XT32P Vishay Dale Surface Mount Watch Crystal FEATURES • Low profile • Industry standard footprint RoHS • Long term stability COMPLIANT • Tape and reel, 2000pcs The XT32P is a cylinder type watch crystal molded in a thermoplastic housing capable of withstanding soldering re-flow processing. The XT32P is perfect for your SMD applications using the 32.768 KHz frequency. We offer two different footprints of the part to satisfy various pattern layout requirements. • 100 % Lead (Pb)-free and RoHS compliant STANDARD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER Frequency Range Frequency Tolerance Frequency Coefficient Operating Temperature Range Storing Temperature Range Shunt Capacitance Motional Capacitance Load Capacitance Insulation Resistance Drive Level Aging (first year) Equivalent Series Resistance(ESR) SYMBOL FO ∆F/FO K TOPR TSTG CO C1 CL IR DL Fa Rs CONDITION UNIT KHz ppm ppm/°C2 °C °C pF fF pF MΩ µW ppm KΩ at 25 °C parabolic coefficient at 25 °C ± 3 °C DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters] MIN TYPICAL 32.768 -20 -0.027 -40 -55 MAX +20 -0.043 +85 +125 -0.035 1.0 2.0 12.5 4 500 1.0 ±3.0 50 PARABOLIC TEMPERATURE CURVE TEMPERATURE (°C) XT32PA - 20 0.100 [2.54] 0.160 [4.06] Max. 0.410 [10.41] Max. - 10 0 10 0.100 [2.54] 20 30 40 50 60 70 - 10 0.370 [9.40] 0.140 [3.56] Max. #1 #2 - 20 #4 #3 - 30 - 40 0.100 [2.54] XT32PB 0.100 [2.54] - 50 - 60 0.020 [0.51] 0.090 [2.29] #1 #2 #4 #3 ORDERING INFORMATION XT32P MODEL ∆F/f(ppm) 0.020 [0.51] A PAD LAYOUT A or B 32.768 KHz FREQUENCY /KHz e6 JEDEC Lead (Pb)Free STANDARD To determine frequency stability, use parabolic curvature (k). For example: What is stability at 45 °C? 1) Change in Temperature (°C) = 45 - 25 = 20 °C 2) Change in Frequency = - 0.042 ppm*(∆°C) = - 0.042 ppm*(20)2 = - 16.8 ppm(max) GLOBAL PART NUMBER X 3 T MODEL Document Number: 35040 Revision: 17-Jun-05 2 P A A PAD PACKAGE LAYOUT CODE 3 2 For technical questions contact: frequency@vishay.com K 7 6 8 FREQUENCY www.vishay.com 9