AN1800 APPLICATION NOTE STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART INTRODUCTION This document presents a standard communication interface between a STR71x microcontroller and a PC. This communication is done through the STR71x BSPI peripheral and a serial port of the PC using the RS232 protocol. Rev. 3 AN1800/0405 1/7 1 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART 1 BSPI COMMUNICATION The main features of the BSPI communication peripheral are summarized below. Refer to the STR71x reference manual for more details. 1.1 MAIN FEATURES The Buffered Serial Peripheral Interface (BSPI) offers a flexible means of full-duplex data exchange with external equipment requiring an industry standard synchronous serial data format. The BSPI allows a very wide range of baud rates with different baud rates for transmission and reception. For BSPI, only four signals are needed, the first for transmission (MOSI), the second for reception (MISO), the third is the clock (SCLK) and the other is slave select (SS). 1.2 BAUD RATES Transmission and reception can be driven by their own baud rate generator. However be aware that to communicate correctly, the receiver must have a reception baud rate strictly equal to the transmission baud rate of the transmitter. As long as this condition is met, a wide range of baud rates is possible. 1.3 FRAMES The length of a data word can be 8 or 16 bits, these bits are transmitted Most Significant Bit first. 2/7 2 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART 2 RS232 COMMUNICATION WITH A PC 2.1 MAIN FEATURES The electrical and protocol characteristics of RS232 are different from those of the STR71X BSPI peripheral. In RS232 communication, high level is typically +7V and low level is typically -7V, while the BSPI peripheral works with (0, +3.3V). Furthermore, the polarities are different. A ’1’ bit coming from the BSPI corresponds to a ’0’ bit in RS232, and a ’0’ bit to a ’1’ bit. So it is necessary to implement a conversion between the PC and the BSPI peripheral. In this application ST3232 is used for this purpose. Also the BSPI transmits Most Significant Bit first but the PC receives the Least Significant Bit first. That’s why we must invert the order before transmitting the data. 2.2 PC CONFIGURATION The PC will be used as a terminal. The description below refers to the Windows environment. This terminal application is called HyperTerminal. Under Windows, open the “HyperTerminal” application. To configure it, go to the communication parameters menu. The options of this window must be the same as the ones defined with your STR71x. After selecting the right serial communication port, select the same baud rate as the one configured in the microcontroller. As the PC accepts only one baud rate, transmission and reception baud rates will have the same value. Data word length will be 7 bits, and choose to use 1 stop bit. “Flow control” can be either Xon/Xoff or none. The PC is then correctly configured. 3/7 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART 3 STR71X CONFIGURATION This application was implemented with a STR71X. This microcontroller uses a 16 MHz external clock (quartz). A description of the baud rate selection is given later in this application note. 3.1 GENERAL INITIALIZATION Four pins of the STR71x are used: ■ the MOSI pin (Master Output Slave Input). ■ the MISO pin (Master Input, Slave Output). ■ the SCLK clock pin. ■ the SS slave select pin. The MOSI, MISO and SCLK pins must be initialized as Push-Pull (please refer to the Reference Manual). 3.2 BSPI CONFIGURATION The peripheral is configured as a master by using function BSPI_MasterEnable, and the Baud Rate is fixed by using function BSPI_ClockDividerConfig (please refer to the STR71x Software Library User Manual for more information). 3.2.1 EXAMPLE Then the baud rates must be selected. We should always have the same baud rates in the PC and in the BSPI. 4/7 Baud Rate Clock Divider 19200 0xCF 38400 0x67 57600 0x40 115200 0x20 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART 4 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN STR71x AND PC VIA RS232 In this application note the software modules are developed in C language, with RVDK environment, using the STR71x software library from STMicroelectronics. It is of course only an example. It is up to you to adapt it to your specific application. 4.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION In this application, an STR71x is connected to a PC. The communication is performed using the “HyperTerminal” application of Windows. Characters are sent by the STR71x in ASCII code to the PC with a baudrate set to 19200 bps (ClockDivider = 0xCF) and 1 stop bit. The first part of the program performs the initialization of the STR71x, core and the BSPI peripheral. 4.2 HARDWARE The STR71x BSPI peripheral cannot be directly connected to a PC, as it uses the RS232 protocol. The conversion between BSPI and RS232 can be done using ST3232. An overview schematic is presented in the figure below: Figure 1. Hardware Overview STR71x RS232 interface GND TD RD GND GND IN OUT OUT IN VCC MISO MOSI SS ST3232 Be sure that the three main devices (PC, STR71x, ST3232) have the same electrical reference (GND). 5/7 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART 4.3 SOFTWARE Figure 2. Application flowchart BEGIN Configure the BSPI pin to Push-Pull Initialize BSPI peripheral { ... GPIO_Config (GPIO0, 0x0077, GPIO_AF_PP); BSPI_Init (BSPI1) ; Configure the clock divider BSPI_ClockDividerConfig (BSPI1, 0xCF); Enable the BSPI peripheral BSPI_Enable (BSPI1 , ENABLE); Select BSPI master mode BSPI_MasterEnable (BSPI1, ENABLE); Configure the clock Enable capturing the first data sample on the first edge of SCK or the second edge Set the word length Send word (invert the order before the transmission of the data) BSPI_ClkActiveHigh(BSPI1, DISABLE); BSPI_ClkFEdge(BSPI1, ENABLE); BSPI_8bLEn(BSPI1, ENABLE); BSPI_WordSend(BSPI1, 0x41); ... } END 6/7 STR71x BSPI USED AS A UART “THE PRESENT NOTE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS WITH INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. 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