it Una. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 MD7003, F MD7003A, AF MD7003B MQ7003 PNP SILICON DUAL TRANSISTORS MULTIPLE SILICON ANNULAR TRANSISTORS . . .designed for use as high-gain, low-noise differential amplifiers, front end detectors, and temperature compensation applications. • Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage - • DC Current Gain Specified €> 1 00 /iAdc and 1 0 mAdc • High Current-Gain-Bandwidth Product - MD700&A* VcE(sat) • °'25 Vdc (Typ) ®> Ic = 10 mAdc •asp 11 i fr • 300 MHz (Tvp) @ Ic = 5.0 mAdc J-o 1 1 Ufa i .UHEltl DIM. \f MAXIMUM RATINGS > 3! T~-f Sl m » <t »W ;; "1 IL-12S- Collector-Emitter Voltaga Collector-Bale VolUga VCB Emitter-Bate Voltage V6B Collector Currant - Continuoui "D Total Power Oitlipation S T c - 25°C MO 7003, A .8 MO70O3F.AF MQ70O3 Dlrata above 25°C MD70O3.A.B MO7003F.AF MQ7003 Operating and Storaga Junction Temperature Range "•o Vdc rvtn M 1 CBUICtOft ] IAH 1 EHITTfl 1 UM mAdc One Die AIIDia Equal Powar 550 350 400 600 400 600 314 2.0 2.28 3.42 2.26 3.42 14 0.7 07 J.O 1.4 2.8 8.0 40 4.0 11.4 K N CASE BE407 H-- J;L s: ii H, n.s«ir II r r.H«c . m no >sc «.«* 0.0» MD700W Af & :^3 -c cpaqft & Watti S. IK ETtM DID Ti •M A 1 (41 c D mW/°C Tj.T,,9 i 0.2O f Vdc 5.0 50 >c Total Powar Oinipation S> TA - 25°C MD7003.A.B MD7003F.AF MO7003 Derate above 25ac M07003.A.B MD7003F.AF MO7003 Vdc 40 50 VcEQ laaf-Urt rTHAT THST MAX cai.uct4R °C "t.H o.ooi r, esc N 15 BSC ur CASE 6iOt-Q3 r MAX 0.290 a H 16 -65 to »200 1! MIN 0.240 Q.I IS 0,030 7U -i 3.019 s»s OHO BSC | 0.03J 1.17 >• l.l&o into o.: r~T53 4.41' an u o.: S . F. HJ 1 COLLICTf}* a.o (.10 i.!i - 1 ^M MQ7003 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS All On Character into Symbol Thermal Retiftance, Junction to Awv&ien1 MO7003,A,B MD7003F.AF MQ7003 R0JA*1* Tharmal Railitanca. Junction to Case MD70O3.A.B MO7003F.AF MQ7003 Coupling Factor MD7003.A.B MO7003F.AF MQ70O3 IQ1-Q2) iai-Q3or Q1-O4) One Die 319 500 438 Eogial Powar 292 438 292 Unit °C/W 125 250 250 87.5 125 626 Junction to Ambient Junction to 83 75 57 56 Can 40 0 0 0 5**^ TTt_.JlL.-^[- MM ruH ' °c/w RDJC „ S 1 CUM MAK 8« A f 1.05 MOT CD MCUD , ass s; II tWTT U IAB CASt 607 W ~H: B « 1 "TTTs" 7IC 0. INCHES 1 JL MAI U2S. i, n I SB" "fear M 0. ft _ iH f-k- JLB__^_ tL _-— OJI -f * - ; «L 5i_ j IT iJJi. - irST i 1 7,1n 1 ill P3M LJS. 1 11' HSJA '* maasiired with th» davica loidared into a typical printed circuit board. NJ^^Semi-Conductors reserves the nght to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. lnrormat,on turmshecI b> NJ Sem.-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use \\s encourages customers to verity that datasheets nre current before placing orders. Ounlih/ MD7003,A,AF,B,F. MQ7003 (continued) THERMAL COUPLING AND EFFECTIVE THERMAL RESISTANCE In multiple chip devices, coupling of htit between die occurs. Assuming equal thermal resilience for each die, equation 11} The junction temper iturs can bt calculated n fellovn: simplifies to R«3*«3 P 03 + R»4 K«4 PD4 Where ATj 1 is the change in junction tempereture of die 1 R»1 thru 4 is the thermal resistance of die 1 through 4 PD1 thru 4 is the power dissipation in die 1 through 4 K02 thru 4 is the thermal coupling between die 1 and die 2 through 4. An effective package thermal resistence can be defined follows: Where: - is the total package powtr dissipation. R s 1 (PD, For the conditions where PDI • P 02 " PO3 " PD4> PDT " ^O equation 13) can be further simplified and by substituting into equation (2) results in < 4 I R 9 ( E F F ) - R « 1 (1 *K«2+K|l3 Volues for the coupling factors when either the case or the ambient is used as a reference are given in the table on page 1. If significent power is to be diuipated in two die. die at the opposite ends of the package should be uMd so that lowest possible junction temperatures will result. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ITA * 2S°C unless otherwise noted.) L Characteristic I Symbol | Min Typ \x gnit Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage ID (l c - lOwAdc. I B - 0) BVCEO 40 - - Vdc Collector. Biu Breakdown Voltega dC" lOfiAdc.lg- 0) BVCBO SO - - Vdc Emitter-Bese Breakdown Voltage (IE- 10wAdc,l c - 0) 6V EB 0 5.0 - - Vdc ! CBO - - 100 nAdc 40 50 350 350 - _ 025 0.3S Vdc 0.6 1.0 Vdc 300 _ MHz 3.0 e.o PF pF Collector Cutoff Current (VCB - 30 Vdc, If - 0) ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain (1) (l c - 100/iAdc. V c £ - lOVdcl (1C- lOmAdc, VCE- lOVdcl Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (IQ- lOmAdc, Ig- LOmAdc) Beet-Emitter Seturation Voltage (1C* 10mAdc, Ig- LOmAdc) "FE VcE(sat) vBE(iet) _ _ DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current-Gein— Bandwidth Product <IC- B.OmAdc, Vcfi- 20 Vdc, f - 100MHz) Output Capacitance (VCB- 10 vdc,i e - o,f • 100 kHz) 'T C0b 200 _ Input Capacitance 1 V 8 g - 2.0 Vdc, lc - 0, f - 1 00 kHz) Clb - 2.0 8.0 Noise Figure llC - '00 MAdc, VCE -10 Vdc, R s - 3.0 k Ohms, 1 • 10 Hi to 15.7 kHz) NF _ 2.0 _ DC Current Gain Ratio (2) MD7003A.AF IIC-IOOpAdc, V C E - 10 Vdc) M07003B I>FE1"1FE2 0.76 0.85 _ 1.0 1.0 - Base-Emitter Voltage Differential MD7CW3A.AF (1C- 100 nAdc, VCE* lOVdcl MD7003B VBEI-VBEZ! 25 16 mV dB MATCHING CHARACTERISTICS (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300 us. Duty Cycle < 2.0%. (2) The lowest HPE reeding is tekan "hpEl for this ratio. ~ - \ CHARACTERISTICS