ucti, One. J.S.11S.U Cs TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. HIGH SPEED Silicon Controlled Rectifier 63A RMS 1200 VOLTS C148 Silicon Controlled Rectifier is designed for power switching at high frequencies. This is an Vll-dif fused device which is considerable smaller in size than comparably rated high power SCR's. FEATURES: • • • • Fully characterized for operation inverter and chopper applications. High dv/dt with selections available. Excellent surge and I 2 t ratings providing easy fusing. Compact hermetic package, 54 — 28 stud. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATINGS TYPES C148M C148S C148N C148T C148P C148PA C148PB 1 REPETITIVE PEAK OFF-STATE VOLTAGE, V O R M » Tj = -40°C to +125°C REPETITIVE PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE, V R R M l Tj = -40°C to +125°C NON-REPETITIVE PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE, VRSM » 600 Volts 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 600 Volts 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 720 Volts 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Tj - +125°C Half sinewave waveform, 10 ms max. pulse width. RMS On-State Current, IX(RMS) Peak One Cycle Surge (Non-Repetitive) On-State Current, ITSM (60 Hz) Peak One Cycle Surge (Non-Repetitive) On-State Current, ITSM (50 Hz) I 2 t (for fusing) for times > 1.5 milliseconds I 2 t (for fusing) for times > 8.3 milliseconds Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, Non-Repetitive Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, Repetitive Average Gate Power Dissipation, PQ(AV) Storage Temperature, Tstg Operating Temperature, Tj Stud Torque 63 Amperes 700 Amperes 670 Amperes 1360 (RMS Ampere)2 Seconds 2000 (RMS Ampere)2 Seconds 100 A/MS t 75 A/MS t 2 Watts -40°Cto+150°C -40°Cto+125°C 30 Lb.-In. 3.4 N-rn Quality Semi-Conductors Una. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TEST SYMBOL Repetitive Peak Reverse and Off-State Current MIN. IRRM TEST CONDITIONS Tj = -40°Cto+125°C, V = V DRM = V R R M TYP. MAX. UNITS 7 12 mA - .35 °C/Watt Junction-to-Case V/jusec Tj = +125°C, Gate Open. VDRM = Rated using Linear or Exponential Rising Waveform. V^DM Fxnnnenti-il dv/rtr - L>KM ( f.V*\r minimum dv/dt selection mAdc Tc = +25° C, VD = 6 Vdc, R L = 3 Ohms and JDRM Thermal Resistance R0jc - Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (Higher values may cause device switching) dv/dt 200 DC Gate Trigger Current IGT - - 150 - 300 Tc = - 125 Tc = +125°C, VD = 6 Vdc, R L = 3 Ohms - 3.0 - 0.25 — — — 4.0 DC Gate Trigger Voltage 9 Peak On-State Voltage Conventional Circuit Commutated Turn-Off Time C148 - 30 CHS - 40 VGT VTM CHS - 30 CHS - 40 Conventional Circuit Commutated Turn-Off Time (with Feedback Diode) CHS - 30 CHS 40 Tc = 25°C, V D = 6 Vdc, R L = 3 Ohms 3.5 Tc = -40° C, VD = 6 Vdc, R L = 3 Ohms — Tc = +125°C, Rated V DRM , R L = 1000 Ohms tq - - 30 40 38 48 t t Vdc Volts Tc = +25 °C, ITM = 5 0 0 Amps Peak, 1 millisecond wide pulse. Duty cycle < 1% Msec (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Quality Semi-Conductors 45 55 - Tc =+125°C ITM = 150 Amps. V R = 50 Volts Min. V DRM (Reapplied) Rate-of-Rise of Reapplied Off -State Voltage = 20 V/jusec (linear). (6) Commutation di/dt = 5 Amps/^sec (7) Repetition Rate = 1 pps. (8) Gate Bias During Turn-Off Interval = 0 Volts, 100 Ohms (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Tc =+125°C ITM = 150 Amps V R = 50 Volts Min. V DRM (Reapplied) Rate-of-Rise of Reapplied Off-State Voltage = 200 V/Aisec (linear). (6) Commutation di/dt = 5 Amps/Msec. (7) Repetition Rate = 1 pps. (8) Gate Bias During Turn-Off Interval = 0 Volts, 100 Ohms. Msec *q - -40° C, V D = 6 Vdc, R L = 3 Ohms (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Tc =+125°C I TM = 15° Amps VR = 1 volt V DRM (Reapplied) Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage = 200 V//nsec (linear). (6) Commutation di/dt = 5 Amps/Msec. (7) Repetition Rate = 1 pps. (8) Gate Bias During Turn-Off Interval = 0 Volts, 100 Ohms. u<z£i. v/z 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 METRIC METRIC SYM. TERMINAL CAT! N TERMINAL 2 TERMINAL 3 THREAD SUE CATHOOC ANODE l/4-2» UNF-2A NOTE: I. COMPLETE THREADS TO WITHIN 2 1/2 THO. OF SEATING PLANE. Quality Semi-Conductors MM INCHES SYM. MM INCHES MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. .115 2.29 2.91 .066 1.40 L67 WIN. MAX. WIN. MAX. A .422 452 10.72 11,47 L .090 B .120 .135 3.05 3.42 M .055 .901 C .534 .565 13.57 14.34 N .831 21.11 22.88 0 1.230 1.290 31.25 32.78 P .0)2 - .31 - E 029 .062 .74 1.56 Q .220 - 5.59 - F .258 REF. 6.55 REF S .676 .684 17.18 1736 G 138 REF 3.50 REF T - - 15.15 H .115 — 2.83 — J .240 .300 6.10 7.62 K .169 .182 4.30 4.62 .597