NVT210 +15C Temperature Monitor with Series Resistance Cancellation The NVT210 is a dual-channel digital thermometer and undertemperature/overtemperature alarm, intended for use in thermal management systems. It is register-compatible with the NCT1008 and NCT72. A feature of the NVT210 is series resistance cancellation, where up to 1.5 kW (typical) of resistance in series with the temperature monitoring diode can be automatically cancelled from the temperature result, allowing noise filtering. The NVT210 has a configurable ALERT output and an extended, switchable temperature measurement range. The NVT210 can measure the temperature of a remote thermal diode accurate to 1C and the ambient temperature accurate to 3C. The temperature measurement range defaults to 0C to +127C, compatible with the NCT1008 and NCT72, but it can be switched to a wider measurement range of −64C to +191C. The NVT210 communicates over a 2-wire serial interface, compatible with system management bus (SMBus/I2C) standards. The default SMBus/I2C address of the NVT210 is 0x4C. An NVT210D is available with an SMBus/I2C address of 0x4D. This is useful if more than one NVT210 is used on the same SMBus/I2C. An ALERT output signals when the on-chip or remote temperature is out of range. The THERM output is a comparator output that allows on/off control of a cooling fan. The ALERT output can be reconfigured as a second THERM output, if required. The NVT210 has been through Automotive Qualification according to AEC−Q100 Grade 1 standards. http://onsemi.com WDFN8 MT SUFFIX CASE 511AT MSOP8 DM SUFFIX CASE 846A PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 VDD SCLK D+ SDATA ALERT/ THERM2 GND D− THERM (Top View) MARKING DIAGRAMS 8 XXXX AYWG G Features On-chip and Remote Temperature Sensor 0.25C Resolution/1C Accuracy on Remote Channel 1C Resolution/1C Accuracy on Local Channel Series Resistance Cancellation Up to 1.5 kW Extended, Switchable Temperature Measurement Range 0C to +127C (Default) or –64C to +191C Register-compatible with NCT1008 and NCT72 2-wire SMBus/I2C Serial Interface with SMBus Alert Support Programmable Over/Undertemperature Limits Offset Registers for System Calibration Up to Two Overtemperature Fail-safe THERM Outputs 8-lead MSOP Package and a 2 2 WDFN8 Package 240 mA Operating Current, 5 mA Standby Current Automotive Qualification According to AEC−Q100, Grade 1 Pb-Free Packages are Available 1 MSOP8 XXXX A Y W G = Specific Device Code = Assembly Location = Year = Work Week = Pb-Free Package (Note: Microdot may be in either location) 1 VxMG G WDFN8 Vx M G = Device Code (Where x = C or D) = Date Code = Pb-Free Package (Note: Microdot may be in either location) Applications ORDERING INFORMATION Automotive Embedded Systems Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2013 May, 2013 − Rev. 7 See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 18 of this data sheet. 1 Publication Order Number: NVT210/D NVT210 D− 3 ANALOG MUX LOCAL TEMPERATURE VALUE REGISTER LOCAL TEMPERATURE LOW-LIMIT REGISTER A-TO-D CONVERTER BUSY RUN/STANDBY LOCAL TEMPERATURE HIGH-LIMIT REGISTER REMOTE TEMPERATURE VALUE REGISTER DIGITAL MUX 2 ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER LIMIT COMPARATOR D+ CONVERSION RATE REGISTER DIGITAL MUX ON-CHIP TEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOTE TEMPERATURE LOW-LIMIT REGISTER REMOTE TEMPERATURE HIGH-LIMIT REGISTER LOCAL THERM LIMIT REGISTERS REMOTE OFFSET REGISTER EXTERNAL THERM LIMIT REGISTERS CONFIGURATION REGISTERS EXTERNAL DIODE OPEN-CIRCUIT INTERRUPT MASKING STATUS REGISTER NVT210 SMBus/I2C INTERFACE 1 5 7 8 4 VDD GND SDATA SCLK THERM 6 ALERT/THERM2 Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Table 1. PIN ASSIGNMENT Pin No. Mnemonic 1 VDD Positive Supply, 2.8 V to 3.6 V. Description 2 D+ Positive Connection to Remote Temperature Sensor. 3 D− Negative Connection to Remote Temperature Sensor. 4 THERM 5 GND 6 ALERT/THERM2 7 SDATA Logic Input/Output, SMBus/I2C Serial Data. Open-drain Output. Requires pullup resistor. 8 SCLK Logic Input, SMBus/I2C Serial Clock. Requires pullup resistor. Open-drain Output. Can be used as an overtemperature shutdown pin. Requires pullup resistor. Supply Ground Connection. Open-drain Logic Output Used as Interrupt or SMBus ALERT. This can also be configured as a second THERM output. Requires pullup resistor to VDD. Table 2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Positive Supply Voltage (VDD) to GND Rating Unit −0.3, +3.6 V −0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V D− to GND −0.3 to +0.6 V SCLK, SDATA, ALERT, THERM −0.3 to +3.6 V Input Current, SDATA, THERM −1, +50 mA D+ Input Current, D− ESD Rating, All Pins (Human Body Model) Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ MAX) Storage Temperature Range 1 mA 1,500 V 150 C −65 to +150 C Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. NOTE: This device is ESD sensitive. Use standard ESD precautions when handling. http://onsemi.com 2 NVT210 Table 3. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) Package Type 8-lead MSOP qJA qJC Unit 142 43.74 C/W 1. qJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, a device soldered in a circuit board for surface-mount packages. Table 4. SMBus/I2C TIMING SPECIFICATIONS (Note 1) 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter Limit at TMIN and TMAX Unit Description fSCLK 400 kHz max tLOW 1.3 ms min Clock Low Period, between 10% Points − tHIGH 0.6 ms min Clock High Period, between 90% Points tR 300 ns max Clock/Data Rise Time tF 300 ns max Clock/Data Fall Time tSU; STA 600 ns min Start Condition Setup Time tHD; STA (Note 2) 600 ns min Start Condition Hold Time tSU; DAT (Note 3) 100 ns min Data Setup Time tSU; STO (Note 4) 600 ns min Stop Condition Setup Time tBUF 1.3 ms min Bus Free Time between Stop and Start Conditions Guaranteed by design, but not production tested. Time from 10% of SDATA to 90% of SCLK. Time for 10% or 90% of SDATA to 10% of SCLK. Time for 90% of SCLK to 10% of SDATA. t LOW tF t HD; STA tR SCLK t HD; STA t HD; DAT t HIGH t SU; STA t SU; DAT t SU; STO SDATA t BUF STOP START START Figure 2. Serial Bus Timing http://onsemi.com 3 STOP NVT210 Table 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = −40C to +125C, VDD = 2.8 V to 3.6 V, unless otherwise noted) Conditions Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Power Supply 2.8 3.30 3.6 V Average Operating Supply Current, IDD 0.0625 Conversions/Sec Rate (Note 1, 2) Standby Mode − − 240 5.0 350 30 mA Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VDD input, disables ADC, rising edge − 2.55 − V 1.0 − 2.56 V Supply Voltage, VDD Power-on Reset Threshold Temperature-to-Digital Converter Local Sensor Accuracy 3.0 V to 3.6 V 0C TA +70C 0C TA +85C − − − − 1.0 1.5 C Local Sensor Accuracy 2.8 V to 3.6 V −20C TA +110C − − 2.5 C Resolution − 1.0 − C Remote Diode Sensor Accuracy 3.0 V to 3.6 V 0C TA +70C, −55C TD (Note 3) +150C 0C TA +85C, −55C TD (Note 3) +150C −40C TA +100C, −55C TD (Note 3) +150C − − − − − − 1.0 1.5 2.5 C Remote Diode Sensor Accuracy 2.8 V to 3.6 V 0C TA +70C, −20C TD +110C −20C TA +110C, TD = +40C − − − − 1.5 2.25 C − 0.25 − C Resolution Remote Sensor Source Current High Level (Note 3) Middle Level (Note 3) Low Level (Note 3) − − − 220 82 13.5 − − − mA Conversion Time From Stop Bit to Conversion Complete, One-shot Mode with Averaging Switched On − 40 52 ms One-shot Mode with Averaging Off (that is, Conversion Rate = 