DATASHEET 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description • • • The STAC927x “Red River” is a family of Theater Quality 10-channel audio CODECs that enable systems with 7.1 audio playing simultaneously with VoIP or another stereo audio stream. IDT's proprietary Σ∆ technology provides high fidelity with an estimated DAC SNR up to 105dB. Up to four digital microphones are supported enabling high quality voice input for increased usability of voice applications. • • High performance Σ∆ technology • • • • • • 90dB ADC SNR • • Analog Stereo Microphone • Microphone Boost 0, 10, 20, 30, 40dB • • Integrated Headphone Amps (3) • ADAT® • • Volume Up/Down Control S/PDIF In and Out Optical “Lightpipe” Output Support Jack Insertion Detect and Impedance Sensing supports Jack Retasking and Universal Jacks IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Enables improved voice articulation Compressor/limiter allows higher average noise level without resonances Dolby PC Entertainment Experience Logo Program Dolby Master StudioTM (See Table) Dolby Home TheaterTM (See Table) Dolby Sound RoomTM (See Table) Dolby Technologies • • • Six adjustable Vref outputs for microphone bias Constant, system-level effects tuned to optimize a particular platform can be combined with user-mode “presets” tailored for specific acoustical environments and applications System-level effects automatically disabled when external connections made Dynamics Processing SKPI plug-in • • • Direct interface up to four Digital Microphones Enables plug-ins that can operate globally on all audio streams of the system 12 band parametric equalizer SKPI plug-in • • Supports 7.1 Audio with simultaneous Real Time Communication (RTC) channel such as VoIP or separate stereo audio stream Digital Microphone Interface • • SKPI (Kernel Processing Interface) • 105dB DAC SNR 24-bit resolution with up to 192 KHz sample rates • Environmental 48-pin LQFP package • Five Stereo DACs and three stereo ADCs • +3.3 V to +5 V analog power supply options • • High performance HD Audio CODEC provides Theater Quality Audio Digital PC Beep to all outputs Software Support Features • STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 Dolby HeadphoneTM, Dolby Virtual SpeakerTM Dolby ProLogic IITM, Dolby ProLogic IIxTM Dolby Digital LiveTM • Intel Audio StudioTM from Sonic Focus • • Maxx PlayerTM from Waves Microphone Beam Forming, Acoustic Echo Cancellation, & Noise Suppression from KnowlesTM 1 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table of Contents 1. DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 14 2. CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................... 15 2.1. Audio Fidelity ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2. Electrical Specifications ................................................................................................................... 15 2.3. STAC927x Family 5 V, 4.5 V, 4.0 V and 3.3 V Analog Performance Characteristics ..................... 17 3. DETAILED DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 21 3.1. Universal JacksTM .......................................................................................................................... 21 3.2. SPDIF Input ..................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3. SPDIF Output .................................................................................................................................. 23 3.4. ADAT® Output ................................................................................................................................. 23 3.5. Digital Microphone Support ............................................................................................................. 23 3.6. Analog PC-Beep .............................................................................................................................. 27 3.7. Headphone Drivers (Restrictions) ................................................................................................... 27 3.8. Device IDs ....................................................................................................................................... 27 4. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS ........................................................................................ 28 4.1. STAC9273/9274 .............................................................................................................................. 28 4.2. STAC9271/9272 .............................................................................................................................. 29 5. WIDGET DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................. 30 5.1. Pin Configuration Default Register Settings .................................................................................... 31 6. WIDGET INFORMATION FOR THE STAC927X FAMILY ..................................................... 32 6.1. Root Node (NID = 0x00) .................................................................................................................. 34 6.2. AFG Node (NID = 0x01) .................................................................................................................. 35 6.3. DAC0 Node (NID = 0x02) ................................................................................................................ 54 6.4. DAC1 Node (NID = 0x03) ................................................................................................................ 58 6.5. DAC2 Node (NID = 0x04) ................................................................................................................ 63 6.6. DAC3 Node (NID = 0x05) ................................................................................................................ 68 6.7. DAC4 Node (NID = 0x06) ................................................................................................................ 73 6.8. ADC0 Node (NID = 0x07) ................................................................................................................ 77 6.9. ADC1 Node (NID = 0x08) ................................................................................................................ 82 6.10. ADC2 Node (NID = 0x09) .............................................................................................................. 87 6.11. SPDIFOut Node (NID = 0x1E) ....................................................................................................... 92 6.12. SPDIFIn Node (NID = 0x20) .......................................................................................................... 97 6.13. PortA Node (NID = 0x0A) ............................................................................................................ 105 6.14. PortB Node (NID = 0x0B) ............................................................................................................ 111 6.15. PortC Node (NID = 0x0C) ............................................................................................................ 117 6.16. PortD Node (NID = 0x0D) ............................................................................................................ 123 6.17. PortE Node (NID = 0x0E) ............................................................................................................ 128 6.18. PortF Node (NID = 0x0F) ............................................................................................................ 133 6.19. PortG Node (NID = 0x10) ............................................................................................................ 139 6.20. PortH Node (NID = 0x11) ............................................................................................................ 144 6.21. DMic0 Node (NID = 0x13) ........................................................................................................... 149 6.22. DMic1 Node (NID = 0x14) ........................................................................................................... 152 6.23. DigOut0 Node (NID = 0x21) ........................................................................................................ 155 6.24. DigIn Node (NID = 0x22) ............................................................................................................. 160 6.25. InPort0Mux Node (NID = 0x15) ................................................................................................... 165 6.26. InPort1Mux Node (NID = 0x16) ................................................................................................... 170 6.27. InPort2Mux Node (NID = 0x17) ................................................................................................... 174 6.28. PCBEEP Node (NID = 0x23) ....................................................................................................... 179 6.29. CD Node (NID = 0x12) ................................................................................................................ 182 6.30. ADATOut Node (NID = 0x1F) ...................................................................................................... 185 6.31. VolumeKnob Node (NID = 0x24) ................................................................................................. 189 6.32. InPort0Vol Node (NID = 0x18) ..................................................................................................... 193 6.33. InPort1Vol Node (NID = 0x19) ..................................................................................................... 196 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.34. InPort2Vol Node (NID = 0x1A) .................................................................................................... 199 6.35. ADC0Mux Node (NID = 0x1B) ..................................................................................................... 202 6.36. ADC1Mux Node (NID = 0x1C) .................................................................................................... 206 6.37. ADC2Mux Node (NID = 0x1D) .................................................................................................... 210 7. ORDERING INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 215 7.1. STAC927x Family Options and Part Order Numbers .................................................................... 215 8. PIN INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 216 8.1. STAC927x Family 48 Pin LQFP Diagram ..................................................................................... 216 8.2. Pin Table for STAC927x family in 48 Pin LQFP ............................................................................ 217 9. PACKAGE OUTLINE AND PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ......................................................... 219 9.2. 48-Pin LQFP .................................................................................................................................. 219 10. 48-PIN LQFP SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE ....................................................................... 220 10.1. Standard Reflow Profile Data ...................................................................................................... 220 10.2. Pb Free Process - Package Classification Reflow Temperatures ............................................... 221 11. REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................... 222 List of Figures Figure 1. Single Digital Microphone (data is ported to both left and right channels) ..................................... 25 Figure 2. Stereo Digital Microphone Configuration ........................................................................................ 25 Figure 3. Quad Digital Microphone Configuration .......................................................................................... 26 Figure 4. 48-Pin LQFP Pinout .................................................................................................................... 216 Figure 5. 48-Pin LQFP Package Outline and Package Dimensions ........................................................... 219 Figure 6. Reflow Profile .............................................................................................................................. 220 List of Tables Table 1. Impedance Sense ............................................................................................................................ 21 Table 3. Valid Digital Microphone Configurations .......................................................................................... 24 Table 4. DMIC_CLK and DMIC_0,1 Operation During Power States ............................................................ 24 Table 5. CODEC IDs ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 6. Pin Configuration Default Settings ................................................................................................... 31 Table 7. High Definition Audio Widget ........................................................................................................... 32 Table 8. Root ID Command Verb Format ...................................................................................................... 34 Table 9. Root ID Command Response Format ............................................................................................. 34 Table 10. Root RevID Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 34 Table 11. Root RevID Command Response Format ..................................................................................... 34 Table 12. Root NodeInfo Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 35 Table 13. Root NodeInfo Command Response Format ................................................................................ 35 Table 14. AFG Reset Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 35 Table 15. AFG Reset Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 35 Table 16. AFG NodeInfo Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 36 Table 17. AFG NodeInfo Command Response Format ................................................................................. 36 Table 18. AFG Type Command Verb Format ................................................................................................ 36 Table 19. AFG Type Command Response Format ....................................................................................... 36 Table 20. AFG Cap Command Verb Format ................................................................................................. 36 Table 21. AFG Cap Command Response Format ......................................................................................... 37 Table 22. AFG PCMCap Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 37 Table 23. AFG PCMCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 37 Table 24. AFG Stream Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 38 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 3 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 25. AFG Stream Command Response Format .................................................................................... 38 Table 26. AFG InAmpCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 39 Table 27. AFG InAmpCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 39 Table 28. AFG SupPwrState Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 39 Table 29. AFG SupPwrState Command Response Format .......................................................................... 39 Table 30. AFG GPIOCnt Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 40 Table 31. AFG GPIOCnt Command Response Format ................................................................................. 40 Table 32. AFG OutAmpCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 41 Table 33. AFG OutAmpCap Command Response Format ........................................................................... 41 Table 34. AFG PwrState Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 41 Table 35. AFG PwrState Command Response Format ................................................................................. 41 Table 36. AFG UnsolResp Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 42 Table 37. AFG UnsolResp Command Response Format .............................................................................. 42 Table 38. AFG GPIO Command Verb Format ............................................................................................... 42 Table 39. AFG GPIO Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 43 Table 40. AFG GPIOEn Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 43 Table 41. AFG GPIOEn Command Response Format .................................................................................. 44 Table 42. AFG GPIODir Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 44 Table 43. AFG GPIODir Command Response Format .................................................................................. 44 Table 44. AFG GPIOWakeEn Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 45 Table 45. AFG GPIOWakeEn Command Response Format ......................................................................... 45 Table 46. AFG GPIOUnsol Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 46 Table 47. AFG GPIOUnsol Command Response Format ............................................................................. 46 Table 48. AFG GPIOSticky Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 47 Table 49. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format ............................................................................. 47 Table 50. AFG SubID Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 48 Table 51. AFG SubID Command Response Format ..................................................................................... 49 Table 52. AFG TCKT Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 49 Table 53. AFG TCKT Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 49 Table 54. AFG Sply Command Verb Format ................................................................................................. 49 Table 55. AFG Sply Command Response Format ........................................................................................ 50 Table 56. AFG DACMode Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 50 Table 57. AFG DACMode Command Response Format ............................................................................... 50 Table 58. AFG GPIOPlrty Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 51 Table 59. AFG GPIOPlrty Command Response Format ............................................................................... 51 Table 60. AFG GPIODrive Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 52 Table 61. AFG GPIODrive Command Response Format .............................................................................. 52 Table 62. AFG DMic Command Verb Format ................................................................................................ 53 Table 63. AFG DMic Command Response Format ....................................................................................... 53 Table 64. DAC0 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ............................................................................................. 54 Table 65. DAC0 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................... 54 Table 66. DAC0 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 55 Table 67. DAC0 OutAmpRight Command Response Format ....................................................................... 55 Table 68. DAC0 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 55 Table 69. DAC0 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format .......................................................................... 56 Table 70. DAC0 WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 56 Table 71. DAC0 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................... 56 Table 72. DAC0 PwrState Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 57 Table 73. DAC0 PwrState Command Response Format .............................................................................. 57 Table 74. DAC0 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 57 Table 75. DAC0 CnvtrID Command Response Format ................................................................................. 58 Table 76. DAC0 LR Command Verb Format ................................................................................................. 58 Table 77. DAC0 LR Command Response Format ........................................................................................ 58 Table 78. DAC1 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ............................................................................................. 58 Table 79. DAC1 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................... 59 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 4 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 80. DAC1 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 60 Table 81. DAC1 OutAmpRight Command Response Format ....................................................................... 60 Table 82. DAC1 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 60 Table 83. DAC1 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format .......................................................................... 60 Table 84. DAC1 WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 60 Table 85. DAC1 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................... 61 Table 86. DAC1 PwrState Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 61 Table 87. DAC1 PwrState Command Response Format .............................................................................. 62 Table 88. DAC1 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 62 Table 89. DAC1 CnvtrID Command Response Format ................................................................................. 62 Table 90. DAC1 LR Command Verb Format ................................................................................................. 63 Table 91. DAC1 LR Command Response Format ........................................................................................ 63 Table 92. DAC2 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ............................................................................................. 63 Table 93. DAC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................... 63 Table 94. DAC2 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 64 Table 95. DAC2 OutAmpRight Command Response Format ....................................................................... 65 Table 96. DAC2 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 65 Table 97. DAC2 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format .......................................................................... 65 Table 98. DAC2 WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 65 Table 99. DAC2 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................... 65 Table 100. DAC2 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 66 Table 101. DAC2 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 66 Table 102. DAC2 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 67 Table 103. DAC2 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 67 Table 104. DAC2 LR Command Verb Format ............................................................................................... 67 Table 105. DAC2 LR Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 68 Table 106. DAC3 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 68 Table 107. DAC3 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................. 68 Table 108. DAC3 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 69 Table 109. DAC3 OutAmpRight Command Response Format ..................................................................... 69 Table 110. DAC3 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 70 Table 111. DAC3 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ........................................................................ 70 Table 112. DAC3 WCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 70 Table 113. DAC3 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 70 Table 114. DAC3 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 71 Table 115. DAC3 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 71 Table 116. DAC3 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 72 Table 117. DAC3 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 72 Table 118. DAC3 LR Command Verb Format ............................................................................................... 72 Table 119. DAC3 LR Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 72 Table 120. DAC4 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 73 Table 121. DAC4 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................. 73 Table 122. DAC4 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 74 Table 123. DAC4 OutAmpRight Command Response Format ..................................................................... 74 Table 124. DAC4 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 74 Table 125. DAC4 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ........................................................................ 75 Table 126. DAC4 WCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 75 Table 127. DAC4 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 75 Table 128. DAC4 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 76 Table 129. DAC4 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 76 Table 130. DAC4 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 76 Table 131. DAC4 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 77 Table 132. DAC4 LR Command Verb Format ............................................................................................... 77 Table 133. DAC4 LR Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 77 Table 134. ADC0 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 77 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 135. ADC0 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................. 78 Table 136. ADC0 WCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 79 Table 137. ADC0 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 79 Table 138. ADC0 ConLst Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 80 Table 139. ADC0 ConLst Command Response Format ................................................................................ 80 Table 140. ADC0 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 80 Table 141. ADC0 ConLstEntry Command Response Format ....................................................................... 