, One.. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 Silicon Power lan iransistors High Voltage Video Output Transistor D40N The D40N is a silicone plastic encapsulated power transistor for TV video ind color output stages. Other TV and general applications include: (1) Drive for the TV horizontal sweep tube;. (2) Audio output stage for portable TV sets, (3) High-voltage transistor regulator; (4) Video display drivers for oscilloscopes, electroluminescent displays and desk calculators; (5) Highvoltage general usage. FEATURING; • POWER-QMS passivation • L o w C C B ( 2 . 0 p f t y p . @ V C B = 20V) • Gain rated at 3 collector currents l««di cm B§ Formed To A TO-5 Pin Configuration absolute maximum ratings: (25°C) (unlessotherwise specified) D40NKD D40N2 D40N3 P40N4 !• I I. •. II D40N5 •• Voltages<2)<«) Collectoi to Emitter Emitter to Base Current Collector (Continuous) Power Dissipation Tab at 2VC(3> Tab at 70"C Free Air at 50°C Free Air at 50°C (Without Tab) Thermal Resistance! 3 ' Junction to Case Junction to Ambient With Tab Without Tab Temperature^! Storage Operating Lead Soldering, 1/16" ± 1/32" from case for 10 seconds max. 250 5 EBO 300 5 375 5 Ic 0.1 PT 6.25 4 1.33 Amps • Watts Watts Watts Watts . •c/w •c/w •c/w 20 75 100 -55 to+150 -55 t o + 1 5 0 STG •C T +260 NOTES: (l)The liiit di^it i i a part number which designates a voltage yade. Tab and lead forming is specified by a letter after this digit. (2) Test conditions: Ic " l'° mA. R 9E " 10 kSZ (3) Tab temperature is measured on center of tab, 1/16" from plastic body. (4) Pulsed measurement, 300 jUsec pulse width, duty cycle S 2%. electrical characteristics: (25°C) (unless otherwise specified) D40N1 D40N3 Min. Max. Forward Current Ratio (V CE = 10V, l c = 4 m A ) (V ci = 10V, l c = 20mA) 10V, I c - 4 0 m A ) Quality Semi-Conductors hFg hft !IFE 20 30 20 90 Volts Volts 04ON6 Min. Max. 15 20 15 _ _ — D40N2 D40N4 Min. Max. 30 60 30 180