AN2400 Application note Audio player evaluation board based on ST7Lite Introduction This application note demonstrates how to add audio playback to any application using a general-purpose ST7 microcontroller. To demonstrate this feature, an evaluation board, source code in C, schematics, and layout are available. The Audio player evaluation board reconstructs audio signals through the PWM of a ST7FLITES2 microcontroller. Serial Flash is used to store the audio data in a binary file format. To store this audio data in the Flash, the sound files need to be in .wav format so that can be converted into .bin file format with the help of the PC GUI available with this package. Once the data is stored, the microcontroller reads it through an SPI interface and generates the sound using the PWM feature. A sixth order low pass filter removes any unwanted high frequency components from the signal before passing it through a speaker. The key features of the Audio player evaluation board are as follows: ■ 1% calibrated on-chip RC oscillator. The used microcontroller, ST7FLITES2, contains an internal RC oscillator with an accuracy of 1% for a given device. It can be calibrated to obtain a frequency required for the application. There is therefore no need for any external oscillator. ■ LVD (brown-out) on chip. The purpose of the Low Voltage Detector (LVD) is to ensure that the ST7 always functions in its safe area. No external reset circuit is required. ■ Small footprint solution. ■ Low power operation. Reduces battery/power supply cost (through extended battery life). ■ Supports lower density serial Flash if fewer messages needed. ■ Order of filter can be reduced to cut cost even more. November 2006 Rev 1 1/23 Contents AN2400 Contents 1 Audio player evaluation board overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 2 Instructions for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Audio player evaluation board concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 Audio recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Audio reproduction flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Filter design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 WAV file conversion process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Appendix A Files description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A.1 Function description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A.2 Interrupt routine description: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Appendix B Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Appendix C Bill of materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 7 2/23 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 AN2400 1 Audio player evaluation board overview Audio player evaluation board overview This evaluation board includes the following main components: ● 8-bit microcontroller: ST7FLITES2. However, the ST7Flite02 can also be used. ● An external 8 MBit Serial Flash, M25P80 family ● External components to build a low cost passive filter. ● An audio amplifier (TDA7233) ● 3.3V low-cost voltage regulator Figure 1. Audio player evaluation board block diagram ST7Lite02 DIP16 Power Amplifier Volume Control Microcontroller File Index 6th order RC filter Play Reset External Speaker Connection SPI Voltage Regulator External Input TDA 7233 Serial Flash ZIF Socket Power Supply Circuit Binary LED display The main features of the evaluation board are as follows: 1.1 ● Plays pre-recorded audio clips stored on an ST 8-Mbit serial Flash ● Can play up to 15 different audio files ● Easy to use Index and Play push-buttons ● Power input 6V DC ● Phone-quality sound: 8 kHz/8 bit Instructions for use Assuming the external Flash is already programmed with sounds, you need to: 1. Power-on the board 2. Connect the board to the speaker 3. Select the desired sound by pressing the Index button. The File Index indicates the sound to be played with the help of 4 LEDs. 4. Push the Play Sound button. 5. Adjust the volume potentiometer to your convenience. 