80 Table 142. ADC0 ProcState Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 80 Table 143. ADC0 ProcState Command Response Format ........................................................................... 81 Table 144. ADC0 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 81 Table 145. ADC0 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 81 Table 146. ADC0 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 82 Table 147. ADC0 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 82 Table 148. ADC1 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 82 Table 149. ADC1 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................. 82 Table 150. ADC1 WCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 83 Table 151. ADC1 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 84 Table 152. ADC1 ConLst Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 84 Table 153. ADC1 ConLst Command Response Format ................................................................................ 85 Table 154. ADC1 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 85 Table 155. ADC1 ConLstEntry Command Response Format ....................................................................... 85 Table 156. ADC1 ProcState Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 85 Table 157. ADC1 ProcState Command Response Format ........................................................................... 86 Table 158. ADC1 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 86 Table 159. ADC1 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 86 Table 160. ADC1 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 87 Table 161. ADC1 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 87 Table 162. ADC2 Cnvtr Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 87 Table 163. ADC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format .................................................................................. 87 Table 164. ADC2 WCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 88 Table 165. ADC2 WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 89 Table 166. ADC2 ConLst Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 89 Table 167. ADC2 ConLst Command Response Format ................................................................................ 90 Table 168. ADC2 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 90 Table 169. ADC2 ConLstEntry Command Response Format ....................................................................... 90 Table 170. ADC2 ProcState Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 90 Table 171. ADC2 ProcState Command Response Format ........................................................................... 91 Table 172. ADC2 PwrState Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 91 Table 173. ADC2 PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 91 Table 174. ADC2 CnvtrID Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 92 Table 175. ADC2 CnvtrID Command Response Format ............................................................................... 92 Table 176. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 92 Table 177. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Command Response Format ............................................................................ 92 Table 178. SPDIFOut WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 93 Table 179. SPDIFOut WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 94 Table 180. SPDIFOut PCM Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 94 Table 181. SPDIFOut PCM Command Response Format ............................................................................ 95 Table 182. SPDIFOut Stream Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 96 Table 183. SPDIFOut Stream Command Response Format ......................................................................... 96 Table 184. SPDIFOut CnvtrID Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 96 Table 185. SPDIFOut CnvtrID Command Response Format ........................................................................ 96 Table 186. SPDIFOut DigCnvtr Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 97 Table 187. SPDIFOut DigCnvtr Command Response Format ...................................................................... 97 Table 188. SPDIFIn Cnvtr Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 97 Table 189. SPDIFIn Cnvtr Command Response Format .............................................................................. 98 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 190. SPDIFIn WCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 99 Table 191. SPDIFIn WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 99 Table 192. SPDIFIn PCMCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 100 Table 193. SPDIFIn PCMCap Command Response Format ...................................................................... 100 Table 194. SPDIFIn Stream Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 101 Table 195. SPDIFIn Stream Command Response Format ......................................................................... 101 Table 196. SPDIFIn ConLst Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 101 Table 197. SPDIFIn ConLst Command Response Format .......................................................................... 101 Table 198. SPDIFIn ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 101 Table 199. SPDIFIn ConLstEntry Command Response Format ................................................................. 102 Table 200. SPDIFIn CnvtrID Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 102 Table 201. SPDIFIn CnvtrID Command Response Format ......................................................................... 102 Table 202. SPDIFIn DigCnvtr Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 102 Table 203. SPDIFIn DigCnvtr Command Response Format ....................................................................... 103 Table 204. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 103 Table 205. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Response Format ......................................................................... 103 Table 206. PortA WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 105 Table 207. PortA WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 106 Table 208. PortA PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 106 Table 209. PortA PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 107 Table 210. PortA ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 107 Table 211. PortA ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 107 Table 212. PortA ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 108 Table 213. PortA ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 108 Table 214. PortA ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 108 Table 215. PortA ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ................................................................... 108 Table 216. PortA PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 109 Table 217. PortA PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 109 Table 218. PortA UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 109 Table 219. PortA UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 110 Table 220. PortA ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 110 Table 221. PortA ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 110 Table 222. PortA ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 111 Table 223. PortA ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 111 Table 224. PortB WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 111 Table 225. PortB WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 112 Table 226. PortB PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 112 Table 227. PortB PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 113 Table 228. PortB ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 113 Table 229. PortB ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 113 Table 230. PortB ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 114 Table 231. PortB ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 114 Table 232. PortB ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 114 Table 233. PortB ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ................................................................... 114 Table 234. PortB PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 115 Table 235. PortB PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 115 Table 236. PortB UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 115 Table 237. PortB UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 116 Table 238. PortB ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 116 Table 239. PortB ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 116 Table 240. PortB ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 117 Table 241. PortB ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 117 Table 242. PortC WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 117 Table 243. PortC WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................... 118 Table 244. PortC PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 118 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 7 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 245. PortC PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 119 Table 246. PortC ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 119 Table 247. PortC ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 119 Table 248. PortC ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 120 Table 249. PortC ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 120 Table 250. PortC PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 120 Table 251. PortC PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 120 Table 252. PortC UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 121 Table 253. PortC UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 121 Table 254. PortC ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 121 Table 255. PortC ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 121 Table 256. PortC ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 122 Table 257. PortC ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 122 Table 258. PortD WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 123 Table 259. PortD WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................... 123 Table 260. PortD PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 124 Table 261. PortD PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 124 Table 262. PortD ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 124 Table 263. PortD ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 125 Table 264. PortD ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 125 Table 265. PortD ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 125 Table 266. PortD PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 125 Table 267. PortD PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 126 Table 268. PortD UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 126 Table 269. PortD UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 126 Table 270. PortD ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 127 Table 271. PortD ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 127 Table 272. PortD ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 127 Table 273. PortD ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 128 Table 274. PortE WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 128 Table 275. PortE WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 128 Table 276. PortE PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 129 Table 277. PortE PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 129 Table 278. PortE ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 130 Table 279. PortE ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 130 Table 280. PortE ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 130 Table 281. PortE ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 130 Table 282. PortE PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 131 Table 283. PortE PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 131 Table 284. PortE UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 131 Table 285. PortE UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 131 Table 286. PortE ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 132 Table 287. PortE ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 132 Table 288. PortE ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 132 Table 289. PortE ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 133 Table 290. PortF WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 133 Table 291. PortF WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 133 Table 292. PortF PinCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 134 Table 293. PortF PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 134 Table 294. PortF ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 135 Table 295. PortF ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 135 Table 296. PortF ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 136 Table 297. PortF ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 136 Table 298. PortF PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 136 Table 299. PortF PinWCntrl Command Response Format .......................................................................... 136 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 8 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 300. PortF UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 137 Table 301. PortF UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 137 Table 302. PortF ChSense Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 137 Table 303. PortF ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 137 Table 304. PortF ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 138 Table 305. PortF ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 138 Table 306. PortG WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 139 Table 307. PortG WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................... 139 Table 308. PortG PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 140 Table 309. PortG PinCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 140 Table 310. PortG ConLst Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 140 Table 311. PortG ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 141 Table 312. PortG ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 141 Table 313. PortG ConLstEntry Command Response Format ..................................................................... 141 Table 314. PortG PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 141 Table 315. PortG PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 141 Table 316. PortG UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 142 Table 317. PortG UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 142 Table 318. PortG ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 142 Table 319. PortG ChSense Command Response Format .......................................................................... 143 Table 320. PortG ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 143 Table 321. PortG ConfigDefault Command Response Format ................................................................... 143 Table 322. PortH WCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 144 Table 323. PortH WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................... 144 Table 324. PortH PinCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 145 Table 325. PortH PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 145 Table 326. PortH ConLst Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 145 Table 327. PortH ConLst Command Response Format .............................................................................. 146 Table 328. PortH ConLstEntry Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 146 Table 329. PortH ConLstEntry Command Response Format ...................................................................... 146 Table 330. PortH PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 146 Table 331. PortH PinWCntrl Command Response Format ......................................................................... 146 Table 332. PortH UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 147 Table 333. PortH UnsolResp Command Response Format ........................................................................ 147 Table 334. PortH ChSense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 147 Table 335. PortH ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 148 Table 336. PortH ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 148 Table 337. PortH ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 148 Table 338. DMic0 WCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 149 Table 339. DMic0 WCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 149 Table 340. DMic0 PinCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 150 Table 341. DMic0 PinCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 150 Table 342. DMic0 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 151 Table 343. DMic0 PinWCntrl Command Response Format ........................................................................ 151 Table 344. DMic0 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 151 Table 345. DMic0 ConfigDefault Command Response Format ................................................................... 151 Table 346. DMic1 WCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 152 Table 347. DMic1 WCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 152 Table 348. DMic1 PinCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 153 Table 349. DMic1 PinCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 153 Table 350. DMic1 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 154 Table 351. DMic1 PinWCntrl Command Response Format ........................................................................ 154 Table 352. DMic1 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 154 Table 353. DMic1 ConfigDefault Command Response Format ................................................................... 155 Table 354. DigOut0 WCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 155 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 9 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 355. DigOut0 WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................... 155 Table 356. DigOut0 PinCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 156 Table 357. DigOut0 PinCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 156 Table 358. DigOut0 ConLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 157 Table 359. DigOut0 ConLst Command Response Format .......................................................................... 157 Table 360. DigOut0 ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 157 Table 361. DigOut0 ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format ................................................................ 157 Table 362. DigOut0 ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 158 Table 363. DigOut0 ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format ................................................................ 158 Table 364. DigOut0 ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 158 Table 365. DigOut0 ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ............................................................... 158 Table 366. DigOut0 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 158 Table 367. DigOut0 PinWCntrl Command Response Format ..................................................................... 159 Table 368. DigOut0 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 159 Table 369. DigOut0 ConfigDefault Command Response Format ................................................................ 159 Table 370. DigIn WCap Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 160 Table 371. DigIn WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 160 Table 372. DigIn PinCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 161 Table 373. DigIn PinCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 161 Table 374. DigIn PwrState Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 161 Table 375. DigIn PwrState Command Response Format ............................................................................ 162 Table 376. DigIn PinWCntrl Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 162 Table 377. DigIn PinWCntrl Command Response Format .......................................................................... 162 Table 378. DigIn UnsolResp Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 162 Table 379. DigIn UnsolResp Command Response Format ......................................................................... 163 Table 380. DigIn ChSense Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 163 Table 381. DigIn ChSense Command Response Format ........................................................................... 163 Table 382. DigIn EAPD Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 164 Table 383. DigIn EAPD Command Response Format ................................................................................ 164 Table 384. DigIn ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 164 Table 385. DigIn ConfigDefault Command Response Format .................................................................... 164 Table 386. InPort0Mux WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 165 Table 387. InPort0Mux WCap Command Response Format ...................................................................... 165 Table 388. InPort0Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 166 Table 389. InPort0Mux ConLst Command Response Format ..................................................................... 166 Table 390. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 166 Table 391. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format ............................................................ 166 Table 392. InPort0Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................... 167 Table 393. InPort0Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ........................................................... 167 Table 394. InPort0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ...................................................................... 167 Table 395. InPort0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................. 168 Table 396. InPort0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ................................................................... 168 Table 397. InPort0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format .......................................................... 168 Table 398. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 168 Table 399. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format .......................................................... 168 Table 400. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 169 Table 401. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format .......................................................... 169 Table 402. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 169 Table 403. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format .......................................................... 169 Table 404. InPort1Mux WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 170 Table 405. InPort1Mux WCap Command Response Format ...................................................................... 170 Table 406. InPort1Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 171 Table 407. InPort1Mux ConLst Command Response Format ..................................................................... 171 Table 408. InPort1Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 171 Table 409. InPort1Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format ............................................................ 171 Table 410. InPort1Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................... 172 Table 411. InPort1Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ........................................................... 172 Table 412. InPort1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ...................................................................... 172 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 10 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 413. InPort1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................. 172 Table 414. InPort1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ................................................................... 173 Table 415. InPort1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format .......................................................... 173 Table 416. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 173 Table 417. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format .......................................................... 173 Table 418. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 173 Table 419. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format .......................................................... 174 Table 420. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 174 Table 421. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format .......................................................... 174 Table 422. InPort2Mux WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 174 Table 423. InPort2Mux WCap Command Response Format ...................................................................... 175 Table 424. InPort2Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 175 Table 425. InPort2Mux ConLst Command Response Format ..................................................................... 176 Table 426. InPort2Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 176 Table 427. InPort2Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format ............................................................ 176 Table 428. InPort2Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ................................................................... 176 Table 429. InPort2Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ........................................................... 177 Table 430. InPort2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ...................................................................... 177 Table 431. InPort2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................. 177 Table 432. InPort2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ................................................................... 