16-, 32-, or 64-conversions per Second) − 6.0 8.0 ms Resistance Split Evenly on both the D+ and D– Inputs − 1.5 − kW Maximum Series Resistance Cancelled Open-drain Digital Outputs (THERM, ALERT/THERM2) Output Low Voltage, VOL IOUT = −6.0 mA − − 0.4 V High Level Output Leakage Current, IOH VOUT = VDD − 0.1 1.0 mA Logic Input High Voltage, VIH SCLK, SDATA 1.4 − − V Logic Input Low Voltage, VIL SCLK, SDATA − − 0.8 V Hysteresis − 500 − mV SDA Output Low Voltage, VOL − − 0.4 mA SMBus/I2C Interface (Note 4 and 5) Logic Input Current, IIH, IIL −1.0 − +1.0 mA SMBus/I2C Input Capacitance, SCLK, SDATA − 5.0 − pF SMBus/I2C Clock Frequency − − 400 kHz User Programmable − 25 64 ms Master Clocking in Data − − 1.0 ms SMBus/I2C Timeout (Note 6) SCLK Falling Edge to SDATA Valid Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. See Table 9 for information on other conversion rates. THERM and ALERT pulled to VDD. Guaranteed by characterization, but not production tested. Guaranteed by design, but not production tested. See SMBus/I2C Timing Specifications section for more information. Disabled by default. Detailed procedures to enable it are in the Serial Bus Interface section of the datasheet. http://onsemi.com 4 NVT210 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 3.5 DEV 1 DEV 2 DEV 3 DEV 4 DEV 5 DEV 6 DEV 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 DEV 8 DEV 9 DEV 10 DEV 11 DEV 12 DEV 13 DEV 14 DEV 15 DEV 16 MEAN HIGH 4R LOW 4R TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) 3.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 −0.5 −1.0 −50 0 50 100 DEV 1 DEV 2 DEV 3 DEV 4 DEV 5 DEV 6 DEV 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 0.5 0 −0.5 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 150 0 5 TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) 100 Figure 4. Remote Temperature Error vs. Actual Temperature 10 D+ To GND 0 −5 −10 D+ To VDD −15 −20 1 10 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 DEV 2 −14 DEV 4 −16 −18 100 DEV 3 −12 0 5 LEAKAGE RESISTANCE (MW) 1000 15 20 25 Figure 6. Temperature Error vs. D+/D− Capacitance 422 DEV 2BC 900 10 CAPACITANCE (nF) Figure 5. Temperature Error vs. D+/D− Leakage Resistance 420 800 DEV 2BC 418 700 600 500 IDD (mA) IDD (mA) 50 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 3. Local Temperature Error vs. Temperature −25 DEV 15 DEV 16 HIGH 4R LOW 4R 1.5 −1.0 −50 150 DEV 8 DEV 9 DEV 10 DEV 11 DEV 12 DEV 13 DEV 14 DEV 4BC 400 DEV 3BC 300 416 414 DEV 3BC DEV 4BC 412 200 410 100 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 408 3.0 100 CONVERSION RATE (Hz) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 VDD (V) Figure 7. Operating Supply Current vs. Conversion Rate Figure 8. Operating Supply Current vs. Voltage http://onsemi.com 5 NVT210 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Cont’d) 4.4 35 DEV 2BC DEV 3BC DEV 4BC DEV 2 4.2 30 25 DEV 3 3.8 ISTBY (mA) IDD (mA) 4.0 DEV 4 3.6 20 15 3.4 10 3.2 5 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 0 3.6 1 10 VDD (V) Figure 9. Standby Supply Current vs. Voltage 80 20 TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) 1000 Figure 10. Standby Supply Current vs. Clock Frequency 25 100 mV 15 10 50 mV 20 mV 5 0 100 FSCL (kHz) 0 100 200 300 400 500 70 50 40 30 50 mV 20 10 20 mV 0 −10 600 100 mV 60 0 100 200 Figure 11. Temperature Error vs. Common-mode Noise Frequency TEMPERATURE ERROR (C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 500 600 Figure 12. Temperature Error vs. Differential-mode Noise Frequency 60 0 300 NOISE FREQUENCY (MHz) NOISE FREQUENCY (MHz) 500 1000 1500 2000 SERIES RESISTANCE (W) Figure 13. Temperature Error vs. Series Resistance http://onsemi.com 6 NVT210 Theory of Operation Temperature Measurement Method The NVT210 is a local and remote temperature sensor and over/under temperature alarm, with the added ability to automatically cancel the effect of 1.5 kW (typical) of resistance in series with the temperature monitoring diode. When the NVT210 is operating normally, the on-board ADC operates in a free running mode. The analog input multiplexer alternately selects either the on-chip temperature sensor to measure its local temperature or the remote temperature sensor. The ADC digitizes these signals and the results are stored in the local and remote temperature value registers. The local and remote measurement results are compared with the corresponding high, low, and THERM temperature limits, stored in eight on-chip registers. Out-of-limit comparisons generate flags that are stored in the status register. A result that exceeds the high temperature limit or the low temperature limit causes the ALERT output to assert. The ALERT output also asserts if an external diode fault is detected. Exceeding the THERM temperature limits causes the THERM output to assert low. The ALERT output can be reprogrammed as a second THERM output. The limit registers are programmed and the device controlled and configured via the serial SMBus/I2C. The contents of any register are also read back via the SMBus/I2C. Control and configuration functions consist of switching the device between normal operation and standby mode, selecting the temperature measurement range, masking or enabling the ALERT output, switching Pin 6 between ALERT and THERM2, and selecting the conversion rate. A simple method of measuring temperature is to exploit the negative temperature coefficient of a diode, measuring the base emitter voltage (VBE) of a transistor operated at constant current. However, this technique requires calibration to null the effect of the absolute value of VBE, which varies from device to device. The technique used in the NVT210 measures the change in VBE when the device operates at three different currents. Previous devices used only two operating currents, but it is the use of a third current that allows automatic cancellation of resistances in series with the external temperature sensor. Figure 14 shows the input signal conditioning used to measure the output of an external temperature sensor. This figure shows the external sensor as a substrate transistor, but it can equally be a discrete transistor. If a discrete transistor is used, the collector is not grounded but is linked to the base. To prevent ground noise interfering with the measurement, the more negative terminal of the sensor is not referenced to ground, but is biased above ground by an internal diode at the D− input. C1 may be added as a noise filter (a recommended maximum value of 1,000 pF). However, a better option in noisy environments is to add a filter, as described in the Noise Filtering section. See the Layout Considerations section for more information on C1. To measure DVBE, the operating current through the sensor is switched among three related currents. As shown in Figure 14, N1 I and N2 I are different multiples of the current, I. The currents through the temperature diode are switched between I and N1 I, giving DVBE1; and then between I and N2 I, giving DVBE2. The temperature is then calculated using the two DVBE measurements. This method also cancels the effect of any series resistance on the temperature measurement. The resulting DVBE waveforms are passed through a 65 kHz low-pass filter to remove noise and then to a chopper-stabilized amplifier. This amplifies and rectifies the waveform to produce a dc voltage proportional to DVBE. The ADC digitizes this voltage producing a temperature