3/23 Audio player evaluation board overview Figure 2. AN2400 Labeled diagram of Audio player evaluation board ICC Connector External Speaker Jack ZIF Socket for Flash Power LED Power Jack File Index Switch 4/23 File Index LEDs Volume Control Play Switch AN2400 Audio player evaluation board concept 2 Audio player evaluation board concept 2.1 Audio recording A PC is used to prepare audio to be programmed onto the external serial Flash. The file must contain audio data as well as some basic file management structure to allow the ST7 to pick the correct audio during playback. The serial Flash is used to store the audio files in binary format. For this purpose, it is necessary to have the audio files in .wav format which allows them to be converted to a .bin file to be programmed into the serial Flash. For conversion to binary, the .wav files should have an 8 kHz sampling frequency and 8-bit quantization format. These files are input into the provided WAV Converter utility to generate a single .bin file. Figure 3. Sound recording flow Original Sound Sampling Quantifying Recording process: Can be done on a standard PC, in a recording studio, or just some existing audio samples WAV WAV WAV Standard 8kHz/8-bit .WAV files WAV File Storage 011011011 001010101 BIN Conversion to Binary File Burn binary file to M25P Serial Flash Memory PC Processing: Convert the .WAV files into a propriety binary file used to reprogram the onboard serial Flash Once this process is completed, the board is ready to play customized sounds provided by the user. A sound is selected using the Index push-button, and then heard by pressing the Play button. 5/23 Audio reproduction flow 3 AN2400 Audio reproduction flow Figure 4. Audio reproduction flow Train of Pulses PWM timer feature MCU reads data from Serial Flash through SPI 6th Order RC Low-Pass Filter Micro Data Processing: Complete source code free available from ST Analog Filtering Filter quality/cost tradeoff can be achieved by populating or not the filter capacitors Reconstructed signal to Speaker Reproduction of “phone quality” audio Data, which is stored in the serial Flash, is read by the microcontroller through the SPI interface. This data is then fed through the timer registers to generate a PWM output whose duty cycle varies according to the data value. The sequential path of the data flow from the serial Flash to the speaker is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Flow of data from external serial flash to external speaker 1 MHz. RC OSC + PLL x 4 or x 8 Internal CLOCK PWM Timer Feature LITE TIMER External Serial Flash VDD VSS RESET LVD/AVD w/ WATCHDOG POWER SUPPLY PORT A CONTROL 8-BIT CORE ALU SPI Data Transfer FLASH MEMORY (1 or 1.5K Bytes) PORT B PB4:0 (5 bits) 8-BIT ADC ADDRESS AND DATA BUS SPI 6/23 12-BIT AUTORELOAD TIMER RAM (128 Bytes) DATA EEPROM (128 Bytes) PA7:0 (8 bits) External Filter/Speaker AN2400 Audio reproduction flow The microcontroller initiates the communication when it selects the Flash and starts reading the data on a full duplex, synchronous basis. Once the microcontroller reads the data, it generates a train of pulses using the PWM feature of the 12-bit auto reload timer. This is explained with the help of an example: Audio samples of 8 kHz, 8-bit format are to be reproduced. This data is coded in an 8bit format (with values from 0 to 255). To reproduce the audio with sampling rate of 8 kHz, the microcontroller outputs each value in every 1/8000 sec (every 125 µs). This means that the period of the PWM is set at 125µs. If the coded value of the audio signal is “1”, the microcontroller needs to generate the PWM signal with a HIGH output for 1 count and LOW for the rest of the 255 counts. This is shown in the figure below: Figure 6. Waveform depicting the microcontroller output 1 x 1 255 Data value of 1 is read from Flash and ART generates a PWM pulse with a duty cycle high of length 1 with 255 low. (256 - x) Data value of x is read from Flash and ART generates a PWM pulse with a duty cycle high of length x and (256-x) low. BIN Flash x Varying duty cycles 256 256 256 256 Figure 7 below shows how the duty cycle register generates this output. This process uses a duty cycle register, a 12-bit auto reload register and an up-counter. When an up-counter overflow occurs (OVF event), the ATR value is loaded into the upcounter, the preloaded duty cycle is transferred to the duty cycle register. The PWM0 signal is then set to a high level. Finally, when the upcounter matches the DCRx value, the PWM0 signal is set to a low level. To use this sequence for audio generation, the following steps are taken: 1. When the up-counter reaches 0xFFF, an overflow event occurs. At this point, the PWM output becomes high. 2. The ATR register value is loaded into the up-counter which in this example is 0xF00. 0xF00 is selected to maintain a range of 0-FF i.e. 0xF00-0xFFF for an 8-bit resolution .wav file. 3. The DCR lower 8-bit register (DCR0L) is loaded with a value that the microcontroller has read from the serial Flash. The DCR0H register value remains 0x0F. In this 7/23 Audio reproduction flow AN2400 example therefore, the microcontroller reads “1”. The complete contents of the duty cycle register is 0xF01. Note: 4. The PWM output remains high until the point at which the up-counter contents do not match the DCR register contents which corresponds to the value from the serial Flash. 