LED NUMERIC DISPLAY, 3 DIGIT BL-T80X-32 Features: 20.30mm (0.80”) Three digit numeric display series. Low current operation. Excellent character appearance. Easy mounting on P.C. Boards or sockets. I.C. Compatible. ROHS Compliance. Super Bright Electrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25°C) (Test Condition: IF=20mA) Part No Common Cathode BL-T80G-32S-XX VF Unit:V Chip Common Anode Emitte d Color BL-T80H-32S-XX Hi Red λP (nm) Typ Max GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.85 2.20 120 GaAlAs/GaAs,DH 660 1.85 2.20 130 GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH 660 1.85 2.20 140 Material Super Red Ultra Red Iv TYP.(mcd ) BL-T80G-32D-XX BL-T80H-32D-XX BL-T80G-32UR-XX BL-T80H-32UR-XX BL-T80G-32E-XX BL-T80H-32E-XX Red GaAsP/GaP 635 2.10 2.50 75 BL-T80G-32Y-XX BL-T80H-32Y-XX Yellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.10 2.50 75 BL-T80G-32G-XX BL-T80H-32G-XX Green GaP/GaP 570 2.20 2.50 75 Ultra Bright Electrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25°C) (Test Condition: IF=20mA) Part No λP (nm) VF Unit:V Typ Max Chip Common Cathode Common Anode BL-T80G-32UHR-XX BL-T80H-32UHR-XX Ultra Red AlGaInP 645 2.10 2.50 140 BL-T80G-32UE-XX BL-T80H-32UE-XX Ultra Red AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.50 120 BL-T80G-32YO-XX BL-T80H-32YO-XX Ultra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 120 BL-T80G-32UY-XX BL-T80H-32UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 120 BL-T80G-32UG-XX BL-T80H-32UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP 574 2.20 2.50 145 BL-T80G-32PG-XX BL-T80H-32PG-XX Ultra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 210 BL-T80G-32B-XX BL-T80H-32B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 110 BL-T80H-32W-XX Ultra White InGaN / 2.70 4.20 140 BL-T80G-32W-XX -XX: Surface / Lens color: 0 Number Ref Surface Color White Epoxy Color Water clear Emitted Color Material Iv TYP.(mcd ) 1 2 3 4 Black White diffused Gray Red Diffused Red Green Diffused Green Yellow Diffused APPROVED : XU L CHECKED :ZHANG WH DRAWN: LI FS REV NO: V.2 Page 1 of 5 WWW.BETLUX.COM EMAIL: SALES@BETLUX.COM , BETLUX@BETLUX.COM 5 LED NUMERIC DISPLAY, 3 DIGIT BL-T80X-32 Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter S Forward Current IF Power Dissipation Pd Reverse Voltage VR Peak Forward Current IPF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ) Operation Temperature TOPR D UR Y G Unit 25 60 5 25 60 5 25 60 5 25 60 5 25 60 5 30 65 5 mA mW V 150 150 150 150 150 150 mA -40 to +80 °C -40 to +85 °C Max.260±5°C for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb) °C Storage Temperature TSTG Lead Soldering Temperature TSOL E Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter UHR Forward Current IF Power Dissipation Pd Reverse Voltage VR Peak Forward Current IPF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ) Operation Temperature TOPR Storage Temperature TSTG Lead Soldering Temperature TSOL UE YO UY UG PG UB UW Unit mA 30 75 5 30 65 5 30 65 5 30 65 5 30 75 5 30 110 5 30 120 5 30 120 5 mW 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 100 mA V -40 to +80 -40 to +85 °C Max.260±5°C for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb) °C APPROVED : XU L CHECKED :ZHANG WH DRAWN: LI FS REV NO: V.2 Page 2 of 5 WWW.BETLUX.COM EMAIL: SALES@BETLUX.COM , BETLUX@BETLUX.COM °C LED NUMERIC DISPLAY, 3 DIGIT BL-T80X-32 Package configuration & Internal circuit diagram Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches) 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted. 3. Specifications are subject to change without notice. APPROVED : XU L CHECKED :ZHANG WH DRAWN: LI FS REV NO: V.2 Page 3 of 5 WWW.BETLUX.COM EMAIL: SALES@BETLUX.COM , BETLUX@BETLUX.COM LED NUMERIC DISPLAY, 3 DIGIT BL-T80X-32 Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves: (A) 1.0 (B) (C) (D) (2) (3) (8) (4) (1) (6) (5) (9) (10) 0.5 0 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Wavelength(nm) RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH(λ p ) (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow (4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red (6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red 8 64 5 2 3 40 30 20 10 0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.6 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 3.0 20 60 80 0.2 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 3 5 10 20 40 60 80 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta(℃) FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 4 3 3KHz 300Hz 30KHz 100KHz 10KHz 1KHz 100Hz 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 70 1 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta(℃) 20 6 2,4,8,A 0 100 2 -20 30 1 Ipeak MAX. IDC MAX. 0.5 40 300KHz 3KHz 10KHz 1KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 5 4 2 3 0.1 -30 40 FORWARD CURRENT (mA) RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENT Ipeak MAX. IDC MAX. RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY 1 5 B FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vf) FORWARD CURRENT VS. FORWARD VOLTAGE 3 2 50 1 FORWARD CURRENT(mA) FORWARD CURRENT(mA) RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY 1 50 (9) - GaAlAs 880nm (10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue (C) - InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green (D) - InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green 1 10 100 1000 tp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K) 10,000 1 1 10 100 1000 tp-PULSE DURATION uS (5) NOTE:25℃ free air temperature unless otherwise specified APPROVED : XU L CHECKED :ZHANG WH DRAWN: LI FS REV NO: V.2 Page 4 of 5 WWW.BETLUX.COM EMAIL: SALES@BETLUX.COM , BETLUX@BETLUX.COM 10,000 LED NUMERIC DISPLAY, 3 DIGIT BL-T80X-32 Packing and weighting Maximum 30pcs/bag 12g/pcs Maximum 5 Bag/Inner Box 3 Inner Box /Box 9 Inner Box /Box APPROVED : XU L CHECKED :ZHANG WH DRAWN: LI FS REV NO: V.2 Page 5 of 5 WWW.BETLUX.COM EMAIL: SALES@BETLUX.COM , BETLUX@BETLUX.COM