177 Table 433. InPort2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format .......................................................... 178 Table 434. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 178 Table 435. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format .......................................................... 178 Table 436. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 178 Table 437. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format .......................................................... 178 Table 438. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format ................................................................... 179 Table 439. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format .......................................................... 179 Table 440. PCBEEP OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 179 Table 441. PCBEEP OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ................................................................. 179 Table 442. PCBEEP WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 180 Table 443. PCBEEP WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 180 Table 444. PCBEEP OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 180 Table 445. PCBEEP OutAmpCap Command Response Format ................................................................ 180 Table 446. PCBEEP Gen Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 181 Table 447. PCBEEP Gen Command Response Format ............................................................................. 181 Table 448. CD WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 182 Table 449. CD WCap Command Response Format ................................................................................... 182 Table 450. CD PinCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 183 Table 451. CD PinCap Command Response Format .................................................................................. 183 Table 452. CD PinWCntrl Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 183 Table 453. CD PinWCntrl Command Response Format ............................................................................. 184 Table 454. CD ConfigDefault Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 184 Table 455. CD ConfigDefault Command Response Format ........................................................................ 184 Table 456. ADATOut Cnvtr Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 185 Table 457. ADATOut Cnvtr Command Response Format ........................................................................... 185 Table 458. ADATOut WCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 186 Table 459. ADATOut WCap Command Response Format ......................................................................... 186 Table 460. ADATOut CnvtrID Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 187 Table 461. ADATOut CnvtrID Command Response Format ....................................................................... 187 Table 462. ADATOut DigCnvtr Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 187 Table 463. ADATOut DigCnvtr Command Response Format ..................................................................... 188 Table 464. ADATOut VCSR0 Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 188 Table 465. ADATOut VCSR0 Command Response Format ....................................................................... 188 Table 466. VolumeKnob WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 189 Table 467. VolumeKnob WCap Command Response Format .................................................................... 190 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 11 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 468. VolumeKnob VolKnobCap Command Verb Format .................................................................. 190 Table 469. VolumeKnob VolKnobCap Command Response Format .......................................................... 190 Table 470. VolumeKnob ConLst Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 190 Table 471. VolumeKnob ConLst Command Response Format ................................................................... 190 Table 472. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format ................................................................. 191 Table 473. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format ........................................................ 191 Table 474. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format ................................................................. 191 Table 475. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format ........................................................ 191 Table 476. VolumeKnob UnsolResp Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 192 Table 477. VolumeKnob UnsolResp Command Response Format ............................................................ 192 Table 478. VolumeKnob Cntrl Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 192 Table 479. VolumeKnob Cntrl Command Response Format ...................................................................... 193 Table 480. VolumeKnob VCSR0 Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 193 Table 481. VolumeKnob VCSR0 Command Response Format .................................................................. 193 Table 482. InPort0Vol WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 193 Table 483. InPort0Vol WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 194 Table 484. InPort0Vol ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 194 Table 485. InPort0Vol ConLst Command Response Format ...................................................................... 195 Table 486. InPort0Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 195 Table 487. InPort0Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................... 195 Table 488. InPort0Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 195 Table 489. InPort0Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format ................................................................. 195 Table 490. InPort0Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 196 Table 491. InPort0Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 196 Table 492. InPort1Vol WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 196 Table 493. InPort1Vol WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 196 Table 494. InPort1Vol ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 197 Table 495. InPort1Vol ConLst Command Response Format ...................................................................... 197 Table 496. InPort1Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 198 Table 497. InPort1Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................... 198 Table 498. InPort1Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 198 Table 499. InPort1Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format ................................................................. 198 Table 500. InPort1Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 198 Table 501. InPort1Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 199 Table 502. InPort2Vol WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 199 Table 503. InPort2Vol WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 199 Table 504. InPort2Vol ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 200 Table 505. InPort2Vol ConLst Command Response Format ...................................................................... 200 Table 506. InPort2Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 200 Table 507. InPort2Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................... 201 Table 508. InPort2Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 201 Table 509. InPort2Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format ................................................................. 201 Table 510. InPort2Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 201 Table 511. InPort2Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 201 Table 512. ADC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 202 Table 513. ADC0Mux WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 202 Table 514. ADC0Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 203 Table 515. ADC0Mux ConLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 203 Table 516. ADC0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 203 Table 517. ADC0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ............................................................ 203 Table 518. ADC0Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 203 Table 519. ADC0Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 204 Table 520. ADC0Mux LR Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 204 Table 521. ADC0Mux LR Command Response Format .............................................................................. 204 Table 522. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 204 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 12 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 523. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format .............................................................. 205 Table 524. ADC0Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 205 Table 525. ADC0Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................. 205 Table 526. ADC0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 205 Table 527. ADC0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................... 206 Table 528. ADC1Mux WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 206 Table 529. ADC1Mux WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 206 Table 530. ADC1Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 207 Table 531. ADC1Mux ConLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 207 Table 532. ADC1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 207 Table 533. ADC1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ............................................................ 208 Table 534. ADC1Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 208 Table 535. ADC1Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 208 Table 536. ADC1Mux LR Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 208 Table 537. ADC1Mux LR Command Response Format .............................................................................. 208 Table 538. ADC1Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 209 Table 539. ADC1Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format .............................................................. 209 Table 540. ADC1Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 209 Table 541. ADC1Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................. 210 Table 542. ADC1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 210 Table 543. ADC1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................... 210 Table 544. ADC2Mux WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 210 Table 545. ADC2Mux WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 210 Table 546. ADC2Mux ConLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 211 Table 547. ADC2Mux ConLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 211 Table 548. ADC2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 212 Table 549. ADC2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format ............................................................ 212 Table 550. ADC2Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 212 Table 551. ADC2Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format .............................................................. 212 Table 552. ADC2Mux LR Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 213 Table 553. ADC2Mux LR Command Response Format .............................................................................. 213 Table 554. ADC2Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 213 Table 555. ADC2Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format .............................................................. 213 Table 556. ADC2Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 214 Table 557. ADC2Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format ............................................................. 214 Table 558. ADC2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 214 Table 559. ADC2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format ............................................................... 214 IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 13 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 1. DESCRIPTION The STAC927x (STAC9271/9272/9273/9274) family are high fidelity, 10-channel audio CODECs compatible with the Intel High Definition (HD) Audio Interface (formerly known as “Azalia”). The STAC927x family of CODECs provides high quality, HD Audio capability to notebook and cost sensitive desktop PC applications. The STAC927x family incorporates IDT's proprietary technology to achieve a DAC SNR up to 105dB. The higher performance and quality of IDT’s audio solutions brings consumer electronics level performance to the notebook, desktop and media center PC. The STAC927x family provides stereo 24- bit, full duplex resolution, supporting sample rates up to 192 KHz by the DAC and ADC. The SPDIF In/Out support sample rates of 96 KHz KHz, 48 KHz and 44.1 KHz plus SPDIF OUT supports 88.2 KHz. Additional sample rates are supported by the driver software. The STAC927x family supports all desired ten channel configurations, including switchable Headphone Out, and Universal JacksTM func¬tionality for jack detection and re-tasking. The SPDIF interface provides connectivity to Consumer Electronic equipment like Dolby Digital decoders, powered speakers, mini disk drives or a home entertainment systems. All analog I/O pairs support LINE_IN, LINE_OUT and MIC. MIC inputs can be programmed with 0/10/20/30/40dB boost. For more advanced configurations, the STAC927x family has up to five General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. The STAC927x family also provides a single ended CD input for compatibility with DRM solutions and to support leg¬acy OS issues. The STAC927x family integrates a headphone amplifiers on Ports A, B and D. The headphone amplifier is dedicated to these three outputs for increased flexibility, enhanced user experience, and reduced implementation costs. The Universal Jack™ feature allows the CODECs to detect when audio devices are plugged in, and for the CODECs to be reconfigured to support these devices regardless of which port they are plugged into. SPDIF input sensing is also supported. The fully parametric IDT SoftEQ can be initiated/disabled upon headphone jack insertion/removal for protection of notebook speakers. Note: The Jack Detect circuit and component selection are critical for accurate detection of audio jacks on individual ports. Please see the IDT STAC927x reference design for circuit implementation details. The STAC927x family operates with a 3.3 V digital supply and a 3.3 V to 5 V analog supply. The STAC927x family is available in a 48-pin LQFP Environmental (ROHS) packages. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 14 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 2. CHARACTERISTICS 2.1. 2.2. Audio Fidelity DAC SNR: 105dB A-Weighted 5.0 V +/- 5% ADC SNR: 90dB A-Weighted 5.0 V +/- 5% Electrical Specifications 2.2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the STAC9271/9272/9273/9274. These ratings, which are standard values for IDT commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range. Item Pin Maximum Rating Analog maximum supply voltage AVdd 6 Volts Digital maximum supply voltage DVdd 5.5 Volts VREFOUT output current 5 mA Voltage on any pin relative to ground Vss - 0.3 V to Vdd + 0.3 V Operating temperature 0oC to +70oC Storage temperature -55 oC to +125 oC Soldering temperature 260 oC for 10 seconds * Soldering temperature information for all available packages begins on page 220. 2.2.2. Recommended Operation Conditions Parameter Power Supply Voltage (Note: With Supply Override Enable Bit set to force 5 V operation.) Min. Typ. Max. Units Digital - 3.3 V 3.135 3.3 3.465 V Analog - 3.3 V 3.135 3.3 3.465 V 3.8 4 4.2 V Analog - 4.5 V 4.275 4.5 4.725 V Analog - 5 V 4.75 5 5.25 V +70 °C +90 °C Analog - 4 V Ambient Operating Temperature Case Temperature IDT™ 0 Tcase (48-LQFP) 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 15 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO ESD: The STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 is an ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. The human body and test equipment can accumulate and discharge electrostatic charges up to 4000 Volts without detection. Even though the STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 implements internal ESD protection circuitry, proper ESD precautions should be followed to avoid damaging the functionality or performance. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 16 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2.3. PC AUDIO STAC927x Family 5 V, 4.5 V, 4.0 V and 3.3 V Analog Performance Characteristics (Tambient = 25 ºC, AVdd = Supply ± 5%, DVdd = 3.3 V ± 5%, AVss=DVss=0 V; 1 kHz input sine wave; Sample Frequency = 48 kHz; 0 dB = 1 VRMS, 10 KΩ/50 pF load, Testbench Characterization BW: 20 Hz – 20 kHz, 0 dB settings on all gain stages) Parameter Conditions AVdd Min Typ Max Unit Digital to Analog Converters Resolution All 24 Bits Analog Mixer Disabled, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 105 101 100 98 dB Analog Mixer Disabled, -3dB Signal, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 90 88 86 84 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 90 88 87 85 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, -3dB Signal, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 80 78 77 75 dB -60dB Signal Level 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 95 93 92 90 SNR - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 4) Analog Mixer Disabled, 10 KΩ load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 105 101 100 98 dB THD+N - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 3) Analog Mixer Disabled, -3dB Signal, 10 KΩ load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 85 83 82 80 dB Analog Mixer Disabled, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 100 98 97 95 dB Analog Mixer Disabled, -3dB Signal, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 82 80 79 77 dB Analog Mixer Disabled, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 100 98 97 95 dB SNR - DAC to All Line-Out Ports (Note 4) THD+N - DAC to All Line-Out Ports (Note 3) SNR - DAC to All Line-Out Ports (Note 4) THD+N - DAC to All Line-Out Ports (Note 3) Dynamic Range: DAC to All Line Out Ports (Note2) SNR - DAC to All Headphone Ports with 2 Headphone Outputs Operating (Note 4) THD+N - DAC to All Headphone Ports with 2 Headphone Outputs Operating (Note 3) SNR - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 4) IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 17 IDT CONFIDENTIAL - - dB STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Parameter PC AUDIO Conditions AVdd Analog Mixer Disabled, -3dB Signal, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 85 83 82 80 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, 10 kΩ load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 90 88 87 85 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, -3dB Signal, 10 kΩ load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 79 77 76 74 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 87 85 84 82 dB Analog Mixer Enabled, -3dB Signal, 32 Ω load, PCM data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V 74 72 71 69 dB Any Analog Input to DAC Crosstalk 10 KHz Signal Frequency All - -85 - dB Any Analog Input to DAC Crosstalk 1 KHz Signal Frequency All - -80 - dB Gain Error Analog Mixer Disabled All 0.5 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch Analog Mixer Disabled All 0.5 dB THD+N - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 3) SNR - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 4) THD+N - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 3) SNR - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 4) THD+N - DAC to All Headphone Ports (Note 3) Min Typ Max Unit D/A Digital Filter Pass Band (Note 5) All 20 - 19,200 Hz D/A Digital Filter Transition Band All 19,200 - 28,800 Hz D/A Digital Filter Stop Band All 28,800 - - Hz D/A Digital Filter Stop Band Rejcn (Note 6) All -100 - - dB D/A Out-of-Band Rejection (Note 7) All -55 - - dB Group Delay (48 KHz sample rate) All - - 1 ms Attenuation, Gain Step Size DIGITAL All - 0.75 - dB Gain Drift All - 100 - ppm/ºC DAC Offset Voltage All - 100 20 mV Deviation from Linear Phase All - 1 10 deg. 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 - - Vrms Analog Outputs Full Scale All Line-Outs DAC PCM Data 5V 4.5 V 4.0 V 3.3 V Full Scale All Line-Outs DAC PCM Data All 2.83 - - Vp-p 32 Ω load All 31 50 - mW peak All Headphone Capable Outputs Analog inputs IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 18 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Parameter Conditions AVdd Min Typ Max Unit Full Scale Input Voltage 0dB Boost @ 4.75 V All 1.00 - - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost 10dB Boost All 0.31 - - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost 20dB Boost All 0.10 - - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost 30dB Boost All 0.03 - - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost 40dB Boost All 0.01 - - Vrms Input Impedance All - 50 - kΩ Input Capacitance All - 15 - pF Analog Mixer SNR - CD to Ports A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 4) THD+N - CD to Ports A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 3) -3dB Input SNR - All Line-In to A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 4) THD+N - All Line-In to A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 3) -3dB Input SNR - Analog PC Beep to Ports A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 4) THD+N - Analog PC Beep to Ports A,B, & D Line-Out (Note 3) -3dB Input All 90 dB All 70 dB All 90 dB All 70 dB All 85 dB All 70 dB All 24 Bits Analog to Digital Converter Resolution Dynamic Range, All Analog Inputs to A/D (Note 1) High Pass Filer Enabled, 1Vrms Input, No boost All 88 90 dB SNR All Analog Inputs to A/D (Note 4) High Pass Filter enabled All 88 90 dB THD+N All Analog Inputs to A/D (Note 3) High Pass Filter enabled, -3dBV input Level All 85 dB Analog Frequency Response (Note 2 All 10 - 30,000 Hz A/D Digital Filter Pass Band (Note 5) All 20 - 19,200 Hz A/D Digital Filter Transition Band All 19,200 - 28,800 Hz A/D Digital Filter Stop Band All 28,800 - - Hz A/D Digital Filter Stop Band Rejection (Note 6) All -100 - - dB Group Delay (48 KHz sample rate) All - - 1 ms Any Analog Input to ADC Crosstalk 10 KHz Signal Frequency All - -85 - dB Any Analog Input to ADC Crosstalk 1 KHz Signal Frequency All - -80 - dB Spurious Tone Rejection All - -100 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size ANALOG All - 1.5 - dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch ADC All - - 0.5 dB Noise Floor when 40dB Mic Boost Enabled All 0.01 mV 40dB Mic Boost Enabled SNR IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5 mV Input 19 IDT CONFIDENTIAL All 60 dB STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Parameter Conditions AVdd Min Typ Max 40dB Mic Boost Enabled THD+N 5 mV Input All Power Supply Rejection Ratio 1 KHz All - -70 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio 20 KHz All - -40 - dB 90 mA 55 Unit dB Power Supply D0 Didd 3.3 V 75 D0 Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 85 D1 Didd 3.3 V 75 D1 Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 85 D2 Didd 3.3 V 23 D2 Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 58 D3 Didd 3.3 V 23 D3 Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 37 One Stereo ADC Didd 3.3 V 8 One Stereo ADC Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 10 One Stereo DAC Didd 3.3 V 3 One Stereo DAC Aidd 5.0 V, 4.5 V, & 4.0 V, 3.3 V 2 mA dB mA 90 mA mA 30 mA mA 30 mA mA 10 mA mA 5 mA CD Input CD Common Mode Rejection (CMR) All 50 55 VREFout (Note 8) All - 0.5 X AVdd VREFILT (VAG) All 0.45X AVdd PLL lock time All 96 200 µsec PLL (or Azalia Bit CLK) 24 MHz clock jitter All 150 500 psec Voltage Reference Outputs - V V Phased Locked Loop 1. Ratio of Full Scale signal to noise output with -60dB signal, measured “A weighted” over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. 2. ± 3dB limits for Line Output and 0dB gain, at -20dBV 3. Amplitude of THD+N, measured with A-weighting filter, over 20 Hz to 20 KHz bandwidth. 4. Ratio of Full Scale signal to idle channel noise output is measured “A weighted” over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. (AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-noise Ratio.) 5. Peak-to-Peak Ripple over Passband meets ± 0.25dB limits, 48 KHz Sample Frequency. 6. Stop Band rejection determines filter requirements. Out-of-Band rejection determines audible noise. 7. The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process, during normal PCM audio playback, over a bandwidth 28.8 KHz to 100 KHz, with respect to a 1 Vrms DAC output. 8. Can be set to 0.5 or 0.8 AVdd. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 20 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 3. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 3.1. Universal JacksTM IDT’s Universal JacksTM technology allows for the greatest flexibility in board design and implementation. For the STAC927x family the Universal JacksTM capabilities are as follows1: • Ports A, B, and D support2: • Headphone Out • Line Out • Line In • Mic with 0/10/20/30/40 dB Mic boost3 • Ports C, E, F, G, H support2: • Line Out • Line In • Mic with 0/10/20/30/40 dB Mic boost3 • Ports G & H do not have VrefOut Support Note1: On the STAC927x family, only one function can be selected on each pin pair at a time. For example, a pin pair cannot be configured as an input and output at the same time. Configuration can be changed at any time. Note2: Three Headphones should not be used simultaneously. Performance degradation will occur when using 2 Headphones simultaneously. See electrical specs for details. Note3: When the 40dB mic boost feature is enabled, additional gain increases greater than 6dB may result in significant audio quality degradation of the microphone audio input. In particular, when the 40dB MIC boost is active, the SNR, THD+N and DC offset will significantly degrade regardless of the input signal level. 