B2000ERU Series Ultra-Wide Input 20W Single & Dual Output DC/DC Converters Electrical Specifications Specifications typical @ +25°C, nominal input voltage & rated output current, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice. Key Features: Input • 20W Output Power • 4:1 Input Voltage Range • 1,500 VDC Isolation • Compact 1 x 2 Inch Case • Single & Dual Outputs • Remote ON/OFF • Industry Standard Pin-Out Parameter Input Voltage Range Under Voltage Lockout, 24 VDC Input Under Voltage Lockout, 48 VDC Input Input Filter Start-Up Time Conditions Min. 24 VDC Input 9.0 48 VDC Input 18.0 Unit Off 8.0 Unit On Unit Off 16.0 Unit On (Pi) Filter Typ. 24 48 Max. 36.0 75.0 9.0 17.8 10 Units VDC VDC VDC mS Output Parameter Output Voltage Accuracy Output Voltage Balance Line Regulation Load Regulation Cross Regulation Noise (20 MHz) Ripple (20 MHz) Output Power Protection Transient Recovery Time, See Note 4 Transient Response Deviation Temperature Coefficient Output Short Circuit , See Note 5 Conditions Min. Dual Output , Balanced Loads Vin = Min to Max Iout = 10% to 100% See Note 1 See Note 2 See Note 2 Typ. ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.2 ±0.5 75 40 120 200 ±3.0 ±0.02 Continuous (Autorecovery) 25% Load Step Change Max. ±3.0 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±5.0 100 50 150 500 ±5.0 Units % % % % % mV P - P mV P - P % µSec % %/°C General Parameter Isolation Voltage Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance Switching Frequency Conditions Max. Units VDC M⍀ pF kHz Min. Typ. Max. -40 +25 +85 -55 +125 Free Air Convection (See Curves on Page 2) RH, Non-condensing 95 Six-Side Shielded Metal Case Units °C °C 60 Seconds 500 VDC 100 kHz, 1V Min. 1,500 1,000 Typ. 2,000 400 Environmental MicroPower Direct 292 Page Street Suite D Stoughton, MA 02072 USA T: (781) 344-8226 F: (781) 344-8481 E: sales@micropowerdirect.com W: www.micropowerdirect.com Parameter Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Cooling Humidity RFI Physical Case Size Case Material Weight Conditions Ambient % 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.44 Inches (50.8 x 25.4 x 11.2 mm) Metal with Non-Conductive Base 1.41 Oz (40g) Reliability Specifications Parameter MTBF Conditions MIL HDBK 217F, 25°C, Gnd Benign Min. 1,000 Typ. Max. Units kHours Conditions 24 VDC Input 48 VDC Input 1.5 mm From Case For 10 Sec Min. -0.7 -0.7 Typ. Max. 40.0 80.0 300.0 Units Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Input Voltage Surge (1 Sec) Lead Temperature Caution: Exceeding Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the module. These are not continuous operating ratings. www.micropowerdirect.com VDC °C www.micropowerdirect.com Model Selection Guide Input Model Number B2001ERU B2002ERU B2003ERU B2004ERU B2005ERU B2006ERU B2007ERU B2008ERU B2011ERU B2012ERU B2013ERU B2014ERU B2015ERU B2016ERU B2017ERU B2018ERU Voltage (VDC) Nominal 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Output Current (mA) Voltage Range Full-Load No-Load (VDC) 9.0 - 36.0 1,004 25 3.3 9.0 - 36.0 968 25 5.0 9.0 - 36.0 958 25 12.0 9.0 - 36.0 947 25 15.0 9.0 - 36.0 947 25 24.0 9.0 - 36.0 992 25 ±5.0 9.0 - 36.0 958 25 ±12.0 9.0 - 36.0 958 25 ±15.0 18.0 - 75.0 502 15 3.3 18.0 - 75.0 479 15 5.0 18.0 - 75.0 473 15 12.0 18.0 - 75.0 473 15 15.0 18.0 - 75.0 473 25 24.0 18.0 - 75.0 490 15 ±5.0 18.0 - 75.0 479 15 ±12.0 18.0 - 75.0 473 15 ±15.0 Current Current (mA, Max) (mA, Min) 5,000 4,000 1,667 1,333 834 ±2,000 ±833 ±667 5,000 4,000 1,667 1,333 834 ±2,000 ±833 ±667 500.0 400.0 167.0 134.0 84.0 ±200.0 ±84.5 ±67.0 500.0 400.0 167.0 134.0 84.0 ±200.0 ±84.5 ±67.0 Over Voltage Protection Efficiency (%, Typ) (VDC Typ) 3.9 6.2 15.0 18.0 28.0 ±6.2 ±15.0 ±18.0 3.9 6.2 15.0 18.0 28.0 ±6.2 ±15.0 ±18.0 83 86 87 88 88 84 87 87 83 87 88 88 88 85 87 88 Capacitive Load Fuse Rating Slow-Blow (µF Max) (mA) 18,700 9,600 1,600 1,000 500 ±4,800 ±800 ±500 18,700 9,600 1,600 1,000 500 ±4,800 ±800 ±500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 2,500 1,250 1,250 1,250 Derating Curve For heatsink option, add suffix “H” to model number (i.e. B2003ERW-H) Notes: 1. Measured with Output 1 at 55% of load while varying output 2 from 10% to 100% load. 2. When measuring output ripple, it’s recommended that an external 4.7 µF ceramic capacitor be placed from the +Vout pin to the -Vout pin for single output units and from each output to common for dual outputs units. 3. These converters are specified for operation without Vin Input Vout Output external components. However, in some applications (VDC) Capacitor (VDC) Capacitor the addition of input/output capacitors will enhance 3.3 470 µF stability and reduce output ripple. Recommended 24 100 µF 5 470 µF capacitor values are given in the table at right. 4. Transient recovery is measured to within a 1% error 12 220 µF 48 100 µF band for a load step change of 75% to 100%. 15 220 µF 5. Short circuit protection is provided by a “hiccup” mode 24 100 µF circuit. ±5 ±470 µF 6. These units should not be operated at no-load. A minimum 10% load is ±12 ±100 µF recommended for each output. ±15 ±100 µF 7. It is recommended that a fuse be used on the input of a power supply for protection. See the table above for the correct rating. Remote ON/OFF Mechanical Dimensions Parameter Min Max Units Supply On 3.5 12.0 or Open VDC Supply Off Grnd 1.2 VDC Control Common Referenced to Gnd Remote ON/OFF Notes: 1. Standby input current is 2 mA max. External Trim A simple external circuit may be used to adjust the converter output (single output models only). To adjust the output DOWN, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the plus output pin and the Vout trim pin. To adjust the output UP, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the minus utput pin and the Vout trim pin. For UP/Down trimming capability, connect a 10 kW potentiometer between the plus and minus outputs with the wiper arm connected to the Vout trim pin. The trim range is ±10%. Pin Connections Pin Single 1 +Vin 2 -Vin 3 +Vout Dual +Vin -Vin +Vout Pin Single Dual 4 Trim Comm. 5 -Vout -Vout 6 ON/OFF ON/OFF MicroPower Direct Mechanical Notes: • All dimensions are typical in inches (mm) • Tolerance x.xx = ±0.01 (±0.25) We Power Your Success - For Less! 292 Page Street Ste D Stoughton, MA 02072 • TEL: (781) 344-8226 • FAX: (781) 344-8481 • E-Mail: sales@micropowerdirect.com