measurement. To reduce the effects of noise, digital filtering is performed by averaging the results of 16 measurement cycles for low conversion rates. At rates of 16-, 32-, and 64-conversions/second, no digital averaging occurs. Signal conditioning and measurement of the internal temperature sensor are performed in the same manner. Series Resistance Cancellation Parasitic resistance to the D+ and D− inputs to the NVT210, seen in series with the remote diode, is caused by a variety of factors, including PCB track resistance and track length. This series resistance appears as a temperature offset in the remote sensor’s temperature measurement. This error typically causes a 0.5C offset per ohm of parasitic resistance in series with the remote diode. The NVT210 automatically cancels the effect of this series resistance on the temperature reading, giving a more accurate result, without the need for user characterization of this resistance. The NVT210 is designed to automatically cancel typically up to 1.5 kW of resistance. By using an advanced temperature measurement method, this process is transparent to the user. This feature permits resistances to be added to the sensor path to produce a filter, allowing the part to be used in noisy environments. See the section on Noise Filtering for more details. http://onsemi.com 7 NVT210 I N1 I N2 I IBIAS VDD D+ REMOTE SENSING TRANSISTOR VOUT+ To ADC C1* D− VOUT− BIAS DIODE LOW-PASS FILTER fC = 65 kHz *CAPACITOR C1 IS OPTIONAL. IT IS ONLY NECESSARY IN NOISY ENVIRONMENTS. C1 = 1,000 pF MAX. Figure 14. Input Signal Conditioning Temperature Measurement Results The extended temperature range is selected by setting Bit 2 of the configuration register to 1. The temperature range is 0C to 127C when Bit 2 equals 0. A valid result is available in the next measurement cycle after changing the temperature range. In extended temperature mode, the upper and lower temperature that can be measured by the NVT210 is limited by the remote diode selection. The temperature registers can have values from −64C to +191C. However, most temperature sensing diodes have a maximum temperature range of −55C to +150C. Above +150C, they may lose their semiconductor characteristics and approximate conductors instead. This results in a diode short. In this case, a read of the temperature result register gives the last good temperature measurement. Therefore, the temperature measurement on the external channel may not be accurate for temperatures that are outside the operating range of the remote sensor. It should be noted that although both local and remote temperature measurements can be made while the part is in extended temperature mode, the NVT210 itself should not be exposed to temperatures greater than those specified in the absolute maximum ratings section. Further, the device is only guaranteed to operate as specified at ambient temperatures from −40C to +120C. The results of the local and remote temperature measurements are stored in the local and remote temperature value registers and compared with limits programmed into the local and remote high and low limit registers. The local temperature value is in Register 0x00 and has a resolution of 1C. The external temperature value is stored in two registers, with the upper byte in Register 0x01 and the lower byte in Register 0x10. Only the two MSBs in the external temperature low byte are used giving the external temperature measurement a resolution of 0.25C. Table 6 lists the data format for the external temperature low byte. Table 6. EXTENDED TEMPERATURE RESOLUTION (REMOTE TEMPERATURE LOW BYTE) Extended Resolution Remote Temperature Low Byte 0.00C 0 000 0000 0.25C 0 100 0000 0.50C 1 000 0000 0.75C 1 100 0000 When reading the full external temperature value, read the LSB first. This causes the MSB to be locked (that is, the ADC does not write to it) until it is read. This feature ensures that the results read back from the two registers come from the same measurement. Temperature Data Format The NVT210 has two temperature data formats. When the temperature measurement range is from 0C to 127C (default), the temperature data format for both internal and external temperature results is binary. When the measurement range is in extended mode, an offset binary data format is used for both internal and external results. Temperature values are offset by 64C in the offset binary data format. Examples of temperatures in both data formats are shown in Table 7. Temperature Measurement Range The temperature measurement range for both internal and external measurements is, by default, 0C to +127C. However, the NVT210 can be operated using an extended temperature range. The extended measurement range is −64C to +191C. Therefore, the NVT210 can be used to measure the full temperature range of an external diode, from −55C to +150C. http://onsemi.com 8 NVT210 register. It is to this register address that the second byte of a write operation is written, or to which a subsequent read operation is performed. The power-on default value of the address pointer register is 0x00. Therefore, if a read operation is performed immediately after power-on, without first writing to the address pointer, the value of the local temperature is returned because its register address is 0x00. Table 7. TEMPERATURE DATA FORMAT (TEMPERATURE HIGH BYTE) Offset Binary (Note 1) Temperature Binary –55C 0 000 0000 (Note 2) 0 000 1001 0C 0 000 0000 0 100 0000 +1C 0 000 0001 0 100 0001 +10C 0 000 1010 0 100 1010 +25C 0 001 1001 0 101 1001 +50C 0 011 0010 0 111 0010 +75C 0 100 1011 1 000 1011 +100C 0 110 0100 1 010 0100 +125C 0 111 1101 1 011 1101 +127C 0 111 1111 1 011 1111 +150C 0 111 1111 (Note 3) 1 101 0110 Temperature Value Registers The NVT210 has three registers to store the results of local and remote temperature measurements. These registers can only be written to by the ADC and can be read by the user over the SMBus/I2C. The local temperature value register is at Address 0x00. The external temperature value high byte register is at Address 0x01, with the low byte register at Address 0x10. The power-on default for all three registers is 0x00. Configuration Register 1. Offset binary scale temperature values are offset by 64C. 2. Binary scale temperature measurement returns 0C for all temperatures < 0C. 3. Binary scale temperature measurement returns 127C for all temperatures > 127C. The configuration register is Address 0x03 at read and Address 0x09 at write. Its power-on default is 0x00. Only four bits of the configuration register are used. Bit 0, Bit 1, Bit 3, and Bit 4 are reserved; the user does not write to them. Bit 7 of the configuration register masks the ALERT output. If Bit 7 is 0, the ALERT output is enabled. This is the power-on default. If Bit 7 is set to 1, the ALERT output is disabled. This applies only if Pin 6 is configured as ALERT. If Pin 6 is configured as THERM2, then the value of Bit 7 has no effect. If Bit 6 is set to 0, which is power-on default, the device is in operating mode with ADC converting. If Bit 6 is set to 1, the device is in standby mode and the ADC does not convert. The SMBus/I2C does, however, remain active in standby mode; therefore, values can be read from or written to the NVT210 via the SMBus. The ALERT and THERM outputs are also active in standby mode. Changes made to the registers in standby mode that affect the THERM or ALERT outputs cause these signals to be