBL) tc(TB) tw(TBH) tw(TBL) Unit Max. TBiIN input cycle time (counted on one edge) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width (counted on one edge) 150 ns 60 TBiIN input LOW pulse width (counted on one edge) TBiIN input cycle time (counted on both edges) 60 300 ns ns TBiIN input HIGH pulse width (counted on both edges) TBiIN input LOW pulse width (counted on both edges) 160 160 ns ns ns Table 1.21.30. Timer B input (pulse period measurement mode) Symbol Standard Max. Min. Parameter Unit tc(TB) TBiIN input cycle time 600 ns tw(TBH) tw(TBL) TBiIN input HIGH pulse width TBiIN input LOW pulse width 300 300 ns ns Table 1.21.31. Timer B input (pulse width measurement mode) Symbol tc(TB) tw(TBH) tw(TBL) Standard Parameter Min. 600 TBiIN input cycle time TBiIN input HIGH pulse width Unit Max. ns ns ns 300 TBiIN input LOW pulse width 300 Table 1.21.32. A-D trigger input Symbol tc(AD) tw(ADL) Standard Min. Max. 1500 Parameter ADTRG input cycle time (trigger able minimum) ADTRG input LOW pulse width Unit ns ns 200 Table 1.21.33. Serial I/O Symbol tc(CK) Standard Parameter Min. Max. Unit CLKi input cycle time 300 ns tw(CKH) CLKi input HIGH pulse width CLKi input LOW pulse width TxDi output delay time 150 150 ns tw(CKL) td(C-Q) th(C-Q) tsu(D-C) TxDi hold time RxDi input setup time th(C-D) RxDi input hold time 160 0 50 90 ns ns ns ns ns _______ Table 1.21.34. External interrupt INTi inputs Symbol Standard Min. Max. Parameter tw(INH) INTi input HIGH pulse width tw(INL) INTi input LOW pulse width 380 380 39 Unit ns ns Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Timing (VCC = 3V) SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER VCC = 3V tc(TA) tw(TAH) TAiIN input tw(TAL) tc(UP) tw(UPH) TAiOUT input tw(UPL) TAiOUT input (Up/down input) During event counter mode TAiIN input (When count on falling edge is selected) tsu(UP–TIN) th(TIN–UP) TAiIN input (When count on rising edge is selected) tc(TB) tw(TBH) TBiIN input tw(TBL) tc(AD) tw(ADL) ADTRG input tc(CK) tw(CKH) CLKi tw(CKL) th(C–Q) TxDi td(C–Q) tsu(D–C) RxDi INTi input tw(INL) tw(INH) 40 th(C–D) Mitsubishi microcomputers M30221 Group Usage precaution peculiar to M30221 Group SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Usage precaution against the differences between M30220 Group and M30221 Group Differences between M30220 Group and M30221 Group M30220 Group Items Internal Memory 64K*** 96K 128K** 24K 32K*** 64K*** 128K** RAM (Byte) 4K*** 6K 10K** 1.5K 2K*** 4K*** 10K** Input only / Output only I/O Ports Input only : 1 / Output only : 16 (shared with LCD outputs) 81 (26 lines are shared with LCD outputs) 2 2 8+6 − CRC Operation Circuit Clock Sync. / UART 3 2 Clock Synchronous − UART only − A-D Converter (resolution × channels) D-A Converter (resolution × channels) 10bits×8 8bits×3 External Interrupts (source) 10bits×7 8bits×2 8 Watchdog Timer LCD Controller / Driver Input only : 1 / Output only : 14 (shared with LCD outputs) 102 (32 lines are shared with LCD outputs) CMOS I/O N-channel open-drain DMAC (channels) 16-bit timers Serial I/O M30221 Group ROM (Byte) Available Segment (lines) 48 40 Common (lines) 4 Charge pump Available Real Time Output Ports (bits × ports) 8×4 Key-on Wake up (lines) 8×3, 6×1 Max.20 (16 lines have Intermittent pull-up operation) Sub Clock Generating Circuit Available 144-pin TQFP (144PFB-A) 144-pin LQFP (144P6Q-A) Packages Power Source Voltage (V) Operating Temperature Range (℃) 120-pin LQFP (120P6R-A) 2.7 to 5.5 (7MHz with 1wait)、 4.0 to 5.5 (10MHz) -20 to 85、-40 to 85 Minimum Instruction Excution Time (ns) 100 (10MHz) Number of Basic Instructions 91 ★★:Under development ★★★:Under planning (April. 2001) Deleted pins from M30220 Group Port Deleted pin name P0 − P1 − P2 − P3 − P4 P40/TA0OUT、P43/TA1IN、P44/TA2OUT、P45/TA2IN P5 P54/TB4IN、P55/TB5IN P6 P64/CTS1/RTS1/CLKS1、P65/CLK1、P66/RXD1、P67/TXD1 P7 − P8 P83/TA5IN、P85/TA6IN、P87/TA7IN P9 P97/AN7 P10 P104/SEG20、P105/SEG21、P106/SEG22、P107/SEG23 P11 − P12 P126/SEG38、P127/SEG39 P13 P132/DA2 others SEG0、SEG1、VSS(1 pin) 41 Mitsubishi microcomputers Usage precaution peculiar to M30221 Group M30221 Group SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Usage precaution against timer A Mode Timer mode Event counter mode One-shot timer mode Function Not available timer Ai Pulse output Timer A0 and A2 are not available. Gate input Timer A1 , A2 , and A5 to A7 are not available. Pulse output Timer A0 and A2 are not available. Count source input Timer A1 , A2 , and A5 to A7 are not available. Up / down count select input Timer A0 and A2 are not available. Two-phase pulse input Timer A2 and A7 are not available.