This document was generated on 04/26/2010 PLEASE CHECK WWW.MOLEX.COM FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION Part Number: Status: 0395340005 Active Description: 5.08mm (.200") Pitch Eurostyle™ Horizontal Plug, with Retention Screws, 5 Circuits Documents: 3D Model Drawing (PDF) Product Specification PS-39500-001 (PDF) RoHS Certificate of Compliance (PDF) General Product Family Series Application Component Type Product Literature Order No Product Name Type Terminal Blocks 39534 Wire-to-Board Plug USA-355 ESE, Eurostyle™Pluggable Euro Block Physical Circuits (Loaded) Entry Angle Lock to Mating Part Number of Rows Orientation PC Tail Length (in) PC Tail Length (mm) Panel Mount Pitch - Mating Interface (in) Pitch - Mating Interface (mm) Polarized to Mating Part Stackable Temperature Range - Operating Wire Size AWG Wire Size mm² 5 Vertical Yes 1 Horizontal 0.200 In 5.08 mm No 0.200 In 5.08 mm Yes No -40°C to +105°C 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 0.13 - 3.31 Series image - Reference only EU RoHS China RoHS ELV and RoHS Compliant REACH SVHC Not Reviewed Halogen-Free Status Not Reviewed Need more information on product environmental compliance? Email For a multiple part number RoHS Certificate of Compliance, click here Please visit the Contact Us section for any non-product compliance questions. Search Parts in this Series 39534Series Electrical Current - Maximum per Contact Voltage - Maximum 15A 300V Material Info Reference - Drawing Numbers Product Specification Sales Drawing Mates With Most 5.08mm (.200") Pitch Industry Standard PCB Headers, 39535 Vertical PCB Header with Threaded Retention Inserts, 39536 Horizontal PCB Header with Threaded Retention Inserts PS-39500-001 SD-39534-001 This document was generated on 04/26/2010 PLEASE CHECK WWW.MOLEX.COM FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION Material Numbers Black Circuit size 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Dimensional Information Green 100% Tin 30 u" Gold Printing Options 100% Tin Printing Options 30 u" Gold Printing Options Printing Options Dim. A Dim B Dim. C Dim. D None 10A 11A None 10A 11A None 10A 11A None 10A 11A mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch 395340002 395340102 395340202 395340502 395340602 395340702 395345002 395345102 395345202 395345502 395345602 395345702 10.16 0.400 5.08 0.200 15.08 0.594 19.96 0.786 395340003 395340103 395340203 395340503 395340603 395340703 395345003 395345103 395345203 395345503 395345603 395345703 15.24 0.600 10.16 0.400 20.16 0.794 25.04 0.986 395340004 395340104 395340204 395340504 395340604 395340704 395345004 395345104 395345204 395345504 395345604 395345704 20.32 0.800 15.24 0.600 25.24 0.994 30.12 1.186 395340005 395340105 395340205 395340505 395340605 395340705 395345005 395345105 395345205 395345505 395345605 395345705 25.40 1.000 20.32 0.800 30.32 1.194 35.20 1.386 395340006 395340106 395340206 395340506 395340606 395340706 395345006 395345106 395345206 395345506 395345606 395345706 30.48 1.200 25.40 1.000 35.40 1.394 40.28 1.586 395340007 395340107 395340207 395340507 395340607 395340707 395345007 395345107 395345207 395345507 395345607 395345707 35.56 1.400 30.48 1.200 40.48 1.594 45.36 1.786 395340008 395340108 395340208 395340508 395340608 395340708 395345008 395345108 395345208 395345508 395345608 395345708 40.64 1.600 35.56 1.400 45.56 1.794 50.44 1.986 395340009 395340109 395340209 395340509 395340609 395340709 395345009 395345109 395345209 395345509 395345609 395345709 45.72 1.800 40.64 1.600 50.64 1.994 55.52 2.186 395340010 395340110 395340210 395340510 395340610 395340710 395345010 395345110 395345210 395345510 395345610 395345710 50.80 2.000 45.72 1.800 55.72 2.194 60.60 2.386 395340011 395340111 395340211 395340511 395340611 395340711 395345011 395345111 395345211 395345511 395345611 395345711 55.88 2.200 50.80 2.000 60.80 2.394 65.68 2.586 395340012 395340112 395340212 395340512 395340612 395340712 395345012 395345112 395345212 395345512 395345612 395345712 60.96 2.400 55.88 2.200 65.88 2.594 70.76 2.786 395340013 395340113 395340213 395340513 395340613 395340713 395345013 395345113 395345213 395345513 395345613 395345713 66.04 2.600 60.96 2.400 70.96 2.794 75.84 2.986 395340014 395340114 395340214 395340514 395340614 395340714 395345014 395345114 395345214 395345514 395345614 395345714 71.12 2.800 66.04 2.600 76.04 2.994 80.92 3.186 395340015 395340115 395340215 395340515 395340615 395340715 395345015 395345115 395345215 395345515 395345615 395345715 76.20 3.000 71.12 2.800 81.12 3.194 86.00 3.386 395340016 395340116 395340216 395340516 395340616 395340716 395345016 395345116 395345216 395345516 395345616 395345716 81.28 3.200 76.20 3.000 86.20 3.394 91.08 3.586 395340017 395340117 395340217 395340517 395340617 395340717 395345017 395345117 395345217 395345517 395345617 395345717 86.36 3.400 81.28 3.200 91.28 3.594 96.16 3.786 395340018 395340118 395340218 395340518 395340618 395340718 395345018 395345118 395345218 395345518 395345618 395345718 91.44 3.600 86.36 3.400 96.36 3.794 101.24 3.986 395340019 395340119 395340219 395340519 395340619 395340719 395345019 395345119 395345219 395345519 395345619 395345719 96.52 3.800 91.44 3.600 101.44 3.994 106.32 4.186 395340020 395340120 395340220 395340520 395340620 395340720 395345020 395345120 395345220 395345520 395345620 395345720 101.60 4.000 96.52 3.800 106.52 4.194 111.40 4.386 395340021 395340121 395340221 395340521 395340621 395340721 395345021 395345121 395345221 395345521 395345621 395345721 106.68 4.200 101.60 4.000 111.60 4.394 116.48 4.586 395340022 395340122 395340222 395340522 395340622 395340722 395345022 395345122 395345222 395345522 395345622 395345722 111.76 4.400 106.68 4.200 116.68 4.594 121.56 4.786 395340023 395340123 395340223 395340523 395340623 395340723 395345023 395345123 395345223 395345523 395345623 395345723 116.84 4.600 111.76 4.400 121.76 4.794 126.64 4.986 395340024 395340124 395340224 395340524 395340624 395340724 395345024 395345124 395345224 395345524 395345624 395345724 121.92 4.800 116.84 4.600 126.84 4.994 131.72 5.186