5. As the up-counter value matches the DCR register value, the PWM output goes low and remains low until the next overflow, i.e. until 0xFFF. To obtain a PWM signal, the DCR register value should be greater than the up counter starting value. Figure 7. PWM function The resultant output signal of the microcontroller has a duty cycle corresponding to the 8-bit of quantization and 8kHz sampling frequency. So following that, the timer frequency will be 8 kHz * 256 = 2 MHz. This means that 2MHz is the minimum PWM frequency needed for use of the PWM for audio generation. With the ST7Lite device, the timer can receive Fcpu=8MHz. To utilize the 8MHz timer frequency, the firmware puts 4 times the sample value on the PWM. The 8 kHz sampling frequency has a very high pitch and is audible to the human ear, so the signal needs to be reconstructed, passing it through a 6th-order low pass filter. This removes any unwanted high frequency component from the signal. The signal is then passed to the amplifier and through to the speaker. The filter cut-off frequency is set to 8 kHz. If it is necessary to change the sampling frequency of the audio to be played, the cutoff frequency of the filter needs to be adjusted according to signal frequency range. The human ear can detect sounds between 20Hz to 20kHz. However, a range of 4 kHz to 8kHz is suitable for human voice, hence the 8 kHz is the minimum required sampling frequency. The microcontroller runs on the internal RC oscillator. It is important to carefully calibrate the internal RC frequency, as any discrepancy in fCPU value has a huge impact on the audio reproduction. 8/23 AN2400 4 Filter design Filter design Here, a 6th-order low pass filter is used. A low pass filter passes all the signals below the cutoff frequency and attenuates the signal above cutoff frequency. The reason behind using a sixth order filter is to have a steeper slope and therefore a better frequency response. It is created by cascading six first-order low pass filters as shown in figure below: Figure 8. Sixth order low pass RC-filter R R R R R R Vin Vout C C C C C C Calculating resistance of low pass filter: The value of C is taken as 0.01 µf and the cutoff frequency fC is 8kHz. Cutoff frequency: fC = 1 / (2 π RC) so: R = 1 / (2 π C fC) = 1 / (2 π (.01 µF) (8 kHz) ) = 1990 Ω R = 1.9 kΩ 1.9 kΩ is not a standard value, so 1.8 kΩ is used. 9/23 WAV file conversion process 5 AN2400 WAV file conversion process (Utility provided to convert .wav -> .bin) The key point of this demonstration board is to be able to customize it to play a set of sounds defined by the user. The user input to perform this operation will be the user .wav files. The .wav format is part of the RIFF bitstream format. This is one of the most current of audio formats for uncompressed PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) audio data as well as for computer audio storage. As it is required to be able to play multiple sounds in this demo, all audio data needs to be together in a file that can be programmed in the serial Flash. This is the purpose of the ARF utility. The utility generates a .bin file such that: ● It can be used to flash the content of the M25P serial Flash chip ● It is in optimized format for the ST7FLiteS2 MCU to read and playback ● It can contain up to 15 separate sounds that can be accessed individually ● 1 sec of audio uses 64 KB of Flash. (With its 8 MB Flash, this board can playback up to 2 min of audio) The folder where you have stored the utility should look similar to the following: Figure 9. Note: Files used to create a .bin file from a .wav file 1. Copy all .wav files into the same folder. (only 8 kHz/8-bit Files). 2. Copy romgen.bat and arf.exe into the same folder. 3. Edit clips.ini with names of sound clips, ensure that there are NO SPACES in the filenames. 4. Run romgen.bat. 5. Program the Serial Flash with the romfile.bin file. 1 A semicolon in front of a line in the INI file creates a comment line which is not processed by the ARF ROM generator utility. 2 The ARF utility program supports from 1 to 15 audio files, with a total file size supported up to the storage capacity of the 8-Mbit ST M25P80 Serial Flash ROM chip. This process generates the romfile.bin file in the same folder with the following structure (as shown in Table 1). The microcontroller correctly interprets this structure while accessing the audio samples. 10/23 AN2400 WAV file conversion process Table 1. Storage of data in the flash Offsets 00000000 Description Gives the number of audio files stored in the serial flash. 1st Byte contains the value 1-15. Next 3 bytes are unused. 