updated. Bit 5 determines the configuration of Pin 6 on the NVT210. If Bit 5 is 0 (default), then Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output. If Bit 5 is 1, then Pin 6 is configured as a THERM2 output. Bit 7, the ALERT mask bit, is only active when Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output. If Pin 6 is set up as a THERM2 output, then Bit 7 has no effect. Bit 2 sets the temperature measurement range. If Bit 2 is 0 (default value), the temperature measurement range is set between 0C to +127C. Setting Bit 2 to 1 sets the measurement range to the extended temperature range (−64C to +191C). The user can switch between measurement ranges at any time. Switching the range likewise switches the data format. The next temperature result following the switching is reported back to the register in the new format. However, the contents of the limit registers do not change. It is up to the user to ensure that when the data format changes, the limit registers are reprogrammed as necessary. More information on this is found in the Limit Registers section. NVT210 Registers The NVT210 contains 22, 8-bit registers in total. These registers store the results of remote and local temperature measurements, high and low temperature limits, and configure and control the device. See the Address Pointer Register section through the Consecutive ALERT Register section of this data sheet for more information on the NVT210 registers. Additional details are shown in Table 8 through Table 12. The entire register map is available in Table 13. Address Pointer Register The address pointer register itself does not have, nor does it require, an address because the first byte of every write operation is automatically written to this register. The data in this first byte always contains the address of another register on the NVT210 that is stored in the address pointer http://onsemi.com 9 NVT210 hysteresis register. All limit registers can be written to, and read back over, the SMBus/I2C. See Table 13 for details of the limit register addresses and their power-on default values. When Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output, the high limit registers perform a > comparison, while the low limit registers perform a comparison. For example, if the high limit register is programmed with 80C, then measuring 81C results in an out-of-limit condition, setting a flag in the status register. If the low limit register is programmed with 0C, measuring 0C or lower results in an out-of-limit condition. Exceeding either the local or remote THERM limit asserts THERM low. When Pin 6 is configured as THERM2, exceeding either the local or remote high limit asserts THERM2 low. A default hysteresis value of 10C is provided that applies to both THERM channels. This hysteresis value can be reprogrammed to any value after powerup (Register Address 0x21). It is important to remember that the temperature limits data format is the same as the temperature measurement data format. Therefore, if the temperature measurement uses default binary, then the temperature limits also use the binary scale. If the temperature measurement scale is switched, however, the temperature limits do not automatically switch. The user must reprogram the limit registers to the desired value in the correct data format. For example, if the remote low limit is set at 10C with the default binary scale, the limit register value is 0000 1010b. If the scale is switched to offset binary, the value in the low temperature limit register needs to be reprogrammed to 0100 1010b. Table 8. CONFIGURATION REGISTER BIT ASSIGNMENTS Bit Name Function Power-on Default 7 MASK1 0 = ALERT Enabled 1 = ALERT Masked 0 6 RUN/STOP 0 = Run 1 = Standby 0 5 ALERT/ THERM2 0 = ALERT 1 = THERM2 0 4, 3 Reserved 2 1, 0 0 Temperature Range Select 0 = 0C to 127C 1 = Extended Range 0 Reserved 0 Conversion Rate Register The conversion rate register is Address 0x04 at read and Address 0x0A at write. The lowest four bits of this register are used to program the conversion rate by dividing the internal oscillator clock by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 to give conversion times from 15.5 ms (Code 0x0A) to 16 seconds (Code 0x00). For example, a conversion rate of eight conversions per second means that beginning at 125 ms intervals, the device performs a conversion on the internal and the external temperature channels. The conversion rate register can be written to and read back over the SMBus/I2C. The higher four bits of this register are unused and must be set to 0. The default value of this register is 0x08, giving a rate of 16 conversions per second. Use of slower conversion times greatly reduces the device power consumption. Status Register Table 9. CONVERSION RATE REGISTER CODES Code Conversion/Second Time 0x00 0.0625 16 s 0x01 0.125 8s 0x02 0.25 4s 0x03 0.5 2s 0x04 1 1s 0x05 2 500 ms 0x06 4 250 ms 0x07 8 125 ms 0x08 16 62.5 ms 0x09 32 31.25 ms 0x0A 64 15.5 ms 0x0B to 0xFF Reserved − The status register is a read-only register at Address 0x02. It contains status information for the NVT210. When Bit 7 of the status register is high, it indicates that the ADC is busy converting. The other bits in this register flag the out-of-limit temperature measurements (Bit 6 to Bit 3, and Bit 1 to Bit 0) and the remote sensor open circuit (Bit 2). If Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output, the following applies: If the local temperature measurement exceeds its limits, Bit 6 (high limit) or Bit 5 (low limit) of the status register asserts to flag this condition. If the remote temperature measurement exceeds its limits, then Bit 4 (high limit) or Bit 3 (low limit) asserts. Bit 2 asserts to flag an open circuit condition on the remote sensor. These five flags are NOR’ed together, so if any of them is high, the ALERT interrupt latch is set and the ALERT output goes low. Reading the status register clears the five flags, Bit 6 to Bit 2, provided the error conditions causing the flags to be set have gone away. A flag bit can be reset only if the corresponding value register contains an in-limit measurement or if the sensor is good. Limit Registers The NVT210 has eight limit registers: high, low, and THERM temperature limits for both local and remote temperature measurements. The remote temperature high and low limits span two registers each, to contain an upper and lower byte for each limit. There is also a THERM http://onsemi.com 10 NVT210 maximum is +127.75C. The value in the offset register is added to, or subtracted from, the measured value of the remote temperature. The offset register powers up with a default value of 0C and has no effect unless the user writes a different value to it. The ALERT interrupt latch is not reset by reading the status register. It resets when the ALERT output has been serviced by the master reading the device address, provided the error condition has gone away and the status register flag bits are reset. When Flag 1 and/or Flag 0 are set, the THERM output goes low to indicate that the temperature measurements are outside the programmed limits. The THERM output does not need to be reset, unlike the ALERT output. Once the measurements are within the limits, the corresponding status register bits are automatically reset and the THERM output goes high. The user may add hysteresis by programming Register 0x21. The THERM output is reset only when the