AM2729-125 RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS S-BAND RADAR APPLICATIONS .. .. .. . REFRACTORY/GOLD METALLIZATION EMITTER SITE BALLASTED LOW THERMAL RESISTANCE INPUT/OUTPUT MATCHING OVERLAY GEOMETRY METAL/CERAMIC HERMETIC PACKAGE POUT = 125 W MIN. WITH 7.0 dB GAIN .400 x .500 2LFL (S038) hermetically sealed BRANDING 2729-125 ORDER CODE AM2729-125 DESCRIPTION The AM2729-125 device is a high power silicon bipolar NPN transistor specifically designed for medium pulse S-Band radar output and driver applications. PIN CONNECTION This device is characterized at 50 µsec pulse width and 10% duty cycle, but is capable of operation over a range of pulse widths, duty cycles and temperatures. Low RF thermal resistance, refractory/gold metallization and computerized automatic wire bonding techniques ensure high reliability and product consistency (including phase characteristics). The AM2729-125 is supplied in the BIGPAC Hermetic Metal/Ceramic package with internal Input/Output impedance matching circuitry, and is intended for military and other high reliability applications. 1. Collector 3. Emitter 2. Base 4. Base ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T case = 25 °C) Symbol PDISS IC VCC TJ T STG Parameter Value Unit 500 W Device Current* 16 A Collector-Supply Voltage* 45 V Junction Temperature (Pulsed RF Operation) 250 °C − 65 to +200 °C 0.35 °C/W Power Dissipation* (TC ≤ 75°C) Storage Temperature THERMAL DATA RTH(j-c) Junction-Case Thermal Resistance* *Applies only to rated RF amplifier operation AM2729-125 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Tcase = 25°C) STATIC Symbo l Value T est Con ditio ns Min. Typ . Max. Un it BVCBO IC = 50 mA IE = 0 mA 55 65 — V BVEBO IE = 10 mA IC = 0 mA 3.5 4.5 — V BVCES IC = 50 mA VBE = 0 V 55 65 — V ICES VBE = 0 V VCE = 40 V — — 40 mA hFE VCE = 5 V IC = 5 A 30 80 300 — DYNAMIC Symbo l Value Test Con dition s Min . Typ . Max. Unit POUT ηc f = 2700 − 2900 MHz PIN = 25 W VCC = 40 V 125 — — W f = 2700 − 2900 MHz PIN = 25 W VCC = 40 V 35 — — % GP f = 2700 − 2900 MHz PIN = 25 W VCC = 40 V 7.0 — — dB Note: Pul se Width Duty Cycle = = 50 µ Sec 10% TYPICAL PERFORMANCE TYPICAL BROADBAND EFFICIENCY TYPICAL BROADBAND PERFORMANCE AM2729-125 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE (cont’d) TYPICAL EFFICIENCY @ 2.7 GHz TYPICAL PERFORMANCE @ 2.7 GHz TYPICAL EFFICIENCY @ 2.8 GHz TYPICAL PERFORMANCE @ 2.8 GHz TYPICAL EFFICIENCY @ 2.9 GHz TYPICAL PERFORMANCE @ 2.9 GHz AM2729-125 IMPEDANCE DATA ZIN L M H ZCL H M L FREQ. Z IN (Ω) Z CL (Ω) H = 2.9 GHz 8.8 + j 7.3 3.7 − j 2.7 M = 2.8 GHz 9.4 + j 8.2 4.1 − j 2.9 L = 2.7 GHz 9.9 + j 9.1 4.4 − j 3.2 PIN = 25 W VCC = 40 V Normalized to 50 ohms AM2729-125 TEST CIRCUIT All dimensions are in inches C1 C2 C3 C4 : : : : 1000pf RF Feedthrough 0.1µF, 100V Ceramic Capacitor 33pf Microwave Chip Capacitor 100µF, 63V Electrolytic Capacitor L1, L2 : #26 Wire, 2 Turns, 0.08” I.D. Board Material: Alumina, Er = 9.6, H = 25mil AM2729-125 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA Ref.: Dwg. No. 12-0212 rev. A Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1995 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. RF Products Group 141 Commerce Drive Montogomeryville, PA 18936 tel 215-361-6400 fax 215-362-1293