AN3270 Application note Using the STM8L16x AES hardware accelerator Introduction The purpose of cryptography is to protect sensitive data to avoid it being read by unauthorized persons. There are many algorithms that implement cryptography. These techniques can be split into: ● Asymmetric cryptography algorithms: These algorithms use a key to encrypt and another key to decrypt messages. RSA and DSA are examples of this type of algorithm. ● Symmetric cryptography algorithms: These algorithms use the same key to encrypt and decrypt messages. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES) are examples of this type of algorithm. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) specifies a FIPS-approved cryptography algorithm that can be used to protect electronic data. AES exists in three versions: 128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit. High density STM8L16x microcontrollers have an embedded AES 128-bit hardware accelerator to off-load the CPU from encryption/decryption tasks. This AES peripheral is a fully compliant implementation of the AES standard as defined by the Federal information processing standards publication (FIPS PUB 197, 2001 November 26). This application note applies to STM8L16x high-density devices with built-in AES peripheral. The software supplied with this application note provides an implementation of some commonly used AES chaining modes (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR). For more detailed information you should refer to the AES section of RM0031 STM8L15x and STM8L16x microcontroller family reference manual. July 2011 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 1/23 Contents AN3270 Contents 1 AES hardware accelerator operation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 AES encryption mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Key derivation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3 AES decryption mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4 Key derivation and decryption mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.5 Decryption mode vs. key derivation and decryption mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 AES peripheral driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 AES block processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1 AES block padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.2 AES block chaining: CBC as an example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3 Using the software implementation of AES chaining modes . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.4 Some recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 1 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AES hardware accelerator operation modes The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware accelerator can be used to encrypt (encipher) and decrypt (decipher) 128-bit blocks using a 128-bit key length. It is a fully compliant implementation of the AES standard as defined by Federal Information Processing Standards publication (FIPS PUB 197, 2001 November 26). Figure 1. AES hardware accelerator BIT PLAIN TEXT 34-, AND 34-, +EY !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR ö! 0081 ø¯Àþ 0003 6¸•rËѨ BIT CIPHER TEXT AI The main features of the built in AES hardware accelerator STM8L16x devices are: ● Both encryption and decryption with compliance to FIPS using a 128-bit key ● Key derivation for decryption ● 892 clock cycles to encrypt or decrypt one 128-bit block ● Read and write error detection with interrupt capability ● AES Computation Complete interrupt capability ● Automatic data flow control with support of direct memory access (DMA) using 2 channels: one for incoming data, the other for outgoing data. The AES hardware accelerator provides four modes of operation: 1. Encryption mode 2. Decryption mode (using decryption key) 3. Key derivation mode 4. Key derivation and decryption mode (using encryption key) Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 3/23 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AN3270 Once configured and enabled, the AES goes through three phases: 1.1 ● Input phase: data (plain text, cipher text or key) are written in the AES Data Input Register (AES_DINR). This phase can be carried-out either by the CPU or by Direct Memory Access (DMA). ● Computation phase: the AES hardware accelerator performs the AES operation (encryption, decryption...). Once this phase ends, the Computation Complete Flag is set. An interrupt can be generated if enabled using Computation Complete Interrupt Enable bit (CCIE). ● Output phase: the application can read the Data Output Register (AES_DOUTR). Like the input phase, this task can be performed by the CPU or by DMA. AES encryption mode In this mode, the AES accelerator performs the encryption of a 128-bit plain text using the provided 128-bit key to compute the cipher text. In the example below, the plain text “STM32L and STM8L” is encrypted using the key “ultralow power.”. The cipher text, computed by the AES hardware accelerator, in ASCII format is "ö!?