temperature falls to limit value minus the hysteresis value. When Pin 6 is configured as THERM2, only the high temperature limits are relevant. If Flag 6 and/or Flag 4 are set, the THERM2 output goes low to indicate that the temperature measurements are outside the programmed limits. Flag 5 and Flag 3 have no effect on THERM2. The behavior of THERM2 is otherwise the same as THERM. Table 11. SAMPLE OFFSET REGISTER CODES Name BUSY 6 LHIGH (Note 1) 1 when Local High Temperature Limit is Tripped 5 LLOW (Note 1) 1 when Local Low Temperature Limit is Tripped 4 RHIGH (Note 1) 1 when Remote High Temperature Limit is Tripped 3 RLOW (Note 1) 1 when Remote Low Temperature Limit is Tripped 2 OPEN (Note 1) 1 when Remote Sensor is an Open Circuit 1 RTHRM 1 when Remote THERM Limit is Tripped 0 LTHRM 1 when Local THERM Limit is Tripped 0x12 −128C 1000 0000 00 00 0000 −4C 1111 1100 00 00 0000 −1C 1111 1111 00 000000 −0.25C 1111 1111 10 00 0000 0C 0000 0000 00 00 0000 +0.25C 0000 0000 01 00 0000 +1C 0000 0001 00 00 0000 +4C 0000 0100 00 00 0000 +127.75C 0111 1111 11 00 0000 The one-shot register is used to initiate a conversion and comparison cycle when the NVT210 is in standby mode, after which the device returns to standby. Writing to the one-shot register address (0x0F) causes the NVT210 to perform a conversion and comparison on both the internal and the external temperature channels. This is not a data register as such, and it is the write operation to Address 0x0F that causes the one-shot conversion. The data written to this address is irrelevant and is not stored. Function 7 0x11 One-shot Register Table 10. STATUS REGISTER BIT ASSIGNMENTS Bit Offset Value 1 when ADC is Converting Consecutive ALERT Register The value written to this register determines how many out-of-limit measurements must occur before an ALERT is generated. The default value is that one out-of-limit measurement generates an ALERT. The maximum value that can be chosen is 4. The purpose of this register is to allow the user to perform some filtering of the output. This is particularly useful at the fastest three conversion rates, where no averaging takes place. This register is at Address 0x22. 1. These flags stay high until the status register is read or they are reset by POR unless Pin 6 is configured as THERM2. Then, only Bit 2 remains high until the status register is read or is reset by POR. Offset Register Offset errors can be introduced into the remote temperature measurement by clock noise or when the thermal diode is located away from the hot spot. To achieve the specified accuracy on this channel, these offsets must be removed. The offset value is stored as a 10-bit, twos complement value in Register 0x11 (high byte) and Register 0x12 (low byte, left justified). Only the upper two bits of Register 0x12 are used. The MSB of Register 0x11 is the sign bit. The minimum, programmable offset is −128C, and the Table 12. CONSECUTIVE ALERT REGISTER CODES NOTE: http://onsemi.com 11 Register Value Number of Out-of-limit Measurements Required yxxx 000x 1 yxxx 001x 2 yxxx 011x 3 yxxx 111x 4 x = don’t care bits, and y = SMBus timeout bit. Default = 0. See SMBus section for more information. NVT210 Table 13. LIST OF REGISTERS Read Address (Hex) Write Address (Hex) Not Applicable Not Applicable Address Pointer Name Undefined Power-on Default 00 Not Applicable Local Temperature Value 0000 0000 (0x00) 01 Not Applicable External Temperature Value High Byte 0000 0000 (0x00) 02 Not Applicable Status Undefined 03 09 Configuration 0000 0000 (0x00) 04 0A Conversion Rate 0000 1000 (0x08) 05 0B Local Temperature High Limit 0101 0101 (0x55) (85C) 06 0C Local Temperature Low Limit 0000 0000 (0x00) (0C) 07 0D External Temperature High Limit High Byte 0101 0101 (0x55) (85C) 08 0E External Temperature Low Limit High Byte 0000 0000 (0x00) (0C) Not Applicable 0F (Note 1) 10 Not Applicable One-shot External Temperature Value Low Byte 0000 0000 11 11 External Temperature Offset High Byte 0000 0000 12 12 External Temperature Offset Low Byte 0000 0000 13 13 External Temperature High Limit Low Byte 0000 0000 14 14 External Temperature Low Limit Low Byte 0000 0000 19 19 External THERM Limit 0101 0101 (0x55) (85C) (Note 2) 20 20 Local THERM Limit 0101 0101 (0x55) (85C) 21 21 THERM Hysteresis 0000 1010 (0x0A) (10C) 22 22 Consecutive ALERT 0000 0001 (0x01) FE Not Applicable Manufacturer ID 0100 0001 (0x41) 1. Writing to Address 0x0F causes the NVT210 to perform a single measurement. It is not a data register, and it does not matter what data is written to it. 2. THERM limit for MSOP8 package = 85C, THERM limit for WDFN8 package = 108C. Serial Bus Interface indicates that an address/data stream follows. All slave peripherals connected to the serial bus respond to the start condition and shift in the next eight bits, consisting of a 7-bit address (MSB first) plus an R/W bit, which determines the direction of the data transfer, that is, whether data is written to, or read from, the slave device. The peripheral whose address corresponds to the transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, known as the acknowledge bit. All other devices on the bus remain idle while the selected device waits for data to be read from or written to it. If the R/W bit is a 0, the master writes to the slave device. If the R/W bit is a 1, the master reads from the slave device. 2. Data is sent over the serial bus in a sequence of nine clock pulses, eight bits of data followed by an acknowledge bit from the slave device. Transitions on the data line must occur during the low period of the clock signal and remain stable during the high period, since a low-to-high transition when the clock is high can be interpreted as a stop signal. The number of data bytes that can be transmitted over the serial bus in a single read or Control of the NVT210 is carried out via the serial bus. The NVT210 is connected to this bus as a slave device, under the control of a master device. The NVT210 has an SMBus/I2C timeout feature. When this is enabled, the SMBus/I2C times out after typically 25 ms of no activity. However, this feature is not enabled by default. Bit 7 of the consecutive alert register (Address = 0x22) should be set to enable it. Addressing the Device In general, every SMBus/I2C device has a 7-bit device address, except for some devices that have extended 10-bit addresses. When the master device sends a device address over the bus, the slave device with that address responds. The NVT210 is available with one device address, 0x4C (1001 100b). An NVT210D is also available. The NVT210D has an SMBus/I2C address of 0x4D (1001 101b). This is to allow two NVT210 devices on the same bus, or if the default address conflicts with an existing device on the SMBus/I2C. The serial bus protocol operates as follows: 1. The master initiates a data transfer by establishing a start condition, defined as a high-to-low transition on SDATA, the serial data line, while SCLK, the serial clock line, remains high. This http://onsemi.com 12 NVT210 without starting a new operation. For the NVT210, write operations contain either one or two bytes, while read operations contain one byte. write operation is limited only by what the master and slave devices can handle. 3. When all data bytes have been read or written, stop conditions are established. In write mode, the master pulls the data line high during the tenth clock pulse to assert a stop condition. In read mode, the master device overrides the acknowledge bit by pulling the data line high during the low period before the ninth clock pulse. This is known as no acknowledge. The master takes the data line low during the low period before the tenth clock pulse, then high during the tenth clock pulse to assert a stop condition. Any number of bytes of data are transferable over the serial bus in one operation, but it is not possible to mix read and write in one operation because the type of operation is determined at the beginning and cannot subsequently be changed To write data to one of the device data registers, or to read data from it, the address pointer register must be set so that the correct data register is addressed. The first byte of a write operation always contains a valid address that is stored in the address pointer register. If data is to be written to the device, the write operation contains a second data byte that is written to the register selected by the address pointer register. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 15. The device address is sent over the bus followed by R/W set to 0. This is followed by two data bytes. The first data byte is the address of the internal data register to be written to, which is stored in the address pointer register. The second data byte is the data to be written to the internal data register. 1 9 9 1 SCLK A6 SDATA A5 START BY MASTER A4 A3 A2 A1 R/W A0 D7 FRAME 1 SERIAL BUS ADDRESS BYTE D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK. BY NVT210 FRAME 2 ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER BYTE ACK. BY NVT210 1 9 SCLK (CONTINUED) SDATA (CONTINUED) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 FRAME 3 DATA BYTE D0 ACK. BY STOP BY NVT210 MASTER Figure 15. Writing a Register Address to the Address Pointer Register, then Writing Data to the Selected Register 1 9 9 1 SCLK SDATA A6 START BY MASTER A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 FRAME 1 SERIAL BUS ADDRESS BYTE R/W D7 ACK. BY NVT210 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK. BY NVT210 FRAME 2 ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER BYTE STOP BY MASTER Figure 16. Writing to the Address Pointer Register Only 9 1 1 9 SCLK SDATA A6 START BY MASTER A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W FRAME 1 SERIAL BUS ADDRESS BYTE D7 ACK. BY NVT210 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D0 ACK. BY NVT210 FRAME 2 ADDRESS POINTER REGISTER BYTE Figure 17. Reading Data from a Previously Selected Register http://onsemi.com 13 D1 STOP BY MASTER NVT210 When reading data from a register there are two possibilities. If the address pointer register value of the NVT210 is unknown or not the desired value, it is first necessary to set it to the correct value before data can be read from the desired data register. This is done by writing to the NVT210 as before, but only the data byte containing the register read address is sent, because data is not to be written to the register see Figure 16. A read operation is then performed consisting of the serial bus address, R/W bit set to 1, followed by the data byte read from the data register see Figure 17. If the address pointer register is known to be at the desired address, data can be read from the corresponding data register without first writing to the address pointer register and the bus transaction shown in Figure 16 can be omitted. Notes: It is possible to read a data byte from a data register without first writing to the address pointer register. However, if the address pointer register is already at the correct value, it is not possible to write data to a register without writing to the address pointer register because the first data byte of a write is always written to the address pointer register. Some of the registers have different addresses for read and write operations. The write address of a register must be written to the address pointer if data is to be written to that register, but it may not be possible to read data from that address. The read address of a register must be written to the address pointer before data can be read from that register. 1. SMBALERT is pulled low. 2. Master initiates a read operation and sends the alert response address (ARA = 0001 100). This is a general call address that must not be used as a specific device address. 3. The device whose ALERT output is low responds to the alert response address and the master reads its device address. As the device address is seven bits, an LSB of 1 is added. The address of the device is now known and it can be interrogated in the usual way. 4. If more than one device’s ALERT output is low, the one with the lowest device address takes priority, in accordance with normal SMBus/I2C arbitration. Once the NVT210 has responded to the alert response address, it resets its ALERT output, provided that the error condition that caused the ALERT no longer exists. If the SMBALERT line remains low, the master sends the ARA again, and so on until all devices whose ALERT outputs were low have responded. Low Power Standby Mode The NVT210 can be put into low power standby mode by setting Bit 6 of the configuration register. When Bit 6 is low, the NVT210 operates normally. When Bit 6 is high, the ADC is inhibited, and any conversion in progress is terminated without writing the result to the corresponding value register. However, the SMBus/I2C is still enabled. Power consumption in the standby mode is reduced to 5 mA if there is no SMBus/I2C activity, or 30 mA if there are clock and data signals on the bus. When the device is in standby mode, it is possible to initiate a one-shot conversion of both channels by writing to the one-shot register (Address 0x0F), after which the device returns to standby. It does not matter what is written to the one-shot register, all data written to it is ignored. It is also possible to write new values to the limit register while in standby mode. If the values stored in the temperature value registers are outside the new limits, an ALERT is generated, even though the NVT210 is still in standby. ALERT Output This is applicable when Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output. The ALERT output goes low whenever an out-of-limit measurement is detected, or if the remote temperature sensor is open circuit. It is an open-drain output and requires a pullup resistor to VDD. Several ALERT outputs can be wire-OR’ed together, so that the common line goes low if one or more of the ALERT outputs goes low. The ALERT output can be used as an interrupt signal to a processor, or as an SMBALERT. Slave devices on the SMBus/I2C cannot normally signal to the bus master that they want to talk, but the SMBALERT function allows them to do so. One or more ALERT outputs can be connected to a common SMBALERT line that is connected to the master. When the SMBALERT line is pulled low by one of the devices, the following procedure occurs (see Figure 18): Sensor Fault Detection At its D+ input, the NVT210 contains internal sensor fault detection circuitry. This circuit can detect situations where an external remote diode is either not connected or incorrectly connected to the NVT210. A simple voltage comparator trips if the voltage at D+ exceeds VDD − 1.0 V (typical), signifying an open circuit between D+ and D−. The output of this comparator is checked when a conversion is initiated. Bit 2 of the status