3.1.1. Audio Jack Presence Detect SENSE_A pin is used to detect the presence of plugs in ports A, B, C, and D. SENSE_B pin is used to detect the presence of plugs in ports E, F, G, ad H. Refer to the reference design for port detect circuitry. Select the precision of the resistors used as follows: AVDD Nominal Voltage (+-5%) Resistor Tolerance Resistor Tolerance Resistor Tolerance Resistor Tolerance Sense A Sense A Sense B Sense B (If Port D is used) (If Port D is not used) (If Port H is used) (If Port H is not used) 5V 1% 1% 1% 1% 4.5V 1% 1% 1% 1% 4V 0.50% 1% 0.50% 1% 3.3V 0.10% 1% 0.10% 1% Table 1. Impedance Sense IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 21 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Impedance Sense is accomplished by on-chip circuitry that measures the impedance at the pin of the chip and compares it to internal reference impedance. Below is a table that contains the bin information and codes returned when the pin widget impedance field in the Port Pin Sense widget is read. Please note that even under the best conditions, there is no method to guarantee 100% impedance sensing due to variations in external circuitry and impedance overlap of devices that can be plugged into a jack. The impedance sense table reflects both standard Line Out and Headphone output drivers. Please reference the HD Audio Universal Jack Application Note on the IDT Extranet for more information. Table 2: Impedance Sense 3.2. Bins Return Hex Code Impedance Level (Ohms) General Device Detected 000b 0064h Impedance < 300 Passive Speakers, Headset Speakers 001b 012Ch Impedance = 300 +/- 25% Some Headset Speakers 010b 028Ah 300 > Impedance < 1275 Some Microphones 011b 03E8h Impedance = 1275 +/- 25% Microphones 100b 07D0h 1275 > Impedance < 2000 Microphones 101b 0BB8h Impedance = 2000 +/- 25% Amplified Speakers 110b 2710h > 2000 Amplified Speakers, Line In 111b 2710h > 2000 Amplified Speakers, Line In SPDIF Input SPDIF IN can operate at 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz or 96 KHz and implements internal Jack Detect. A sophisticated digital PLL allows automatic rate detection and accurate data recovery. The ability to accept consumer SPDIF voltage levels directly eliminates the need for costly external receiver ICs. Advanced features such as record slot select and SPDIF_IN routing to the DAC allows for simultaneous record and play. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 22 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 3.3. PC AUDIO SPDIF Output SPDIF Ouput can operate at 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 88.2 KHz and 96 KHz, as defined in the Intel High Definition Audio Specification, with resolutions up to 24 bits. This insures compatibility with all consumer audio gear and allows for convenient integration into home theater systems and media center PCs. 3.4. ADAT® Output ADAT®, or “Lightpipe” is available on all versions of STAC927x family. ADAT® is a single bit stream optical digital interface for up to 8 channels of uncompressed 24-bit data. Sample rates up to 192 KHz are supported for 2 channels, up to 96 KHz for 4 channels, or up to 48 KHz for 8 channels. 3.5. Digital Microphone Support The digital microphone interface permits connection of a digital microphone(s) to the STAC927x family via the DMIC0, DMIC1, and DMIC_CLK 3-pin interface. The DMIC0 and DMIC1 signals are inputs that carry individual channels of digital Mic data to the STAC927x family. In the event that a single microphone is used, the data is routed to both ADC channels. The DMIC_CLK output is programmable from 1.176 MHz to 4.704 MHz in 1.176 MHz increments and is synchronous to the 24 MHz internal clock. The default frequency is 2.352 MHz. Note: Some Digital Microphone implementations support data on either edge, therefore, an external mux may not be required. The STAC927x family supports the digital microphone configurations described in Tables 3 and 4, and shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3, below. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 23 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 3. Valid Digital Microphone Configurations Digital Mics Date Sample ADC Conn. 0 N/A N/A No Digital Microphones 0, 1, or 2 Available on either DMIC_0 or DMIC_1 Both ADC Channels produce data, may be in phase or out by 1/2 DMIC_CLK period depending upon external configuration and timing 0, 1, or 2 Available on either DMIC_0 or DMIC_1, External logic required to support sampling on a single Digital Mic pin channel on rising edge and second Digital Mic right channel on falling edge of DMIC_CLK for those digital microphones that don’t support alternative clock edge capability. If both DMIC_0 and DMIC_1 are used to support 2 digital microphones, 2 separate ADC units will be used, however, this configuration is not recommended since it consumes two stereo ADC resources. 0, 1, or 2 Requires both DMIC_0 or DMIC_1, External logic required to support sampling on a single Digital Mic pin channel on rising edge and second Digital Mic right channel on falling edge of DMIC_CLK for those digital microphones that don’t support alternative clock edge capability. Two ADC units are required to support this configuration 0, 1, or 2 Connected to DMIC_0 and DMIC_1, External logic required to support sampling on a single Digital Mic pin channel on rising edge and second Digital Mic right channel on falling edge of DMIC_CLK for those digital microphones that don’t support alternative clock edge capability. Two ADC units are required to support this configuration 1 Single Edge Double Edge on either DMIC_0 or 1 2 OR Single Edge on DMIC_0 and 1 3 4 Double Edge on one DMIC pin and Single Edge on the second DMIC pin. Double Edge Notes Table 4. DMIC_CLK and DMIC_0,1 Operation During Power States IDT™ Power State DMIC Widget Enabled? D0 Yes DMIC_CLK Output is Enabled when either Clock Capable Input Capable DMIC_0 or DMIC_1 Input Widget is Enabled. Otherwise, the DMIC_CLK remains Low D1 Yes DMIC_CLK Output is Enabled when either Clock Capable Input Capable DMIC_0 or DMIC_1 Input Widget is Enabled. Otherwise, the DMIC_CLK remains Low D2 Yes Clock Disabled Input Disabled DMIC_CLK Remains Low D3 Yes Clock Disabled Input Disabled DMIC_CLK Remains Low D0-D3 No Clock Disabled Input Disabled DMIC_CLK is HIGH-Z with Weak Pull-down 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC DMIC_CLK Output DMIC_0,1 24 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Notes STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Off-Chip Digital Microphone On-Chip DMIC_0 OR DMIC_1 D Single Line In Q Pin CK MUX DMIC_CLK Pin DMIC_0 Or DMIC_1 STEREO ADC0, 1 or 2 Stereo Channels Output PCM On-Chip Multiplexer Valid Data Right Channel Valid Data+1 Left Channel DMIC_CLK Figure 1. Single Digital Microphone (data is ported to both left and right channels) Off-Chip Digital Microphones On-Chip External Multiplexer MUX DMIC_0 OR DMIC_1 MUX Pin On-Chip Multiplexer STEREO ADC0, 1 or 2 Stereo Channels Output PCM DMIC_CLK Pin DMIC_0 Or DMIC_1 Valid R Data Right Channel Valid L Data Left Channel DMIC_CLK Figure 2. Stereo Digital Microphone Configuration IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 25 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Digital Microphones PC AUDIO On-Chip Off-Chip External Multiplexer On-Chip Multiplexer DMIC_0 MUX STEREO ADC0 MUX Pin Stereo Channels Output For DMIC_0 L & R PCM DMIC_CLK Note: Valid ADC Pairs include: ADC0/ADC1, ADC0/ADC2, ADC1/ADC2 Pin On-Chip Multiplexer DMIC_1 MUX STEREO ADC1 MUX Pin Stereo Channels Output For DMIC_1 L & R PCM External Multiplexer DMIC_0 Valid Data R0 Valid Data L0 DMIC_1 Valid Data R1 Valid Data L1 Valid Data R0 Valid Data L0 Valid Data R1 Valid Data L1 Right Left Right Channel Channel Channel Left Channel DMIC_CLK Figure 3. Quad Digital Microphone Configuration Note: Some Digital Microphone Implementations support data on either edge, therefore, the external mux may not be required. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 26 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 3.6. PC AUDIO Analog PC-Beep Analog PC-Beep is not supported during Link Reset. 3.7. Headphone Drivers (Restrictions) Three headphones should not be used simultaneously. Performance degradation will occur when using two headphones simultaneously. See electrical specifications for details. 3.8. Device IDs Table 5. CODEC IDs Part Number DAC SNR dB 9274 105 8384h 7620h 01h 9274D 105 8384h 7621h 01h 01h 9273X 95 8384h 7622h 01h 01h VID DID Rev Step ID ID 01h SSID* Assm ID* 000001h 00h No 000001h 00h MS Yes Yes Selectable 000001h 00h No Yes Yes Selectable HT/SR Yes Yes Selectable No Selectable 9273D 95 8384h 7623h 01h 01h 000001h 00h 9272X 95 8384h 7624h 01h 01h 000001h 00h Dolby Mic ADAT No Yes Yes HT/SR Yes Yes Vol or DMIC Selectable 9272D 95 8384h 7625h 01h 01h 000001h 00h No Selectable 9271X 105 8384h 7626h 01h 01h 000001h 00h No No Yes Selectable 9271D 105 8384h 7627h 01h 01h 000001h 00h HT/SR No Yes Selectable Note: SVID’s, SSID’s and Assembly ID’s are read/writable by BIOS. All other ID fields are read-only. Note: MS refers to Master Studio and HT/SR refers to Home Theater/Sound Room IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 27 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 4. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS 4.1. IDT™ STAC9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 28 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 4.2. IDT™ PC AUDIO STAC9271/9272 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 29 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 5. WIDGET DIAGRAM N ID =24h V O LU M E KNOB D A C0 D AC 0 D AC 1 D AC 4 VOLUME MUTE N ID =02h N ID=03h VOLUME MUTE D A C1 DAC 0 DAC 1 DAC 4 VOLUME MUTE D AC 1 VOLUME MUTE DAC 0 P ortB P ortC P ortD N ID =0E h VOLUME MUTE N ID=06h D AC 2 N ID=07h N ID =1Bh ADC0 ADC0 MUX N ID =15h IN PO R T0 VOL A D C 0M U X D AC 3 B N ID =18h P ortE N ID =0Fh A PortF C VOLUME D A C4 N ID =0B h N ID =0D h N ID=05h D A C3 P ortA N ID =0C h N ID=04h D A C2 N ID =0A h D N ID =10h IN P O R T0E MUX F D AC 2 G P ortG H CD N ID =11h D AC 1 N ID=08h ADC1 N ID=16h N ID=1C h A ADC1 MUX N ID =19h IN P O R T1 VO L N ID =23h B C VOLUME A zalia Link P ortH PCBEEP D IN P O R T1 E MUX F G A D C 1M U X N ID =13h H CD D M IC0 N ID =14h ADC2 D M IC1 A ADC2 MUX B C N ID=1A h IN P O R T2 VO L VOLUME N ID=09h N ID=17h N ID=1D h D IN P O R T2 E MUX F N ID =12h G H CD CD N ID =20h N ID =22h S P D IF IN D IG IN N ID =1Fh N ID =21h AD A T OUT AD C0M U X AD C1M U X N ID =1E h D IG O U T 0 S P D IF OUT IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 30 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.1. PC AUDIO Pin Configuration Default Register Settings The following table shows the Pin Widget Configuration Default settings. Table 6. Pin Configuration Default Settings Pin Name IDT™ Port Location Device Connection Color Misc DigInPin Not Connected 01b Mainboard Rear 1h SPDIF In Ch RCA 4h Gray 2h Jack Detect Overide =1 9h 0h DigOutPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard SPDIF Out Rear 4h 1h RCA 4h Gray 2h Jack Detect Overide=0 7h 0h PortAPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Front 2h HP Out 2h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Green 4h Jack Detect Overide=0 2h 0h PortBPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Front 2ht Mic In Ah 1/8 inch Jack 1h Pink 9h Jack Detect Overide=0 8h 0h PortCPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Line In 8h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Blue 3h Jack Detect Overide=0 4h Eh PortDPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Line Out 0h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Green 4h Jack Detect Overide=0 1h 0h PortEPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Mic In Ah 1/8 inch Jack 1h Pink 9h Jack Detect Overide=0 4h 0h PortFPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Line Out 0h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Black 1h Jack Detect Overide=0 1h 2h PortGPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Line Out 0h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Orange 6h Jack Detect Overide=0 1h 1h PortHPin Connect to Jack 00b Mainboard Rear 1h Line Out 0h 1/8 inch Jack 1h Gray 2h Jack Detect Overide=0 1h Fh CDPin Not Connected 01b Internal 01000b CD 3h ATAPI Internal Unknown Jack Detect Overide=1 3h 0h Fh 0h DigMicPin Not Connected 01b Internal 01000b Mic In Ah Unknown 0h Unknown Jack Detect Overide=1 0h Fh 0h DigMicPin Not Connected 01b Internal 01000b Mic In Ah Unknown 0h Unknown Jack Detect Overide=1 0h Fh 0h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 31 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Assoc. Seq STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6. WIDGET INFORMATION FOR THE STAC927X FAMILY Table 7. High Definition Audio Widget IDT™ ID Widget Name Description 00h Root Root Node 01h Audio Function Group Audio Function Group 02h DAC0 Stereo Output Converter to DAC 03h DAC1 Stereo Output Converter to DAC 04h DAC2 Stereo Output Converter to DAC 05h DAC3 Stereo Output Converter to DAC 06h DAC4 Stereo Output Converter to DAC 07h ADC0 Stereo Input Converter to ADC 08h ADC1 Stereo Input Converter to ADC 09h ADC2 Stereo Input Converter to ADC 0Ah Port A Port A Pin Widget (Configurable as HP, Line In, Line Out, Mic) 0Bh Port B Port B Pin Widget (Configurable as HP, Line In, Line Out, Mic) 0Ch Port C Port C Pin Widget (Configurable as Line In, Line Out, Mic) 0Dh Port D Port D Pin Widget (Configurable as HP, Line In, Line Out, Mic) 0Eh Port E Port E Pin Widget (Configurable as Line In, Line Out, Mic) 0Fh Port F Port F Pin Widget (Configurable as Line In, Line Out, Mic) 10h Port G Port G Pin Widget (Configurable as Line In, Line Out, Mic) 11h Port H Port H Pin Widget (Configurable as Line In, Line Out, Mic) 12h CD CD Pin Widget 13h DigMic0 Digital Microphone 0 Pin Widget 14h DigMic1 Digital Microphone 1 Pin Widget 15h InPort0Mux ADC0 Input Port Mux 16h InPort1Mux ADC1 Input Port Mux 17h InPort2Mux ADC2 Input Port Mux 18h InPort0Vol ADC0 Input Port Volume 19h InPort1Vol ADC1 Input Port Volume 1Ah InPort2Vol ADC2 Input Port Volume 1Bh ADC0Mux ADC0 Mux 1Ch ADC1Mux ADC1 Mux 1Dh ADC2Mux ADC2 Mux 1Eh SPDIF_OUT Stereo Output for SPDIF_Out 1Fh ADATOut ADAT Out 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 32 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 7. High Definition Audio Widget IDT™ ID Widget Name Description 20h SPDIF_IN Stereo Input for SPDIF_In 21h DigOut Digital Output Pin 22h DigIn Digital Microphone Input Pin 23h PCBEEP Digital PC Beep 24h VolumeKnob Master Volume Controls 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 33 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.1. PC AUDIO Root Node (NID = 0x00) 6.1.1. Root ID Table 8. Root ID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 9. Root ID Command Response Format 6.1.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:16] Vendor R 0x8384 [15.:8] DeviceFix R 0x76 Fixed portion of Device ID. [7.:0] DeviceProg R 0x10 Dependent of device- See device ID table in section 5.8. Vendor ID. Root RevID Table 10. Root RevID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 02 See bitfield table. Get Table 11. Root RevID Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd R 0x00 Reserved [23.:20] Major R 0x1 Major rev number of compliant Azalia spec. [19.:16] Minor R 0x0 Minor rev number of compliant Azalia spec. [15.:12] VendorFix R 0x0 Fixed portion of Vendor's rev number for this device. [11.:8] VendorProg R 0x1 Vendor's rev number for this device. [7.:4] SteppingFix R 0x0 Fixed portion of vendor stepping number within the Vendor RevID. [3.:0] SteppingProg R 0x1 vendor stepping number within the Vendor RevID. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 34 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.1.3. PC AUDIO Root NodeInfo Table 12. Root NodeInfo Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 04 See bitfield table. Get Table 13. Root NodeInfo Command Response Format 6.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [23.:16] StartNID R 0x01 Starting node number (NID) of first function group [15.:8] Rsvd1 R 0x00 Reserved [7.:0] TotalNodes R 0x01 Total number of nodes AFG Node (NID = 0x01) 6.2.1. AFG Reset Table 14. AFG Reset Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get 7FF 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7FF See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 15. AFG Reset Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:0] Response R 0x0 Reserved. Overlaps Execute. 0x0 Function Reset. Function Group reset is executed when the Set verb 7FF is written with 8-bit payload of 00h. The CODEC should issue a response to acknowledge receipt of the verb, and then reset the affected Function Group and all associated widgets to their power-on reset values. Some controls such as Configuration Default controls should not be reset. Overlaps Response. [0] IDT™ Execute 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC W 35 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.2.2. PC AUDIO AFG NodeInfo Table 16. AFG NodeInfo Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 04 See bitfield table. Table 17. AFG NodeInfo Command Response Format 6.2.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:16] StartNID R 0x2 Starting node number for function group subordinate nodes. [15.:8] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:0] TotalNodes R 0x23 Total number of nodes. AFG Type Table 18. AFG Type Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 05 See bitfield table. Table 19. AFG Type Command Response Format 6.2.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:9] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [8] UnSol R 0x1 This node is capable of generating an unsolicited response, and will respond to the Unsolicited Response verb (Verb ID 708h). [7.:0] NodeType R 0x01 Node type = Audio Function Group AFG Type Table 20. AFG Cap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 08 See bitfield table. 36 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 21. AFG Cap Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [16] BeepGen R 0x1 Optional Beep Generator is present [15.:12] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [11.:8] InputDelay R 0xD Typical latency = 13 frames. Number of samples between when the sample is received as an analog signal at the pin and when the digital representation is transmitted on the Azalia link. [7.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0xD Typical latency = 13 frames. Number of samples between when the signal is received from the Azalia link and when it appears as an analog signal at the pin. [3.:0] 6.2.5. Description OutputDelay R AFG PCMCap Table 22. AFG PCMCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table. Table 23. AFG PCMCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 37 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 23. AFG PCMCap Command Response Format 6.2.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x1 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) supported [9] R10 R 0x1 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x1 88.2 KHz rate (2/1*44.1 KHz) supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) supported AFG Stream Table 24. AFG Stream Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table. Table 25. AFG Stream Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x0 No support for non-PCM data. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for Float32 data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 38 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.2.7. PC AUDIO AFG InAmpCap Table 26. AFG InAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0D See bitfield table. Table 27. AFG InAmpCap Command Response Format 6.2.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Mute R 0x0 No mute capability [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x5 Size of each step in the gain range = 1.5dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x0E [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset Number of steps in the gain range = 15 (0dB to 22.5 dB) AFG SupPwrState Table 28. AFG SupPwrState Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0F See bitfield table. Table 29. AFG SupPwrState Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3] D3Sup R 0x1 Power State D3 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state under software control (and still properly respond to a subsequent Power State command). [2] D2Sup R 0x1 Power State D2 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state from which it can return to fully on state within 10 ms. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description 39 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 29. AFG SupPwrState Command Response Format Bit 6.2.9. Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [1] D1Sup R 0x1 Power State D1 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state from which it can return to fully on state within 10ms, excepting analog pass-through circuits which must remain fully on. [0] D0Sup R 0x1 Power State D0 is supported. Node power state is fully on. AFG GPIOCnt Table 30. AFG GPIOCnt Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 11 See bitfield table. Get Table 31. AFG GPIOCnt Command Response Format Bit [31] IDT™ Bitfield Name GPIWake RW R Reset Description 0x1 Wake capability. Assuming the Wake Enable Mask controls are enabled, GPIO's configured as inputs can cause a wake (generate a Status Change event on the link) when there is a change in level on the pin. [30] GPIUnsol R 0x1 Unsolicited Response capability. Assuming the Unsolicited Enable Mask controls are enabled, GPIO's configured as inputs can generate an Unsolicited Response on the link when there is a change in level on the pin. [29.:24] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [23.:16] NumGPIs R 0x00 Number of GPI pins supported by function [15.:8] NumGPOs R 0x00 Number of GPO pins supported by function [7.:0] NumGPIOs R 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 0x03 = 48 pin 40 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Number of GPIO pins supported by function STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.2.10. PC AUDIO AFG OutAmpCap Table 32. AFG OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Get Table 33. AFG OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.2.11. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x02 Size of each step in the gain range = 0.75dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x7F Number of steps in the gain range = 128 (-96dB to +0dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x7F 0dB-step is programmed with this offset AFG PwrState Table 34. AFG PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 35. AFG PwrState Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x2 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 41 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 35. AFG PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x2 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 0: All Powered-On 1: D1 => PR0, PR1 2: D2 => PR0,PR1, PR2,PR6,EAPD 3: D3 => PR6,PR5,PR3,PR2,PR1,PR0,EAPD Note: PR4 is not mapped in Azalia [1.:0] 6.2.12. Set RW Description AFG UnsolResp Table 36. AFG UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 37. AFG UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.2.13. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x0 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. AFG GPIO Table 38. AFG GPIO Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F15 00 See bitfield table. Set1 715 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 42 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 39. AFG GPIO Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Data for GPIO4. If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO3. If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO2. If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO1. If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO0. If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). [4] Data4 [3] Data3 [2] RW Data2 [1] RW Data1 [0] 6.2.14. RW RW Data0 RW Description AFG GPIOEn Table 40. AFG GPIOEn Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F16 00 See bitfield table. Set1 716 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 43 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 41. AFG GPIOEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Enable for GPIO4: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO3: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO2: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO1: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO0: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control [4] Mask4 [3] Mask3 [2] RW Mask2 [1] RW Mask1 [0] 6.2.15. RW RW Mask0 RW Description AFG GPIODir Table 42. AFG GPIODir Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F17 00 See bitfield table. Set1 717 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 43. AFG GPIODir Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [4] Control4 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO4 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 44 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 43. AFG GPIODir Command Response Format 6.2.16. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] Control3 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO3 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [2] Control2 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO2 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [1] Control1 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO1 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [0] Control0 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO0 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output AFG GPIOWakeEn Table 44. AFG GPIOWakeEn Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F18 00 See bitfield table. Set1 718 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 45. AFG GPIOWakeEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO4: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO3: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. [4] [3] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC W4 W3 RW RW 45 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 45. AFG GPIOWakeEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [2] W2 [1] RW W1 [0] 6.2.17. RW RW W0 RW Reset Description 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO2: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO1: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO0: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. AFG GPIOUnsol Table 46. AFG GPIOUnsol Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F19 00 See bitfield table. Set1 719 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 47. AFG GPIOUnsol Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO4. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO3. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. [4] [3] IDT™ EnMask4 EnMask3 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 46 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 47. AFG GPIOUnsol Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [2] EnMask2 [1] RW EnMask1 [0] 6.2.18. RW RW EnMask0 RW Reset Description 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO2. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO1. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO0. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. AFG GPIOSticky Table 48. AFG GPIOSticky Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1A 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71A See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 49. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 GPIO4 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. [4] IDT™ Mask4 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 47 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 49. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [3] Mask3 [2] RW Mask2 [1] RW Mask1 [0] 6.2.19. RW RW Mask0 RW Reset Description 0x0 GPIO3 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. 0x0 GPIO2 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. 0x0 GPIO1 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. 0x0 GPIO0 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. AFG SubID Table 50. AFG SubID Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F20 00 See bitfield table. Set1 720 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 721 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 722 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 723 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 48 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 51. AFG SubID Command Response Format 6.2.20. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Subsys3 RW 0x00 [23.:16] Subsys2 RW 0x00 [15.:8] Subsys1 RW 0x01 [7.:0] Assembly RW 0x00 Description Subsystem ID. (Any non-zero value) Assembly ID. (Not applicable to CODEC vendors) AFG TCKT Table 52. AFG TCKT Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FE5 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7E5 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 53. AFG TCKT Command Response Format 6.2.21. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] AnaD3Enable RW 0x0 D3 enable signal for analog [6.:0] TCKT RW 0x0 Test circuit (default reset on) TBD [6:0] AFG Sply Table 54. AFG Sply Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get FE6 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7E6 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 49 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 55. AFG Sply Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [6.:5] IBIAS RW 0x0 00 = Normal Current; 01 = 80% nominal Analog Current; 10 = 120% nominal Analog Current; 11 = 140% nominal Analog Current [4] PinLvl RW 0x1 0= low-level SPDIF Input (special buffer for low level signals) 1= standard SPDIF Input (for high level signals) 0x0 Supply Override Control. See Table below. [0] = invert ADC supply; [1] = invert DAC supply; [2] = supply value; [3] = supply override enable [3.:0] 6.2.22. Description SplyOvr RW AFG DACMode Table 56. AFG DACMode Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FEB 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7EB See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 57. AFG DACMode Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] ADCMixDAC RW 0x0 Enable mixing of ADC with DAC signal (for karaoke) [5] FadeFast RW 0x0 Gain ramps at the maximum rate [4] FadeLog RW 0x0 Gain ramping is dB linear instead of voltage linear over time [3.:0] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 50 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.2.23. PC AUDIO AFG GPIOPlrty Table 58. AFG GPIOPlrty Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FEE 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7EE See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 59. AFG GPIOPlrty Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x1 GPIO4 Polarity; If configured as an output: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a non-sticky input: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a sticky input: 0= falling events will be detected 1= rising events will be detected 0x1 GPIO3 Polarity; If configured as an output: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a non-sticky input: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a sticky input: 0= falling events will be detected 1= rising events will be detected 0x1 GPIO2 Polarity If configured as an output: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a non-sticky input: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a sticky input: 0= falling events will be detected 1= rising events will be detected [4] [3] [2] IDT™ GP4 GP3 GP2 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW RW 51 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 59. AFG GPIOPlrty Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [1] GP1 [0] 6.2.24. RW Reset RW GP0 RW Description 0x1 GPIO1 Polarity; If configured as an output: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a non-sticky input: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a sticky input: 0= falling events will be detected 1= rising events will be detected 0x1 GPIO0 Polarity; If configured as an output: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a non-sticky input: 0= inverting 1= non-inverting If configured as a sticky input: 0= falling events will be detected 1= rising events will be detected AFG GPIODrive Table 60. AFG GPIODrive Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FEF 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7EF See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 61. AFG GPIODrive Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [4] OD4 RW 0x0 GPIO4 Drive Mode; 0= push-pull (drive 0 and 1), 1= open drain (drive 0, float for 1). [3] OD3 RW 0x0 GPIO3 Drive Mode; 0= push-pull (drive 0 and 1), 1= open drain (drive 0, float for 1). 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 52 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 61. AFG GPIODrive Command Response Format 6.2.25. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [2] OD2 RW 0x0 GPIO2 Drive Mode; 0= push-pull (drive 0 and 1), 1= open drain (drive 0, float for 1). [1] OD1 RW 0x0 GPIO1 Drive Mode; 0= push-pull (drive 0 and 1), 1= open drain (drive 0, float for 1). [0] OD0 RW 0x0 GPIO0 Drive Mode; 0= push-pull (drive 0 and 1), 1= open drain (drive 0, float for 1). AFG DMic Table 62. AFG DMic Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FF0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7F0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 63. AFG DMic Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Selects what phase of the DigMic clock the data should be latched: 0= rising edge, 1= center of high, 2= falling edge, 3= center of low. 0x2 Selects the DigMic rate: 0= 4.704 MHz, 1= 3.528 MHz, 2= 2.352 MHz, 3= 1.176 MHz. [3.:2] PhAdj [1.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Rate RW RW 53 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.3. PC AUDIO DAC0 Node (NID = 0x02) 6.3.1. DAC0 Cnvtr Table 64. DAC0 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 65. DAC0 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz/44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] IDT™ SmplRateMultp RW Description [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 54 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 65. DAC0 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.3.2. RW RW NmbrChan RW Reset Description 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels DAC0 OutAmpRight Table 66. DAC0 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 67. DAC0 OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.3.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC0 OutAmpLeft Table 68. DAC0 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 55 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 69. DAC0 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.3.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC0 WCap Table 70. DAC0 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 71. DAC0 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 56 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 71. DAC0 WCap Command Response Format 6.3.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC0 PwrState Table 72. DAC0 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 73. DAC0 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] 6.3.6. Set RW Description DAC0 CnvtrID Table 74. DAC0 CnvtrID Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 57 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 75. DAC0 CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.3.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. DAC0 LR Table 76. DAC0 LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 77. DAC0 LR Command Response Format 6.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= enable swapping of left and right channels. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DAC1 Node (NID = 0x03) 6.4.1. DAC1 Cnvtr Table 78. DAC1 Cnvtr Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 58 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 79. DAC1 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz/44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] RW [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] [3.:0] IDT™ SmplRateMultp Description BitsPerSmpl NmbrChan 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 59 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.4.2. PC AUDIO DAC1 OutAmpRight Table 80. DAC1 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 81. DAC1 OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.4.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC1 OutAmpLeft Table 82. DAC1 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 83. DAC1 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.4.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC1 WCap Table 84. DAC1 WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 60 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 85. DAC1 WCap Command Response Format 6.4.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC1 PwrState Table 86. DAC1 PwrState Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 61 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 87. DAC1 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] 6.4.6. Set RW Description DAC1 CnvtrID Table 88. DAC1 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 89. DAC1 CnvtrID Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 62 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.4.7. PC AUDIO DAC1 LR Table 90. DAC1 LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 91. DAC1 LR Command Response Format 6.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= enable swapping of left and right channels. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DAC2 Node (NID = 0x04) 6.5.1. DAC2 Cnvtr Table 92. DAC2 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 93. DAC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 63 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 93. DAC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [13.:11] SmplRateMultp RW Reset Description 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.5.2. RW RW NmbrChan RW DAC2 OutAmpRight Table 94. DAC2 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 64 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 95. DAC2 OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.5.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC2 OutAmpLeft Table 96. DAC2 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 97. DAC2 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.5.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC2 WCap Table 98. DAC2 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 99. DAC2 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 65 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 99. DAC2 WCap Command Response Format 6.5.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC2 PwrState Table 100. DAC2 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 101. DAC2 PwrState Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 66 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 101. DAC2 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] 6.5.6. Set RW Description DAC2 CnvtrID Table 102. DAC2 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 103. DAC2 CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.5.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. DAC2 LR Table 104. DAC2 LR Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 67 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 105. DAC2 LR Command Response Format 6.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= enable swapping of left and right channels. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DAC3 Node (NID = 0x05) 6.6.1. DAC3 Cnvtr Table 106. DAC3 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 107. DAC3 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] IDT™ SmplRateMultp 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 68 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 107. DAC3 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name Reset Description [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.6.2. RW RW NmbrChan RW DAC3 OutAmpRight Table 108. DAC3 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 109. DAC3 OutAmpRight Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 69 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.6.3. PC AUDIO DAC3 OutAmpLeft Table 110. DAC3 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 111. DAC3 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.6.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC3 WCap Table 112. DAC3 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 113. DAC3 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 70 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 113. DAC3 WCap Command Response Format 6.6.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC3 PwrState Table 114. DAC3 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 115. DAC3 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Set RW 71 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.6.6. PC AUDIO DAC3 CnvtrID Table 116. DAC3 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 117. DAC3 CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.6.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. DAC3 LR Table 118. DAC3 LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 119. DAC3 LR Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= enable swapping of left and right channels. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 72 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.7. PC AUDIO DAC4 Node (NID = 0x06) 6.7.1. DAC4 Cnvtr Table 120. DAC4 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 121. DAC4 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] IDT™ SmplRateMultp RW Description [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 73 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 121. DAC4 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.7.2. RW RW NmbrChan RW Reset Description 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels DAC4 OutAmpRight Table 122. DAC4 OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 123. DAC4 OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.7.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC4 OutAmpLeft Table 124. DAC4 OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 74 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 125. DAC4 OutAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.7.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Gain RW 0x7F Amplifier gain step number DAC4 WCap Table 126. DAC4 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 127. DAC4 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 75 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 127. DAC4 WCap Command Response Format 6.7.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC4 PwrState Table 128. DAC4 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 129. DAC4 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] 6.7.6. Set RW Description DAC4 CnvtrID Table 130. DAC4 CnvtrID Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 76 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 131. DAC4 CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.7.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. DAC4 LR Table 132. DAC4 LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 133. DAC4 LR Command Response Format 6.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= enable swapping of left and right channels. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC0 Node (NID = 0x07) 6.8.1. ADC0 Cnvtr Table 134. ADC0 Cnvtr Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 77 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 135. ADC0 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] RW [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] [3.:0] IDT™ SmplRateMultp Description BitsPerSmpl NmbrChan 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 78 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.8.2. PC AUDIO ADC0 WCap Table 136. ADC0 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 137. ADC0 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x1 Widget type = Audio Input [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x1 Software should query the Processing Controls parameter for this widget. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 79 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.8.3. PC AUDIO ADC0 ConLst Table 138. ADC0 ConLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Get Table 139. ADC0 ConLst Command Response Format 6.8.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC0 ConLstEntry Table 140. ADC0 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 141. ADC0 ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.8.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x1B ADC0Mux widget ADC0 ProcState Table 142. ADC0 ProcState Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F03 00 See bitfield table. Set1 703 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 80 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 143. ADC0 ProcState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPFOCDIS RW 0x0 High Pass Filter Offset Calculation Disable 0 = Calculation enabled. 1 = Calculation disabled. [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x1 Processing State = 00 (OFF): bypass the ADC high pass filter; Processing State = 01, 10, 11 (ON or BENIGN): ADC high pass filter is enabled. [1.:0] 6.8.6. ADCHPFByp RW Description ADC0 PwrState Table 144. ADC0 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 145. ADC0 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down (default) [1.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Set RW 81 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.8.7. PC AUDIO ADC0 CnvtrID Table 146. ADC0 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 147. ADC0 CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.9. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter ADC1 Node (NID = 0x08) 6.9.1. ADC1 Cnvtr Table 148. ADC1 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 149. ADC1 Cnvtr Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 82 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 149. ADC1 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [13.:11] SmplRateMultp RW Reset Description 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.9.2. RW NmbrChan RW RW ADC1 WCap Table 150. ADC1 WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 83 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 151. ADC1 WCap Command Response Format 6.9.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x1 Widget type = Audio Input [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x1 Software should query the Processing Controls parameter for this widget. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC1 ConLst Table 152. ADC1 ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 84 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 153. ADC1 ConLst Command Response Format 6.9.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC1 ConLstEntry Table 154. ADC1 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 155. ADC1 ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.9.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x1C ADC1Mux widget ADC1 ProcState Table 156. ADC1 ProcState Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F03 00 See bitfield table. Set1 703 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 85 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 157. ADC1 ProcState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPFOCDIS RW 0x0 High Pass Filter Offset Calculation Disable 0 = Calculation enabled. 1 = Calculation disabled. [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x1 Processing State = 00 (OFF): bypass the ADC high pass filter; Processing State = 01, 10, 11 (ON or BENIGN): ADC high pass filter is enabled. [1.:0] 6.9.6. ADCHPFByp RW Description ADC1 PwrState Table 158. ADC1 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 159. ADC1 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down (default) [1.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Set RW 86 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.9.7. PC AUDIO ADC1 CnvtrID Table 160. ADC1 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 161. ADC1 CnvtrID Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter 6.10. ADC2 Node (NID = 0x09) 6.10.1. ADC2 Cnvtr Table 162. ADC2 Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 163. ADC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 87 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 163. ADC2 Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [13.:11] SmplRateMultp RW Reset Description 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.10.2. RW NmbrChan RW RW ADC2 WCap Table 164. ADC2 WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 88 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 165. ADC2 WCap Command Response Format 6.10.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x1 Widget type = Audio Input [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x1 Software should query the Processing Controls parameter for this widget. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC2 ConLst Table 166. ADC2 ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 89 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 167. ADC2 ConLst Command Response Format 6.10.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC2 ConLstEntry Table 168. ADC2 ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 169. ADC2 ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.10.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x1D ADC2Mux widget ADC2 ProcState Table 170. ADC2 ProcState Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F03 00 See bitfield table. Set1 703 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 90 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 171. ADC2 ProcState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPFOCDIS RW 0x0 High Pass Filter Offset Calculation Disable 0 = Calculation enabled. 1 = Calculation disabled. [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x1 Processing State = 00 (OFF): bypass the ADC high pass filter; Processing State = 01, 10, 11 (ON or BENIGN): ADC high pass filter is enabled. [1.:0] 6.10.6. ADCHPFByp RW Description ADC2 PwrState Table 172. ADC2 PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 173. ADC2 PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down (default) [1.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Set RW 91 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.10.7. PC AUDIO ADC2 CnvtrID Table 174. ADC2 CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 175. ADC2 CnvtrID Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter 6.11. SPDIFOut Node (NID = 0x1E) 6.11.1. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Table 176. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 177. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Stream Type 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM (remaining bits in this verb have other meanings) [15] IDT™ FrmtNonPCM 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 92 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 177. SPDIFOut Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] SmplRateMultp [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] BitsPerSmpl [3.:0] 6.11.2. RW Description NmbrChan RW RW SPDIFOut WCap Table 178. SPDIFOut WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 93 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 179. SPDIFOut WCap Command Response Format 6.11.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0x4 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x1 Widget contains format info; software should query [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget SPDIFOut PCM Table 180. SPDIFOut PCM Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table. 94 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 181. SPDIFOut PCM Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x1 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) supported [9] R10 R 0x1 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x1 88.2 KHz rate (2/1*44.1 KHz) supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) NOT supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) NOT supported 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 95 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.11.4. PC AUDIO SPDIFOut Stream Table 182. SPDIFOut Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table. Get Table 183. SPDIFOut Stream Command Response Format 6.11.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x1 Non-PCM data supported. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for Float32 data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. SPDIFOut CnvtrID Table 184. SPDIFOut CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 185. SPDIFOut CnvtrID Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 96 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.11.6. PC AUDIO SPDIFOut DigCnvtr Table 186. SPDIFOut DigCnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0D 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 70E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 187. SPDIFOut DigCnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Rsvd [14.:8] CC RW 0x00 CC[6:0] - Category Code [7] L RW 0x0 L - Generation Level [6] PRO RW 0x0 PRO - Professional [5] AUDIO RW 0x0 /AUDIO - Non-Audio [4] COPY RW 0x0 COPY - Copyright [3] PRE RW 0x0 PRE - Preemphasis [2] VCFG RW 0x0 VCFG - Validity Config [1] V RW 0x0 V - Validity [0] DigEn RW 0x0 DigEn - Digital Enable 6.12. SPDIFIn Node (NID = 0x20) 6.12.1. SPDIFIn Cnvtr Table 188. SPDIFIn Cnvtr Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 97 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 189. SPDIFIn Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] FrmtNonPCM RW 0x0 Stream Type 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM (remaining bits in this verb have other meanings) [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] SmplRateMultp RW [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] [3.:0] IDT™ Description BitsPerSmpl NmbrChan 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 98 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.12.2. PC AUDIO SPDIFIn WCap Table 190. SPDIFIn WCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Get Table 191. SPDIFIn WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 [23.:20] Type R 0x1=Enabled 0xF=Disabled [19.:16] Delay R 0x4 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 Unsolicited Response is not supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x1 Widget contains format info; software should query [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 99 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved Widget type = Audio Input STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.12.3. PC AUDIO SPDIFIn PCMCap Table 192. SPDIFIn PCMCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table. Table 193. SPDIFIn PCMCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x0 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [9] R10 R 0x0 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x0 88.2 KHz rate (2/1*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) NOT supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) NOT supported 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 100 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.12.4. PC AUDIO SPDIFIn Stream Table 194. SPDIFIn Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table. Get Table 195. SPDIFIn Stream Command Response Format 6.12.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x1 Non-PCM data supported. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for Float32 data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. SPDIFIn ConLst Table 196. SPDIFIn ConLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Get Table 197. SPDIFIn ConLst Command Response Format 6.12.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. SPDIFIn ConLstEntry Table 198. SPDIFIn ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. 101 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 199. SPDIFIn ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.12.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x22 DigIn pin widget SPDIFIn CnvtrID Table 200. SPDIFIn CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 201. SPDIFIn CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.12.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter SPDIFIn DigCnvtr Table 202. SPDIFIn DigCnvtr Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F0D 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 70E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 102 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 203. SPDIFIn DigCnvtr Command Response Format 6.12.9. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] CC R 0x00 CC[6:0] - Category Code [7] L R 0x0 L - Generation Level [6] PRO R 0x0 PRO - Professional [5] AUDIO R 0x0 /AUDIO - Non-Audio [4] COPY R 0x0 COPY - Copyright [3] PRE R 0x0 PRE - Preemphasis [2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved (VCFG bit applies only to output streams) [1] V R 0x0 V - Validity [0] DigEn RW 0x0 DigEn - Digital Enable SPDIFIn VCSR0 Table 204. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FE0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7E0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 205. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] RcvSmplRate R 0x0 Recovered sample rate base 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz [30.:28] RcvRateMult R 0x0 Recovered sample rate multiplier 000= 1X 001= 2X, all others reserved [27.:26] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 103 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 205. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [25.:22] OrigFS R 0x0 Original sample rate (IEC spec). 0x0 Clock accuracy 00= Level II 01= Level I 10= Level III 11= Reserved 0x0 Sample Rate 0000= 44.1 KHz 0010= 48 KHz 0011= 32 KHz All other combinations are reserved and shall not be used until further defined (IEC spec). 0x0 Channel Number (audio channel) 0000= do not take into account 0001= A (left channel for stereo channel format) 0010= B (right channel for stereo channel format) 0011= C. 1111= O 0x0 Sample Word Length [2:0] If MaxWrdL=1: 000= unspecified 001= 20 bits 010= 22 bits 011= reserved 100= 23 bits 101= 24 bits 110= 21 bits 111= reserved If MaxWrdL=0: 000= unspecified 001= 16 bits 010= 18 bits 011= reserved 100= 19 bits 101= 20 bits 110= 17 bits 111= reserved 0x0 Max Word Length 0= maximum audio sample word length is 20 bits 1= maximum audio sample word length is 24 bits [21.:20] CA [19.:16] FS [15.:12] [11.:9] [8] IDT™ CN SmplWrdL MaxWrdL 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC R R R R R 104 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 205. SPDIFIn VCSR0 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] NOBLKCH RW 0x0 0 = normal behavior 1 = disable block size checking for spdif_in. [6] VI RW 0x0 0 = Respond to SPDIF_IN Valid tag 1 = Ignore SPDIF_IN valid tag [5] AMuteDis RW 0x0 0= Auto mute when SPDIF stream marked non PCM 1= Auto Mute disabled. 0x0 SPDIF_IN Parity Limit:Loss of DPLL Lock after 00 = 4 parity errors 01 = 3 parity errors 10 = 2 parity errors 11 = 1 parity errors NEW LOCATION -- was at Register 72h, Page 0, D13:12, moved as part of SPDIF In consolidation [4.:3] SPL RW [2] SPRun R 0x0 SPDIF IN Running 0= no signal on pin 47 1= signal on pin 47 NEW LOCATION -- was at Register 72h, Page 0, D2, moved as part of SPDIF In consolidation [1] SIPER RW 0x0 SPDIF_IN PARITY ERROR. Set to clear. `Overlaps SIPERSTAT'. Overlaps SIPERSTAT. [0] COPYINV RW 0x0 Copyright invert bit. 6.13. PortA Node (NID = 0x0A) 6.13.1. PortA WCap Table 206. PortA WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 105 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 207. PortA WCap Command Response Format 6.13.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortA PinCap Table 208. PortA PinCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. 106 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 209. PortA PinCap Command Response Format 6.13.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x1 Pin complex has headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortA ConLst Table 210. PortA ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 211. PortA ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 107 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 211. PortA ConLst Command Response Format 6.13.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [7] LForm R 0x0 [6.:0] ConL R 0x03= Enabled 0x02=Disabled Description Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. Number of NID entries in connection list. PortA ConLstEntry Table 212. PortA ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 213. PortA ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.13.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x06= Enabled 0x00= Disabled DAC4 Converter widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x03 DAC1 Converter widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x02 DAC0 Converter widget Unused list entry. PortA ConSelectCtrl Table 214. PortA ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 215. PortA ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 108 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.13.6. PC AUDIO PortA PinWCntrl Table 216. PortA PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 217. PortA PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPhnEn RW 0x0 1= enable the low impedance amplifier associated with the output. [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] 6.13.7. VRefEn RW Description PortA UnsolResp Table 218. PortA UnsolResp Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 109 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 219. PortA UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.13.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortA ChSense Table 220. PortA ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 221. PortA ChSense Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 110 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.13.9. PC AUDIO PortA ConfigDefault Table 222. PortA ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 223. PortA ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x02 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard front. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x21 Default Device= HP Out; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x40 Color= Green; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x20 Association= 2h; Sequence= 0h. 6.14. PortB Node (NID = 0x0B) 6.14.1. PortB WCap Table 224. PortB WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 111 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 225. PortB WCap Command Response Format 6.14.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortB PinCap Table 226. PortB PinCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. 112 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 227. PortB PinCap Command Response Format 6.14.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50%Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x1 Pin has a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortB ConLst Table 228. PortB ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 229. PortB ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 113 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 229. PortB ConLst Command Response Format 6.14.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] LForm R 0x0 [6.:0] ConL R 0x03= Enabled DAC4 0x02= Disabled DAC4 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. Number of NID entries in connection list. PortB ConLstEntry Table 230. PortB ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 231. PortB ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.14.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x06= Enabled 0x00= Disabled DAC4 Converter widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x03 DAC1 Converter widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x02 DAC0 Converter widget Unused list entry. PortB ConSelectCtrl Table 232. PortB ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 233. PortB ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 114 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.14.6. PC AUDIO PortB PinWCntrl Table 234. PortB PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 235. PortB PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPhnEn RW 0x0 1= enable the low impedance amplifier associated with the output. [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] 6.14.7. VRefEn RW Description PortB UnsolResp Table 236. PortB UnsolResp Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 115 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 237. PortB UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.14.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortB ChSense Table 238. PortB ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 239. PortB ChSense Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] PresDtct R 0x0 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 116 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.14.9. PC AUDIO PortB ConfigDefault Table 240. PortB ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 241. PortB ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x02 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard front. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0xA1 Default Device= Mic In; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x90 Color= Pink; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x80 Association= 8h; Sequence= 0h. 6.15. PortC Node (NID = 0x0C) 6.15.1. PortC WCap Table 242. PortC WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 117 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 243. PortC WCap Command Response Format 6.15.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortC PinCap Table 244. PortC PinCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. 118 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 245. PortC PinCap Command Response Format 6.15.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortC ConLst Table 246. PortC ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 247. PortC ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 119 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.15.4. PC AUDIO PortC ConLstEntry Table 248. PortC ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 249. PortC ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.15.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x03 DAC1 Converter widget PortC PinWCntrl Table 250. PortC PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 251. PortC PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] IDT™ VRefEn 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 120 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.15.6. PC AUDIO PortC UnsolResp Table 252. PortC UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 253. PortC UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.15.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortC ChSense Table 254. PortC ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 255. PortC ChSense Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] PresDtct R 0x0 [30.:0] IDT™ Impedance 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC R 0x7FFF_FFFF 121 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 255. PortC ChSense Command Response Format 6.15.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortC ConfigDefault Table 256. PortC ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 257. PortC ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x81 Default Device= Line In; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x30 Color= Blue; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x4E Association= 4h; Sequence= Eh. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 122 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.16. PortD Node (NID = 0x0D) 6.16.1. PortD WCap Table 258. PortD WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 259. PortD WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 123 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.16.2. PC AUDIO PortD PinCap Table 260. PortD PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 261. PortD PinCap Command Response Format 6.16.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x1 Pin complex has headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortD ConLst Table 262. PortD ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 124 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 263. PortD ConLst Command Response Format 6.16.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortD ConLstEntry Table 264. PortD ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 265. PortD ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.16.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x02 DAC0 Converter widget PortD PinWCntrl Table 266. PortD PinWCntrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 125 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 267. PortD PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPhnEn RW 0x0 1= enable the low impedance amplifier associated with the output. [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] 6.16.6. VRefEn RW Description PortD UnsolResp Table 268. PortD UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 269. PortD UnsolResp Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 126 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.16.7. PC AUDIO PortD ChSense Table 270. PortD ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 271. PortD ChSense Command Response Format 6.16.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortD ConfigDefault Table 272. PortD ConfigDefault Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 127 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 273. PortD ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x01 Default Device= Line Out; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x40 Color= Green; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x10 Association= 1h; Sequence= 0h. 6.17. PortE Node (NID = 0x0E) 6.17.1. PortE WCap Table 274. PortE WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 275. PortE WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 128 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 275. PortE WCap Command Response Format 6.17.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortE PinCap Table 276. PortE PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 277. PortE PinCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 129 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 277. PortE PinCap Command Response Format 6.17.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortE ConLst Table 278. PortE ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 279. PortE ConLst Command Response Format 6.17.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortE ConLstEntry Table 280. PortE ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 281. PortE ConLstEntry Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x04 DAC2 Converter widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 130 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.17.5. PC AUDIO PortE PinWCntrl Table 282. PortE PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 283. PortE PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] 6.17.6. VRefEn RW Description PortE UnsolResp Table 284. PortE UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 285. PortE UnsolResp Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [7] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC En RW 131 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 285. PortE UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.17.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortE ChSense Table 286. PortE ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 287. PortE ChSense Command Response Format 6.17.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] PresDtct R 0x0 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortE ConfigDefault Table 288. PortE ConfigDefault Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 132 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 288. PortE ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 289. PortE ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0xA1 Default Device= Mic In; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x90 Color= Pink; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x40 Association= 4h; Sequence= 0h. 6.18. PortF Node (NID = 0x0F) 6.18.1. PortF WCap Table 290. PortF WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 291. PortF WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 133 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 291. PortF WCap Command Response Format 6.18.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortF PinCap Table 292. PortF PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 293. PortF PinCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 134 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 293. PortF PinCap Command Response Format Bit 6.18.3. Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortF ConLst Table 294. PortF ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 295. PortF ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 135 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.18.4. PC AUDIO PortF ConLstEntry Table 296. PortF ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 297. PortF ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.18.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x05 DAC3 Converter widget PortF PinWCntrl Table 298. PortF PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 299. PortF PinWCntrl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] IDT™ VRefEn 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 136 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.18.6. PC AUDIO PortF UnsolResp Table 300. PortF UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 301. PortF UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.18.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortF ChSense Table 302. PortF ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 303. PortF ChSense Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [30.:0] IDT™ Impedance 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC R 137 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 303. PortF ChSense Command Response Format 6.18.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortF ConfigDefault Table 304. PortF ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 305. PortF ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW Ox01 Default Device= Line Out; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x10 Color= Black; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x12 Association= 1h; Sequence= 2h. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 138 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.19. PortG Node (NID = 0x10) 6.19.1. PortG WCap Table 306. PortG WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 307. PortG WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 139 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.19.2. PC AUDIO PortG PinCap Table 308. PortG PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 309. PortG PinCap Command Response Format 6.19.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortG ConLst Table 310. PortG ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 140 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 311. PortG ConLst Command Response Format 6.19.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortG ConLstEntry Table 312. PortG ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 313. PortG ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.19.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x04 DAC2 Converter widget PortG PinWCntrl Table 314. PortG PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 315. PortG PinWCntrl Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 141 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 315. PortG PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.19.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] VRefEn R 0x0 Vref Out not supported on this Port PortG UnsolResp Table 316. PortG UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 317. PortG UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.19.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortG ChSense Table 318. PortG ChSense Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 142 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 319. PortG ChSense Command Response Format 6.19.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortG ConfigDefault Table 320. PortG ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 321. PortG ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x01 Default Device= Line Out; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x60 Color= Orange; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x11 Association= 1h; Sequence= 1h. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 143 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.20. PortH Node (NID = 0x11) 6.20.1. PortH WCap Table 322. PortH WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 323. PortH WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 144 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.20.2. PC AUDIO PortH PinCap Table 324. PortH PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 325. PortH PinCap Command Response Format 6.20.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortH ConLst Table 326. PortH ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 145 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 327. PortH ConLst Command Response Format 6.20.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortH ConLstEntry Table 328. PortH ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 329. PortH ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.20.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x03 DAC1 Converter widget PortH PinWCntrl Table 330. PortH PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 331. PortH PinWCntrl Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 146 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 331. PortH PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.20.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] VRefEn R 0x0 Vref Out not supported on this Port PortH UnsolResp Table 332. PortH UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 333. PortH UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.20.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortH ChSense Table 334. PortH ChSense Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 147 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 335. PortH ChSense Command Response Format 6.20.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortH ConfigDefault Table 336. PortH ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 337. PortH ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x01 Default Device= Line Out; Connection Type= 1/8 inch jack. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x20 Color= Grey; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x14 Association= 1h; Sequence= 4h. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 148 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.21. DMic0 Node (NID = 0x13) 6.21.1. DMic0 WCap Table 338. DMic0 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 339. DMic0 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 [23.:20] Type R 0x4=Enabled 0xF=Disabled [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control Reserved Widget type = Pin Complex [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream (since the digital microphone input is a SDM signal that needs to be processed by the digital filters, it is not a true bit for bit digital stream like I2S or SPDIF where samples are passed through unchanged) [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 149 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 339. DMic0 WCap Command Response Format 6.21.