(Note 1) Pulse output Timer A0 and A2 are not available. Trigger input Timer A1 , A2 , and A5 to A7 are not available. Timer A0 and A2 are not available. Pulse width modulation mode Trigger input Timer A1 and A5 to A7 are not available. Note 1.Timer A3 and A4 are available. Usage precaution against timer B Mode Function Event counter mode Count source input Not available timer Bi Timer B4 and B5 are not available. Pulse period / pulse width measurement mode Timer B4 and B5 are not available. Usage precaution against real time port outputs (1) Pins P126 and P127 are deleted. Usage precaution against serial I/O (1) UART1 is not available. Usage precaution against LCD controller / driver (1) Pins SEG0 , SEG1 , SEG20 to SEG23 , SEG38 and SEG39 are deleted. (2) Addresses of the designated RAM for the LCD display 010016 , 010A16 , 010B16 and 011316 are reserved area. (3) Bit 5 of the segment output enable register (address 012216) is reserved bit. Must always be clear to "0". 42 Mitsubishi microcomputers Usage precaution peculiar to M30221 Group M30221 Group SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Usage precaution against A-D converter (1) AN7 pin is deleted. (2) Do not set the analog input pin select bit (bit 0 to 2 at address 03D616) to "111" in one-shot mode and in repeat mode. (3) When the A-D sweep pin select bit (bit 0 , 1 at address 03D716) is set to "11" in single sweep mode , the interrupt request generation timing of the A-D conversion is the A-D conversion time of all 8 pins. (4) The sweep time is the A-D conversion time of all 8 pins in repeat sweep mode 1 and when the A-D sweep pin select bit (bit 0 , 1 at address 03D716) is set to "11" in repeat sweep mode 0. Usage precaution against D-A converter (1) DA2 pin is deleted. (2) Bit 2 of the D-A control register (address 03DC16) is reserved bit. Must always be clear to "0". (3) Address 03DE16 must always be clear to "0016". Usage precaution against programmable I/O (1) Reserved bits of the port Pi direction register and the port Pi register Register Bit Register Bit PD0、P0 − PD7、P7 − PD1、P1 − PD8、P8 b3、b5、b7(Note 1) PD2、P2 − PD9、P9 b7(Note 1) PD3、P3 − PD10、P10 b4〜b7(Note 1) PD4、P4 b0、b3〜b5(Note 1) PD11、P11 − PD5、P5 b4、b5(Note 1) PD12、P12 b6、b7(Note 1) PD6、P6 b4〜b7(Note 1) PD13、P13 b2(Note 1) Note 1.These are reserved bits. Must always be clear to "0". (2) Reserved bits of the pull-up control register Bit 5 of the pull-up control register 1 (address 03FD16) and bit 5 of the pull-up control register 2 (address 03FE16) are reserved bits. Must always be clear to "0". 43 Keep safety first in your circuit designs! ● Mitsubishi Electric Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of non-flammable material or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap. Notes regarding these materials ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Mitsubishi semiconductor product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or a third party. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of any third-party's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or circuit application examples contained in these materials. All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semiconductor product distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein. The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors. Please also pay attention to information published by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation by various means, including the Mitsubishi Semiconductor home page (http:// When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs, and algorithms, please be sure to evaluate all information as a total system before making a final decision on the applicability of the information and products. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability or other loss resulting from the information contained herein. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or system that is used under circumstances in which human life is potentially at stake. Please contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semiconductor product distributor when considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes, such as apparatus or systems for transportation, vehicular, medical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use. The prior written approval of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is necessary to reprint or reproduce in whole or in part these materials. If these products or technologies are subject to the Japanese export control restrictions, they must be exported under a license from the Japanese government and cannot be imported into a country other than the approved destination. Any diversion or reexport contrary to the export control laws and regulations of Japan and/or the country of destination is prohibited. Please contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semicon ductor product distributor for further details on these materials or the products con tained therein. MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTORS M30221 Group Specification REV.D May. First Edition 2001 Editioned by Committee of editing of Mitsubishi Semiconductor Published by Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Kitaitami Works This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. ©2001 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION