DOMINANT Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination TM DATA SHEET: Power DomiLED AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Power DomiLED With its significant power in terms brightness, viewing angle and variety of application possibilities, Power DomiLED truly is a standout performer! Ideal for automotive interior lighting as well as home, office and industrial applications, it is also a proven performer in electronic signs and signals. Features: > > > > > > High brightness surface mount LED using thin film technology. 120° viewing angle. Small package outline (LxWxH) of 3.2 x 2.8 x 1.8mm. Qualified according to JEDEC moisture sensitivity Level 2. Compatible to IR reflow soldering. Environmental friendly; RoHS compliance. Applications: > Automotive: Interior applications, eg: switches, telematics, climate control system, dashboard, etc. Exterior applications, eg: signal lighting, Center High Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL) > Signage: full colour display video notice board, signage, special effect lighting. > Lighting: architecture lighting, general lighting, garden light, channel light. © 2005 DomiLED is a trademark of DOMINANT Opto Technologies. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. 1 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Optical Characteristics at Tj=25˚C Part Ordering Number Color Viewing Luminous Intensity @ IF = 50mA Appx. 1.1 Flux @ IF=50mA,mlm Angle˚ Min. Typ. Max. Typ. 120 1400.0 2125.0 2850.0 5750.0 Red, 620nm 120 2240.0 2850.0 3550.0 7700.0 DWA-PJG-X2Y-1 Amber, 617nm 120 2240.0 3550.0 4500.0 9600.0 DWY-PJG-X2Y-1 Yellow, 589nm 120 2240.0 3550.0 4500.0 9600.0 DWS-PJG-W2X-1 Super Red, 632nm DWR-PJG-X2Y1-1 Electrical Characteristics at Tj=25˚C Vf @ If = 50mA Appx. 3.1 Part Number Min. (V) Typ. (V) Max. (V) Vr @ Ir = 10uA Min. (V) DWx-PJG 2.05 2.20 2.50 12 Absolute Maximum Ratings Maximum Value Unit DC forward current 70 mA Peak pulse current; (tp ≤ 10µs, Duty cycle = 0.1) 100 mA Reverse voltage 12 V ESD threshold (HBM) 2 kV 125 ˚C Operating temperature -40 … +110 ˚C Storage temperature -40 … +125 ˚C 200 mW 300 K/W 130 K/W LED junction temperature Power dissipation (at room temperature) Thermal resistance - Junction / ambient, Rth JA - Junction / solder point, Rth JS (Mounting on FR4 PCB, pad size >= 16 mm2 per pad) 2 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Wavelength Grouping at Tj= 25˚C Color Group Wavelength distribution (nm) Appx. 2.2 DWS, Super Red Full 625 - 640 DWR; Red Full 620 - 630 DWA; Amber Full 610 - 621 W 610 - 615 X 615 - 621 Full 585 - 594 X 585 - 588 Y 588 - 591 Z 591 - 594 DWY; Yellow Luminous Intensity Group at Tj=25˚C Luminous Intensity Appx. 1.1 IV (mcd) Brightness Group W2 1400.0...1800.0 X1 1800.0...2240.0 X2 2240.0...2850.0 Y1 2850.0...3550.0 Y2 3550.0...4500.0 Vf Bining (Optional) Vf @ If = 50mA Forward Voltage (V) Appx. 3.1 V51 2.05 ... 2.20 V52 2.20 ... 2.35 V53 2.35 ... 2.50 Please consult sales and marketing for special part number to incorporate Vf binning. 3 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Forward Current Relative Luminous IntensityCurrent Vs Forward Current Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Forward IV/IIV(50mA) ); ==25°C If(I f(IF); Tj = 25°C /I (50mA) ==f(I T =Tj25°C V/I); VF(50mA) Relative Luminous Intensity Irel Relative Luminous Intensity Irel Irel Relative Luminous Intensity Forward Current IF Forward Current IF IF Forward Current Relative Luminous Intensity Irel Irel Relative Luminous Intensity Forward Current IF (mA) Forward Current IF (mA) Forward CurrentCurrent IF (mA) IF (mA) Forward Forward Current IF (mA) Forward Current IF (mA) Allowable Forward Current IF( mA Allowable Forward Current IF( )mA ) ) ( mA Current Allowable AllowableForward Forward Current IF( ImA ) F Allowable Forward Current IF( mA Allowable Forward Current IF( )mA ) 40 0.5 0.4 0.3 30 30 20 20 0.4 0.3 0.2 30 20 20 10 Temperature 10 Ta = Ambient Temperature Ta = Ambient 0.2 0.3 0.1 Ts = Solder PointTTemperature 20 s = Solder Point Temperature 10 Temperature 10 Ta = Ambient Temperature Ta = Ambient 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.0 = Solder Point Temperature Ts = Solder PointTTemperature 0 s40 10 50 20 60 30 70 40 80 50 90 60 100 70 110 80 120 90 100 110 120 20 Temperature 30 450 10 0 Ta =10 Ambient 0 0.1 0 0.0 Temperature Solder 0 Temperature 10 20 50 70T(°C) 80 120 90 100 110 120 0 Ts =10 20 Point 30 40Temperature 50 30 60 40 70T(°C) 80 60 90 100 110 450 0 0.0 Temperature T(°C) Temperature T(°C) Allowable Forward Current Vs Duty Forward Current Vs Duty Ratio T(°C) 0 10 Allowable 20 30 Temperature 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Ratio 450 Tj = 25°C; tp ≤ 10μs ) ( Tj = 25°C; tp ≤( 10μs ) Allowable Forward Current Temperature T(°C) Allowable Current Vs Duty RatioVs Duty Ratio 1000 Forward 1000 Tj = 25°C; ) ( Tj = 25°C; tp ≤( 10μs )Vs tDuty Allowable Forward Current Ratio p ≤ 10μs Allowable 1000 Forward Current Vs Duty Ratio 1000 (T = 25°C; t ≤ 10μs ) ( Tj j = 25°C; tp ≤p10μs ) 1000 100 100 100 10 10 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 Forward Current IF (mA) j 60 50 50 40 Forward Current IF IF Forward Current Irel RelativeRelative LuminousLuminous Intensity IrelIntensity Relative Luminous Intensity Irel Irel Relative Luminous Intensity F Relative Luminous IntensityCurrent Vs Forward Current Relative1.4 Luminous Intensity Vs Forward 70 IV/I = f(IF); Tj = 25°C IV/IV(50mA) = f(I Tj = 25°C V(50mA) F); Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Forward Current 1.4 1.4 70 1.2IV/IV(50mA) = f(IF); Tj = 25°C 1.2 60 1.4 70 1.2 1.2 60 1.0 1.0 50 1.2 60 1.0 1.0 50 0.8 0.8 40 1.0 50 0.8 0.8 40 0.6 0.6 30 0.8 40 0.6 0.6 30 0.4 0.4 20 0.6 30 0.4 0.4 20 0.2 0.2 10 0.4 20 0.2 0.2 10 0.0 0.0 0 0.2 0 020 1030 2040 3050 4060 5070 60 10 1.9 70 10 0.0 0.0 0 Current I (mA) 0 20Forward 1030 20 30 40 50 60 70 F 0 10 Forward 40 50 60 70 Forward Current IF (mA) Current IF (mA) 1.9 0.0 0 Maximum Current Vs Temperature Maximum Current Vs Temperature Forward Current I (mA) 0 10 20 Forward 30 Current 40 IF (mA) 50 60 F 70 1.9 IF = f (T) IF = f (T)Vs Temperature Maximum Current Maximum Current Vs Temperature Maximum Current Vs Temperature 80 Forward Current IF (mA) 80 1.0 IF = f (T) IFI=F=f(T) f (T) T Maximum Current Vs Temperature T 80 80 1.0 s s 0.9 70 70 IF = f (T) T T s 80 1.0 0.9 Ta s Ta 0.8 70 70 60 60 T Ta s Ta 0.8 0.9 0.7 70 60 60 50 50 Ta 0.8 0.7 0.6 60 50 50 0.7 0.6 40 40 0.5 50 40 40 0.6 0.5 0.4 30 30 1.4 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Intensity Relative Luminous Intensity Irel Irel Luminous Relative Relative Luminous Intensity Irel V V Forward Current Vs Forward Voltage Forward CurrentVoltage Vs Forward Voltage Forward Current Vs Forward ); Tj = 25°C If(V = 25°C IF = f(VF); ITFj = F F); T F = f(V j = 25°C Forward CurrentVoltage Vs Forward Voltage Forward Current Vs Forward 70 IF = f(VF); Tj = I25°C F = f(VF); Tj = 25°C Forward Current Vs Forward Voltage 70 IF = f(VF); Tj = 25°C 60 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 Forward (V) Forward (V) Forward Voltage VFVoltage 2.0 2.1VoltageVV 2.2 F F (V) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 Forward VF (V) (V)Voltage Forward VSpectral Relative Emission Spectral Emission F 2.2 2.0 Relative 2.1Voltage 2.3 Irel = f(λ); T50mA = 50mA Irel = f(λ); TRelative IF =Spectral j = 25°C; IFEmission j = 25°C; Relative Spectral Emission Relative Spectral Emission Forward Voltage VF (V) 1.0 TTj50mA = 25°C; I = 50mA Irelf(λ); = f(λ); Irel = f(λ); TIjrel == 25°C; IF = j = 25°C; IF =F50mA 1.0 0.9 Relative Spectral Emission Irel = f(λ); Tj =Yellow 25°C; IF = 50mA Yellow Super Red Super Red 0.9 0.8 Yellow 0.8 0.7 Amber Yellow 0.7 0.6 Amber Yellow Amber Amber 0.6 0.5 Amber Super Red Red Super Red Red Super Red Red Red Red 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 500 450 550 500 600 550 650 600 700 650 750 700 0.0 λ (nm) λWavelength (nm) 500 600 550 650 750 700 500 450 550Wavelength 650 600 700 500 750 750 λ (nm) λWavelength (nm) Wavelength 550 Wavelength 600 650 700 λ (nm) 750 Wavelength λ (nm) Radiation Pattern 30° 20° 10° 0° 1.0 40° 0.8 100 100 10 10 50° 0.6 60° 0.4 70° 0.1 1 10 100 100 0.1 1 Duty Ratio, 1%Duty 10 Ratio, % 10 100 100 1 1 10 Duty Ratio, %Duty Ratio, % 10 Duty Ratio, Duty Ratio, %% 80° 90° 100 4 0.2 0 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -50 -50 -30 YellowYellow AmberAmber Red Red Super Super Red Red -30 -10 -10 10 10 30 30 50 50 70 70 90 90 110 Junction Temperature Tj(°C) Junction Temperature T j(°C) Junction Temperature T j(°C) 110 130 130 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -50 -50 -30 Red Red Super Super Red Red YellowYellow AmberAmber -30 -10 -10 10 10 30 30 50 50 70 70 90 90 110 110 130 130 0.020 0.015 0.010 2.0 Red 0.0 Super Red -2.0 ∆Cx 0.005 ∆Cx, ∆Cy ∆λdom(nm) Wavelength Relative Relative Wavelength ∆λ dom(nm) 1.6 0.025 4.0 -4.0 0.000 -0.005 ∆Cy -0.010 -0.015 -6.0 -0.020 -8.0 -10.0 1.8 0.030 Yellow 6.0 1.8 Chromaticity Coordinate Shift Vs Junction Temperature ∆Cx, ∆Cy = f(Tj); IF = 50mA Amber 8.0 2.0 Junction Temperature Junction Temperature Tj(°C) Junction Temperature T j(°C) T j(°C) Relative Vs Junction Temperature RelativeWavelength Wavelength Vs Junction Temperature ∆λdom λdom - λ-dom (25°C)(25°C) = f(Tj); IF = = 50mA ∆λdom = =λdom λdom f(Tj); IF =50mA 10.0 2.0 Relative LuminousIntensity Intensity Irel Irel Luminous Relative 0.5 Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Temperature Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Junction Junction Temperature Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Junction Temperature = f(T ); I = 50mA IV /IV (25°C) = f(T ); I = 50mA IIV /I/IV (25°C) j V (25°C) = f(T ); I = 50mA j V V V j F Relative Luminous Intensity Irel 0.5 Relative Forward Voltage ∆VF (V) RelativeForward Forward Voltage ∆V∆V (V) Voltage Relative F (V) F Relative Forward Voltage Junction Temperature Relative Forward Voltage Vs Junction Temperature Relative Forward Voltage VsVs Junction Temperature = FV(25°C) =IFf(T );I IF=50mA = 50mA V = f(T =);j50mA F - VF(25°C) F--FV j); ∆VF∆V=F =VV∆V (25°C) = f(T F F j F -0.025 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 -0.030 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 Junction Temperature T j(°C) Junction Temperature TTj(°C) Junction Temperature (°C) j 5 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT DOMINANT Opto Technologies TM TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Innovating Illumination DomiLED Power DomiLED • AllnGaP • AlInGaP : DWx-PJG : DWx-PJG Package Package Outlines Outlines DomiLED Power DomiLED • AllnGaP • AlInGaP : DWx-PJG : DWx-PJG Package Package Outlines Outlines TM TM Note : Primary thermal path is through Cathode lead of LED package. Note : Primary thermal path is through Cathode lead of LED package. Material Material Material Material Lead-frame Lead-frame Cu Alloy With Ag Plating Cu Alloy With Ag Plating Package Package High Temperature Resistant Plastic, PPA High