<^s.mL-Conaactoi ^P L/ 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 BFS23A JL VHF. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N epitaxial planar transistor intended for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters with a supply voltage of 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized. Every transistor is tested under severe load mismatch conditions. It has a TO-39 metal envelope with the collector connected to' the case. QUICK REFERENCE DATA R.F. performance up mode of operation c.w. toT mb- 25 °C in an unne jtraltzed c ommon-emitier class-B circu it VCE V f MHz PL w Gp dB 28 175 4 >10 Zj mS >65 2.3 + J1.6 8,9-j18,1 Dimensions in mm MECHANICAL DATA Fig.1 TO-39/1; collector connected to case. 0,86 max. 8,5 max 1.0 max .i -J 5,08 U- max .12,7 mm J. - 9,4 _» max \.l .Semi-C (inductors reserves the right to change lest conditions, parameter limits :ind package dimensions \vitnoitl notice liifbrmulion ltini»h«d by NJ Semi-Cunduclon n believed to he hulh ucuurnlc and reliable .U the lime of going to press. However SI Scnii-C oiiduclors .bsuuie* iin rc^punsibilily for uny crmrs or uiniisioiM Jisoivured in its u>e NJ Semi-i.niiJtii.liTS IKN HUTS f.) vciiTv 'h.ti iliKttshi-r'ta irr>. tirrfnt heK^rv nlnciim iiriten A BFS23A RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Collector-base voltage (open emitter) pea k value VCBOM max65 Colle:ctor-emitter voltage (open base) V VCEO max. 36 Emit ter-base voltage (open collector) V Coll*sctor current (average) Coll<jctor current (peak value) f > 1 MHz I C (AV)' max. ICM max, 0.5 1.5 Tota 1 power dissipation up to TL, = 25 °C f ;> 1MHz 10 S F 0 Deration V S.WR.>3" (Wl ^ 7.5 ^ H> ' £., \^>h* V TZCOSeO DC SOAR Ic (A) 0.5 \ O.i ^ \r s, 0.3 It 0.2 \n s^ 5 irmal o| V. S.W.R.< J \ mb=25°C 2.S 0 A W tzutn I I ^Jt | f>W -4- •4+ ir s hort tlm»^ A 0 50 100Tmb(°C) 15 o Storage temperature Operating junction temperature °'1i ) \ 20 Tstg Tt 30 UO VCE (V) ~65 t° +200 max. 200 THERMAL RESISTANCE From junction to mounting base From mounting base to heatsink with a boron nitride washer for electrical insulation R thj-mb R th mb-h = 22 K/W 2.5 K/W Jl V.H.F. power transistor BFS23A CHARACTERISTICS Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified Collector cut-off current IB = o; VCE = 28 v 5 mA Breakdown voltages Collector-base voltage open emitter, Ic = 1 mA V'(BR)CBO > 65 V Collector-emitter voltage open base, Ic = 10 mA V(BR)CEO =* 36 V Emitter-base voltage open collector; IE = 1 mA V(BR)EBO > 4 V E E > 0.5 ms > 0.5 ms typ. 500 MHz typ. < 10 15 pF pF typ. 7.5 pF Transient energy L = 25 mH; f = 50 Hz open base D.C. current gain lc = 500 mA; VCE = 5 V hFE Transition frequency Ic = 400 mA; VCE = 20 V Collector capacitance at f = 1 MHz IE = ie = o: VCB = so v Feedback capacitance at f = 1 MHz 1C = 25 mA; VCE = 30 V -C're