ø¯Àþ6¸•rËѨ" and in hex format is “22 F6 21 81 F8 AF C0 FE 03 36 B8 95 72 CB D1 A8”. Figure 2. AES hardware accelerator: encryption mode 128-bit plain text STM32L and STM8L Encryption Key: “ultra-low power.” AES hardware accelerator: Encryption mode ö! ø¯Àþ?6¸•rËѨ 128-bit cipher text MS19716V1 The AES takes 892 clock cycles to encrypt one 128-bit block. To perform text encryption, follow the algorithm given in the flowchart below. 4/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 AES hardware accelerator operation modes Figure 3. AES algorithm in encryption mode Enable AES clock(1) Configure AES peripheral: Select encryption mode(2) Enable computation complete interrupt(3) Enable AES to start processing Counter = 0 Write encryption key EK[counter] in DINR register Write plain text PT[counter] in DINR register Input phase Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) Computation phase Is computation complete? Counter = 0 Output phase Read cypher text CT[counter] from DOUTR register Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) End MS19717V1 1. The AES peripheral clock must be enabled to allow write access to the AES registers. 2. Mode configuration must be done before enabling the AES. 3. If required, the Computation Complete interrupt can be enabled using the Computation Complete Interrupt Enable (CCIE) bit. 4. The AES hardware accelerator requires the 16 bytes of data (128 bits) to be written/read from MSB (16th data byte) to LSB (1st data byte) that is why the Counter is initialized to 0. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 5/23 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AN3270 EK is a 16-byte buffer containing the Encryption Key. PT is a 16-byte buffer containing the Plain Text. CT is 16-byte buffer containing the Cipher Text. Note: Refer to the AES_EncryptDecrypt example available in the STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Lib firmware package for an example of single block encryption/decryption in C language. 1.2 Key derivation mode AES is a symmetric cryptography algorithm: Encrypting and decrypting text is performed by the same key. The AES hardware accelerator can compute a derived key from an encryption key that is named “Decryption key”. The decryption key is pre-computed to speed-up the decryption phase. In this mode, the AES takes the encryption key as input and provides the decryption key in output. This mode takes 320 clock cycles. Figure 4. AES hardware accelerator: key derivation mode %NCRYPTION +EY hVMUSBMPXQPXFSv !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR KEY DERIVATION MODE $ECRYPTION +EY h $& ! % && $ & # " " $v -36 In the example above, the decryption key, computed from the encryption key “ultra-low power.”, is “91 DF 30 53 7A E9 49 19 92 FF 8D F8 C4 9B B7 4D” (hex format). The algorithm given in the figure below provides the steps needed to use the AES hardware accelerator in key derivation mode. 6/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 AES hardware accelerator operation modes Figure 5. AES algorithm in key derivation mode Enable AES clock(1) Configure AES peripheral: Select key derivation mode(2) Enable computation complete interrupt(3) Enable AES to start processing Counter = 0 Write encryption key EK[counter] in DINR register Input phase Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) Computation phase Is computation complete? Counter = 0 Output phase Read decryption key DK[counter] from DOUTR register Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) End MS19719V1 1. The AES peripheral clock must be enabled to allow write access to the AES registers. 2. Mode configuration must be done before enabling the AES. 3. If required, the Computation Complete interrupt can be enabled using the Computation Complete Interrupt Enable (CCIE) bit. 4. The AES hardware accelerator requires the 16 bytes of data (128 bits) to be written/read from MSB (16th data byte) to LSB (1st data byte) that is why the Counter is initialized to 0. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 7/23 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AN3270 EK is a 16-byte buffer containing the encryption key. DK is a 16-byte buffer of 16 bytes containing the decryption key. Note: Refer to the AES_KeyDerivation example available in the STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Lib firmware package for an example of implementation in C language. 1.3 AES decryption mode In this mode, the AES hardware accelerator performs the decryption of a 128-bit cipher text using the provided 128-bit decryption key to compute the plain text. This mode takes 892 clock cycles for a 128-bit block. In the example below, the cipher text is “22 F6 21 81 F8 AF C0 FE 03 36 B8 95 72 CB D1 A8” and the decryption key is “91 DF 30 53 7A E9 49 19 92 FF 8D F8 C4 9B B7 4D”. The plain text, computed by AES hardware accelerator, is the original text “STM32L and STM8L”. Figure 6. AES hardware accelerator: decryption mode BIT CIPHER TEXT & & !& # &% " #" $ ! $ECRYPTION KEY h $& ! % && $ & # " " $ v !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR DECRYPTION MODE 34-, AND 34-, BIT PLAIN TEXT Note: 8/23 Cipher text and decryption key are in hexadecimal format. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 -36 AN3270 AES hardware accelerator operation modes Figure 7. AES algorithm in decryption mode Enable AES clock(1) Configure AES peripheral: Select decryption mode(2) Enable computation complete interrupt(3) Enable AES to start processing Counter = 0 Write decryption key DK[counter] in DINR register Input phase Write cypher text CT[counter] in DINR register Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) Computation phase Is computation complete? Counter = 0 Output phase Read plain text PT[counter] from DOUTR register Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) End MS19721V1 1. The AES peripheral clock must be enabled to allow write access to AES registers 2. Mode configuration must be done before enabling the AES. 3. If required, the Computation Complete interrupt can be enabled using the Computation Complete Interrupt Enable (CCIE) bit. 4. The AES hardware accelerator requires the 16 bytes of data (128 bits) to be written/read from MSB (16th data byte) to LSB (1st data byte) that is why the Counter is initialized to 0. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 9/23 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AN3270 DK is a 16-byte buffer containing the Decryption Key. PT is a 16-byte buffer containing the Plain Text. CT is a 16-byte buffer containing the Cipher Text. 1.4 Key derivation and decryption mode When this mode is selected, the AES hardware accelerator performs the decryption of a 128-bit cipher text using the provided 128-bit encryption key to compute the plain text. In the example below the cipher text is “22 F6 21 81 F8 AF C0 FE 03 36 B8 95 72 CB D1 A8” and the encryption key is “ultra-low power.”. The plain text, computed by AES hardware accelerator, is the text “STM32L and STM8L”. Figure 8. AES hardware accelerator: key derivation and decryption mode BIT CIPHER TEXT HEX FORMAT & & !& # &% " #" $ ! %NCRYPTION KEY hULTRA LOW POWERv !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR +EY DERIVATION AND DECRYPTION MODE 34-, AND 34-, BIT PLAIN TEXT -36 10/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 AES hardware accelerator operation modes Figure 9. AES algorithm in key derivation and decryption mode Enable AES clock(1) Configure AES peripheral: Select key derivation mode(2) Enable computation complete interrupt(3) Enable AES to start processing Counter = 0 Write encryption key EK[counter] in DINR register Input phase Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) Computation phase Is computation complete? Counter = 0 Output phase Read decryption key DK[counter] from DOUTR register Counter++ Counter = 16?(4) End MS19723V1 1. The AES peripheral clock must be enabled to allow write access to AES registers 2. Mode configuration must be done before enabling the AES 3. If required, the Computation Complete Interrupt can be enabled using the Computation Complete Interrupt Enable (CCIE) bit 4. The AES hardware accelerator requires the 16 bytes of data (128 bits) to be written/read from MSB (16th data byte) to LSB (1st data byte) that is why the Counter is initialized to 0. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 11/23 AES hardware accelerator operation modes AN3270 EK is a 16-byte buffer containing the Encryption Key. PT is a 16-byte containing the Plain Text. CT is 16-byte containing the Cipher Text. Note: Refer to the AES_EncryptDecrypt example available in the STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Lib firmware package for an example of implementation in C language. 1.5 Decryption mode vs. key derivation and decryption mode The AES hardware accelerator support two methods for decrypting a cipher text: ● Key derivation and decryption mode which requires the encryption key. ● Decryption mode which requires the decryption key that must previously be computed using the key derivation mode. The former takes 1228 clock cycles for one 128-bit data block but the latter takes only 892 clock cycles for the same data block length. Key derivation and decryption modes are useful when the data length is greater than 128bit. In the first step the decryption key is computed using key derivation mode then data are decrypted using decryption mode. Example: The length of the data to be encrypted is 160 bytes (128-bit * 10). The formulas below can be used to determine the processing time for both methods: ● Key derivation and decryption mode method: processing time = number of 128-bit blocks * processing time of single block = 10 * 1228 = 12280 clock cycles ● Decryption mode + Key derivation mode method: processing time = key derivation processing time + number of 128-bit blocks * processing time of single block = 320 + 10 *892 = 9240 clock cycles This shows that it is better to use the combined key derivation and decryption mode when processing multiple blocks. 