defining a degree of excellence 5 TAP LEADING EDGE CONTROL HIGH -SPEED CMOS DELAY MODULES Cat 10-R3 .20 Typ .375 .350 .20 Typ 12 4 10 6 8 bel (DC ) (P/N) .30 .285 Max .20 Vcc 14 In 1 Gnd 7 .10 .80 Max * .30 4o .012 .008 .030 .012 .008 100o 90o Part Numbers S450-0025-02 S450-0030-02 S450-0040-02 S450-0050-02 S450-0060-02 A450-0025-02 A450-0030-02 A450-0040-02 A450-0050-02 A450-0060-02 S450-0070-02 A450-0070-02 S450-0075-02 A450-0075-02 S450-0080-02 A450-0080-02 S450-0090-02 S450-0100-02 S450-0125-02 S450-0150-02 S450-0200-02 A450-0090-02 A450-0100-02 A450-0125-02 A450-0150-02 A450-0200-02 Total Delay 25 30 40 50 60 Delay per Tap ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5 6 8 10 12 ns ns ns ns ns Rise Time 8 8 8 8 8 ns ns ns ns ns 14 ns 15 ns 16 ns 8 ns 8 ns 8 ns 18 20 25 30 40 8 8 8 8 8 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Tolerances Input to Taps + 2 ns or 5% , Whichever is Greater Tap to Tap + 2 ns or 7% , Whichever is Greater Delays measured @ 50% levels on Leading Edge only with no loads on Taps Rise and Fall Times measured from 10% to 90% levels Drive Capabilities Nh Logic 1 Fanout Nl Logic 0 Fanout - Infra Red 200 C Temp. 100o C 0 2 .20 Max .12 Min .015 Min .045 .018 4 6 Time in Minutes Pulse Voltage Rise Time Pulse Width Pulse Period Supply Current Supply Voltage 5.0 Volts 6.0 ns (10%-90%) 1.2 x Total Delay 4 x Pulse Width 25 ma Typical 5.0 Volts Electrical Characteristics Vcc Vin Vout Vih Vil Voh Iih Iil Icch Iccl Ta PW d Supply Voltage DC Input Voltage DC Output Voltage Logic 1 Input Voltage Logic 0 Input Voltage Logic 1 Output Voltage, @ 20 ua Logic 1 Output Voltage, @ 4 ma Logic 0 Output voltage, @ -20 ua Logic 0 Output Voltage, @ -4 ma Logic 1 Input Current Logic 0 Input Current Logic 1 Supply Current Logic 0 Supply Current Operating Free Air Temperature Min. Input Pulse Width of Total Delay Maximum Duty Cycle Tc Temp. Coeff. of Total Delay (TD) Vol Min. 4.75 0 0 3.15 Max. 5.25 Vcc Vcc 0.9 4.40 3.84 -40o 40 0.1 0.4 1 -1 40 30 85 o 50 Units V V V V V V V V V ua ua ua ma C % % 100 + (25000/TD) PPM/O C Notes Transfer molded for better reliability Compatible with CMOS & HCMOS circuits Terminals: Electro-Tin plate phosphor bronze Performance warranty is limited to specified parameters listed SMD - Tape & Reel available: 32mm Wide x 16mm Pitch, 500 pieces per 13" reel 225o C Max Temp. > 185o C for 90 Seconds Max o Ein Trin PW PP Iccl Vcc 10 LSTTL Loads Max. 10 LSTTL Loads Max. Recommended Temperature Profile 300o C .10 Test Conditions @ 25oC 70 ns 75 ns 80 ns 90 100 125 150 200 .20 .285 Max .23 Max .018 Coplanarity + .002 Thru-Hole (DC) (P/N) .80 Max .015 .004 .22 Max SMD bel .325 8 Other Delays and Tolerances Available Consult Sales Specifications subject to change without notice. Corporate Office Bel Fuse Inc. 198 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4496 Tel: 201-432-0463 Fax: 201-432-9542 E-Mail: Internet: 20 Far East Office Bel Fuse Ltd. 8F/8 Luk Hop Street San Po Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2328-5515 Fax: 852-2352-3706 European Office Bel Fuse Europe Ltd. Preston Technology Management Centre Marsh Lane, Preston PR1 8UD Lancashire, U.K. Tel: 44-1772-556601 Fax: 44-1772-888366