*5((1 Ý& &$3 Ý& &RLQ&HOO&DSDFLWRUV ● ● ● ● DS,DSK-614,621 ELECTRIC DOUBLE LAYER CAPACITORS “DYNACAP” ® Reflow soldering method available. Unlike batteries, the number of charging/ discharging cycles unlimited and rapid charging/ discharging is possible. Unlike batteries, excellent charge and discharge characteristics with no chemical reactions. 1.8mm height type 614 made lineup in the DS, DSK series. DS DS 614 621 For higher voltage tolerant Low profile DSK DSK 614 621 Low profile Specifications Item Performance Series Name Series DS Max.operating voltage (V) 2.5 3.3 Category temperature range (℃) ー25 to +70 ー10 to +60 Tolerance at rated capacitance (%) ー20 to +80 ー20 to +80 Internal resistance (Ω) at 1 kHz Characteristics at high and low temperature Endurance Series DSK Size code 614 621 Size code 614 621 Rated capacitance (F) 0.2 0.33 Rated capacitance (F) 0.2 0.33 Internal resistance (Ω) 100 100 Internal resistance (Ω) 200 200 Size code 614 621 Size code 614 621 Rated capacitance (F) Within ±30% of the value at 20℃ Within ±30% of the value at 20℃ Rated capacitance (F) Within ±50% of the value at 20℃ Within ±50% of the value at 20℃ Internal resistance (Ω) Less than five times of the value at 20℃ Less than five times of the value at 20℃ Internal resistance (Ω) Less than five times the initial specified value Less than five times of the value at 20℃ Size code Test time and temp. Rated capacitance (F) Internal resistance (Ω) Size code Test time and temp. Rated capacitance (F) Internal resistance (Ω) 614 60℃ 1000 hours 621 60℃ 500 hours Shelf life 614 70℃ 1000 hours 621 70℃ 500 hours Within ±30% of the initial measured value Within ±30% of the initial measured value 1kΩ Max. 400 Ω Max. Same as endurance. Within ±30% of the initial measured value Within ±30% of the initial measured value 2k Ω Max. 800 Ω Max. Same as endurance. Applicable standards Conforms to JIS C5160-1 2009(IEC 62391-1 2006) Outline Drawing Unit : mm Teriminal shaped :H2 (614) Recommended land pattern size Unit : mm Terminal shaped :H(621) 0 2.0±0.1 0.8±0.2 0.15±0.05 3.0±0.2 8.3±0.1 1.7±0.1 2.5±0.5 1.4±0.3 1.3±0.3 0.9±0.2 1.0±0.2 L Sn planted 0.15±0.05 11.7Max. 2.25±0.3 +0.1 −0.2 2.8±0.2 4.0±0.2 0.15±0.05 2.0±0.3 1.8 Max. 2.5±0.3 4.0±0.5 1.2±0.2 5−0.5 φD±0.2 0 4−0.5 0.15±0.05 3.0±0.2 ※Please consult with us about other terminal form. Part numbering system ( 2.5V0.2F, terminal shaped:H2 ) DS Series code ̶ 2R5 Max.operating voltage symbol H 204 T614 Rated capacitance symbol Additional symbol ̶ H2 Terminal shaped L Part numbering system (example:621, 3.3V0.33F, terminal shaped:H) DSK Taping Part number is refer to below table. Series code ̶ 3R3 Max.operating voltage symbol H 334 T ated capacitance symbol Additional symbol ̶ H L Terminal shaped Taping Part number is refer to below table. Standard Ratings Rated capacitance (F) ELNA Parts No. φD×L (mm) 2.5 0.20 DS-2R5H204T614-H2L 6.8×1.4 3.3 0.20 DSK-3R3H204T614-H2L 6.8×1.4 2.5 0.33 DS-2R5H334T-HL 6.8×2.1 3.3 0.33 DSK-3R3H334T-HL 6.8×2.1 *Reflow soldering condition : 181 page. NOTE Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. 201 CAT.No.2013/2014E Electric Double Layer Capacitors Max. operating voltage (V)