BCM® Bus Converter BCM6123x60E10A5yzz ® C S US C NRTL US Fixed Ratio DC-DC Converter Features & Benefits Product Ratings • Up to 150A continuous secondary current • Up to 2206 W/in3 power density • 97.6% peak efficiency VPRI = 54V (36 – 60V) ISEC = up to 150A VSEC = 9V (6 – 10V) (no load) K = 1/6 • 2,250VDC isolation • Parallel operation for multi-kW arrays • OV, OC, UV, short circuit and thermal protection Product Description The VI Chip® Bus Converter (BCM®) is a high efficiency Sine Amplitude Converter™ (SAC™), operating from a 36 to 60VDC primary bus to deliver an isolated, ratiometric secondary voltage from 6 to 10 VDC. • 6123 through-hole ChiP package n 2.402” x 0.990” x 0.286” (61.00mm x 25.14mm x 7.26mm) • PMBusTM management interface* The BCM6123x60E10A5yzz offers low noise, fast transient response, and industry leading efficiency and power density. In addition, it provides an AC impedance beyond the bandwidth of most downstream regulators, allowing input capacitance normally located at the input of a POL regulator to be located at the primary side of the BCM module. With a primary to secondary K factor of 1/6, that capacitance value can be reduced by a factor of 36x, resulting in savings of board area, material and total system cost. Typical Applications • High End Computing Systems • Automated Test Equipment Leveraging the thermal and density benefits of Vicor’s ChiP packaging technology, the BCM module offers flexible thermal management options with very low top and bottom side thermal impedances. Thermally-adept ChiP-based power components, enable customers to achieve low cost power system solutions with previously unattainable system size, weight and efficiency attributes, quickly and predictably. • Industrial Systems • High Density Power Supplies • Communications Systems • Transportation *When used with D44TL1A0 and I13TL1A0 chipset BCM® Bus Converter Page 1 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Typical Application BCM TM EN enable/disable switch SW1 VAUX F1 VPRI +VPRI +VSEC –VPRI –VSEC CPRI POL GND PRIMARY SECONDARY ISOLATION BOUNDRY BCM6123x60E10A5y00 at Point of load BCM SER-OUT SER-OUT EN SER-IN enable/disable switch SER-IN FUSE VPRI C +VPRI +VSEC –VPRI –VSEC POL I_BCM_ELEC PRIMARY SOURCE_RTN SECONDARY Digital Supervisor ISOLATION BOUNDRY Digital Isolator D44TL1A0 I13TL1A0 NC PRI_OUT_A SEC_IN_A PRI_OUT_B SEC_IN_B TXD PRI_IN_C SEC_OUT_C RXD PRI_COM SEC_COM Host µC VDDB SER-IN t + VDD – V EXT SER-OUT SGND SGND PMBus PMBus SGND SGND SGND BCM6123x60E10A5y01 at Point of load BCM® Bus Converter Page 2 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Pin Configuration TOP VIEW 1 2 +VSEC A A’ +VSEC -VSEC1 B B’ -VSEC2 -VSEC1 C C’ -VSEC2 +VSEC D D’ +VSEC +VSEC E E’ +VSEC -VSEC1 F F’ -VSEC2 -VSEC1 G G’ -VSEC2 +VSEC H H’ +VSEC +VPRI I I’ TM/SER-OUT +VPRI J J’ EN +VPRI K K’ VAUX/SER-IN +VPRI L L’ -VPRI 6123 ChiP Package Pin Descriptions Power Pins Pin Number Signal Name Type Function I1, J1, K1, L1 +VPRI PRIMARY POWER Positive primary transformer power terminal L’2 -VPRI PRIMARY POWER RETURN Negative primary transformer power terminal A1, D1, E1, H1, A’2, D’2, E’2, H’2 +VSEC SECONDARY POWER Positive secondary transformer power terminal B1, C1, F1, G1 B’2, C’2, F’2, G’2 -VSEC* SECONDARY POWER RETURN Negative secondary transformer power terminal Analog Control Signal Pins Pin Number Signal Name Type Function I’2 TM OUTPUT J’2 EN INPUT K’2 VAUX OUTPUT Temperature Monitor; primary side referenced signals Enables and disables power supply; primary side referenced signals Auxilary Voltage Source; primary side referenced signals PMBus Control Signal Pins Pin Number Signal Name Type Function I’2 SER-OUT OUTPUT J’2 EN INPUT Enables and disables power supply; Primary side referenced signals K’2 SER-IN INPUT UART receive pin; Primary side referenced signals UART transmit pin; Primary side referenced signals *For proper operation an external low impedance connection must be made between listed -VSEC1 and -VSEC2 terminals. BCM® Bus Converter Page 3 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Part Ordering Information Product Function Package Size Package Mounting Max Primary Input Voltage Range Identifier Max Secondary Voltage Secondary Output Current Temperature Grade Option BCM 6123 x 60 E 10 A5 y zz 61 = L 23 = W T = TH 00 = Analog Ctrl Bus Converter Module S = SMT 60V 36 – 60V 10V No Load 150A T = -40°C – 125°C 01 = PMBus Ctrl M = -55°C – 125°C 0R = Reversible Analog Ctrl 0P = Reversible PMBus Ctrl All products shipped in JEDEC standard high profile (0.400” thick) trays (JEDEC Publication 95, Design Guide 4.10). Standard Models Product Function Package Size Package Mounting Max Primary Input Voltage Range Identifier Max Secondary Voltage Secondary Output Current Temperature Grade Option BCM 6123 T 60 E 10 A5 T 00 BCM 6123 T 60 E 10 A5 T 01 Absolute Maximum Ratings The absolute maximum ratings below are stress ratings only. Operation at or beyond these maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Parameter Comments +VPRI_DC to –VPRI_DC Min Max Unit -1 80 V 1 V/µs 15 V 4.6 V 5.5 V 4.6 V VPRI_DC or VSEC_DC slew rate (operational) +VSEC_DC to –VSEC_DC -1 TM/SER-OUT to –VPRI_DC EN to –VPRI_DC -0.3 VAUX/SER-IN to –VPRI_DC BCM® Bus Converter Page 4 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Electrical Specifications Specifications apply over all line and load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit 60 V 14 V General Powetrain PRIMARY to SECONDARY Specification (Forward Direction) Primary Input Voltage range, continuous VPRI µController PRI to SEC Input Quiescent Current 36 VPRI_DC VPRI_DC voltage where µC is initialized, (ie VAUX = Low, powertrain inactive) VµC_ACTIVE Disabled, EN Low, VPRI_DC = 54V IPRI_Q 5 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC 10 VPRI_DC = 54V, TINTERNAL = 25ºC PRI to SEC No Load Power Dissipation PRI to SEC Inrush Current Peak 5 VPRI_DC = 54V PPRI_NL 7.2 IPRI_INR_PK 14 12 VPRI_DC = 36V to 60V 17 30 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC DC Primary Input Current Transformation Ratio IPRI_IN_DC K Secondary Output Current (pulsed) ISEC_OUT_PULSE A 25.5 Primary to secondary, K = VSEC_DC / VPRI_DC, at no load ISEC_OUT_DC 1/6 10ms pulse, 25% Duty cycle, ISEC_OUT_AVG ≤ 50% rated ISEC_OUT_DC VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A 96.1 VPRI_DC = 36V to 60V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A 94.5 150 A 180 A 96.7 ηhAMB VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 75A 96.9 97.6 PRI to SEC Efficiency (hot) ηhHOT VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A 95.4 96 PRI to SEC Efficiency (over load range) ηh20% 30A < ISEC_OUT_DC < 150A 90 RSEC_COLD VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A, TINTERNAL = -40°C 0.9 1.2 RSEC_AMB VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A 1.2 1.6 2 RSEC_HOT VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A, TINTERNAL = 100°C 1.6 2 2.2 FSW Frequency of the Output Voltage Ripple = 2x FSW 0.85 0.90 0.95 VSEC_OUT_PP CSEC_EXT = 0μF, ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A, VPRI_DC = 54V, 20MHz BW Switching Frequency Secondary Output Voltage Ripple % Secondary Output Leads Inductance (Parasitic) BCM® Bus Converter Page 5 of 29 % % 1.5 140 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC Primary Input Leads Inductance (Parasitic) A V/V PRI to SEC Efficiency (ambient) PRI to SEC Output Resistance W 35 At ISEC_OUT_DC = 150A, TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC Secondary Output Current (continuous) 9 VPRI_DC = 36V to 60V, TINTERNAL = 25 ºC VPRI_DC = 60V, CSEC_EXT = 6000μF, RLOAD_SEC = 20% of full load current mA mΩ MHz mV 200 LPRI_IN_LEADS Frequency 2.5MHz (double switching frequency), Simulated lead model 6.7 nH LSEC_OUT_LEADS Frequency 2.5MHz (double switching frequency), Simulated lead model 0.64 nH Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Electrical Specifications (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line and load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit General Powetrain PRIMARY to SECONDARY Specification (Forward Direction) Cont. Effective Primary Capacitance (Internal) CPRI_INT Effective Value at 54VPRI_DC 11.2 µF Effective Secondary Capacitance (Internal) CSEC_INT Effective Value at 9VSEC_DC 202 µF Effective Secondary Output Capacitance (External) CSEC_OUT_EXT Excessive capacitance may drive module into SC protection Effective Secondary Output Capacitance (External) CSEC_OUT_AEXT CSEC_OUT_AEXT Max = N * 0.5 * CSEC_OUT_EXT MAX, where N = the number of units in parallel 6000 µF 560 ms Powertrain Protection PRIMARY to SECONDARY (Forward Direction) Auto Restart Time tAUTO_RESTART Startup into a persistent fault condition. Non-Latching fault detection given VPRI_DC > VPRI_UVLO+ 490 Primary Overvoltage Lockout Threshold VPRI_OVLO+ 63 67 71 V Primary Overvoltage Recovery Threshold VPRI_OVLO- 61 65 69 V Primary Overvoltage Lockout Hysteresis VPRI_OVLO_HYST 2 V Primary Overvoltage Lockout Response Time tPRI_OVLO 100 µs 1 ms Primary Soft-Start Time tPRI_SOFT-START Secondary Output Overcurrent Trip Threshold (Analog) ISEC_OUT_OCP Secondary Output Overcurrent Response Time Constant tSEC_OUT_OCP Secondary Output Short Circuit Protection Trip Threshold ISEC_OUT_SCP Secondary Output Short Circuit Protection Response Time tSEC_OUT_SCP Overtemperature Shutdown Threshold BCM® Bus Converter Page 6 of 29 tOTP+ From powertrain active. Fast Current limit protection disabled during Soft-Start 170 Effective internal RC filter 210 3 225 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 125 A ms A 1 Temperature sensor located inside controller IC 240 µs °C BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Electrical Specifications (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line and load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit Powertrain Supervisory Limits PRIMARY to SECONDARY (Forward Direction) Primary Overvoltage Lockout Threshold VPRI_OVLO+ 64 66 68 V Primary Overvoltage Recovery Threshold VPRI_OVLO- 60 64 66 V Primary Overvoltage Lockout Hysteresis VPRI_OVLO_HYST 2 V Primary Overvoltage Lockout Response Time tPRI_OVLO 100 µs Primary Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VPRI_UVLO- 26 28 30 V Primary Undervoltage Recovery Threshold VPRI_UVLO+ 28 30 32 V Primary Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VPRI_UVLO_HYST 2 V Primary Undervoltage Lockout Response Time tPRI_UVLO 100 µs 20 ms Primary Undervoltage Startup Delay From VPRI_DC = VPRI_UVLO+ to powertrain active, EN tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY floating, (i.e One time Startup delay form application of VPRI_DC to VSEC_DC) Secondary Output Overcurrent Trip Threshold (PMBus™) ISEC_OUT_OCP Secondary Output Overcurrent Response Time Constant tSEC_OUT_OCP Overtemperature Shutdown Threshold tOTP+ Overtemperature Recovery Threshold tOTP– Undertemperature Shutdown Threshold tUTP Undertemperature Restart Time BCM® Bus Converter Page 7 of 29 192 Effective internal RC filter 204 3 Temperature sensor located inside controller IC °C 110 Temperature sensor located inside controller IC; Protection not available for M-Grade units. Startup into a persistent fault condition. Non-Latching fault detection given VPRI_DC > VPRI_UVLO+ Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 A ms 125 105 tUTP_RESTART 216 3 115 °C -45 °C s BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Electrical Specifications (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line and load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit 10 V General Powetrain SECONDARY to PRIMARY Specification (Reverse Direction) Secondary Input Voltage range, continuous 6 VSEC_DC VSEC_DC = 9V, TINTERNAL = 25ºC SEC to PRI No Load Power Dissipation DC Secondary Input Current ISEC_IN_DC Primary Output Current (continuous) IPRI_OUT_DC Primary Output Current (pulsed) SEC to PRI Efficiency (ambient) 5 VSEC_DC = 9V PSEC_NL IPRI_OUT_PULSE ηhAMB 7.2 9 14 12 VSEC_DC = 6V to 10V 17 At IPRI_DC = 25A, TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC 152 A 25 A 30 A 10ms pulse, 25% Duty cycle, IPRI_OUT_AVG ≤ 50% rated IPRI_OUT_DC VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A 96.0 96.5 VSEC_DC = 6V to 10V, IPRI_OUT_DC= 25A 93.8 VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 12.5A 96.9 97.5 95.4 95.9 % SEC to PRI Efficiency (hot) ηhHOT VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A SEC to PRI Efficiency (over load range) ηh20% 5A < IPRI_OUT_DC < 25A 90 RPRI_COLD VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A, TINTERNAL = -40°C 47 55 63 RPRI_AMB VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A 61 72 83 RPRI_HOT VSEC_DC = 9V, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A, TINTERNAL = 100°C 76 84 92 SEC to PRI Output Resistance Primary Output Voltage Ripple VPRI_OUT_PP CPRI_OUT_EXT = 0μF, IPRI_OUT_DC = 25A, VSEC_DC = 9V, 20MHz BW Rev 1.2 07/2016 % % 800 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 mΩ mV 1200 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC BCM® Bus Converter Page 8 of 29 W VSEC_DC = 6V to 10V, TINTERNAL = 25ºC BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Electrical Specifications (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line and load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit 100 µF 11.8 