AN2927 Application note RC acquisition principle for touch sensing applications Introduction In applications requiring user interface, capacitive touch-sensitive controls are becoming the solution of choice to replace conventional electro-mechanical switches. STMicroelectronics has developed a complete touch-sensing software library to transform any 8-bit STM8 microcontroller into a capacitive touchkey controller. For more details, please go to This touch sensing software library allows to detect human touch by controlling the charge/discharge timing cycle of a RC network formed by a single resistor and the touch electrode capacitance. Any variation in the RC timing due to the electrode capacity change is detected then filtered and eventually reported to a host system using dedicated I/Os or I2C/SPI interface. The bill of material is low-cost as only one resistor is needed per touch channel to enable this function. The scope of this application note is to describe the RC time constant acquisition principle used in the touch sensing software library. Abbreviations Table 1. List of terms Acronym March 2009 Description EMI Electromagnetic interference RC Resistor–capacitor TS Library ST touch sensing firmware library Rev 2 1/12 Contents AN2927 Contents 1 RC acquisition principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Hardware implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Firmware implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1 4 2/12 Charge Time measurement principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.1 Basic measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.2 Oversampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Input voltage measurement principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.3 Touched effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.4 Multi-acquisitions and HF noise rejection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AN2927 1 RC acquisition principle RC acquisition principle The RC acquisition method is used to detect the human touch of any capacitive touch sensor (key, wheel or slider) by measuring the small variation of the touch electrode capacitance (C). Electrode capacitance C is periodically charged and discharged through a fixed resistor (R). The capacitance value depends on the following parameters: electrode area (A), relative dielectric constant of the insulator (εR), the relative permittivity of air (ε0) and the distance between the two electrodes (d). The capacitance value is summarized with the formula: Equation 1 εR ε0 A C = --------------d Figure 1. Voltage applied on an RC network R VIN C VOUT A fixed voltage is applied on VIN. The VOUT voltage increases or decreases proportionally to the capacitance value as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Measuring the charge time VOUT VTH VIN tC The capacitance value (C) is calculated by measuring the charge time (tC) the VOUT voltage requires to reach the threshold VTH. In touch sensing applications, the capacitance value (C) is the addition of a fixed capacitance (electrode capacitance, CX) and the capacitance added by the human finger (touch capacitance, CT) when it touches or is close to the electrode. The electrode capacitance must be kept as low as possible to ensure touch detection which is only a variation of a few picofarads (typically 5pF). Using this acquisition principle, it is possible to determine if a finger is “touching” the electrode or not. 3/12 RC acquisition principle Figure 3. AN2927 Touch acquisition No touch VOUT VIN t1 Human touch: the overall capacitance increases (t2 > t1) VOUT VIN t2 This is the basic principle used in the acquisition layer of the touch sensing library to detect a human touch. 4/12 AN2927 2 Hardware implementation Hardware implementation Figure 4 illustrates an implementation example. The capacitive human touch is detected by measuring the charge/discharge of the RC network composed of R1, R2 and electrode capacitance (CX) in parallel with the finger capacitance (CT) (approximately 5pF). There is only one “Load I/O” pin for all the electrodes. Resistors R1 and R2 must be placed as close as possible to the MCU. Resistor R1 (between hundreds Ohms to a few MOhms) is the main resistor used to adjust the electrode sensitivity to touch. Resistor R2 (10kΩ) is optional and is used to reduce noise sensitivity. Figure 4. Capacitive touch sensing example implementation Finger MCU GPIO GPIO “Load I/O” R1 “Acq I/O” CT (variable) R2 Electrode #1 CX (constant) GPIO Electrode #2 CX (constant) GPIO Electrode #n CX (constant) For more information please read Application Note AN2869 Guidelines for designing touch sensing applications. 5/12 Firmware implementation 3 AN2927 Firmware implementation This section describes the implementation of the RC acquisition principle in the ST touch sensing firmware library. 3.1 Charge Time measurement principle The charge time measurement must be accurate enough to ensure a robust capacitive sensing application. There are two common ways to measure the charge time: 1. The first solution is using an input capture (IC) timer which is triggered when the voltage reaches the threshold level. This approach offers a time measurement resolution which is directly linked to the timer counter frequency. However, as one input capture channel is required per electrode, standard MCUs are not compatible with this type of capacitive sensing application. 2. The second solution uses both a simple timer (without IC capability) and a simple software sequence which regularly checks if the voltage on the acquisition I/O has reached the threshold level. In this case, the time resolution measurement is equal to the number of CPU cycles used to execute a complete loop of the software sequence. This measurement approach introduces some jitter which is not compatible with the capacitive sensing acquisition. However, a large number of electrodes can be implemented as there are no hardware constraints. A variant of the second solution obtains a fixed measurement resolution equal to the CPU frequency (fCPU) by using an adaptive software sequence. This is the approach used in the ST touch sensing firmware library and is described below. 