<^£.mL-dondu<itoi LPioaucti, L/nc. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. BF415 *BF417 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR, EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR NPN SILICIUM, PLANAR EPITAXIAL Compl. of BF 416 and BF 418 $f Preferred device Oiipotitif ntemrmmU Video output steps in TV seta Saga d» sortii dtt implifiatturs Video dtnt let tfUviseurs CEO Maximum power dissipation Dissipation depuisiancemaxima/e 250V BF415 300V BF417 h21E (25mA) 30 min. fT (25mA) i 70 MHz typ. Plastic caie JO-126- See outline drawing CB-16 on list pages BoJtier pltitique vel, ,»„,„ ratf ca.,e Ounitm o*t» lot IWI 6 4 3 0 1 1 ^ 1 i I 1 I .i v \0 tOO 150 cE T (oCi «» ' Collector connected to metal pert of case CollKttur tiuirl t It ptrtk mtul//«wdk>toft/.r Weisht : 0,7 g, w««" ABSOLUTE RATINGS (LIMITING VALUES) VALEURS LIMITES ABSOLVES D'UTILISATION T ._+25°C amb T'" " (Unless otherwise stated) IStufindiatiomeenininil BF41S Collector-base voltage Ttntion coHKOur-bm VCBO 2SO CoMector-emitter voltage Tffition colltclHtr-jmittwr VCEO 250 Emitter-base voltage TtnsiOfT tmtttmr-btit VEBO Collector current Counnt eoflbctM/r Peak collector current Couflmt df erf 1* dt ceUtcnur Power dissipation O/«;w«wto»<n/itMnc» Storage temperature Ttfnptntun tit stodcfgf Tcase= j BF417 300 V 300 V 5 5 V 'c 200 200 mA 'CM 300 300 mA 2B°C = 25°C ptot min. max T«g 6 1.25 6 W 1.25 w - 55 - 55 + 150 -H50 °c °c .VI ,Semi-t niiduLlors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limili ;md packuge dimensions without notice Inl'nrmulion lumith«d by NI Svmi-C'onduclon it believed to he hdlh accurate and reliable .11 the lime of going to press. However Scini-L onJuitiirs .bsuincs IM re'-ptmsibilily for uny emirs »r oinissiuns Jisuivured in its use \ Seini*Coiidtiili'rs envnurnues n-itrii'crs (D \ciif\t il:ila-:hcet.i ire BF 415, BF 417 STATIC CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTIQUES STATIQUES T (Un Ins otherwise stated) i..25»C IStu I indkttiont contnirnl amb Test conditions Condition dt mtiurt Win. Typ. Max. V C B = 200V IE =o Collector-ban cut-off current Courtnt rttUuil eotticiwiivtw VE8» 3V lc =0 Emitter-base cut-off current Courtnt rttidutl imtntur-btm Collector-biM breikdown voltig* Ttntlon dt cltgittgt n«KIKir-6M lc = 10 MA IE =o Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Ttntfon dt cltqutgt coHtcttur-tonttttvr lc IB = 10mA =0 Etnitter-bise breakdown voltage Ttniioa in eltqutft tmtmur-bm IE IC = 10/iA =0 nA BF417 50 nA 50 nA 'EBO V(BR)CBO 8F415 BF417 250 300 V V V (BR)CEO* BF41S BF417 250 300 V V 5 V V(BR)E80 v C E = isv Static forward currant transfer ratio VmHur lUtiqv* du npport dt tnntftrt dirtet du cottffAt Collector-emitter saturation voltage r«»A»n * Hivntfon ealHtwur-tiMtmir lc 25 = 5mA "21 E V C E = 15V \Q =* 25mA lc Ig = 5mA = 1 mA v CE = IQ 30 vCEsat 15V =• 5 mA Base-emitter voltage Tvaion bftf^mnmir 0,2 0,5 V 0,65 0,9 V 0,72 1 V VBE V C E= 15V lc = 25mA Collector-emitter saturation voltage Tuition dt utuimtion tallnmif-tmtmur t = 300 m 50 'CBO VCB = 2BO V IE =0 Pulsed BF415 5 <2% lc Ig = 15V — 25 mA VCEsat 0,4 1 V BF 416. BF 417 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwist stated) . 25°C CARACTEfttSTIOUES OYNAUIQUES IStuf MxitiOm centrum) Test conditions Condltiwn dt mtiurt V IE f Output capacitance 30 V =0 - 1 MHz B Transition frequency Frtqvtnct dt nwu/r/on VCE = 25 mA lc - 1 MHz f = 20 MHz High frequency knee voltage Ttntion dt eoudt tit tttutt Irtqutnct lc f = 25 mA = 1 MHz Min. Typ. Max. C22b 4,5 'T 70 F MHz -20 VCEK(HF) V Notel NOTE 1 : The high frequency knee voltage of a transistor is that value of the collector emitter voltage at which the small signal forward currant transfer ratio h2!« has dropped to 80% of the value at VCE - 50 V. Li tmitn c* COadf t htult frtqutnc* fun tnmktor tit, ptr dtllnltlon. It rtltur d* It Italian coltteuur tmttuvr pour ItqutUl It itpffrt dt trtmltn dirta du courtnt t pttit ilgntl h!t, ta tambt t B0% dt a nltur t SO V. h21e (X) 100 80 60 "CEK V CE (V) THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTIQUES THEffMIQUES Junction-case thermel resistance /Mtf««» rhvmtut Uonctiv*,,,*,, Rth(j^) 20,83 °C/W Junction-ambient thermel resistance Rttfinnct thtmlQut lianetlon^mbltaal Rth(j-a) too "C/W