V Protection SECONDARY to PRIMARY (Reverse Direction) Effective Primary Output Capacitance (External) CPRI_OUT_EXT Excessive capacitance may drive into SC protection Secondary Overvoltage Lockout Threshold VSEC_OVLO+ Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R Secondary Overvoltage Lockout Response Time tPRI_OVLO Secondary Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VSEC_UVLO- Secondary Undervoltage Lockout Response Time tSEC_UVLO 10.6 11.2 100 Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R 4.3 4.7 µs 5.1 100 V µs Primary Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VPRI_UVLO-_R Applies only to reversilbe products in forward and in reverse direction; IPRI_DC ≤ 20 while VPRI_UVLO-_R < VPRI_DC < VPRI_MIN 26 28 30 V Primary Undervoltage Recovery Threshold VPRI_UVLO+_R Applies only to reversilbe products in forward and in reverse direction; 28 30 32 V Primary Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VPRI_UVLO_HYST_R Applies only to reversilbe products in forward and in reverse direction; Primary Output Overcurrent Trip Threshold (Analog) IPRI_OUT_OCP Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R Primary Output Overcurrent Response Time Constant (Analog) tPRI_OUT_OCP Effective internal RC filter 28.3 35 V 40 3 Primary Short Circuit Protection Trip Threshold IPRI_SCP Primary Short Circuit Protection Response Time tPRI_SCP Primary Output Overcurrent Trip Threshold (PMBus) IPRI_OUT_OCP Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R Primary Output Overcurrent Response Time Constant (PMBus) tPRI_OUT_OCP Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R BCM® Bus Converter Page 9 of 29 2 Module latched shutdown with VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO-_R ms 37.5 A 1 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 32 A 34 3 µs 36 A ms BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Secondary Output Current (A) 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Case Temperature (°C) Top and leads at temperature Top only at temperature Top, leads and belly at temperature 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 Secondary Output Current (A) Secondary Output Power (W) Figure 1 — Specified thermal operating area 36 38 41 43 46 48 50 53 55 58 200 150 100 50 0 60 36 38 41 PSEC_OUT_DC 43 46 ISEC_OUT_DC PSEC_OUT_PULSE Secondary Output Capacitance (% Rated CSEC_EXT_MAX) Figure 2 — Specified electrical operating area using rated RSEC_HOT 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Secondary Output Current (% ISEC_DC) Figure 3 — Specified Primary start-up into load current and external capacitance BCM® Bus Converter Page 10 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 48 50 53 Primary Input Voltage (V) Primary Input Voltage (V) vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 100 ISEC_OUT_PULSE 55 58 60 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Analog Control Signal Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Temperature Monitor • The TM pin is a standard analog I/O configured as an output from an internal µC. • The TM pin monitors the internal temperature of the controller IC within an accuracy of ±5°C. • µC 250kHz PWM output internally pulled high to 3.3V. SIGNAL TYPE STATE Startup ATTRIBUTE Powertrain active to TM time TM Duty Cycle SYMBOL CONDITIONS / NOTES TYP MAX 100 tTM 18.18 TMPWM TM Current MIN ITM UNIT µs 68.18 % 4 mA Recommended External filtering DIGITAL OUTPUT Regular Operation TM Capacitance (External) CTM_EXT Recommended External filtering 0.01 µF TM Resistance (External) RTM_EXT Recommended External filtering 1 kΩ 10 mV / °C 1.27 V Specifications using recommended filter TM Gain ATM TM Voltage Reference TM Voltage Ripple VTM_AMB VTM_PP RTM_EXT = 1K Ohm, CTM_EXT = 0.01µF, VPRI_DC = 54V, ISEC_DC = 150A 28 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC mV 40 Enable / Disable Control • The EN pin is a standard analog I/O configured as an input to an internal µC. • It is internally pulled high to 3.3V. • When held low the BCM internal bias will be disabled and the powertrain will be inactive. • In an array of BCMs, EN pins should be interconnected to synchronize startup. SIGNAL TYPE STATE Startup ANALOG INPUT Regular Operation ATTRIBUTE EN to Powertrain active time CONDITIONS / NOTES tEN_START VPRI_DC > VPRI_UVLO+, EN held low both conditions satisfied for T > tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY EN Voltage Threshold VEN_TH EN Resistance (Internal) REN_INT EN Disable Threshold BCM® Bus Converter Page 11 of 29 SYMBOL Rev 1.2 07/2016 MIN TYP MAX 250 µs 2.3 Internal pull up resistor VEN_DISABLE_TH V 1.5 kΩ 1 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 UNIT V BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Analog Control Signal Characteristics (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Auxiliary Voltage Source • The VAUX pin is a standard analog I/O configured as an output from an internal µC. • VAUX is internally connected to µC output as internally pulled high to a 3.3V regulator with 2% tolerance, a 1% resistor of 1.5kΩ. • VAUX can be used as a “Ready to process full power” flag. This pin transitions VAUX voltage after a 2 ms delay from the start of powertrain activating, signaling the end of softstart. • VAUX can be used as “Fault flag”. This pin is pulled low internally when a fault protection is detected. SIGNAL TYPE ANALOG OUTPUT STATE ATTRIBUTE SYMBOL Startup Powertrain active to VAUX time tVAUX VAUX Voltage VVAUX VAUX Available Current IVAUX Regular Operation Fault BCM® Bus Converter Page 12 of 29 VAUX Voltage Ripple VVAUX_PP VAUX Capacitance (External) CVAUX_EXT VAUX Resistance (External) RVAUX_EXT VAUX Fault Response Time tVAUX_FR Rev 1.2 07/2016 CONDITIONS / NOTES MIN TYP MAX 2 Powertrain active to VAUX High 2.8 ms 3.3 V 4 mA 50 100 TINTERNAL ≤ 100ºC 0.01 VPRI_DC < VµC_ACTIVE From fault to VVAUX = 2.8V, CVAUX = 0pF vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 1.5 UNIT mV µF kΩ 10 µs BCM6123x60E10A5yzz PMBus Control Signal Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. UART SER-IN / SER-OUT Pins • Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) pins. • The BCM communication version is not intended to be used without a Digital Supervisor. • Isolated I2C communication and telemetry is available when using Vicor Digital Isolator and Vicor Digital Supervisor. Please see specific product data sheet for more details. • UART SER-IN pin is internally pulled high using a 1.5kΩ to 3.3V. SIGNAL TYPE STATE GENERAL I/O ATTRIBUTE SYMBOL Baud Rate CONDITIONS / NOTES BRUART MIN TYP MAX 750 Rate UNIT Kbit/s SER-IN Pin SER-IN Input Voltage Range VSER-IN_IH 2.3 V VSER-IN_IL DIGITAL INPUT Regular Operation 1 V SER-IN rise time tSER-IN_RISE 10% to 90% 400 ns SER-IN fall time tSER-IN_FALL 10% to 90% 25 ns SER-IN RPULLUP RSER-IN_PLP Pull up to 3.3V 1.5 kΩ SER-IN External Capacitance CSER-IN_EXT 400 pF SER-OUT Pin VSER-OUT_OH 0mA ≥ IOH ≥ -4mA 2.8 V VSER-OUT_OL 0mA ≤ IOL ≤ 4mA SER-OUT rise time tSER-OUT_RISE 10% to 90% 55 ns SER-OUT fall time tSER-OUT_FALL 10% to 90% 45 ns SER-OUT Output Voltage Range DIGITAL OUTPUT SER-OUT source current ISER-OUT SER-OUT output impedance ZSER-OUT 0.5 VSER-OUT = 2.8V 6 120 V mA Ω Enable / Disable Control • The EN pin is a standard analog I/O configured as an input to an internal µC. • It is internally pulled high to 3.3V. • When held low the BCM internal bias will be disabled and the powertrain will be inactive. • In an array of BCMs, EN pins should be interconnected to synchronize startup. • Enable / disable command will have no effect if the EN pin is disabled. SIGNAL TYPE ANALOG INPUT STATE ATTRIBUTE SYMBOL CONDITIONS / NOTES Startup EN to Powertrain active time tEN_START VPRI_DC > VPRI_UVLO+, EN held low both conditions satisfied for t > tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY EN Voltage Threshold VENABLE EN Resistance (Internal) REN_INT Regular Operation EN Disable Threshold BCM® Bus Converter Page 13 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 MIN TYP MAX 250 µs 2.3 Internal pull up resistor VEN_DISABLE_TH vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 UNIT V 1.5 kΩ 1 V BCM6123x60E10A5yzz PMBus Reported Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Monitored Telemetry • The BCM communication version is not intended to be used without a Digital Supervisor. DIGITAL SUPERVISOR PMBUSTM READ COMMAND ACCURACY (RATED RANGE) FUNCTIONAL REPORTING RANGE UPDATE RATE REPORTED UNITS Input voltage (88h) READ_VIN ± 5%(LL - HL) 28V to 66V 100µs VACTUAL = VREPORTED x 10-1 Input current (89h) READ_IIN ± 20%(10 - 20% of FL) ± 5%(20 - 133% of FL) -34A to 34A 100µs IACTUAL = IREPORTED x 10-2 Output voltage[1] (8Bh) READ_VOUT ± 5%(LL - HL) 4.7V to 11V 100µs VACTUAL = VREPORTED x 10-1 Output current (8Ch) READ_IOUT ± 20%(10 - 20% of FL) ± 5%(20 - 133% of FL) -204A to 204A 100µs IACTUAL = IREPORTED x 10-2 Output resistance (D4h) READ_ROUT ± 5%(50 - 100% of FL) at NL ± 10%(50 - 100% of FL)(LL - HL) 500µ to 3000µ 100ms RACTUAL = RREPORTED x 10-5 (8Dh) READ_TEMPERATURE_1 ± 7°C(Full Range) - 55ºC to 130ºC 100ms TACTUAL = TREPORTED ATTRIBUTE Temperature[2] [1] [2] Default READ Output Voltage returned when unit is disabled = -300 V. Default READ Temperature returned when unit is disabled = -273°C. Variable Parameter • Factory setting of all below Thresholds and Warning limits are 100% of listed protection values. • Variables can be written only when module is disabled either EN pulled low or VIN < VIN_UVLO-. • Module must remain in a disabled mode for 3 ms after any changes to the below variables allowing ample time to commit changes to EEPROM. ATTRIBUTE DIGITAL SUPERVISOR PMBUSTM COMMAND [3] CONDITIONS / NOTES Input / Output Overvoltage Protection Limit (55h) VIN_OV_FAULT_LIMIT VIN_OVLO- is automatically 3% lower than this set point Input / Output Overvoltage Warning Limit (57h) VIN_OV_WARN_LIMIT Input / Output Undervoltage Protection Limit (D7h) DISABLE_FAULTS ACCURACY (RATED RANGE) FUNCTIONAL REPORTING RANGE DEFAULT VALUE ± 5%(LL - HL) 28V to 66V 100% ± 5%(LL - HL) 28V to 66V 100% ± 5%(LL - HL) 28V or 66V 100% Can only be disabled to a preset default value Input Overcurrent Protection Limit (5Bh) IIN_OC_FAULT_LIMIT ± 20%(10 - 20% of FL) ± 5%(20 - 133% of FL) 0 to 34A 100% Input Overcurrent Warning Limit (5Dh) IIN_OC_WARN_LIMIT ± 20%(10 - 20% of FL) ± 5%(20 - 133% of FL) 0 to 34A 100% Overtemperature Protection Limit (4Fh) OT_FAULT_LIMIT ± 7°C(Full Range) 0 to 125°C 100% Overtemperature Warning Limit (51h) OT_WARN_LIMIT ± 7°C( Full Range) 0 to 125°C 100% ± 50µs 0 to 100ms 0ms Turn on Delay [3] (60h) TON_DELAY Additional time delay to the Undervoltage Startup Delay Refer to Digital Supervisor datasheet for complete list of supported commands. BCM® Bus Converter Page 14 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM® Bus Converter Page 15 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 VAUX TM OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT EN +VPRI +VSEC BIDIR INPUT VµC_ACTIVE STARTUP tVAUX tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY VPRI_UVLO+ VPRI_OVLO+ VNOM OVER VOLTAGE VPRI_UVLO- VPRI_OVLO- up ll u N ER T -O L P PU OV RN NA T T U T TER OU PU E U T IN ZE RY ON I N AG I P L RY LT IN U X IA D A N IT ON UR MA VO DC V A N I_ I T I R C PR VP N & µc SE E tAUTO-RESTART ENABLE CONTROL OVER CURRENT > tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY tSEC_OUT_SCP SHUTDOWN GE NT TA H L E W G EV VO LO HI S T F IT D ED RE U U F E P L L C UT IN N-O IR UL PUL P C Y P R T IN E E A R TU BL ABL OR DC M I I_ A H R S PR VP EN EN RT TA BCM6123x60E10A5yzz BCM Module Timing diagram vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz High Level Functional State Diagram Conditions that cause state transitions are shown along arrows. Sub-sequence activities listed inside the state bubbles. Application of input voltage to VPRI_DC VµC_ACTIVE < VPRI_DC < VPRI_UVLO+ STANDBY SEQUENCE STARTUP SEQUENCE VPRI_DC > VPRI_UVLO+ TM Low TM Low EN High EN High VAUX Low VAUX Low Powertrain Stopped Powertrain Stopped ENABLE falling edge, or OTP detected Input OVLO or UVLO, Output OCP, or UTP detected Fault Autorecovery ENABLE falling edge, or OTP detected FAULT SEQUENCE Input OVLO or UVLO, Output OCP, or UTP detected TM Low EN High VAUX Low Powertrain Stopped Rev 1.2 07/2016 SUSTAINED OPERATION TM PWM EN High VAUX High Powertrain Active Short Circuit detected BCM® Bus Converter Page 16 of 29 tPRI_UVLO+_DELAY expired ONE TIME DELAY INITIAL STARTUP vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Application Characteristics 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 36 39 41 44 47 49 52 55 57 60 PRI to SEC, Full Load Efficiency (%) PRI to SEC, Power Dissipation (W) Product is mounted and temperature controlled via top side cold plate, unless otherwise noted. All data presented in this section are collected data from primary sourced units processing power in forward direction.See associated figures for general trend data. 98.0 97.5 97.0 96.5 96.0 -40 -20 0 Primary Input Voltage (V) - 40°C 25°C 80°C PRI to SEC, Efficiency (%) 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 54V PRI to SEC, Efficiency (%) 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 30 45 60 75 36V 90 105 120 54V 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 36V 54V 135 150 135 150 60V 135 150 