3.1.1 Basic measurement A general purpose timer performs the charge time measurement. The timer counter start value is saved (or reset) at the beginning of the capacitance charge. When the voltage on the acquisition I/O (Acq I/O) reaches a certain threshold level (VTH), the current timer counter value is saved. The difference of the two time counter values gives the charge or discharge time. Figure 5. Timer counter values VTH Counter = stop_value Counter = start_value 6/12 AN2927 3.1.2 Firmware implementation Oversampling The purpose of oversampling is to provide a final measurement of the input voltage high and low levels (VIH and VIL) with the precision of the CPU clock. Each successive VIH or VIL measurement is delayed by one CPU clock cycle in order to span all the possible values. The number of measurements necessary to span all the values are MCU core dependant. For STM8 microcontrollers, this number is equal to 8. Figure 6 illustrates this concept on an STM8 microcontroller Figure 6. Input voltage measurements VIH crossing VIH Sampling point for eight successive measurements Detected here CPU frequency Eight successive measurements are delayed to sweep the crossing point area 3.2 Input voltage measurement principle In order to improve the robustness against voltage and temperature variations, two measurements are performed consecutively on the electrodes: the first one measures the capacitance charge until the VIH level is reached. The second measures the capacitance discharge until the VIL level is reached. Figure 7 and table below illustrate what happens in detail on the acquisition electrode (Acq I/O) and on the Load I/O pin. Figure 7. Capacitance charge/discharge measurements “Load I/O” pin VDD “Acq I/O” pin VIH VIL t GND 1 2 3 4 5 1 7/12 Firmware implementation Table 2. AN2927 Capacitance charge/discharge measurement steps Step 3.3 Description 1 1. 2. 3. Load I/O pin is set in Output mode at VDD. Acq I/O pin is set in Output mode at VDD. Timer counter VIH start value is saved (vih_start). 2 Acq I/O pin is set in Input mode Hi-Z. --> The electrode capacitance CX is charging. 3 After the voltage on the Acq I/O pin reaches VIH: 1. Timer counter VIH stop value is saved (vih_stop) and the VIH measurement is calculated and saved (vih_stop – vih_start). 2. Acq I/O pin is set in Output mode at VDD. 3. Load I/O pin is set in Output mode at GND. 4. Timer counter VIL start value is saved (vil_start). 4 Acq I/O pin is set in Input mode Hi-Z. --> The electrode capacitance CX is discharging. 5 After the voltage on the Acq I/O pin reaches VIL: 1. Timer counter VIL stop value is saved (vil_stop) and the VIL measurement is calculated and saved (vil_stop – vil_start). 2. The two measurements “vih_meas” and “vil_meas” are added and saved. 3. The process continues with Step 1. Touched effect The electrode shape and size, the layout from the touch controller device to the electrode (and more specifically the ground coupling) as well as the dielectric panel material and thickness are the main parameters that define the value of the electrode capacitance (CX). As a consequence, the RC charge and discharge values are directly dependant on this CX value. Figure 8 illustrates this “touched effect”. The time <t1’> (where the VIH level is reached) is greater than the time <t1>. This is the same for the VIL level with times t2’ and t2. Figure 8. “Touched effect” example “touched effect” VDD “Acq I/O” pin VIH VIL t t1 8/12 t1’ t2 t2’ AN2927 3.4 Firmware implementation Multi-acquisitions and HF noise rejection To improve the measurement accuracy and reject high frequency (HF) noise, it is necessary to perform these VIH and VIL measurements several times before determining that the key is effectively “touched”. This number of acquisitions is calculated using one of two variables: the first one is fixed and dependent on the MCU core and the other one is configurable (through the configuration file of the TS library). For information, the number of fixed acquisitions is set to ‘8’ for STM8 devices (8 VIH measurements + 8 VIL measurements). Figure 9. Types of acquisitions “Touched effect” Fixed number of VIH/VIL measurements t Fixed (“burst group”) Configurable acquisition number (N) Note: The configurable acquisition number (N) can be set differently in the configuration file of the TS Library for the single-channel keys and for the multi-channel keys. The figures below illustrate examples of HF noise rejection. If the acquisition number (N) is set to 4, a complete acquisition of one electrode will consist of 4 correct “burst groups” (BGs). The word “correct” means that all measurements inside the group remain between a minimum and a maximum limit. These example show different scenarios depending on the level of noise. The green line means that the VIH/VIL measurement is correct, and the red line indicates an incorrect VIH/VIL measurement. Figure 10 shows an example where there is no noise and no measurements are rejected. In this example, all the measurements inside each burst group pass. The complete acquisition is done quickly. Figure 10. Example 1 Start electrode acquisition BG1 Pass BG2 Pass Acquisition OK BG3 Pass BG4 Pass 9/12 Firmware implementation AN2927 Figure 11 shows an example where there is a small amount of noise and some measurements are rejected (i.e. r1 and r2). In this example, the burst group 3 (BG3) is repeated until all measurements within this group pass. More time is required for a complete acquisition. Figure 11. Example 2 Remaining measurements are skipped Start r1 BG1 Pass BG2 Pass r2 BG3 Fail BG3 Fail Acquisition OK BG3 Pass BG4 Pass Figure 12 shows an example where there is a lot of noise and the maximum limit (i.e. 20) is reached. In this case, the complete electrode acquisition is rejected. In this example, the maximum number of rejected measurements is reached and the acquisition is stopped on that electrode. Figure 12. Example 3 Start Acquisition stopped r1 BG1 Pass Note: BG2 Fail r2 BG2 Fail r3 BG2 Pass BG3 Fail r21 BG3 Fail (max.) The maximum number of rejected measurements is set in the configuration file of the ST touch sensing library. Calculation of Min/Max limits These two limits are calculated by applying a multiplication coefficient to the first VIH/VIL measurement of each burst group. This multiplication factor is set inside the configuration file of the ST touch sensing library. As a consequence the first VIH/VIL measurements of each burst group is always “Pass”. In case the first measurement is “incorrect”, and the consecutive ones are “correct”, the burst group will still be determined “Fail”. 10/12 AN2927 4 Revision history Revision history Table 3. Document revision history Date Revision Changes 30-Jan-2009 1 Initial release. 25-Mar-2009 2 Updated title and Figure 6: Input voltage measurements. 11/12 AN2927 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale. 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