Qs.iis.ij ^Ss-mL-donductoi lArooucfi, One. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. BF416 *BF418 PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR, EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR PNPSILICIUM, PLANAR EPITAXIAL Compl. of BF 415 and BF 417 4< Preferred device DitptuMt ncommtndt Video output stages in TV sets £Mjw dt tortit dn tmpllficltwrs Vidfo dins In tiUvlttun Maximum power dissipation Dissipation d» puisstnca mtximtle VCEO -250V -300V BF416 BF418 h21E(-25mA) 30 min, fT(-25 mA) 70MHz typ. Pllltic case TO-126- See outline drawing CB-16 on Ian page) Bottler plutiqut voir dutin can CB-1S ammiint p*tn p,o, (Wl !\O 100 1»0 Collector connected to metal part of cate Cfllfcaut rtvitl * It ptnl* rntalllqut du txttHr Weight : 0,7 g. ABSOLUTE RATINGS (LIMITING VALUES) VALEURS LIMITES ABSOLUES D'UTILISATION T (Unlen otherwiw stated) (StuflmHatlmucontnlntl u - +25 "C «nib BF418 Colleetor-beM voltage Tftltntft COtlfCt9Uf*Oti§ Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-bate voltage Twutan •nwnturAMt Collector current Courtnt ceMOHir Peak collector current Cbunnr dk aiu * caH*et*ar Power diuipation Diulf»tfe*ili pulutna Storage temperature 7*viipe^vttMV de fiwiAflpi Tca>ec 25°C j h= 25°C rnin. max. BF418 VCBO -250 -300 V VCEO -260 -300 V VEBO -5 -6 V 'c -200 -200 mA 'CM -300 -300 mA 6 6 1.25 US W W - 56 + 160 •c •c Ptot % - 56 + 160 VI .Semi-C (inductors reserves the right to change lest conditions, parameter limits ;ind package Jimeiuioiu without notice Information furnished by NJ Scmi-Cunduclort w believed to he holh accurate and reliable ,it Ihe time of going to press. However \ Stini-C oiiduUuK .iisuiiK's iiu rcsptnuibility Cor my ermrs or umissiiuis Jiwuvurcd in its use NJ Seini-CninluUi'rs fiic n-:n irers (n tcril\i 'liiliv-htvis ire . urrenf h<tbre ulncina « BF 416, BF 418 STATIC CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise stated) IStulindicuioiueomnintl 25«C *" " CARACTERISTIQUES STATIQUES Test conditions Condlttonidtmfsun Win. Typ. Max. VCB = -200 V IE =0 Collector-bate cut-off currant Counnt itiHiat »//K«H>ib*» 1, nA BF418 -50 nA -BO nA 250V =0 VEB"-3V Emitter-base cut-off current Counm rtiMutl •Vrwmir-AM 'c lc IE -o =-10/M =0 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Ttntfen <*> eltqiaff collKtftir-tmtntur lc - -10 mA IB =0 Emitter-base breakdown volttge Tint/on d* clfqiagl AnMtturtev IE lc =-10^ =0 Static forward currant transfer ratio VtHtir mtiqut du neptn cf mntltrt dlna du eauaat -50 'CBO VCB Collector-tun breakdown voltaga BF416 'EBO V(BR)CBO V (BR)CEO* V(BR)EBO V C E --15V lc = -5 mA BF418 -250 -300 V V BF416 BF418 -250 -300 V V _5 V BF416 25 h21E V C E =-15V Collector-emitter saturation voltage Tuition <f> <ui/i»tfan collfeaur-4a»iaur Ic = -25 mA Ig IB = —B mA = -1 mA 30 VCE», V C £ =-15V !(. = —6 mA B>w-emrttir volt^ Ttniloa t*m-tm*ttmvr IQ IB »Pulwd ImpuUom V -0,66 -0,9 V -0,72 V VBE V C E --15V lc = -26 mA Collector-emitter saturation voltage -0,2 -0,6 = —25 mA =-5mA VCE5.t -0,4 -1 -1 V BF 416, BF 418 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTIOUESQYNAMIQUES (Unless otherwise stated) (Slut indiatlom contrtintl T Test conditions Condition! dt mttun Typ. Max. VCB = -30V Output capacitance Ctptcitj dt tettii IE =o f - 1 MHz 4,5 C22b F VCE=-15V Transition frequency frtquino* dt trtntitton High frequency knee voltage Tuition if eoudi in htva frtqutnct NOTE 1 : Min. lc = -25 mA f -20MHz lc ~ 25 mA f =1MHi 'T MHz 70 -20 V CEK(HF) V Notel The high frequency knee voltage of a transistor is that value of the collector emitter voltage at which the small signal forward current transfer ratio h2ie has dropped to 80% of the value at VCE = ~50 v Lt ant/on dl coud* t btutt frj&Mnct d'an initiator in. air dlflnition. It illtur dt I* muion col/tcnur tmtltnirpour luiuilli It npport at trintfin dirta du courmm t pitit signil h!t, ttt tombt t 30% dt a nlHir t -SO V "21e (%) 100 80 -50 V CE (VI VCEK THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTIQUES THERMIQUES Junction c«« thermal resistance Rfiimna thitinKHM f/onction-ooTtitrl Rth(j-c) Junction-ambient thermal resistance FUtiiuna Ihfrmlovi Ijonctiontmbitnttl Rth(j-a) 20,83 °C/W 100 "C/W