5693S Series T-1 3 High Right Angle Shrouded LED Assembly 5693S Series T-1 3 High Right Angle Shrouded LED Assembly DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES 11.20 4.80 P OS T ION 1 4301F , 4303F S E R IE S LE D (3X) 10.20 P OS T ION 2 15.20 5.10 P OS T ION 3 2.50 LE F T LE AD 3.68±0.38 R E D ANODE (+) GR E E N ANODE (+) 0.50 S Q. 2.00 T Y P . 2.50 5.10 6.60 MAX. All dimensions in mm. F eatures : • 3 T -1 LE Ds mounted in s ingle block s aves s pace and as s embly time. • High B rite and S uper B rite light output. • S tandoffs prevent flux entrapment. • B lack plas tic mounting block for high contras t ratio. • Meets UL 94V -O and B ellcore flammability s pecifications . Available options : • L ow current, 5V and 12V built-in res is tors . • B i-color and blue LE Ds als o offered. • C all factory for ordering information. • Mounting hole pattern on page 1-X3. Ordering Information: Use chart below to determine model number. LE D R ed 1 G reen 5 Amber 3 Model No. is as follows: 5693S P os. 1 ; Y ellow 7 P os. 2 ; P os. 3 E xample: P osition 1 is red, position 2 is yellow, position 3 is green. T he part number is 5693S 1;7;5. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RATINGS P art Number 5693S 1 5693S 3 5693S 5 5693S 7 E mitted C olor R ed Amber G reen Y ellow R ated C urrent (mA) 10 10 10 10 T yp. Intensity (mcd) 10.0 7.0 16.0 6.3 C ontinuous F orward C urrent Max. (mA) T yp. (V ) Max. (V ) R everse B reakdown V oltage Min.(V ) P eak Wavelength (nm) 30 30 30 30 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 650 603 562 585 F orward V oltage America: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 147 Central Avenue Hackensack -NJ 07601 -USA Tel:1-201-489 -8989 Fax:1-201-489 -6911 e-mail:americas@cml-it.com Europe: CML Technologies GmbH &Co.KG Robert-Bunsen-Str.1 67098 Bad Dürkheim -GERMANY Tel:+49 (0)6322 9567-0 Fax:+49 (0)6322 9567-88 e-mail:europe@cml-it.com Asia: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 61 Aida Street Singapore 459975 Tel:(65)9630 -5003 e-mail:asia@cml-it.com CML-IT reserves the right to make specification revisions that enhance the design and/or performance of the product