BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Figure 2. Package Type Product Description The BVA518 integrates a high performance digital step attenuator and high performance InGaP/GaAs HBT MMIC amplifier. Amplifier is internally matched to 50 Ohms and uses a patented temperature compensation circuit to provide stable current over the operating temperature range without the need for external components and a patented over voltage protection circuit to protect a internal device. The BVA518 is designed for high linearity gain block applications that require excellent gain flatness and designed for use in 3G/4G wireless infrastructure and other high performance RF applications Both stages are internally matched to 50 Ohms and It is easy to use with no external matching components required A serial output port enables cascading with other serial controlled devices. An integrated digital control interface supports both serial and parallel programming of the attenuation, including the capability to program an initial attenuation state at power-up. Covering a 31.5 dB attenuation range in 0.5 dB steps. The BVA518 is targeted for use in wireless infrastructure, point-to-point, or can be used for any general purpose wireless application 24-lead 4x4 mm QFN Device Features Small 24-Pin 4 x 4 mm QFN Package Integrate DSA to Amp Functionality Wide Power supply range of +2.7~5.5V(DSA) Single Fixed +5V supply (AMP) 5-4000MHZ Broadband Performance 19.1dB Gain at 1.9GHz 5.8dB Noise Figure at max gain setting 18.6dBm P1dB at 1.9GHz 32.2dBm OIP3 at 1.9GHz Patented temperature compensation Patented Over Voltage Protection Circuit No matching circuit needed Attenuation: 0.5 dB steps to 31.5 dB Safe attenuation state transitions Monotonicity: 0.5 dB up to 4 GHz High attenuation accuracy(DSA to Amp) ±(0.10 + 2% x Atten) @ 1 GHz ±(0.15 + 2% x Atten) @ 2.2 GHz ±(0.15 + 8% x Atten) @ 4 GHz VSS/GND P/S C8 RF2 C4 C2 Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram 24 23 22 21 20 19 GND 1 C1 2 18 GND 17 GND Digital Step Attenuation 3 4 15 PUP2 GND 5 14 PUP1 13 LE BeRex Clock Data GND 9 10 11 12 RF1 8 AMPIN AMPOUT 6 7 1.8V control logic compatible 105°C operating temperature Programming modes - Direct Parallel - Latched Parallel - Serial Unique power-up state selection 16 VDD C0.5 C16 GND Preliminary Datasheet The BVA518 is a digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) is featuring high linearity using the voltage 5V supply with a broadband frequency range of 5 to 4000 MHz. ●website: Application 3G/4G Wireless infrastructure and other high performance RF application Microwave and Satellite Radio General purpose Wireless ●email: 1 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Table 1. Electrical Specifications1 Parameter Condition Operational Frequency Range Min Typ 5 Unit 4000 MHz Gain Attenuation = 0dB, at 1900MHz 19.1 dB Attenuation Control range 0.5dB step 31.5 dB 0.5 dB Attenuation Step ±(0.10 + 2% of atten setting) 5MHZ-1GHz Preliminary Datasheet Max Attenuation Accuracy >1GHZ-2.2GHZ ±(0.15 + 2% of atten setting) Any bit or bit combination dB ±(0.15 + 8% of atten setting) >2.2GHz-4GHZ Return loss 1GHZ-2.2GHZ (input or output port) 2.2GHz-4GHZ Attenuation = 0dB Output Power for 1dB Compression Attenuation = 0dB , at 1900MHz 14.3 15.6 11.2 18.8 dB 18.6 dBm 32.2 dBm dB Attenuation = 0dB, at 1900MHz Output Third Order Intercept Point two tones at an output of 7 dBm per tone separated by 1 MHz. Noise Figure Attenuation = 0dB, at 1900MHz 5.8 Switching time 50% CTRL to 90% or 10% RF 500 DSA 2.7 800 ns 5.5 V Supply voltage AMP Supply Current Control Interface 5 63 Serial / parallel mode 73 V 83 6 mA Bit Digital input high 1.17 3.6 V Digital input low -0.3 0.6 V Control Voltage Impedance 1 BeRex 50 Ω Device performance _ measured on a BeRex Evaluation board at 25°C, 50 Ω system, VDD=+5V, measure on Evaluation Board (DSA to AMP) ●website: ●email: 2 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Table 2. Typical RF Performance1 Parameter Frequency 70 Unit 900 1900 2140 2700 MHz Gain 24.0 20.6 19.1 18.7 17.4 dB S11 -13.0 -15.9 -16.5 -18 -24.6 dB S22 -11.4 -16.6 -15.3 -14.8 -14.2 dB 2 35.8 35.6 32.2 31.5 28.3 dBm P1dB 18.1 19.9 18.6 18.1 16.4 dBm Noise Figure 5.2 5.4 5.8 5.9 6.4 dB OIP3 Preliminary Datasheet 3 1 Device performance _ measured on a BeRex evaluation board at 25°C, VDD=+5V,50 Ω system. measure on Evaluation Board (DSA to AMP) 2 OIP3 _ measured with two tones at an output of 7dBm per tone separated by 1 MHz. 3 70MHz measured with IF application circuit.