S1188M T1/E1/CEPT/ISDN-PRI TRANSFORMER P/N: S1188M DATA SHEET Page : 1/1 Feature l l l l 16 pin SMD Line interface Modules to meet the isolation and impedance match requirements for T1,E1,CEPT and PRI ISDN applications. At -40°C,OCL is 600 uH minimum. All other parameters Are specified at +25°C. Operating temperature range: -40°C to +85°C. Storage temperature range: -40℃ to +125℃. Electrical Specifications @ 25°C Part Turns Ratio Number Pri:Sec (Typ±3%) S1188M 1CT:2CT Pri OCL (mH Min) L.L HIP-POT (uH Max) (Vrms) 1.2 0.4 1500 Continue Part CW/W Pri DCR Cross talk(dB Min) Number (pF Max) (ΩMax) 0.1-10MHz S1188M 30 0.7 Schematic Mechanical -60