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 Load Current (A) 60V Figure 8 — Efficiency at TCASE = 25°C BCM® Bus Converter Page 17 of 29 60V 42 Load Current (A) VPRI : 54V Figure 7 — Power dissipation at TCASE = -40°C 96 15 100 Secondary Output Current (A) 98 0 36V VPRI: Figure 6 — Efficiency at TCASE = -40°C 80 80 48 60V PRI to SEC, Power Dissipation 36V 60 54 Secondary Output Current (A) VPRI: 40 Figure 5 — Full load efficiency vs. temperature; VPRI_DC Figure 4 — No load power dissipation vs. VPRI_DC 80 VPRI: PRI to SEC, Power Dissipation TTOP SURFACE CASE: 20 Case Temperature (ºC) VPRI : 36V 54V Figure 9 — Power dissipation at TCASE = 25°C Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 60V 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 13 25 38 50 63 75 88 100 113 125 PRI to SEC, Power Dissipation PRI to SEC, Efficiency (%) BCM6123x60E10A5yzz 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 0 13 25 Secondary Output Current (A) VPRI : 36V 54V VPRI : 63 75 88 100 113 125 36V 54V 60V Figure 11 — Power dissipation at TCASE = 80°C 3 200 Voltage Ripple (mVPK-PK) PRI to SEC, Output Resistance (mΩ) 50 Secondary Output Current (A) 60V Figure 10 — Efficiency at TCASE = 80°C 2 1 0 38 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 15 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 VPRI: 54V 150A Figure 12 — RSEC vs. temperature; Nominal VPRI_DC ISEC_DC = 125A at TCASE = 80°C BCM® Bus Converter Page 18 of 29 45 Load Current (A) Case Temperature (°C) ISEC: 30 Rev 1.2 07/2016 Figure 13 — VSEC_OUT_PP vs. ISEC_DC ; No external CSEC_OUT_EXT. Board mounted module, scope setting : 20MHz analog BW vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Figure 14 — Full load ripple, 2700µF CPRI_IN_EXT; No external CSEC_OUT_EXT. Board mounted module, scope setting: 20MHz analog BW Figure 15 — 0A – 130A transient response: CPRI_IN_EXT = 2700µF, no external CSEC_OUT_EXT Figure 16 — 130A – 0A transient response: CPRI_IN_EXT = 2700µF, no external CSEC_OUT_EXT Figure 17 — Start up from application of VPRI_DC= 54V, 20% ISEC_DC, 100% CSEC_OUT_EXT Figure 18 — Start up from application of EN with pre-applied VPRI_DC = 54V, 20% ISEC_DC, 100% CSEC_OUT_EXT BCM® Bus Converter Page 19 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz General Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit Mechanical Length L 60.87 / [2.396] 61.00 / [2.402] 61.13 / [2.407] mm/[in] Width W 24.76 / [0.975] 25.14 / [0.990] 25.52 / [1.005] mm/[in] Height H 7.21 / [0.284] mm/[in] Volume Vol Weight W Lead finish Without Heatsink 7.26 / [0.286] 7.31 / [0.288] 11.13 / [0.679] cm3/[in3] 41 / [1.45] g/[oz] Nickel 0.51 2.03 Palladium 0.02 0.15 0.003 0.051 -40 125 Gold µm Thermal Operating Temperature Thermal Resistance Top Side Thermal Resistance Leads Thermal Resistance Bottom Side TINTERNAL ΦINT-TOP ΦINT-LEADS ΦINT-BOTTOM BCM6123x60E10A5yzz (T-Grade) °C Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from isothermal top 1.39 °C/W Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from isothermal leads 1.27 °C/W Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from isothermal bottom 1.40 °C/W 34 Ws/°C Thermal Capacity Assembly Storage temperature ESD Withstand BCM® Bus Converter Page 20 of 29 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz (T-Grade) -55 ESDHBM Human Body Model, “ESDA / JEDEC JDS-001-2012” Class I-C (1kV to < 2kV) ESDCDM Charge Device Model, “JESD 22-C101-E” Class II (200V to < 500V) Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 125 °C BCM6123x60E10A5yzz General Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, load conditions, unless otherwise noted; Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C ≤ TINTERNAL ≤ 125°C (T-Grade); All other specifications are at TINTERNAL = 25ºC unless otherwise noted. Soldering[1] Peak Temperature Top Case 135 °C Safety Isolation voltage / Dielectric test VHIPOT PRIMARY to SECONDARY 2,250 PRIMARY to CASE 2,250 SECONDARY to CASE 707 Isolation Capacitance CPRI_SEC Unpowered Unit 620 Insulation Resistance RPRI_SEC At 500 Vdc 10 MTBF VDC 780 MIL-HDBK-217Plus Parts Count - 25°C Ground Benign, Stationary, Indoors / Computer 4.45 MHrs Telcordia Issue 2 - Method I Case III; 25°C Ground Benign, Controlled 7.01 MHrs cURus “UL 60950-1” CE Marked for Low Voltage Directive and RoHS Recast Directive, as applicable [1] Product is not intended for reflow solder attach. BCM® Bus Converter Page 21 of 29 pF MΩ cTÜVus “EN 60950-1” Agency Approvals / Standards 940 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz PMBus™ System Diagram -OUT BCM PRI-COM VDDB RXD3 VDD RXD1 TXD4 VDD TXD3 10 kΩ Digital Supervisor D44TL1A0 FDG6318P R2 10 kΩ NC NC NC SSTOP 3 kΩ SDA NC RXD4 RXD2 SEC-COM SDA NC SCL RXD1 5V EXT 3 kΩ EN Control 3.3V, at least 20mA when using 4xDISO Ref to Digital Isolator datasheet for more details VDD CP D Q SGND D Flip-flop 74LVC1G74DC NC SEC-OUT-C SADDR PRI-IN-C NC -IN BCM SEC-IN-B PRI-OUT-B TX D 1 ’ NC SER-OUT SEC-IN-A PRI-OUT-A TXD1 SER-IN TXD2 BCM EN NC Digital Isolator I13TL1A0 SGND SCL VCC SD RD Q SDA SCL Host µc PMBus R1 SGND The PMBus communication enabled bus converter provides accurate telemetry monitoring and reporting, threshold and warning limits adjustment, in addition to corresponding status flags. The BCM internal µC is referenced to primary ground. The Digital Isolator allows UART communication interface with the host Digital Supervisor at typical speed of 750KHz across the isolation barrier. One of the advantages of the Digital Isolator is its low power consumption. Each transmission channel is able to draw its internal bias circuitry directly from the input signal being transmitted to the output with minimal to no signal distortion. The Digital Supervisor provides the host system µC with access to an array of up to four BCMs. This array is constantly polled for status by the Digital Supervisor. Direct communication to individual BCM is enabled by a page command. For example, the page (0x00) prior to a telemetry inquiry points to the Digital Supervisor data and pages (0x01 – 0x04) prior to a telemetry inquiry points to the array of BCMs connected data. The Digital Supervisor constantly polls the BCM data through the UART interface. The Digital Supervisor enables the PMBus compatible host interface with an operating bus speed of up to 400kHz. The Digital Supervisor follows the PMBus command structure and specification. Please refer to the Digital Supervisor data sheet for more details. BCM® Bus Converter Page 22 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Sine Amplitude Converter™ Point of Load Conversion RSEC 0.24 nH + VVPRIIN CPRI_INT_ESR 0.75 mΩ CPRI_INT C IN 11.2 µF 1.62 mΩ ISEC IOUT LPRI_IN_LEADS = 6.7 nH RCIN ROUT IPRI_Q IQ 140 mA + + – K RCCSEC_INT_ESR OUT 5 mΩ V•I 1/6 • ISEC LSEC_OUT_LEADS = 0.64 nH + 81 µΩ 1/6 • VPRI COUT – CSEC_INT 202 µF VSEC VOUT – – Figure 19 — BCM module AC model The Sine Amplitude Converter (SAC™) uses a high frequency resonant tank to move energy from Primary to secondary and vice versa. The resonant LC tank, operated at high frequency, is amplitude modulated as a function of primary voltage and secondary current. A small amount of capacitance embedded in the primary and secondary stages of the module is sufficient for full functionality and is key to achieving high power density. The use of DC voltage transformation provides additional interesting attributes. Assuming that RSEC = 0Ω and IPRI_Q = 0A, Eq. (3) now becomes Eq. (1) and is essentially load independent, resistor R is now placed in series with VPRI. The BCM6123x60E10A5yzz SAC can be simplified into the preceeding model. R R Vin V PRI + – SAC™ SAC 1/6 KK==1/32 V Vout SEC At no load: VSEC = VPRI • K (1) Figure 20 — K = 1/6 Sine Amplitude Converter with series primary resistor K represents the “turns ratio” of the SAC. Rearranging Eq (1): K= VSEC (2) VPRI The relationship between VPRI and VSEC becomes: VSEC = (VPRI – IPRI • R) • K In the presence of load, VSEC is represented by: VSEC = VPRI • K – ISEC • RSEC Substituting the simplified version of Eq. (4) (IPRI_Q is assumed = 0A) into Eq. (5) yields: (3) and ISEC is represented by: IPRI – IPRI_Q K VSEC = VPRI • K – ISEC • R • K2 (4) ISEC = RSEC represents the impedance of the SAC, and is a function of the RDSON of the primary and secondary MOSFETs and the winding resistance of the power transformer. IPRI_Q represents the quiescent current of the SAC control, gate drive circuitry, and core losses. BCM® Bus Converter Page 23 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 (5) vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 (6) BCM6123x60E10A5yzz This is similar in form to Eq. (3), where RSEC is used to represent the characteristic impedance of the SAC™. However, in this case a real R on the primary side of the SAC is effectively scaled by K 2 with respect to the secondary. Assuming that R = 1Ω, the effective R as seen from the secondary side is 28mΩ, with K = 1/6 . A similar exercise should be performed with the additon of a capacitor or shunt impedance at the primary of the SAC. A switch in series with VPRI is added to the circuit. This is depicted in Figure 21. A solution for keeping the impedance of the SAC low involves switching at a high frequency. This enables small magnetic components because magnetizing currents remain low. Small magnetics mean small path lengths for turns. Use of low loss core material at high frequencies also reduces core losses. SS VVin PRI + – Low impedance is a key requirement for powering a highcurrent, low-voltage load efficiently. A switching regulation stage should have minimal impedance while simultaneously providing appropriate filtering for any switched current. The use of a SAC between the regulation stage and the point of load provides a dual benefit of scaling down series impedance leading back to the source and scaling up shunt capacitance or energy storage as a function of its K factor squared. However, the benefits are not useful if the series impedance of the SAC is too high. The impedance of the SAC must be low, i.e. well beyond the crossover frequency of the system. C SAC™ SAC 1/6 KK==1/32 VVout SEC The two main terms of power loss in the BCM module are: n No load power dissipation (PPRI_NL): defined as the power used to power up the module with an enabled powertrain at no load. Figure 21 — Sine Amplitude Converter with primary capacitor A change in VPRI with the switch closed would result in a change in capacitor current according to the following equation: dV (7) Ic(t) = C PRI dt Assume that with the capacitor charged to VPRI, the switch is opened and the capacitor is discharged through the idealized SAC. In this case, Ic= ISEC • K (8) n Resistive loss (PRSEC): refers to the power loss across the BCM module modeled as pure resistive impedance. Pdissipated= PPRI_NL + PRSEC (10) Therefore, PSEC_OUT = PPRI_IN – Pdissipated = PPRI_IN – PPRI_NL – PRSEC (11) The above relations can be combined to calculate the overall module efficiency: h = PSEC_OUT PPRI_IN – PPRI_NL – PRSEC = PPRI_IN PPRI_IN substituting Eq. (1) and (8) into Eq. (7) reveals: C dVSEC ISEC = • 2 K dt (9) The equation in terms of the secondary has yielded a K 2 scaling factor for C, specified in the denominator of the equation. A K factor less than unity results in an effectively larger capacitance on the secondary when expressed in terms of the primary. With a K = 1/6 as shown in Figure 21, C = 1µF would appear as C = 36µF when viewed from the secondary. BCM® Bus Converter Page 24 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 = VPRI • IPRI – PPRI_NL – (ISEC)2 • RSEC VPRI • IPRI = 1– ( ) PPRI_NL + (ISEC)2 • RSEC VPRI • IPRI vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 (12) BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Input and Output Filter Design Thermal Considerations A major advantage of SAC™ systems versus conventional PWM converters is that the transformer based SAC does not require external filtering to function properly. The resonant LC tank, operated at extreme high frequency, is amplitude modulated as a function of primary voltage and secondary current and efficiently transfers charge through the isolation transformer. A small amount of capacitance embedded in the primary and secondary stages of the module is sufficient for full functionality and is key to achieving power density. The ChiP package provides a high degree of flexibility in that it presents three pathways to remove heat from internal power dissipating components. Heat may be removed from the top surface, the bottom surface and the leads. The extent to which these three surfaces are cooled is a key component for determining the maximum current that is available from a ChiP, as can be seen from Figure 1. This paradigm shift requires system design to carefully evaluate external filters in order to: n Guarantee low source impedance: To take full advantage of the BCM module’s dynamic response, the impedance presented to its primary terminals must be low from DC to approximately 5MHz. The connection of the bus converter module to its power source should be implemented with minimal distribution inductance. If the interconnect inductance exceeds 100nH, the primary should be bypassed with a RC damper to retain low source impedance and stable operation. With an interconnect inductance of 200nH, the RC damper may be as high