(refer to table 10.) Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Condition Supply Voltage(VCC) Amp/DSA Supply Current Amp Digital input voltage Min Typ Max Unit 6 V 160 mA 3.6 V +23/+30 dBm -40 85/105 ℃ -55 155 ℃ -0.3 Maximum input power Amp/DSA Operating Temperature Amp/DSA Storage Temperature Junction Temperature 150 ℃ Operation of this device above any of these parameters may result in permanent damage. BeRex ●website: ●email: 3 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Programming Options Preliminary Datasheet Parallel/Serial Selection Either a parallel or serial interface can be used to control the BVA518. The P/S bit provides this selection, with P/S = LOW selecting the parallel interface and P/S = HIGH selecting the serial interface. Clock, and Latch Enable (LE). The Data and Clock inputs allow data to be serially entered into the shift register, a process that is independent of the state of the LE input. Parallel Mode Interface The parallel interface consists of six CMOS compatible control lines that select the desired attenuation state, as shown in Table 4. The parallel interface timing requirements are defined by Figure 4 (Parallel Interface Timing Diagram), Table 7 (Parallel Interface AC Characteristics), and switching speed (Table 1). For latched parallel programming the Latch Enable (LE) should be held LOW while changing attenuation state control values, then pulse LE HIGH to LOW (per Figure 3) to latch the new attenuation state into the device. For direct parallel programming, the Latch Enable (LE) line should be pulled HIGH. Changing attenuation state control values will change device state to new attenuation. Direct Mode is ideal for Table 4. Truth Table Power-up Control Settings The BVA518 always assumes a specifiable attenuation setting on power-up. This feature exists for both the Serial and Parallel modes of operation, and allows a known attenuation state to be established before an initial serial or parallel control word is provided. When the attenuator powers up in Serial mode (P/S = 1), the six control bits are set to whatever data is present on the six parallel data inputs (C0.5 to C16). This allows any one of the 64 attenuation settings to be specified as the power-up state. C16 C8 C4 C2 C1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reference Loss 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 dB 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 dB 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 dB 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 dB When the attenuator powers up in Parallel mode (P/S = 0) with LE = 0, the control bits are automatically set to one of four possible values. These four values are selected by the two power-up control bits, PUP1 and PUP2, as shown in Table 5 (Power-Up Truth Table, Parallel Mode). 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 dB Table 5. Parallel PUP Truth Table 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 dB 1 1 1 1 1 1 31.5 dB Note: Not all 64 possible combinations of C0.5-C16 are shown in table Serial Interface The serial interface is a 6-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register buffered by a transparent latch. It is controlled by three CMOS-compatible signals: Data, BeRex The shift register should be loaded while LE is held LOW to prevent the attenuator value from changing as data is entered. The LE input should then be toggled HIGH and brought LOW again, latching the new data. The timing for this operation is defined by Figure 3 (Serial Interface Timing Diagram) and Table 6 (Serial Interface AC Characteristics). P/S 0 C0.5 Attenuation state The LE input controls the latch. When LE is HIGH, the latch is transparent and the contents of the serial shift register control the attenuator. When LE is brought LOW, data in the shift register is latched. ●website: P/S LE PUP2 PUP1 Attenuation state 0 0 0 0 Reference Loss 0 0 1 0 8 dB 0 0 0 1 16 dB 0 0 1 1 31.5 dB 0 1 X X Defined by C0.5-C16 Note: Power up with LE = 1 provides normal parallel operation with C0.5-C16, and PUP1 and PUP2 are not active ●email: 4 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Figure 3. Serial Interface Timing Diagram Table 8. 