Optical Switch Tray OST Optical Switch Tray The Polatis OST family of products set the industry benchmark for performance in a compact, fully non-blocking optical switch. The OST is an ideal platform for network-level switching, given its ultra-low loss, fast switch speed, and high reliability for fiber routing, IP over optical, and client-side switching. The ability to manage bi-directional traffic and switch dark fiber provides network operators with an ideal tool for fiber-layer monitoring. The OST also excels in test environments, providing physical-layer connectivity for sharing of high value equipment and for automation of test sequences in design, verification, and manufacturing systems. Its instrumentgrade performance ensures the maximum signal fidelity, with ultra-high stability and repeatability. The OST is available in both symmetric (NxN) and asymmetric (MxN) port configurations, provided in a standard 19" rack mount enclosure. KEY FEATURES • Ultra-low insertion loss • High repeatability • High signal stability • Low polarization dependent loss • Fast switching speed • High power handling • Dark fiber switching • Fully non-blocking • Bi-directional operation • Protocol and bit rate independent • Ethernet, RS232 and GPIB options • Standard protocols: SCPI, TL1 DirectLight® Technology All Polatis products are based on the patented DirectLight beam-steering technology, setting the benchmark for reliable, high performance switching. Polatis also offers multimode OST and Reconfigurable single mode OST products, as well as a range of optical switch modules and standard backplane optical cards. APPLICATIONS • Client-side OOO switching • Hybrid OEO/OOO network switches • Network IP over optical routing • Network protection & restoration • ROADM • RF over fiber • Remote network monitoring & test access • Centralized PON/FTTH test capability • Automated component test • Network span emulation • Centralized optical equipment sharing • High power laser switching • Secure communication networks High performance optical switch solutions Packaging Information PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Fiber Count Designator G H Insertion Loss @ 1550nm 1 <1.0dB <1.4dB Polarization Dependent Loss <0.05dB <0.1dB Crosstalk <-70dB <-60dB Operating Wavelength Range 1260-1625nm Wavelength Dependent Loss <0.3dB (C+L Band) Repeatability ±0.05dB Return Loss 2 >55dB Switching Time Fiber Count Connector Dimensions Tray Dissipation 8-32 8-16 LC or MU FC, SC or ST 19” rack mount 1 rack unit high 17-32 FC, SC or ST 19” rack mount 2 rack units high 33-64 All 19” rack mount 3 rack units high 25W 45W <17ms Maximum Optical Power 3 +27dBm 108 cycles Switch Lifetime Operating Temp (Normal) +10° to +40°C, <85% RH non-condensing Ordering Information Operating Temp (Extended) - 5° to +55°C, <90% RH non-condensing Storage Temp (Normal) -40° to +70°C, <40% RH non-condensing The part numbering scheme for Polatis products is as follows: Storage Temp (Extended) -40° to +70°C, <95% RH non-condensing Qualification (Normal) Designed to meet EN60950 Qualification (Extended) Designed to meet Telcordia GR63 EN60950 All parameters are measured excluding connectors at 1550nm and 20°C with an unpolarized source after thermal equalization unless stated. 1. Measured using a 3 patch-cord method as defined in TIA/EIA-526-14A 2. With APC connectors return loss >70dB without connectors 3. Switch will operate on dark fiber The performance characteristics of the switch trays vary according to the fiber count. Fiber Count 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 G G G G H H H H G G G G H H H H G G G G H H H H G G G G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H OST - x - 1- Fibers 4-32 Input 8-32 Reconfigurable Fibers 4-32 Output CC = Reconfigurable Connector L = LC F = FC C = SC T = ST U = MU Polish U = UPC A = APC Fiber 1 = Single mode 9/125µm Interface E = Ethernet & RS232 M = Ethernet (Multisession) & RS232 G = GPIB, Ethernet & RS232 Protocol S = SCPI T = TL1 Power B = Battery (48V) Mains connector type A = North America/Japan E = Continental Europe U = UK C = China/Australia Environmental N = Normal E = Extended Customization S = Standard V = Non-standard Variant FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit our website: www.jdsu.com E-mail us: sales@jdsu.com PROD-402-04-0-S JULY 2006 Power Phone us: North American Sales: 1 866 228 3762 Latin American Sales: +55 11 5503 3800 Asia Pacific Sales: +852 2892 0990 EMEA Sales: +49 7121 86 2222 Copyright © 2006 Polatis Inc. All rights reserved. All information in this document is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Polatis Inc. assumes no liability for actions taken based on information contained herein.