00000004-00000007 Gives the first record size (LSB first) 00000008-0000000B Gives the first record start address (LSB first) 0000000C-0000000F Gives the second record size (LSB first) 00000010-00000013 Gives the second record start address (LSB first) 11/23 Conclusion 6 AN2400 Conclusion This solution provides an easy way to generate audio using an ST7 microcontroller. This can be customized to fit wide application requirements in term of audio. The solution provided can also be easily adapted to target a different microcontroller from the same family, or while using a different timer a wider range of platform options (ST7, STR7…). 12/23 AN2400 Files description Appendix A Files description Table 2. Files and their description Files Main.c interrupt_vector.c Description Contains the parameters, constants (#define), macros, global variables, function prototypes and their definition. Contains the basic interrupt vector tables for ST7 devices and the preprocessors. interrupt_routines.c Contains the interrupt service routines and preprocessors. interface.h Contains the external declaration for the global variables. interrupt_routines.h define.h Contains the external declaration for the interrupt service routines. Contains the preprocessors and constants. io7flite0.h Contains IO definitions for the various registers of ST7FLITES2 lib_bits.h Contains the constants (#define) and the public macros and declarations. bitdef.h Contains the constants (#define) for the various registers of ST7FLITES2. A.1 Function description A.1.1 RC_calibration() A.1.2 Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Used for the RC oscillator frequency adjustment. An 8-bit RC control register is used for the adjustment. IO_Init() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Used to configure the data direction register and option register in output mode and in push pull mode respectively. 13/23 Files description A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 A.1.6 14/23 AN2400 SPI_Init() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description 1) Configures the SPICSR and SPICR register. 2) Enables the microcontroller in master mode. PWM_Init() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Enables the overflow, input capture and compare interrupts. PWM channel 0 is also enabled. LiteTimer_Init() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Enables the timebase interrupt as soon as the counter overflow occurs. Thereby, time base flag is set by hardware. GlobalVar_Init() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables 1) max_file_index 2) file_index 3) IButton_flag 4) PButton_flag 5) tcnt AN2400 A.1.7 A.1.8 A.1.9 A.1.10 Files description Dependencies None Description 1) Determines the maximum file index. 2) Determines the current file index to be played. 3) Gives the distinction between an index button and a play button. 4) Sets a timer counter for blinking of all the LEDs when the soundboard is switched on. LED_Display() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Switches ON the LEDs in a binary format Read_1_Byte() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables fbuff [index] Dependencies None Description Reads the first byte of the flash, thereby establishing a communication path between microcontroller and flash device through SPI interfacing. Check_Indexbutton() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables IButton_flag Dependencies 1) Key_Debounce() 2) SetNew_Index() 3) LED_Display() Description Checks whether the index button has been pressed or not. If pressed then switching over to next index file is done and thereby LED display also changes. Check_Playbutton() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables 15/23 Files description A.1.11 A.1.12 A.1.13 A.1.14 16/23 AN2400 Dependencies Key_Debounce() Get_Current_Pointers () Description Checks which file is to be played. Key_Debounce() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables tcnt Dependencies None Description Time delay for debouncing of switch SetNew_Index() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables 1) IButton_flag 2) file_index 3) max_file_index Dependencies None Description Ensures that the index files do not exceed the required limit. Get_Current_Pointers() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description It works in the following way : 1) selects the flash 2) reads the data from it 3) sends the data to microcontroller from the flash 4) reads and finds the start address of the data Playbyte() Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables 1) pwmrdy 2) pwm_val AN2400 Files description Dependencies Key_Debounce() Description Plays the index files by reading the data from the flash through SPI interface. A.2 Interrupt