as 1µF in series with 0.3Ω. A single electrolytic or equivalent low-Q capacitor may be used in place of the series RC bypass. Since the ChiP has a maximum internal temperature rating, it is necessary to estimate this internal temperature based on a real thermal solution. Given that there are three pathways to remove heat from the ChiP, it is helpful to simplify the thermal solution into a roughly equivalent circuit where power dissipation is modeled as a current source, isothermal surface temperatures are represented as voltage sources and the thermal resistances are represented as resistors. Figure 22 shows the “thermal circuit” for a VI Chip® BCM module 6123 in an application where the top, bottom, and leads are cooled. In this case, the BCM power dissipation is PDTOTAL and the three surface temperatures are represented as TCASE_TOP, TCASE_ BOTTOM, and TLEADS. This thermal system can now be very easily analyzed using a SPICE simulator with simple resistors, voltage sources, and a current source. The results of the simulation would provide an estimate of heat flow through the various pathways as well as internal temperature. Thermal Resistance Top n Further reduce primary and/or secondary voltage ripple without sacrificing dynamic response: Given the wide bandwidth of the module, the source response is generally the limiting factor in the overall system response. Anomalies in the response of the primary source will appear at the secondary of the module multiplied by its K factor. n Protect the module from overvoltage transients imposed by the system that would exceed maximum ratings and induce stresses: The module primary/secondary voltage ranges shall not be exceeded. An internal overvoltage lockout function prevents operation outside of the normal operating primary range. Even when disabled, the powertrain is exposed to the applied voltage and power MOSFETs must withstand it. Total load capacitance at the secondary of the BCM module shall not exceed the specified maximum. Owing to the wide bandwidth and low secondary impedance of the module, low-frequency bypass capacitance and significant energy storage may be more densely and efficiently provided by adding capacitance at the primary of the module. At frequencies <500kHz the module appears as an impedance of RSEC between the source and load. Thermal Resistance Bottom (13) CSEC_EXT = K2 This enables a reduction in the size and number of capacitors used in a typical system. BCM® Bus Converter Page 25 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 Thermal Resistance Leads ΦINT-BOTTOM TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) Power Dissipation (W) ΦINT-LEADS + – TLEADS(°C) + – TCASE_TOP(°C) + – Figure 22 — Top case, bottom case and leads thermal model Alternatively, equations can be written around this circuit and analyzed algebraically: TINT – PD1 • ΦINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP TINT – PD2 • ΦINT-BOTTOM = TCASE_BOTTOM TINT – PD3 • ΦINT-LEADS = TLEADS PDTOTAL = PD1+ PD2+ PD3 Where TINT represents the internal temperature and PD1, PD2, and PD3 represent the heat flow through the top side, bottom side, and leads respectively. Thermal Resistance Top MAX INTERNAL TEMP ΦINT-TOP Within this frequency range, capacitance at the primary appears as effective capacitance on the secondary per the relationship defined in Eq. (13). CPRI_EXT MAX INTERNAL TEMP ΦINT-TOP Thermal Resistance Bottom ΦINT-BOTTOM Power Dissipation (W) TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) Thermal Resistance Leads ΦINT-LEADS TLEADS(°C) + – Figure 23 — Top case and leads thermal model vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 TCASE_TOP(°C) + – BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Figure 23 shows a scenario where there is no bottom side cooling. In this case, the heat flow path to the bottom is left open and the equations now simplify to: TINT – PD1 • ΦINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP VPRI ZPRI_EQ1 BCM®1 ZSEC_EQ1 R0_1 VSEC TINT – PD3 • ΦINT-LEADS = TLEADS PDTOTAL = PD1 + PD3 ZPRI_EQ2 BCM®2 ZSEC_EQ2 R0_2 + DC Thermal Resistance Top Load MAX INTERNAL TEMP ΦINT-TOP Thermal Resistance Bottom Thermal Resistance Leads ΦINT-BOTTOM Power Dissipation (W) TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) ΦINT-LEADS TLEADS(°C) TCASE_TOP(°C) + – ZPRI_EQn BCM®n ZSEC_EQn R0_n Figure 24 — Top case thermal model Figure 25 — BCM module array Figure 24 shows a scenario where there is no bottom side and leads cooling. In this case, the heat flow paths to the bottom and leads are left open and the equations now simplify to: TINT – PD1 • ΦINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP PDTOTAL = PD1 Please note that Vicor has a suite of online tools, including a simulator and thermal estimator which greatly simplify the task of determining whether or not a BCM thermal configuration is valid for a given condition. These tools can be found at: http://www.vicorpower.com/powerbench. Fuse Selection In order to provide flexibility in configuring power systems VI Chip® modules are not internally fused. Input line fusing of VI Chip products is recommended at system level to provide thermal protection in case of catastrophic failure. The fuse shall be selected by closely matching system requirements with the following characteristics: n Current rating (usually greater than maximum current of BCM module) n Maximum voltage rating Current Sharing (usually greater than the maximum possible input voltage) The performance of the SAC™ topology is based on efficient transfer of energy through a transformer without the need of closed loop control. For this reason, the transfer characteristic can be approximated by an ideal transformer with a positive temperature coefficient series resistance. This type of characteristic is close to the impedance characteristic of a DC power distribution system both in dynamic (AC) behavior and for steady state (DC) operation. When multiple BCM modules of a given part number are connected in an array they will inherently share the load current according to the equivalent impedance divider that the system implements from the power source to the point of load. Some general recommendations to achieve matched array impedances include: n Dedicate common copper planes within the PCB n Ambient temperature n Nominal melting I2t n Recommend fuse: ≤ 40A Littelfuse 456 Series (primary side) Reverse Operation BCM modules are capable of reverse power operation. Once the unit is started, energy will be transferred from secondary back to the primary whenever the secondary voltage exceeds VPRI • K. The module will continue operation in this fashion for as