register (open flag) is set if a fault is detected. If the ALERT pin is enabled, setting this flag causes ALERT to assert low. If the user does not wish to use an external sensor with the NVT210, tie the D+ and D− inputs together to prevent continuous setting of the open flag. MASTER RECEIVES SMBALERT START ALERT RESPONSE ADDRESS MASTER SENDS ARA AND READ COMMAND RD ACK DEVICE ADDRESS NO STOP ACK DEVICE SENDS ITS ADDRESS Figure 18. Use of SMBALERT http://onsemi.com 14 NVT210 The NVT210 Interrupt System TEMPERATURE The NVT210 has two interrupt outputs, ALERT and THERM. Both have different functions and behavior. ALERT is maskable and responds to violations of software programmed temperature limits or an open-circuit fault on the external diode. THERM is intended as a fail-safe interrupt output that cannot be masked. If the external or local temperature exceeds the programmed high temperature limits, or equals or exceeds the low temperature limits, the ALERT output is asserted low. An open-circuit fault on the external diode also causes ALERT to assert. ALERT is reset when serviced by a master reading its device address, provided the error condition has gone away and the status register has been reset. The THERM output asserts low if the external or local temperature exceeds the programmed THERM limits. THERM temperature limits should normally be equal to or greater than the high temperature limits. THERM is reset automatically when the temperature falls back within the THERM limit. A hysteresis value can be programmed; in which case, THERM resets when the temperature falls to the limit value minus the hysteresis value. This applies to both local and remote measurement channels. The power-on hysteresis default value is 10C, but this can be reprogrammed to any value after powerup. The hysteresis loop on the THERM outputs is useful when THERM is used, for example, as an on/off controller for a fan. The user’s system can be set up so that when THERM asserts, a fan is switched on to cool the system. When THERM goes high again, the fan can be switched off. Programming a hysteresis value protects from fan jitter, where the temperature hovers around the THERM limit, and the fan is constantly switched. 1005C 905C Binary Representation 0 000 0000 1C 0 000 0001 10C 0 000 1010 HIGH TEMP LIMIT 605C 505C 405C RESET BY MASTER ALERT 1 4 THERM 2 3 Figure 19. Operation of the ALERT and THERM Interrupts If the measured temperature exceeds the high temperature limit, the ALERT output asserts low. If the temperature continues to increase and exceeds the THERM limit, the THERM output asserts low. The THERM output deasserts (goes high) when the 0C THERM LIMIT − HYSTERESIS 705C Table 14. THERM HYSTERESIS THERM Hysteresis THERM LIMIT 805C temperature falls to THERM limit minus hysteresis. In , the default hysteresis value of 10C is shown. The ALERT output deasserts only when the temperature has fallen below the high temperature limit, and the master has read the device address and cleared the status register. Pin 6 on the NVT210 can be configured as either an ALERT output or as an additional THERM output. THERM2 asserts low when the temperature exceeds the programmed local and/or remote high temperature limits. It is reset in the same manner as THERM and is not maskable. The programmed hysteresis value also applies to THERM2. Figure 20 shows how THERM and THERM2 operate together to implement two methods of cooling the system. In this example, the THERM2 limits are set lower than the THERM limits. The THERM2 output is used to turn on a fan. Figure 19 shows how the THERM and ALERT outputs operate. The ALERT output can be used as a SMBALERT to signal to the host via the SMBus/I2C that the temperature has risen. The user can use the THERM output to turn on a fan to cool the system, if the temperature continues to increase. This method ensures that there is a fail-safe mechanism to cool the system, without the need for host intervention. http://onsemi.com 15 NVT210 100 W TEMPERATURE 905C REMOTE TEMPERATURE SENSOR THERM LIMIT 805C 705C 605C 1 nF D− Figure 21. Filter between Remote Sensor and NVT210 Factors Affecting Diode Accuracy THERM2 LIMIT 505C 100 W D+ 405C Remote Sensing Diode 305C THERM2 1 THERM The NVT210 is designed to work with discrete transistors. Substrate transistors are generally PNP types with the collector connected to the substrate. Discrete types are either PNP or NPN transistors connected as diodes (base-shorted to collector). If an NPN transistor is used, the collector and base are connected to D+ and the emitter to D−. If a PNP transistor is used, the collector and base are connected to D− and the emitter to D+. To reduce the error due to variations in discrete transistors, consider several factors: The ideality factor, nF, of the transistor is a measure of the deviation of the thermal diode from ideal behavior. The NVT210 is trimmed for an nF value of 1.008. The following equation may be used to calculate the error introduced at a temperature, T (C), when using a transistor whose nF does not equal 1.008. Consult the processor data sheet for the nF values. 4 2 3 Figure 20. Operation of the THERM and THERM2 Interrupts When the THERM2 limit is exceeded, the THERM2 signal asserts low. If the temperature continues to increase and exceeds the THERM limit, the THERM output asserts low. The THERM output deasserts (goes high) when the temperature falls to THERM limit minus hysteresis. In Figure 20, there is no hysteresis value shown. As the system cools further, and the temperature falls below the THERM2 limit, the THERM2 signal resets. Again, no hysteresis value is shown for THERM2. DT = (nF − 1.008)/1.008 (273.15 Kelvin + T) Both the external and internal temperature measurements cause THERM and THERM2 to operate as described. To factor this in, the user writes the DT value to the offset register. It is then automatically added to, or subtracted from, the temperature measurement. If a discrete transistor is used with the NVT210, the best accuracy is obtained by choosing devices according to the following criteria: Base-emitter voltage greater than 0.25 V at 6 mA, at the highest operating temperature Base-emitter voltage less than 0.95 V at 100 mA, at the lowest operating temperature Base resistance less than 100 W Small variation in hFE (50 to 150) that indicates tight control of VBE characteristics Application Information Noise Filtering For temperature sensors operating in noisy environments, the industry standard practice was to place a capacitor across the D+ and D− pins to help combat the effects of noise. However, large capacitances affect the accuracy of the temperature measurement, leading to a recommended maximum capacitor value of 1,000 pF. Although this capacitor reduces the noise, it does not eliminate it, making it difficult to use the sensor in a very noisy environment. The NVT210 has a major advantage over other devices when it comes to eliminating the effects of noise on the external sensor. The series resistance cancellation feature allows a filter to be constructed between the external temperature sensor and the part. The effect of any filter resistance seen in series with the remote sensor is automatically cancelled from the temperature result. The construction of a filter allows the NVT210 and the remote temperature sensor to operate in noisy environments. Figure 21 shows a low-pass R-C-R filter, where R = 100 W and C = 