6-Bit Attenuator Serial Programming Register Map B5 B4 B3 B3 B1 B0 C16 C8 C4 C2 C1 C0.5 MSB (first in) fClk Serial data clock frequency 10 MHz ns tClkL Serial clock LOW time 30 ns 10 ns tLEPW LE minimum pulse width 30 ns Serial data set-up time tSDSUP before clock rising edge 10 ns 10 ns tSDHLD Serial data hold time after clock falling edge Note: fClk is verified during the functional pattern test. Serial programming sections of the functional pattern are clocked at 10 MHz to verify fclk specification Table 7. Parallel Interface AC Characteristics VDD = 3.3V with DSA only, -40°C < TA < 105°C, unless otherwise specified Symbol tLEPW Parameter LE minimum pulse width Data set-up time before tPDSUP rising edge of LE Data hold time after falling tPDHLD edge of LE BeRex Min Max Unit 10 ns 10 ns 10 ns ●website: VSS/GND C8 RF2 P/S C4 20 19 18 GND C1 2 17 GND C0.5 3 16 VDD C16 4 15 PUP2 GND 5 14 PUP1 AMPOUT 6 13 LE 10 11 12 Data 9 RF1 8 Clock EXPOSED Grounnd Pad GND Unit 30 LE set-up time after last clock falling edge 21 7 tClkH Serial clock HIGH time tLESUP 22 AMPIN Min Max 23 1 VDD = 3.3V with DSA only, -40°C < TA < 105°C, unless otherwise specified Parameter 24 GND Table 6. Serial Interface AC Characteristics Symbol C2 Figure 4. Pin Configuration(Top View) GND Preliminary Datasheet Figure 4. Parallel Interface Timing Diagram LSB (Last in) Table 9. Pin Description Pin 1,5,7,9,17,18 2 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pin name GND C1 C0.55 C163,5 AMPOUT AMPIN RF11 DATA3 Clock LE4 PUP15 PUP2 VDD Description Ground Attenuation control bit, 1dB Attenuation control bit, 0.5dB Attenuation control bit, 16dB RF Amp out Port RF Amp in port RF port(DSA output) Serial interface data input Serial interface clock input Latch Enable input Power-up selection bit 1 Power-up selection bit 2 Supply voltage (nominal 5V) 19 VSS/GND External VSS negative voltage control or ground 20 21 22 23 24 P/S RF21 C8 C4 C2 Parallel/Serial mode select RF port(DSA input) Attenuation control bit, 8dB Attenuation control bit, 4dB Attenuation control bit, 2dB Note: 1. RF pins 10 and 21 must be at 0V DC. The RF pins do not require DC blocking capacitors for proper Operation if the 0V DC requirement is met 2. Use VssEXT (pin 12) to bypass and disable internal negative voltage generator. Connect VssEXT (pin 12, VssEXT = GND) to enable internal negative voltage generator 3.Place a 10 kΩ resistor in series, as close to pin as possible to avoid frequency resonance 4. This pin has an internal 2 MΩ resistor to internal positive digital supply 5. This pin has an internal 200 kΩ resistor to GND ●email: 5 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(RF Circuit*:500~4000MHz) Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Preliminary Datasheet Figure 5. WCDMA 4FA 2140 –60dBc Figure 6. ACLR @3GPP 4FA WCDMA, 1-64DPCH, ±5MHz offset, 64-ch FWD 2140MHz Figure 7. Device Performance Pin-Pout-Gain @900MHz Figure 8. Device Performance Pin-Pout-Gain @1900MHz * RF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 6 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(RF Circuit*:500~4000MHz) Preliminary Datasheet Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 9. Gain vs Frequency Figure 10. Gain vs Frequency @ Major Attenuation Steps Figure 11. Input Return Loss vs Frequency Figure 12. Input Return Loss vs Frequency @ Max Gain & Min Gain1 State Note: 1. Min Gain was measured in the state is set with attenuation 31.5dB Figure 13. output Return Loss vs. Frequency Figure 14. output Return Loss vs. Frequency @ Max Gain & Min Gain1 State Note: 1. Min Gain was measured in the state is set with attenuation 31.5dB * RF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 7 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(RF Circuit*:500~4000MHz) Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 15. OIP3 vs Frequency Figure 16. P1dB vs Frequency Preliminary Datasheet (2tones at an output of 7 dBm per tone separated by 1 MHz) Figure 17. Noise Figure vs Frequency Figure 18. OIP3 @900MHz vs Temperature Figure 19. OIP3 @1900MHz vs Temperature Figure 20. OIP3 @2140MHz vs Temperature * RF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 8 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(RF Circuit*:500~4000MHz) Preliminary Datasheet Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 21. Attenuation Error vs Frequency @ Major Attenuation Steps Figure 22. Attenuation Error vs Attenuation Setting Figure 23. 