Single Window Single Mode Wideband Tree/Star Coupler (nxm) SWTC Series Features Best Uniformity Single Window Single Mode Wideband Tree/Star Coupler (nxm) Low Insertion Loss and PDL High Directivity Highly Stable & Reliable Applications Telecommunications Oplink’s single window, single mode wideband tree and star couplers are high port count bi-directional products with excellent performance over a wide bandwidth. They have very good uniformity, low excess loss and very low polarization sensitivity. All devices are tested according to industry standard test procedures and are supplied with all pertinent measurement data. Oplink can provide customized designs to meet specialized feature applications. Also, Oplink offers modular assemblies that integrate other components to form a full functionmodule or subsystem. CATV Fiber Optic Links Fiber Amplifier System Fiberoptic Instruments Performance Specifications SWTC Series (NxM) Standard Configuration Grade Operating Wavelength Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Maximum Insertion Loss Max Uniformity Polarization Dependent Loss Directivity Maximum Power Handling Package Dimension * Nx4 Nx5 Nx6 Nx8 Nx16 Nx32 Nx40 Unit N=1,2,8 N=1,2,16 N=1,2 N=1,2 N=1,2 P/A P/A P/A P/A P/A L Band C Band C+L Band 1528 ~ 1565 1570 ~ 1650 1528 ~ 1610 nm -40 to +70 °C -40 to +85 °C 8.3/8.7 9.2/9.6 10.2/11.2 13.5/14.5 17.5/18.5 18.8/20.0 dB 1.0/1.2 1.2/1.8 1.5/2.0 2.8/3.5 dB 1.2/1.4 2.5/3.0 dB 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 > 55 dB 500 mW mm P1 P2 P3* P2 P4 P4 P1: (L)100 x (W)80 x (H)7 P2: (L)130 x (W)90 x (H)9 P3: (L)160 x (W)110 x (H)11 P4: (L)210 x (W)160 x (H)13 * Except for 16x16 which uses P4 package N=1,2,4 N=1 P/A P/A 1310 nm 1270 ~ 1350 6.7/7.4 0.8/1.0 0.3 P1 * The mechanical tolerance should be +/-0.2 mm on all package dimensions unless otherwise custom specified. ** The maximum IL is under all states of polarization and within the full operating temperature and wavelength ranges specified, does not include contribution from connectors. Oplink Communications, Inc. R1.20070926 Single Window Single Mode Wideband Tree/Star Coupler (nxm) SWTC Series Mechanical Drawing / Package Dimensions (dimension in mm) P1 80.0 P2 100.0 76.0 90.0 130.0 86.0 VIEW B 20.0 7.0 VIEW B 60.0 35.0 3.5 TYP 4.0 9.0 60.0 5.5 TYP 4.0 R2.5 R1.5 R2.5 2.0 R1.5 2.0 3.0 NOTES: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) 1. ALL DIMENSION ARE IN MILLIMETER. 2. MAT’L AND FINISH: AL6061, BLACK ANODIZE. 3. TOL: .X = ±0.2, .XX = ±0.1. 3.0 5.0 5.0 DETAIL B 46335 Landing Parkway Fremont, CA 94538-6407 Tel: (510 933-7200 Fax: (510) 933-7300 Email: NOTES: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) 1. ALL DIMENSION ARE IN MILLIMETER. 2. MAT’L AND FINISH: AL6061, BLACK ANODIZE. 3. TOL: .X = ±0.2, .XX = ±0.1. DETAIL B Ordering Information Oplink can provide a remarkable range of customized optical solutions. For detail, please contact Oplink's OEM design team or account manager for your requirements and ordering information (510) 933-7200. 0 SWTC Grade Wavelength Type 1310nm= 3 C band= 5 L band= 6 C+L band =1 1x4=14, 1x16=1A 2x4=24, 2x16=2A 4x4=44, 16x16=AA 1x5=15, 1x32=1B 1x6=16, 2x32=2B 1x8=18, 1x40=1C 2x8=28, 2x40=2C 8x8=88 P Grade= P A Grade= A 0 0 PackageType Fiber Length Connector Type P1=1 P2=2 P3=3 P4=4 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 None= 1 FC/PC= 2 FC/SPC= 3 FC/APC= 4 SC/PC= 5 SC/SPC= 6 SC/APC= 7 ST= 8 LC= 9 MU= A meter= 1* meter= 5 meter= 2 meter= H Fiber Type 900µm loose tube= 2 3mm cable= 3 * 1 meter is standard. The lead time for special fiber length will be longer. R1.20070926 Product Lines Mux/Demux Switching/Routing Coupling/Splitting Monitoring/Conditioning Amplification Interconnect RGB Laser Modules