1 nF. This filtering reduces both common-mode and differential noise. Transistors, such as the 2N3904, 2N3906, or equivalents in SOT−23 packages are suitable devices to use. Thermal Inertia and Self-heating Accuracy depends on the temperature of the remote sensing diode and/or the internal temperature sensor being at the same temperature as that being measured. Many factors can affect this. Ideally, place the sensor in good thermal contact with the part of the system being measured. If it is not, the thermal inertia caused by the sensor’s mass http://onsemi.com 16 NVT210 causes a lag in the response of the sensor to a temperature change. In the case of the remote sensor, this should not be a problem since it is either a substrate transistor in the processor or a small package device, such as the SOT−23, placed in close proximity to it. The on-chip sensor, however, is often remote from the processor and only monitors the general ambient temperature around the package. How accurately the temperature of the board and/or the forced airflow reflects the temperature to be measured dictates the accuracy of the measurement. Self-heating due to the power dissipated in the NVT210 or the remote sensor causes the chip temperature of the device or remote sensor to rise above ambient. However, the current forced through the remote sensor is so small that self-heating is negligible. In the case of the NVT210, the worst-case condition occurs when the device is converting at 64 conversions per second while sinking the maximum current of 1 mA at the ALERT and THERM output. In this case, the total power dissipation in the device is about 4.5 mW. The thermal resistance, qJA, of the 8-lead DFN is approximately 142C/W. Try to minimize the number of copper/solder joints that Layout Considerations Digital boards can be electrically noisy environments, and the NVT210 is measuring very small voltages from the remote sensor, so care must be taken to minimize noise induced at the sensor inputs. Take the following precautions: Place the NVT210 as close as possible to the remote sensing diode. Provided that the worst noise sources, that is, clock generators and data/address buses are avoided, this distance can be 4 inches to 8 inches. Route the D+ and D– tracks close together, in parallel, with grounded guard tracks on each side. To minimize inductance and reduce noise pickup, a 5 mil track width and spacing is recommended. Provide a ground plane under the tracks, if possible. GND can cause thermocouple effects. Where copper/solder joints are used, make sure that they are in both the D+ and D− path and at the same temperature. Thermocouple effects should not be a major problem as 1C corresponds to about 200 mV, and thermocouple voltages are about 3 mV/C of temperature difference. Unless there are two thermocouples with a big temperature differential between them, thermocouple voltages should be much less than 200 mV. Place a 0.1 mF bypass capacitor close to the VDD pin. In extremely noisy environments, place an input filter capacitor across D+ and D− close to the NVT210. This capacitance can effect the temperature measurement, so ensure that any capacitance seen at D+ and D− is, at maximum, 1,000 pF. This maximum value includes the filter capacitance, plus any cable or stray capacitance between the pins and the sensor diode. If the distance to the remote sensor is more than 8 inches, the use of twisted pair cable is recommended. A total of 6 feet to 12 feet is needed. For really long distances (up to 100 feet), use a shielded twisted pair, such as the Belden No. 8451 microphone cable. Connect the twisted pair to D+ and D− and the shield to GND close to the NVT210. Leave the remote end of the shield unconnected to avoid ground loops. Because the measurement technique uses switched current sources, excessive cable or filter capacitance can affect the measurement. When using long cables, the filter capacitance can be reduced or removed. Application Circuit Figure 23 shows a typical application circuit for the NVT210, using a discrete sensor transistor connected via a shielded, twisted pair cable. The pullups on SCLK, SDATA, and ALERT are required only if they are not provided elsewhere in the system. 5 MIL 5 MIL D+ 5 MIL 5 MIL D− 5 MIL 5 MIL GND 5 MIL Figure 22. Typical Arrangement of Signal Tracks http://onsemi.com 17 NVT210 VDD VDD 0.1 mF VDD SCLK D+ D− 2N3906 TYP 10 kW NVT210 SHIELD SMBus/I2C CONTROLLER SDATA ALERT/ THERM2 VDD THERM TYP 10 kW GND OVERTEMPERATURE SHUTDOWN Figure 23. Typical Application Circuit Table 15. ORDERING INFORMATION Device Order Number* Package Description Package Option Marking SMBus Address THERM Limit Shipping† NVT210CDM3R2G 8-lead MSOP DM VC 0x4C 85C 3,000 Tape & Reel NVT210DDM3R2G 8-lead MSOP DM VD 0x4D 85C 3,000 Tape & Reel NVT210CMTR2G 8-lead WDFN MT VC 0x4C 108C 3,000 Tape & Reel NVT210DMTR2G 8-lead WDFN MT VD 0x4D 108C 3,000 Tape & Reel †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *The “G’’ suffix indicates Pb-Free package available. http://onsemi.com 18 NVT210 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS MSOP8 CASE 846AB ISSUE O D HE PIN 1 ID NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSION A DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.25 (0.010) PER SIDE. 5. 846A-01 OBSOLETE, NEW STANDARD 846A-02. E e b 8 PL 0.08 (0.003) M T B S A S SEATING −T− PLANE 0.038 (0.0015) A A1 MILLIMETERS NOM MAX −− 1.10 0.08 0.15 0.33 0.40 0.18 0.23 3.00 3.10 3.00 3.10 0.65 BSC 0.40 0.55 0.70 4.75 4.90 5.05 DIM A A1 b c D E e L HE MIN −− 0.05 0.25 0.13 2.90 2.90 L c SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 8X 1.04 0.041 0.38 0.015 3.20 0.126 6X 8X 4.24 0.167 0.65 0.0256 5.28 0.208 SCALE 8:1 mm Ǔ ǒinches *For additional information on our Pb-Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. http://onsemi.com 19 INCHES NOM −− 0.003 0.013 0.007 0.118 0.118 0.026 BSC 0.016 0.021 0.187 0.193 MIN −− 0.002 0.010 0.005 0.114 0.114 MAX 0.043 0.006 0.016 0.009 0.122 0.122 0.028 0.199 NVT210 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS WDFN8 2x2, 0.5P CASE 511AT ISSUE O D L L A B NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS. 3. DIMENSION b APPLIES TO PLATED TERMINAL AND IS MEASURED BETWEEN 0.15 AND 0.30 MM FROM TERMINAL TIP. L1 PIN ONE REFERENCE 2X ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ DETAIL A E ALTERNATE TERMINAL CONSTRUCTIONS 0.10 C 2X 0.10 C ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ TOP VIEW EXPOSED Cu DETAIL B 0.05 C 0.05 C A1 A3 SIDE VIEW e/2 MOLD CMPD DETAIL B A 8X ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTIONS C 1 7X 4 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 0.70 0.80 0.00 0.05 0.20 REF 0.20 0.30 2.00 BSC 2.00 BSC 0.50 BSC 0.40 0.60 --0.15 0.50 0.70 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* SEATING PLANE 7X DETAIL A e DIM A A1 A3 b D E e L L1 L2 PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.78 L L2 2.30 0.88 8 5 BOTTOM VIEW 8X b 0.10 C A 0.05 C 1 8X B 0.30 NOTE 3 0.50 PITCH DIMENSIONS: MILLIMETERS *For additional information on our Pb-Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. ON Semiconductor is licensed by Philips Corporation to carry the I2C Bus Protocol. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: orderlit@onsemi.com N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5817−1050 http://onsemi.com 20 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative NVT210/D