12/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 2 AES peripheral driver AES peripheral driver An AES driver written in C language (stm8l15x_aes.c/.h) is available in the STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Lib standard firmware package. This driver provides an abstraction layer to make it easier to use the AES hardware accelerator. A flowchart of encryption mode using the driver is shown in Figure 10. To help you get started quickly, a set of examples is available in the STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Lib package: ● AES_KeyDerivation: how to get the decryption key from the encryption key ● AES_EncryptionDecryption: how to encrypt and decrypt a single data block ● AES_EncryptionDecryptionBlocks: how to use the DMA peripheral to manage reading/writing data from/to AES data registers Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 13/23 AES peripheral driver AN3270 Figure 10. AES encryption mode: implementation using AES peripheral driver CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_AES, ENABLE) AES_OperationModeConfig(AES_Operation_Encryp) AES_Cmd(ENABLE) Counter = 0 AES_WriteSubKey(EncryptionKey[Counter]) AES_WriteSubData(InputText[Counter]) Input phase Counter++ Counter = 16? Computation phase while(AES_GetFlagStatus(AES_FLAG_CCF) == RESET)(1) Counter = 0 OutputText[Counter] = AES_ReadSubData() Output phase Counter++ Counter = 16? End MS19724V1 1. Once set, Computation Complete Flag (CCF) should be cleared in multiple block processing using the following function AES_ClearFlag(AES_FLAG_CCF). 14/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 AES block processing 3 AES block processing 3.1 AES block padding AES-128 is a 128-bit block cryptography that means that AES encrypts 128-bit plain text providing a 128-bit cipher text. But in general, text to be encrypted/decrypted is of any length so the text must be padded to get an exact multiple of block size (128 bits) before being processed (encrypted or decrypted). In the following example, the text “The STM8L family combines high performance and ultralow power consumption” is split into 6 blocks. The last one, since it’s size is 10 bytes, is padded by six “00”. Note: There are other methods of message padding than filling with “00”. Figure 11. Message padding with “00” BIT 0LAIN 4EXT BIT 0LAIN 4EXT BIT 0LAIN 4EXT 4HE 34-, FAMILY COMBINES HIGH P BIT 0LAIN 4EXT ERFORMANCE AND U LTRA LOW POWER C BIT 0LAIN 4EXT ONSUMPTION AI 3.2 AES block chaining: CBC as an example Encrypting the same plain text using the same key produces the same cipher text, each block is encrypted independently. This could be insecure when encrypting long texts. Chaining modes have been introduced to overcome this limitation. With chaining modes, each block is no longer dependent just on the plain text. The following are some examples of chaining modes: ● Electronic CodeBook (ECB): This is the simplest mode. Each plain text is encrypted/decrypted separately. ● Cipher Block Chaining (CBC): Each block is XORed with the previous block. This mode requires a 128-bit initialization vector. ● Cipher Feedback (CFB): Each plain text block is XORed with the previous cipher text block before encryption. ● Output Feedback (OFB): The output of the encryption process is used as input for the next block encryption. The output block is XORed with plain text to give the cipher text ● Counter (CTR): A 128-bit counter is encrypted and then XORed with the plain text to give the cipher text. The counter is incremented at each block. For the purposes of illustration, this section describes block chaining using CBC. Figure 12 and Figure 13 below explain the implementation of CBC mode in both encryption and decryption. In CBC mode, each input block is dependent on the previous output block. The input block is XORed with the previous cipher text block before being encrypted. The first block requires an initialization vector. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 15/23 AES block processing AN3270 Figure 12. Encryption using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode BIT PLAIN TEXT ULTRA LOW POWER )NIT V ECTOR BIT PLAIN TEXT BIT PLAIN TEXT -#5 BASED ON THE BIT 34- CORE XOR XOR XOR !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR %NCRYPTION MODE !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR %NCRYPTION MODE !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR %NCRYPTION MODE %!%$#" #&&&& BIT CIPHER TEXT !"&$&%! !&&#&& BIT CIPHER TEXT !#&!"!$% !%% BIT CIPHER TEXT -36 Figure 13. Decryption using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode BIT PLAIN TEXT %!%$#" #&&&& !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR $ECRYPTION MODE )NIT V ECTOR BIT PLAIN TEXT !"&$&%! !&&#&& !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR $ECRYPTION MODE XOR ULTRA LOW POWER BIT CIPHER TEXT BIT PLAIN TEXT !#&!"!$% !%% !%3 HARDWARE ACCELERATOR $ECRYPTION MODE XOR -#5 BASED ON THE BIT CIPHER TEXT XOR BIT 34- CORE BIT CIPHER TEXT -36 Chaining modes (CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR) are not implemented in hardware. A firmware implementation of block chaining modes (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR) using the AES hardware accelerator is provided in the aes_util.c/.h files with this application note. As an example, the prototype of CBC mode is as follows: AES_Encrypt_CBC(): Encrypt plain text with encryption key providing cipher text using CBC chaining mode. Encryption status is returned by the function. ErrorStatus AES_Encrypt_CBC(PlainText, /* address of plain text to be encrypted */ CipherText, /* address of buffer that used to store the cipher text */ EncryptionKey, /* address of key used to encrypt plain text */ InitVector, /* address of initialization vector */ TextSize); /* size of padded plain text */ For the implementation of other chaining modes, refer to the aes_util.c/.h files. 