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DMic0 PinCap Table 340. DMic0 PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 341. DMic0 PinCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 150 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.21.3. PC AUDIO DMic0 PinWCntrl Table 342. DMic0 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 343. DMic0 PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.21.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DMic0 ConfigDefault Table 344. DMic0 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 345. DMic0 ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x50 Port Connectivity= No connection; Location= Internal. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0xA0 Default Device= Mic In; Connection Type= Unknown. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 151 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 345. DMic0 ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x01 Color= Unknown; Misc= Jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0xF0 Association= Fh; Sequence= 0h. 6.22. DMic1 Node (NID = 0x14) 6.22.1. DMic1 WCap Table 346. DMic1 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 347. DMic1 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 [23.:20] Type R 0x4=Enabled 0xF=Disabled [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control Reserved Widget type = Pin Complex [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream (since the digital microphone input is a SDM signal that needs to be processed by the digital filters, it is not a true bit for bit digital stream like I2S or SPDIF where samples are passed through unchanged) [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 152 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 347. DMic1 WCap Command Response Format 6.22.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DMic1 PinCap Table 348. DMic1 PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 349. DMic1 PinCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 153 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 349. DMic1 PinCap Command Response Format 6.22.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. DMic1 PinWCntrl Table 350. DMic1 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 351. DMic1 PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.22.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DMic1 ConfigDefault Table 352. DMic1 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 154 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 353. DMic1 ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x50 Port Connectivity= No connection; Location= Internal. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0xA0 Default Device= Mic In; Connection Type= Unknown. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x01 Color= Unknown; Misc= Jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0xF0 Association= Fh; Sequence= 0h. 6.23. DigOut0 Node (NID = 0x21) 6.23.1. DigOut0 WCap Table 354. DigOut0 WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 355. DigOut0 WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No support for swapping left and right channels [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 155 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 355. DigOut0 WCap Command Response Format 6.23.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DigOut0 PinCap Table 356. DigOut0 PinCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Table 357. DigOut0 PinCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x00 Vref generation not supported on this pin [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 156 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 357. DigOut0 PinCap Command Response Format 6.23.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. DigOut0 ConLst Table 358. DigOut0 ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 359. DigOut0 ConLst Command Response Format 6.23.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x05 Number of NID entries in connection list. DigOut0 ConLstEntry0 Table 360. DigOut0 ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 361. DigOut0 ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x1C ADC1Mux widget [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x1B ADC0Mux widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x1F ADAT Out Converter widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x1E SPDIF Out Converter widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 157 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.23.5. PC AUDIO DigOut0 ConLstEntry4 Table 362. DigOut0 ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table. Get Table 363. DigOut0 ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format 6.23.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL7 R 0x00 No connection [23.:16] ConL6 R 0x00 No connection [15.:8] ConL5 R 0x00 No connection [7.:0] ConL4 R 0x1D ADC2Mux widget DigOut0 ConSelectCtrl Table 364. DigOut0 ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 365. DigOut0 ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.23.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:1] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. DigOut0 PinWCntrl Table 366. DigOut0 PinWCntrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 158 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 367. DigOut0 PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.23.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DigOut0 ConfigDefault Table 368. DigOut0 ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 369. DigOut0 ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x01 Port Connectivity= Jack; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x44 Default Device= SPDIF Out; Connection Type= RCA. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x21 Color= Grey; Misc= Jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x70 Association= 7h; Sequence= 0h. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 159 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.24. DigIn Node (NID = 0x22) 6.24.1. DigIn WCap Table 370. DigIn WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 371. DigIn WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 [23.:20] Type R 0x4=Enabled 0x8=Disabled [19.:16] Delay R 0x3 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control capability for support of EAPD [9] Dig R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 160 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved Widget type = Pin Complex STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.24.2. PC AUDIO DigIn PinCap Table 372. DigIn PinCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Get Table 373. DigIn PinCap Command Response Format 6.24.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x1 This widget controls EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x00 Vref generation not supported on input pins. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. (EAPD!= output stream) [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. DigIn PwrState Table 374. DigIn PwrState Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table. Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 161 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 375. DigIn PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - EAPD powered down (Hi-Z). 11 - Powered down (default) [1.:0] 6.24.4. Set RW Description DigIn PinWCntrl Table 376. DigIn PinWCntrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 377. DigIn PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.24.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DigIn UnsolResp Table 378. DigIn UnsolResp Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 162 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 379. DigIn UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.24.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon lock or loss-of-lock of SPDIF-in clock recovery circuit. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved. [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. DigIn ChSense Table 380. DigIn ChSense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table. Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 381. DigIn ChSense Command Response Format Bit IDT™ Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] PresDtct R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. For this widget, Presence Detect indicates that the SPDIF-in clock recovery circuit has locked onto a valid SPDIF-in sampling frequency. Any change in status will generate an Unsolicited Response, if enabled with verb 708. [30.:0] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. Impedance sense not supported for this Pin Complex. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 163 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.24.7. PC AUDIO DigIn EAPD Table 382. DigIn EAPD Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 383. DigIn EAPD Command Response Format 6.24.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [1] Data RW 0x0 EAPD value reflected on the EAPD pin. 0= power down external amp; 1= power up external amp if PwrState < 0x2. If PwrState >= 0x2, Pin47 is Hi-Z. An external pull-down is required if EAPD must be low when Pin Widget is powered down. [0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DigIn ConfigDefault Table 384. DigIn ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 385. DigIn ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x81 Port Connectivity= No connect; Location= Mainboard rear. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0xC4 Default Device= SPDIF In; Connection Type= RCA. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 164 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 385. DigIn ConfigDefault Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x20 Color= Grey; Misc= No jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0x90 Association= 9h; Sequence= 0h. 6.25. InPort0Mux Node (NID = 0x15) 6.25.1. InPort0Mux WCap Table 386. InPort0Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 387. InPort0Mux WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 165 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 387. InPort0Mux WCap Command Response Format 6.25.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget InPort0Mux ConLst Table 388. InPort0Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 389. InPort0Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.25.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x09 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Table 390. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Table 391. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x0 No mute capability [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x27 Size of each step in the gain range = 10dB 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 166 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 391. InPort0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.25.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x04 Number of steps in the gain range = 5 (0dB to +40dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset InPort0Mux OutAmpRight Table 392. InPort0Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 393. InPort0Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] 6.25.5. Gain RW Description InPort0Mux OutAmpLeft Table 394. InPort0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 167 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 395. InPort0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] 6.25.6. Gain RW Description InPort0Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 396. InPort0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 397. InPort0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.25.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. (Default = Port E) InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Table 398. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 399. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x0B Port B [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x0F Port F 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 168 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 399. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format 6.25.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x12 CD In [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x0E Port E (default) InPort0Mux ConLstEntry4 Table 400. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table. Table 401. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format 6.25.9. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL7 R 0x10 Port G [23.:16] ConL6 R 0x0A Port A [15.:8] ConL5 R 0x0D Port D [7.:0] ConL4 R 0x0C Port C InPort0Mux ConLstEntry8 Table 402. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 08 See bitfield table. Table 403. InPort0Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL11 R 0x0 No connection. [23.:16] ConL10 R 0x0 No connection. [15.:8] ConL9 R 0x0 No connection. [7.:0] ConL8 R 0x11 Port H 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 169 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.26. InPort1Mux Node (NID = 0x16) 6.26.1. InPort1Mux WCap Table 404. InPort1Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 405. InPort1Mux WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 170 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.26.2. PC AUDIO InPort1Mux ConLst Table 406. InPort1Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Get Table 407. InPort1Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.26.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x09 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPort1Mux OutAmpCap Table 408. InPort1Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Get Table 409. InPort1Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x0 No mute capability [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x27 Size of each step in the gain range = 10dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x04 Number of steps in the gain range = 5 (0dB to +40dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 171 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.26.4. PC AUDIO InPort1Mux OutAmpRight Table 410. InPort1Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 411. InPort1Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] 6.26.5. Gain RW Description InPort1Mux OutAmpLeft Table 412. InPort1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 413. InPort1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Gain RW 172 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.26.6. PC AUDIO InPort1Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 414. InPort1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 415. InPort1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.26.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. (Default = Port E) InPort1Mux ConLstEntry0 Table 416. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 417. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format 6.26.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x0B Port B [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x0F Port F [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x12 CD In [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x0E Port E (default) InPort1Mux ConLstEntry4 Table 418. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table. 173 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 419. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format 6.26.9. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL7 R 0x10 Port G [23.:16] ConL6 R 0x0A Port A [15.:8] ConL5 R 0x0D Port D [7.:0] ConL4 R 0x0C Port C InPort1Mux ConLstEntry8 Table 420. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 08 See bitfield table. Table 421. InPort1Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL11 R 0x0 No connection. [23.:16] ConL10 R 0x0 No connection. [15.:8] ConL9 R 0x0 No connection. [7.:0] ConL8 R 0x11 Port H 6.27. InPort2Mux Node (NID = 0x17) 6.27.1. InPort2Mux WCap Table 422. InPort2Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 174 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 423. InPort2Mux WCap Command Response Format 6.27.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget InPort2Mux ConLst Table 424. InPort2Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 175 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 425. InPort2Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.27.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x9 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPort2Mux OutAmpCap Table 426. InPort2Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Get Table 427. InPort2Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.27.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Mute R 0x0 No mute capability [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x27 Size of each step in the gain range = 10dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x04 Number of steps in the gain range = 5 (0dB to +40dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset InPort2Mux OutAmpRight Table 428. InPort2Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 176 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 429. InPort2Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] 6.27.5. Gain RW Description InPort2Mux OutAmpLeft Table 430. InPort2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 431. InPort2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Amplifier gain step number: 000 = 0dB; 001 = 10dB; 010 = 20dB; 011 = 30dB; 100 = 40dB [2.:0] 6.27.6. Gain RW Description InPort2Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 432. InPort2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 177 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 433. InPort2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.27.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. (Default = Port E) InPort2Mux ConLstEntry0 Table 434. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 435. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format 6.27.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x0B Port B [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x0F Port F [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x12 CD In [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x0E Port E (default) InPort2Mux ConLstEntry4 Table 436. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table. Table 437. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL7 R 0x10 Port G [23.:16] ConL6 R 0x0A Port A [15.:8] ConL5 R 0x0D Port D [7.:0] ConL4 R 0x0C Port C 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 178 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.27.9. PC AUDIO InPort2Mux ConLstEntry8 Table 438. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 08 See bitfield table. Get Table 439. InPort2Mux ConLstEntry8 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL11 R 0x0 No connection. [23.:16] ConL10 R 0x0 No connection. [15.:8] ConL9 R 0x0 No connection. [7.:0] ConL8 R 0x11 Port H 6.28. PCBEEP Node (NID = 0x23) 6.28.1. PCBEEP OutAmpLeft Table 440. PCBEEP OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 441. PCBEEP OutAmpLeft Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x0 1 = disable Digital PC Beep [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Mono (left) amplifier gain step number 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 179 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.28.2. PC AUDIO PCBEEP WCap Table 442. PCBEEP WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 443. PCBEEP WCap Command Response Format 6.28.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x7 Widget type = Beep Generator [19.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 N/A [0] Stereo R 0x0 Mono widget PCBEEP OutAmpCap Table 444. PCBEEP OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Table 445. PCBEEP OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x0 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x17 Size of each step in the gain range = 6 dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x03 Number of steps in the gain range = 4 (-18dB to 0dB) 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 180 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 445. PCBEEP OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.28.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x03 0dB-step is programmed with this offset PCBEEP Gen Table 446. PCBEEP Gen Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0A 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70A See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 447. PCBEEP Gen Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Enable internal PC-Beep generation. Divider = 00h - disables internal PC Beep generation and enables normal operation of the CODEC. Divider not 00h - generates the beep tone on all Pin Complexes that are currently configured as outputs. The Azalia spec states that the beep tone frequency = (48 KHz Azalia SYNC rate) / (4*Divider), producing tones from 47 Hz to 12 KHz (logarithmic scale). Instead, this part generates tones with frequency = 48000 * (257 - Divider) / 1024, yielding a linear range from 12 KHz to 93.75 Hz in steps of 46.875 Hz. If JackSenseVSR[Rate2x], then the beep tones generated have frequency = 48000 * (513 - Divider) / 1024, yielding a range of 24 KHz to 12093.75 Hz in steps of 46.875 Hz. [7.:0] IDT™ Divider 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 181 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.29. CD Node (NID = 0x12) 6.29.1. CD WCap Table 448. CD WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 449. CD WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amp [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 182 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.29.2. PC AUDIO CD PinCap Table 450. CD PinCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table. Get Table 451. CD PinCap Command Response Format 6.29.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VrefCntrl R 0x00 Vref generation not supported on this pin [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. [3] HdphDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. CD PinWCntrl Table 452. CD PinWCntrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table. Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 183 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 453. CD PinWCntrl Command Response Format 6.29.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved CD ConfigDefault Table 454. CD ConfigDefault Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 455. CD ConfigDefault Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Config4 RW 0x50 Port Connectivity= No connect; Location= Internal. [23.:16] Config3 RW 0x33 Default Device= CD; Connection Type= ATAPI internal. [15.:8] Config2 RW 0x01 Color= Unknown; Misc= Jack detect override. [7.:0] Config1 RW 0xF0 Association= Fh; Sequence= 0h. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 184 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.30. ADATOut Node (NID = 0x1F) 6.30.1. ADATOut Cnvtr Table 456. ADATOut Cnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table. Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 457. ADATOut Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] FrmtNonPCM RW 0x0 Stream Type 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM (remaining bits in this verb have other meanings) [14] FrmtSmplRate RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] IDT™ Description SmplRateMultp RW [10.:8] SmplRateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 10= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 185 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 457. ADATOut Cnvtr Command Response Format Bit [6.:4] [3.:0] 6.30.2. Bitfield Name BitsPerSmpl RW RW NmbrChan RW Reset Description 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels Number of channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels ADATOut WCap Table 458. ADATOut WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 459. ADATOut WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0xF Widget type = Vendor Defined [19.:16] Delay R 0x3 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description 186 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 459. ADATOut WCap Command Response Format 6.30.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADATOut CnvtrID Table 460. ADATOut CnvtrID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table. Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 461. ADATOut CnvtrID Command Response Format 6.30.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Strm RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch R 0x0 N/A in ADAT mode. ADATOut DigCnvtr Table 462. ADATOut DigCnvtr Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F0D 00 See bitfield table. 187 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 462. ADATOut DigCnvtr Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Set1 70D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Set2 70E See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 463. ADATOut DigCnvtr Command Response Format 6.30.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:1] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [0] DigEn RW 0x0 DigEn - Digital Enable ADATOut VCSR0 Table 464. ADATOut VCSR0 Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FE0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7E0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 465. ADATOut VCSR0 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:5] Rsvd2 R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description Reserved FOR 9778 188 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 465. ADATOut VCSR0 Command Response Format Bit [4] [3.:0] Bitfield Name ADATFRMT ADAT RW RW RW Reset Description 0x0 ADAT Sample Split Format Select 1: U user bits U3 and U2 in the transmitted ADAT stream are supplied by bits 3:2 of this verb (field ADAT), under software control. 