routine description: A.2.1 LTIC_ISR (Lite timer compare interrupt service routine) A.2.2 A.2.3 Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables Tcnt Dependencies none Description Decrements the counter from xx to 00. After decrementing, it clears the interrupt by reading the LTCSR register. TO_ISR (Timer overflow interrupt service routine) Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables 1) pwmrdy 2) pwm_val Dependencies none Description Whenever this interrupt occurs, the variable pwmrdy is incremented, and the PWM value is loaded in the duty cycle register. TC_ISR Input Parameter None Output Parameter None Global Variables None Dependencies None Description Clears the interrupt generated by the PWM0 signal. 17/23 Schematics AN2400 Appendix B Schematics Figure 10. Schematic 1of 2 18/23 Schematics AN2400 Figure 11. Schematic 2 of 2 APW M APWM SHOULD BE ROUTED WITHIN A GROUND GUARD OR POURED GROUND PLANE 5 1 2 C11 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 2 C13 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 1 8 7 6 5 RP2 RES ARRAY 1.8K CTS 743C083182JTR 1 2 3 4 RP3 RES ARRAY 1.8K CTS 743C083182JTR 8 7 6 5 1 1 4 C8 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 2 C12 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 2 2 1 1 C14 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 2 3 C5 0.022 UF 50V CERAMIC AVX 08055G223ZAT2A +IN -IN MUTE 3P3V 2 5 C6 220 UF 10V PANASONIC ECE-V1AA221P OUT 2 1 C7 0.1 UF 50V CERAMIC KEMET C0805C104Z5UACTU 2 C19 0.1 UF 50V CERAMIC KEMET C0805C104Z5UACTU R11 4.7 YAEGO RC0805JR-074R7L Document Number W ednesday, June 28, 2006 Sheet 1 1 2 3 1 of 5 Rev J7 SPEAKER JACK CUI INC MJ-2506N CP-2506N-ND EXTERNAL SPEAKER 3 Voice Annunciation Evalution Board Date: Size Title 220 UF 10V PANASONIC ECE-V1AA221P C9 1 2 1 2 3 4 C16 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 8 7 2 1 2 U4 AUDIO AMP ST TDA7233D 2 1 2 2 C18 0.1 UF 50V CERAMIC KEMET C0805C104Z5UACTU 1 C10 100 UF 6.3V CERAMIC NICHICON UW X0J101MCL1GB 4 C15 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A 1 2 1 2 C17 0.01 UF 50V 10% CERAMIC AVX 08055C103KAT2A R9 10K POT PANASONIC EVU-F2AF30D14 R8 10K YAEGO 9C08052A1002FKHFT 3 1 V+ GND2 3 LOW-COST LOW-PASS FILTER NOTE: DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 6TH ORDER FILTER C16 THROUGH C17 NOT INSTALLED 4 2 D C B A 5 1 6 SVR GND 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 D C B A 19/23 Bill of materials Appendix C Table 3. Index AN2400 Bill of materials Bill of materials for Audio player evaluation board Quantity Reference Value / Generic Part Number Package Manufacturer Manufacturer ordering code/ Orderable Part Number 1 6 C1, C3, C4, C7, C18, C19 0.1 UF 50V CERAMIC SMD0805 KEMET C0805C104Z5 UACTU 2 1 C2 10 UF CER 25V 1206 PANASONIC ECJ3YB1E106M 3 1 C5 0.022 UF 50V CERAMIC SMD0805 AVX 08055G223ZA T2A 4 2 C9,C6 220 UF 10V 8 * 6.2 mm PANASONIC ECEV1AA221P 5 8 C8, C11, C12, C13, 0.01 UF 50V C14, C15, C16, 10% CERAMIC C17 SMD0805 AVX 08055C103KA T2A 6 1 C10 100 UF 6.3V CERAMIC 6.3 *5.4 mm NICHICON UWX0J101MC L1GB 7 1 D1 DIODESTP SMA ST STPS140A CUI PJ-102B 8 1 J1 POWER POWER JACK JACK2.5MM 14.17 * 8.96 mm 9 1 J2 NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED MOLEX 22-28-4024 10 2 J5, J3 2 PIN HDR 2 PIN HDR MOLEX 22-28-4024 11 1 J4 HEADER 2X5 HEADER 2X5 MOLEX 10-89-1101 12 1 J6 HEADER 1X6 HEADER 1X6 MOLEX 22-28-4064 13 1 J7 SPEAKER JACK SPEAKER JACK CUI INC MJ-2506N 14 5 LED1, LED2, GREEN LED LED3, LED4, LED5 SMD0805 LITEON LTSTC170GKT 15 1 RP1 RES ARRAY 220 0805 CTS 743C083221J 16 2 RP2, RP3 RES ARRAY 1.8K 0805 CTS 743C083182J TR 17 6 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, 10K R8 SMD0805 YAEGO 9C08052A100 2FKHFT 18 2 R6, R7 SMD PANASONIC ERJ6GEYJ104V 20/23 100K AN2400 Index Bill of materials Quantity Reference Value / Generic Part Number Package Manufacturer Manufacturer ordering code/ Orderable Part Number 19 1 R9 10K POT 11.48 * 9.71 mm PANASONIC EVUF2AF30D14 20 1 R10 220E SMD0805 YAEGO RC0805JR07220RL 21 1 R11 4.7E SMD0805 YAEGO RC0805JR074R7L 22 2 SW1, SW2 PUSH BUTTON SPST 4.7X3.5X2.1 mm PANASONIC EVQ-P2K02Q 23 1 U1 3.3 VREG DPAK ST KF33BDT 24 1 U2 MCU DIP16 ST ST7FLITES2Y 0B6 25 1 U3 WIDE ZIF SOCKET SO8 EMULATION TECHNOLOGY S-SOP-00008-B 26 1 U4 AUDIO AMP SO8 ST TDA7233D 27 1 U5 8-MBIT FLASH SO8W ST M25P80VMW6G 21/23 Revision history 7 AN2400 Revision history Table 4. 22/23 Document revision history Date Revision 10-Nov-2006 1 Changes Initial release. AN2400 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZE REPRESENTATIVE OF ST, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS, WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. © 2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 23/23