long as no faults occur. Transient operation in reverse is expected in cases where there is significant energy storage on the secondary and transient voltages appear on the primary. to deliver and return the current to the modules. n Provide as symmetric a PCB layout as possible among modules n An input filter is required for an array of BCMs in order to prevent circulating currents. For further details see AN:016 Using BCM Bus Converters in High Power Arrays. BCM® Bus Converter Page 26 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz BCM Module Through Hole Package Mechanical Drawing and Recommended Land Pattern 12.57 .495 0 11.81 .465 2.03 .080 (9) PL. 0 2.03 .080 (9) PL. 11.43 .450 11.81 .465 25.14±.38 .990±.015 27.21 1.071 (2) PL. 21.94 .864 (2) PL. 17.09 .673 (2) PL. 30.50 1.201 12.52 .493 (2) PL. 7.94 .312 (2) PL. 0 1.49 .058 (2) PL. 0 61.00±.13 2.402±.005 1.02 .040 (3) PL. 1.02 .040 (3) PL. 0 0 3.37 .132 (2) PL. 6.76 .266 (2) PL. 18.05 .710 (2) PL. 20.84 .820 (2) PL. 27.55 1.085 (2) PL. 0 0 23.64 .931 (2) PL. TOP VIEW (COMPONENT SIDE) BOTTOM VIEW .05 [.002] NOTES: 1- RoHS COMPLIANT PER CST-0001 LATEST REVISION. 2- UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE, DIMENSIONS ARE MM / [INCH], TOLERANCE ± 0.127 / [0.005] 4.17 .164 (24) PL. 21.94±.08 .864±.003 (2) PL. 12.52±.08 .493±.003 (2) PL. 6.76±.08 .266±.003 (2) PL. 2.54±.08 .100±.003 PLATED THRU .38 [.015] ANNULAR RING (18) PL. 20.84±.08 .820±.003 (2) PL. 27.55±.08 1.085±.003 (2) PL. 0 +VSEC +VSEC -VSEC -VSEC -VSEC -VSEC +VSEC +VSEC +VSEC +VSEC -VSEC -VSEC -VSEC -VSEC +VSEC +VSEC +VPRI TM/SER-OUT +VPRI +VPRI EN VAUX/SER-IN +VPRI -VPRI 27.21±.08 1.071±.003 (2) PL. 17.09±.08 .673±.003 (2) PL. 7.94±.08 .312±.003 (2) PL. 0 1.49±.08 .058±.003 (2) PL. 1.52±.08 .060±.003 PLATED THRU .25 [.010] ANNULAR RING (6) PL. 18.05±.08 .710±.003 (2) PL. 23.64±.08 .931±.003 (2) PL. 0 3.37±.08 .132±.003 (2) PL. 0 11.81±.08 .465±.003 .41 .016 (24) PL. 11.81±.08 .465±.003 SEATING PLANE 7.26±.05 .286±.002 RECOMMENDED HOLE PATTERN (COMPONENT SIDE) BCM® Bus Converter Page 27 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Revision History Revision Date 1.0 08/26/15 1.1 09/28/15 Changed PRI to SEC Input Quiescent Current 07/26/16 Added PMBus enabled product and associated related specifications Updated electrical specifications table for forward direction Added electrical specifications table for reverse direction Updated figure 2 Updated figures 14 & 15 1.2 BCM® Bus Converter Page 28 of 29 Description Initial Release Rev 1.2 07/2016 Page Number(s) n/a vicorpower.com 800 927.9474 5 all 5, 6 & 7 8&9 10 18 BCM6123x60E10A5yzz Vicor’s comprehensive line of power solutions includes high density AC-DC and DC-DC modules and accessory components, fully configurable AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies, and complete custom power systems. Information furnished by Vicor is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Vicor for its use. Vicor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication. Vicor reserves the right to make changes to any products, specifications, and product descriptions at any time without notice. Information published by Vicor has been checked and is believed to be accurate at the time it was printed; however, Vicor assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies. Testing and other quality controls are used to the extent Vicor deems necessary to support Vicor’s product warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Vicor’s Standard Terms and Conditions All sales are subject to Vicor’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are available on Vicor’s webpage or upon request. Product Warranty In Vicor’s standard terms and conditions of sale, Vicor warrants that its products are free from non-conformity to its Standard Specifications (the “Express Limited Warranty”). This warranty is extended only to the original Buyer for the period expiring two (2) years after the date of shipment and is not transferable. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY STATED IN A WRITTEN SALES AGREEMENT SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORIZED VICOR SIGNATORY, VICOR DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS, LIABILITIES, AND WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND (WHETHER ARISING BY IMPLICATION OR BY OPERATION OF LAW) WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, OR ANY OTHER MATTER. This warranty does not extend to products subjected to misuse, accident, or improper application, maintenance, or storage. Vicor shall not be liable for collateral or consequential damage. Vicor disclaims any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and assumes no liability for applications assistance or buyer product design. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using Vicor products and components. Prior to using or distributing any products that include Vicor components, buyers should provide adequate design, testing and operating safeguards. Vicor will repair or replace defective products in accordance with its own best judgment. For service under this warranty, the buyer must contact Vicor to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions. Products returned without prior authorization will be returned to the buyer. The buyer will pay all charges incurred in returning the product to the factory. Vicor will pay all reshipment charges if the product was defective within the terms of this warranty. Life Support Policy VICOR’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF VICOR CORPORATION. As used herein, life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Per Vicor Terms and Conditions of Sale, the user of Vicor products and components in life support applications assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies Vicor against all liability and damages. Intellectual Property Notice Vicor and its subsidiaries own Intellectual Property (including issued U.S. and pending patent applications) relating to the products described in this data sheet. No license, whether express, implied, or arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Interested parties should contact Vicor’s Intellectual Property Department. The products described on this data sheet are protected by the following U.S. Patents Numbers: 6,911,848; 6,930,893; 6,934,166; 7,145,786; 7,782,639; 8,427,269 and for use under 6,975,098 and 6,984,965. Vicor Corporation 25 Frontage Road Andover, MA, USA 01810 Tel: 800-735-6200 Fax: 978-475-6715 email Customer Service: custserv@vicorpower.com Technical Support: apps@vicorpower.com BCM® Bus Converter Page 29 of 29 Rev 1.2 07/2016 vicorpower.com 800 927.9474