0: U user bits U3 and U2 in the transmitted ADAT stream are controlled automatically by hardware, derived according to the sample-rate of the outgoing audio stream. Hardware support is provided for the transfer of double- and quad-rate data streams over the 48 KHz (nominal) 8-channel ADAT interface. Two 2-channel (stereo) streams or one 4-channel audio stream at double-rate or one 2-channel stream at quad-rate will be sample-split over the appropriate ADAT channels. For each mode, the ADAT channels are listed in the order of arrival of the corresponding audio sample: ADAT_2CH_SGL C0,C1 (C2-C7 zero padded) ADAT_2CH_DBL C0,C2,C1,C3 (C4-C7 zero padded) ADAT_2CH_QUAD C0,C4,C1,C5,C2,C6,C3,C7 ADAT_4CH_SGL C0,C1,C2,C3 (C4-C7 zero padded) ADAT_4CH_DBL C0,C2,C4,C6,C1,C3,C5,C7 ADAT_8CH_SGL C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7 0x0 ADAT Lightpipe Control Used in conjunction with the ADAT Sample Rate in the stream converter to generate the 4 bit ADAT control signals. ADAT0 (U0): Time Code FLAG ADAT1 (U1): MIDI FLAG ADAT2 (U2): 0 = 44.1/48 KHz audio (1X operation) 1 = 88.2/96 KHz audio (2X operation) ADAT3 (U3): 1 = 176.4/192 KHz audio (4x operation) User bits U0 and U1 are always under software control. User bits U2 and U3 are also under software control if ADATFRMT is set. If ADATFRMT = 0, then bits 3:2 here are ignored and the bits transmitted as U3:U2 are controlled by hardware according to the sample-rate of the data stream. 6.31. VolumeKnob Node (NID = 0x24) 6.31.1. VolumeKnob WCap Table 466. VolumeKnob WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 189 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 467. VolumeKnob WCap Command Response Format 6.31.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 [23.:20] Type R 0x6= Enabled 0xF=Disabled [19.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Description Reserved Widget type = Volume Knob Widget Reserved. Software assumes capability of unsolicited responses and a connection list for this widget type. VolumeKnob VolKnobCap Table 468. VolumeKnob VolKnobCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 13 See bitfield table. Table 469. VolumeKnob VolKnobCap Command Response Format 6.31.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Delta R 0x1 Indicates if software can write a base volume to the Volume Control Knob. [6.:0] NumSteps R 0x7F Total number of steps in the range of the volume knob = 128 VolumeKnob ConLst Table 470. VolumeKnob ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 471. VolumeKnob ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 190 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved. STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 471. VolumeKnob ConLst Command Response Format 6.31.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] LForm R 0x0 [6.:0] ConL R DAC4 enable =0x05 DAC4 disable =0x04 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. Number of NID entries in connection list. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry0 Table 472. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 473. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry0 Command Response Format 6.31.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x05 DAC3 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x04 DAC2 [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x03 DAC1 [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x02 DAC0 VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Table 474. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table. Table 475. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL7 R 0x0 No connection. [23.:16] ConL6 R 0x0 No connection. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 191 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 475. VolumeKnob ConLstEntry4 Command Response Format 6.31.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] ConL5 R 0x0 [7.:0] ConL4 R 0x06= Enabled 0x00= Disabled No connection. DAC4 VolumeKnob UnsolResp Table 476. VolumeKnob UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table. Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 477. VolumeKnob UnsolResp Command Response Format 6.31.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. VolumeKnob Cntrl Table 478. VolumeKnob Cntrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F0F 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70F See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 192 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 479. VolumeKnob Cntrl Command Response Format 6.31.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] Direct RW 0x0 Direct = 1 causes the volume control to directly control the hardware volume of the slave amps. Direct = 0 causes unsolicited responses to be generated. [6.:0] Volume RW 0x7F Volume, specified in steps of amplifier gain VolumeKnob VCSR0 Table 480. VolumeKnob VCSR0 Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get FE0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 7E0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 481. VolumeKnob VCSR0 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3] Continuous RW 0x1 Allow continuous incrementing/ decrementing of the volume knob value. [2.:0] Rate RW 0x0 Volume knob update rate, for continuous mode and de-bouncing (0.7 = 2.5.20 Hz, in increments of 2.5 Hz) 6.32. InPort0Vol Node (NID = 0x18) 6.32.1. InPort0Vol WCap Table 482. InPort0Vol WCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. 193 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 483. InPort0Vol WCap Command Response Format 6.32.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x1 input amp is present [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget InPort0Vol ConLst Table 484. InPort0Vol ConLst Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. 194 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 485. InPort0Vol ConLst Command Response Format 6.32.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPort0Vol InAmpRight Table 486. InPort0Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B00 00 See bitfield table. Set1 350 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 487. InPort0Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format 6.32.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPort0Vol InAmpLeft Table 488. InPort0Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B20 00 See bitfield table. Set1 360 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 489. InPort0Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 195 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.32.5. PC AUDIO InPort0Vol ConLstEntry Table 490. InPort0Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 491. InPort0Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 No Connection [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 No Connection [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 No Connection [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x15 InPort0 Mux widget 6.33. InPort1Vol Node (NID = 0x19) 6.33.1. InPort1Vol WCap Table 492. InPort1Vol WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 493. InPort1Vol WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description 196 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 493. InPort1Vol WCap Command Response Format 6.33.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x1 input amp is present [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget InPort1Vol ConLst Table 494. InPort1Vol ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 495. InPort1Vol ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 197 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.33.3. PC AUDIO InPort1Vol InAmpRight Table 496. InPort1Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B00 00 See bitfield table. Set1 350 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 497. InPort1Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format 6.33.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPort1Vol InAmpLeft Table 498. InPort1Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B20 00 See bitfield table. Set1 360 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 499. InPort1Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.33.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPort1Vol ConLstEntry Table 500. InPort1Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. 198 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 501. InPort1Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 No Connection [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 No Connection [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 No Connection [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x16 InPort1Mux widget 6.34. InPort2Vol Node (NID = 0x1A) 6.34.1. InPort2Vol WCap Table 502. InPort2Vol WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 503. InPort2Vol WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] Dig R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnSolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 199 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 503. InPort2Vol WCap Command Response Format 6.34.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x1 input amp is present [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget InPort2Vol ConLst Table 504. InPort2Vol ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 505. InPort2Vol ConLst Command Response Format 6.34.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPort2Vol InAmpRight Table 506. InPort2Vol InAmpRight Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get B00 00 See bitfield table. Set1 350 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 200 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 507. InPort2Vol InAmpRight Command Response Format 6.34.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPort2Vol InAmpLeft Table 508. InPort2Vol InAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B20 00 See bitfield table. Set1 360 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 509. InPort2Vol InAmpLeft Command Response Format 6.34.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPort2Vol ConLstEntry Table 510. InPort2Vol ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 511. InPort2Vol ConLstEntry Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 No Connection [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x00 No Connection [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x00 No Connection [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x17 InPort2Mux widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 201 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6.35. ADC0Mux Node (NID = 0x1B) 6.35.1. ADC0Mux WCap Table 512. ADC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 513. ADC0Mux WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 202 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.35.2. PC AUDIO ADC0Mux ConLst Table 514. ADC0Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 515. ADC0Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.35.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x03= Enabled 0x01= Disabled Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC0Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 516. ADC0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 517. ADC0Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.35.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. ADC0Mux ConLstEntry Table 518. ADC0Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. 203 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 519. ADC0Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.35.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x14= Enabled 0x00= Disabled DMic1 pin widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x13= Enabled 0x00= Disabled DMic0 pin widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x18 InPort0Vol widget No connection ADC0Mux LR Table 520. ADC0Mux LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 521. ADC0Mux LR Command Response Format 6.35.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= swap left and right channels of this Widget. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Table 522. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. 204 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 523. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.35.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x00 Size of each step in the gain range, N/A since there are no steps [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x00 No steps, gain is fixed at 0dB [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset ADC0Mux OutAmpRight Table 524. ADC0Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 525. ADC0Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.35.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC0Mux OutAmpLeft Table 526. ADC0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 205 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 527. ADC0Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 6.36. ADC1Mux Node (NID = 0x1C) 6.36.1. ADC1Mux WCap Table 528. ADC1Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 529. ADC1Mux WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 206 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 529. ADC1Mux WCap Command Response Format 6.36.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC1Mux ConLst Table 530. ADC1Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 531. ADC1Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.36.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] ConL R 0x03 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC1Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 532. ADC1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 207 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 533. ADC1Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.36.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. ADC1Mux ConLstEntry Table 534. ADC1Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Get Table 535. ADC1Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format 6.36.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x14= Enabled 0x0= Disabled DMic1 pin widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x13= Enabled 0x0= Disabled DMic0 pin widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x19 InPort1Vol widget No connection ADC1Mux LR Table 536. ADC1Mux LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 537. ADC1Mux LR Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 208 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 537. ADC1Mux LR Command Response Format 6.36.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= swap left and right channels of this Widget. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC1Mux OutAmpCap Table 538. ADC1Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Table 539. ADC1Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format 6.36.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x00 Size of each step in the gain range, N/A since there are no steps [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x00 No steps, gain is fixed at 0dB [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset ADC1Mux OutAmpRight Table 540. ADC1Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format IDT™ Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 209 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 541. ADC1Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.36.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC1Mux OutAmpLeft Table 542. ADC1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 543. ADC1Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 6.37. ADC2Mux Node (NID = 0x1D) 6.37.1. ADC2Mux WCap Table 544. ADC2Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table. Table 545. ADC2Mux WCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 210 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 545. ADC2Mux WCap Command Response Format 6.37.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC2Mux ConLst Table 546. ADC2Mux ConLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table. Table 547. ADC2Mux ConLst Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 211 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description Reserved STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 547. ADC2Mux ConLst Command Response Format 6.37.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] LForm R 0x0 [6.:0] ConL R 0x03= Enabled 0x1= Disabled Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC2Mux ConSelectCtrl Table 548. ADC2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table. Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 549. ADC2Mux ConSelectCtrl Command Response Format 6.37.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. ADC2Mux ConLstEntry Table 550. ADC2Mux ConLstEntry Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table. Table 551. ADC2Mux ConLstEntry Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] ConL3 R 0x00 [23.:16] ConL2 R 0x14= Enabled 0x0= Disabled DMic1 pin widget [15.:8] ConL1 R 0x13= Enabled 0x0= Disabled DMic0 pin widget [7.:0] ConL0 R 0x1A InPort2Vol widget 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 212 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description No connection STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.37.5. PC AUDIO ADC2Mux LR Table 552. ADC2Mux LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table. Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 553. ADC2Mux LR Command Response Format 6.37.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= swap left and right channels of this Widget. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC2Mux OutAmpCap Table 554. ADC2Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table. Table 555. ADC2Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x00 Size of each step in the gain range, N/A since there are no steps [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x00 No steps, gain is fixed at 0dB [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 213 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6.37.7. PC AUDIO ADC2Mux OutAmpRight Table 556. ADC2Mux OutAmpRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table. Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 557. ADC2Mux OutAmpRight Command Response Format 6.37.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved ADC2Mux OutAmpLeft Table 558. ADC2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table. Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table. 0000_0000h Table 559. ADC2Mux OutAmpLeft Command Response Format IDT™ Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 214 IDT CONFIDENTIAL Description STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 7. ORDERING INFORMATION 7.1. STAC927x Family Options and Part Order Numbers Part Order Number Voltage DAC SNR DigMic ADAT Dolby STAC9274X5TAEyyX 5V 105dB Yes(Muxed) Yes No STAC9274D5TAEyyX 5V 105dB Yes(Muxed) Yes Master Studio STAC9273X5TAEyyX 5V 95dB Yes(Muxed) Yes No STAC9273D5TAEyyX 5V 95dB Yes(Muxed) Yes Home Theater/ Sound Room STAC9272X5TAEyyX 5V 95dB Yes(Muxed) No No STAC9272D5TAEyyX 5V 95dB Yes(Muxed) No Home Theater/Sound Room STAC9272X3TAEyyX 3.3 V 95dB Yes(Muxed) No No STAC9272D3TAEyyX 3.3 V 95dB Yes(Muxed) No Home Theater/Sound Room STAC9271X5TAEyyX 5V 95dB No No No STAC9271D5TAEyyX 5V 95dB No No Home Theater/Sound Room NOTE: When ordering these parts the “yy” will be replaced with the CODEC revision. Add an “R” to the end of any of these part numbers for delivery on Tape and Reel. The minimum order quantity for Tape and Reel is 2,000 units. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 215 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 8. PIN INFORMATION 8.1. STAC927x Family 48 Pin LQFP Diagram SPDIF OUT/ADAT_OUT SPDIF IN//GPIO0/EAPD/DMIC_CLK PORTH_R PORTH_L PORTG_R PORTG_L AVSS2 PORTA_R DVDD_CORE/VPP PORTA_L AVDD2 VREFOUT-A 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 23 24 PORTC_L PORTC_R 19 CD_GND 22 18 CD_L PORTB_R 17 PORTF_R 21 16 PORTF_L PORTB_L 15 PORTE_R 20 14 CD_R 13 SENSE_A 48 LQFP PORTE_L DVDD_CORE VOLUME UP/DMIC_0/GPIO1 VOLUME DOWN/DMIC_1/GPIO2 DVSS SDO BITCLK DVSS SDI DVDD_CORE SYNC RESET# PCBEEP 48 Figure 4. 48-Pin LQFP Pinout PORTD_R PORTD_L SENSE_B CAP2 VREFOUT-D VREFOUT-E VREFOUT-F VREFOUT-C VREFOUT-B VREFFILT AVSS1 AVDD1 Note: ADAT, DMIC_CLK, DMIC_0, and DMIC_1 are not available on all versions of the STAC927x family. IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 216 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 8.2. Pin Table for STAC927x family in 48 Pin LQFP Pin Name Pin Function I/O Internal Pull-up/ Pull-down Pin Location DVDD_CORE Digital Vdd= 3.3V I(Digital) None 1 I/O(Digital) Pull-Up 50 KΩ with Volume, GPIO or Pull-down 50 KΩ with Digital Mic 2 3 Volume Up/DMIC0/GPIO1 IDT™ PC AUDIO Volume Control OR Digital Mic 0 Input/General Purpose I/O Volume Down/DMIC1/GPIO2 Volume Control OR Digital Mic 1 Input/General Purpose I/O I/O(Digital) Pull-Up 50 KΩ with Volume, GPIO or Pull-down 50 KΩ with Digital Mic DVSS Digital Ground I(Digital) None 4 SDATA_OUT HD Audio Serial Data output (inbound stream) I/O(Digital) None 5 BIT_CLK HD Audio Bit Clock I(Digital) None 6 DVSS3 Digital Ground I(Digital) None 7 SDATA_IN HD Audio Serial Data (outbound stream) O(Digital) None 8 DVDD_CORE Digital Vdd = 3.3V I(Digital) None 9 SYNC HD Audio Frame Sync I(Digital) None 10 RESET# HD Audio Reset I(Digital) None 11 PCBEEP PC Beep I(Analog) None 12 SENSE_A Jack insertion detection Ports A, B, C, D I(Analog) None 13 PORT-E_L Input/Output of Left DAC2 I/O(Analog) None 14 PORT-E_R Input/Output of Right DAC2 I/O(Analog) None 15 PORT-F_L Input/Output of Left DAC3 I/O(Analog) None 16 PORT-F_R) Input/Output of Right DAC3 I/O(Analog) None 17 CD-L CD Audio Left Channel I(Analog) None 18 CD-GND CD Audio Analog Ground I(Analog) None 19 CD-R CD Audio Right Channel I(Analog) None 20 PORT-B_L (HP) Input/Output of Left DAC0, 3, 4 I/O(Analog) None 21 PORT-B_R (HP) Input/Output of Right DAC0, 3, 4 I/O(Analog) None 22 PORT-C_L Input/Output of Left DAC1 I/O(Analog) None 23 PORT-C_R Input/Output of Right DAC1 I/O(Analog) None 24 AVDD1 Analog Vdd = 3.3V to 5V I(Analog) None 25 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 217 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC IDT™ PC AUDIO Pin Name Pin Function I/O Internal Pull-up/ Pull-down Pin Location AVSS1 Analog Ground I(Analog) None 26 VREF FILT Analog Virtual Ground O(Analog) None 27 VREFOUT-B Reference Voltage out drive (intended for mic bias) for Port B O(Analog) None 28 VREFOUT-C Reference Voltage out drive (intended for mic bias) for Port C O(Analog) None 29 VREFOUT-F Reference Voltage out drive (intended for mic bias) for Port F O(Analog) None 30 VREFOUT-E Reference Voltage out drive (intended for mic bias) for Port E O(Analog) None 31 VREFOUT-D Reference Voltage out drive (intended for mic bias) for Port D O(Analog) None 32 CAP2 ADC reference Cap O(Analog) None 33 SENSE_B Jack insertion detection Ports E, F, G, H I(Analog) None 34 PORT-D_L (HP) Input/Output of Left DAC0 I/O(Analog) None 35 PORT-D_R (HP) Input/Output of Right DAC0 I/O(Analog) None 36 VREFOUT-A Reference Voltage out drive (ntended for mic bias) for Port A O(Analog) None 37 AVDD2 Analog Vdd = 3.3 V to 5 V I(Analog) None 38 PORT-A_L (HP) Input/Output of Left DAC0, 3, 4 I/O(Analog) None 39 DVDD_CORE Digital Vdd= 3.3V I(Analog) None 40 PORT-A_R (HP) Input/Output of Right DAC0, 3, 4 I/O(Analog) None 41 AVSS3 Analog Ground I(Analog) None 42 PORT-G_L Input/Output of Left DAC2 I/O(Analog) None 43 PORT-G_R Input/Output of Right DAC2 I/O(Analog) None 44 PORT-H_L Input/Output of Left DAC1 I/O(Analog) None 45 PORT-H_R Input/Output of Right DAC1 I/O(Analog) None 46 SPDIFIN/GPIO0/EAPD/DMIC_CLK SPDIF Input, General Purpose I/O, EAPD, Digital Mic Ouput Clock I/O(Digital) Pull-up 50 KΩ or more 47 S/PDIF-OUT/ADAT_OUT SPDIF digital output (50 KΩ internal pull-down), ADAT Output O(Digital) 50 KΩ internal pull-down 48 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 218 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 9. PACKAGE OUTLINE AND PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95 9.1. 48-Pin LQFP Figure 5. 48-Pin LQFP Package Outline and Package Dimensions A2 D Key A A1 D1 E1 E b 48 pin LQFP e LQFP Dimensions in mm Min Nom Max A 1.40 1.50 1.60 A1 0.05 0.10 0.15 A2 1.35 1.40 1.45 D 8.80 9.00 9.20 D1 6.90 7.00 7.10 E 8.80 9.00 9.20 E1 6.90 7.00 7.10 L 0.45 0.60 0.75 e Pin 1 0.50 C 0.09 - 0.20 b 0.17 0.22 0.27 c IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 219 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 10. SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE 10.1. Standard Reflow Profile Data Note: These devices can be hand soldered at 360 oC for 3 to 5 seconds. FROM: IPC / JEDEC J-STD-020C “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices” ( Profile Feature Pb Free Assembly Average Ramp-Up Rate (Tsmax - Tp) 3 oC / second max Preheat Temperature Min (Tsmin) Temperature Max (Tsmax) Time (tsmin - tsmax) 150 oC 200 oC 60 - 180 seconds Time maintained above Temperature (TL) Time (tL) 217 oC 60 - 150 seconds Peak / Classification Temperature (Tp) Time within 5 oC of actual Peak Temperature (tp) Ramp-Down rate Time 25 oC to Peak Temperature See “Package Classification Reflow Temperatures” on page 221. 20 - 40 seconds 6 oC / second max 8 minutes max Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface. Figure 6. Reflow Profile IDT™ 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 220 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 10.2. Pb Free Process - Package Classification Reflow Temperatures IDT™ Package Type MSL Reflow Temperature LQFP 48-pin 3 260 oC* 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 221 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 11. REVISION HISTORY Revision Date 0.3 July 2005 0.5 August 2005 0.7 May 2006 0.82 8 October 2006 1.0 March 2007 IDT™ Description of Change Initial release. Updated Pin Outs and Pin Tables, Added Updated performance tables to show all voltage options, Updated Diagrams, Added Widget Diagram, Added Pin Configuration Default Register Settings Table, Added Part Numbers. Added 56-QFN Reflow Profile Information. Added Widget Information. Updated ESD Information. Added 40dB Boost Information. Updated logo. Added ADAT logo. Added Audio Jack Presence Detect section. Updated Power Consumption numbers. Initial release in IDT format. Removed 56QFN option for the STAC9274. Corrected the missing “X” at the end of the orderable part numbers. 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 222 IDT CONFIDENTIAL STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 V 1.0 MARCH2007 STAC9271/9272/9273/9274 10-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Innovate with IDT audio for high fidelity. Contact: For Sales For Tech Support 800-345-7015 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 Corporate Headquarters Europe Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 United States 800 345 7015 +408 284 8200 (outside U.S.) IDT Europe, Limited Prime House Barnett Wood Lane Leatherhead, Surrey United Kingdom KT22 7DE +44 1372 363 339 © 2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Accelerated Thinking is a service mark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.