0.5dB Step Attenuation vs Attenuation Setting Figure 24. Attenuation Error @ 900MHz vs Temperature Figure 25. Attenuation Error @ 1.9GHz vs Temperature Figure 26. Attenuation Error @ 2.14GHz vs Temperature * RF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 9 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(RF Circuit*:500~4000MHz) Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 28. Attenuation Error @ 3.5GHz vs Temperature Preliminary Datasheet Figure 27. Attenuation Error @ 2.7GHz vs Temperature * RF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 10 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(IF Circuit*:5~500MHz) Preliminary Datasheet Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 29. Gain vs Frequency Figure 30. Gain vs Frequency @ Major Attenuation Steps Figure 31. Input Return Loss vs Frequency Figure 32. Input Return Loss vs Frequency @ Max Gain & Min Gain1 State Note: 1. Min Gain was measured in the state is set with attenuation 31.5dB Figure 33. output Return Loss vs. Frequency Figure 34. output Return Loss vs. Frequency @ Max Gain & Min Gain1 State Note: 1. Min Gain was measured in the state is set with attenuation 31.5dB * IF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 11 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(IF Circuit*:5~500MHz) Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 35. OIP3 vs Frequency Figure 36. P1dB vs Frequency Preliminary Datasheet (2tones at an output of 7 dBm per tone separated by 1 MHz) Figure 37. Noise Figure vs Frequency Figure 38. Attenuation Error vs Frequency @ Major Attenuation Steps Figure 39. Attenuation Error vs Attenuation Setting Figure 40. 0.5dB Step Attenuation vs Attenuation Setting * IF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 12 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Typical Performance Plot - BVA518 EVK - PCB(IF Circuit*:5~500MHz) Preliminary Datasheet Typical Performance Data @ 25°C, Maximum gain state and VDD = 5.0V unless otherwise noted Figure 41. Attenuation Error @ 30MHz vs Temperature Figure 42. Attenuation Error @ 70MHz vs Temperature Figure 43. Attenuation Error @ 100MHz vs Temperature Figure 44. Attenuation Error @ 200MHz vs Temperature Figure 45. Attenuation Error @ 300MHz vs Temperature Figure 46. Attenuation Error @ 400MHz vs Temperature * IF Circuit application refer to Table 10. BeRex ●website: ●email: 13 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Evaluation Board PCB Information Preliminary Datasheet Figure 47. Evaluation Board PCB Layer Information Figure 48. Evaluation Board PCB BeRex ●website: ●email: 14 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Preliminary Datasheet Figure 49. Evaluation Board Schematic Table 10. Application Circuit Application Circuit Values Example Freq. C1/C3 L3(1005 Chip Ind) IF Circuit 5~500MHz 10nF 2.7uH RF Circuit 500MHz ~ 4GHz 100pF 33nH Table 11. Bill of Material - Evaluation Board No. Ref Des Part Part Number 1 C1,C3,C4,C15 4 CAP 0402 100pF J 50V 2 C5 1 CAP 0402 1000pF J 50V 3 C6 1 TANTAL 3216 10UF 16V 4 C22 1 TANTAL 3216 0.1uF 35V 5 L1 1 IND 1608 33nH 7 R2,R3 2 RES 1005 J 10K 8 R1,R4,R6 9 CON1 20 U1 22 J1,J3 REMARK IF circuit refer to table 10 IF circuit refer to table 10 3 RES 1608 J 0ohm 1 15P-MALE-D-sub con1 QFN4X4_24L_BVA518 2 SMA_END_LAUNCH Notice: Evaluation Board for Marketing Release was set to RF circuit application BeRex ●website: ●email: 15 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Preliminary Datasheet Figure 50. Application Circuit schematic (Use only Serial mode) Notice: Evaluation Board for Marketing Release was set to RF circuit application BeRex ●website: ●email: 16 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Preliminary Datasheet Figure 51. Packing outline drawing Figure 52. Package Marking BVA518 YYWWXX YY = Year, WW = Working Week, XX = Wafer No. BeRex ●website: ●email: 17 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2 BVA518 5-4000 MHz DIGITAL VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER Preliminary Datasheet Figure 53. Tape & Reel Packaging information: Tape Width (mm): 12 / Reel Size (inches): TBD Device Cavity Pitch (mm): 8 / Devices Per Reel: TBD Lead plating finish 100% Tin Matte finish (All BeRex products undergoes a 1 hour, 150 degree C, Anneal bake to eliminate thin whisker growth concerns.) MSL / ESD Rating ESD Rating: Class 1C Value: Passes<2000V Test: Human Body Model(HBM) Standard: JEDEC Standard JESD22-A114B MSL Rating: Level 1 at +265°C convection reflow Standard: JEDEC Standard J-STD-020 NATO CAGE code: 2 BeRex N 9 6 F ●website: ●email: 18 Specifications and information are subject to change and products may be discontinued without notice. BeRex is a trademark of BeRex. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 BeRex Rev. 0.2