16/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 3.3 AES block processing Using the software implementation of AES chaining modes An example is available in the firmware associated with this application note to show you how to add a chaining mode implementation to your application. The example performs both encryption and decryption of a text entered through hyperterminal (or a compatible communication software) using the available chaining modes. The key is stored in the data EEPROM of the STM8L16x device. Figure 14. below gives a screenshot of encryption/decryption selection. Figure 14. Encryption / decryption selection Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 17/23 AES block processing AN3270 Figure 15. is a screenshot of block chaining mode selection. Figure 15. Chaining mode selection The text received through the RS232 port is saved in a static buffer. The end of transmission occurs when the maximum buffer size has been reached or the carriage return (enter key) has been pressed. The maximum buffer size is defined in main.h: #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE (uint16_t) 128 The following code listing (available in stm8l15x_it.c) shows how the end of transmission is detected: if ((RxCounter == RX_BUFFER_SIZE) || (RxBuffer[RxCounter-1] == 0x0D)) { /* Disable the Read data register not empty interrupt */ USART_ITConfig(EVAL_COM1, USART_IT_RXNE, DISABLE); /* Max buffer size had been reached or carriage return had been pressed */ TransferComplete = 1; ........ ....... If the received buffer size is not a multiple of 128-bit, it is padded with the pre-defined pad character. it is defined in main.h #define PAD_CHARACTER (uint8_t) 0x00 The BufferInit() function (in main.c) is available for padding purposes. It checks the size of the entered text and then pads it if necessary. 18/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 AES block processing /* Pad the buffer with defined pad character */ while(counter < (nbrblocks + 1) * 16) { pText[counter] = PAD_CHARACTER; counter++; } Another buffer is created dynamically to store the result of encryption or decryption (depending on the user selection) if (CryptoMode == CRYPTO_MODE_ENCRYPTION) { /* Pad the received buffer */ BufferInit(RxBuffer, &TextSize); /* PlainText points at the received buffer */ PlainText = RxBuffer; /* Allocate memory space */ CipherText = (uint8_t*) malloc(TextSize); ...... ...... else { /* Pad the received buffer */ BufferInit(RxBuffer, &TextSize); /* CipherText points at the received buffer */ CipherText = RxBuffer1; /* Allocate memory space */ PlainText = (uint8_t*) malloc(TextSize); ...... ...... Once the input text is encrypted or decrypted, both plain text and cipher text are displayed. Plain text is displayed in ASCII format and the cipher text is displayed in both ASCII and hex format (because cipher text may include non-printable characters). Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 19/23 AES block processing AN3270 Figure 16. shows an example of the display of typed text, plain text and cipher text (ASCII and hex formats). Figure 16. Encryption/Decryption result display 3.4 Some recommendations The firmware implementation of the AES chaining modes provided with this application note is intended to be used as a starting-point. For many applications, this firmware may be used as is. However, for applications with tough constraints in terms of code size and/or execution speed, this firmware may be tailored and simplified to cover only the required features. Refer to the AES section in the microcontroller’s reference manual RM0031 for more details. The Direct Memory Access (DMA) can be used to handle input and output phases for better performance and free the CPU for other tasks The encryption key can be stored and protected in EEPROM data memory. Refer to the “Flash program memory and data EEPROM” section in the microcontroller’s reference manual RM0031. 20/23 Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 4 Conclusion Conclusion This application note gives an introduction to the AES hardware accelerator embedded in STM8L16x microcontrollers which can be used for data encryption/decryption with minimal CPU load and memory usage. The main operating modes have been presented in Section 1 on page 3. A description has been given of the software available for the AES with this application note. Section 2 on page 13 described the peripheral driver with an abstraction layer for easy use of the peripheral, Section 3 on page 15 described a set of examples that can be used as a quick start for developing your own code and an in-depth example using AES block chaining modes. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 21/23 Revision history 5 AN3270 Revision history Table 1. 22/23 Document revision history Date Revision Changes 02-Dec-2010 1 Initial release. 01-Jul-2011 2 Updated figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 16. Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 AN3270 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. 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Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. © 2011 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America Doc ID 17919 Rev 2 23/23