Temperature Resistant Plastic, PPA Encapsulant Encapsulant Silicone resin Silicone resin Soldering Leads Soldering Leads Sn Plating Sn Plating 6 6 03/07/2017 V8.0 13/12/2016 V7.0 DOMINANT Opto Technologies DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG AlInGaP : DWx-MKG TM Innovating Illumination Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Recommended Solder Pad Recommended Solder Pad 7 03/07/2017 V8.0 8 31/10/2016 V1.0 DOMINANT DOMINANT Opto Technologies TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG AlInGaP : DWx-PJG TM Innovating Illumination Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Taping and orientation Taping and orientation • •• • Reels come in quantity of 2000 units. Reels come in quantity of 2000 units. Reel diameter is 180 mm. Reel diameter is 180 mm. 8 8 13/12/2016 V7.0 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Packaging Specification 9 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Packaging Specification Moisture sensitivity level Barcode label DOMINANT Opto Technologies (L) Lot No : lotno ML TEMP 2 260˚C RoHS Compliant (P) Part No : partno (C) Cust No : partno (Q) Quantity : quantity (G) Grouping : group (D) D/C : date code Made in Malaysia (S) S/N : serial no Reel Moisture absorbent material + Moisture indicator Label The reel, moisture absorbent material and moisture indicator are sealed inside the moisture proof foil bag Weight Weight(gram) (gram) Average 1pc Power DomiLED 1 completed bag (2000pcs) 0.034 0.034 240 ± 10 190 10 Cardboard Box DOMINANT TM For Power DomiLED Cardboard Box Size Dimensions (mm) Empty Box Weight (kg) Reel / Box Super Small 325 x 225 x 190 0.38 9 reels MAX Small 325 x 225 x 280 0.54 15 reels MAX Medium 570 x 440 x 230 1.46 60 reels MAX Large 570 x 440 x 460 1.92 120 reels MAX 10 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Recommended Pb-free Soldering Profile Classification Reflow Profile (JEDEC J-STD-020C) 300 255-260˚C 10-30s 275 250 Temperature (˚C) Ramp-up 3˚C/sec max. 217˚C 225 200 60-150s 175 150 125 Rampdown 6˚C/sec max. 100 75 Preheat 60-180s 50 25 480s max 0 50 100 150 200 Time (sec) 11 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Appendix 1) Brightness: 1.1 Luminous intensity is measured with an internal reproducibility of ± 8 % and an expanded uncertainty of ± 11 % (according to GUM with a coverage factor of k=3). 1.2 Luminous flux is measured with an internal reproducibility of ± 8 % and an expanded uncertainty of ± 11 % (according to GUM with a coverage factor of k=3). 2) Color: 2.1 Chromaticity coordinate groups are measured with an internal reproducibility of ± 0.005 and an expanded uncertainty of ± 0.01 (accordingly to GUM with a coverage factor of k=3). 2.2 DOMINANT wavelength is measured with an internal reproducibility of ± 0.5nm and an expanded uncertainty of ± 1nm (accordingly to GUM with a coverage factor of k=3). 3) Voltage: 3.1 Forward Voltage, Vf is measured with an internal reproducibility of ± 0.05V and an expanded uncertainty of ± 0.1V (accordingly to GUM with a coverage factor of k=3). 12 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Revision History Page Subjects Date of Modification Add Typical Total Flux Value Add graph “Allowable Forward Current vs Duty Ratio” Update Operating Temperature 09 Mar 2011 2 Add part no: DWS-PJG-W2X-1 04 Apr 2011 2, 4, 5 Update Vf Binning Update Graph: Relative Luminous Intensity Vs Forward Current 22 Dec 2011 6 Update Package Outline 05 Sep 2014 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 Update Product Photo Update Graph Add Notes in Package Outline Update Packaging Specification Add Appendix 13 Dec 2016 3 Typo Error on Vf Binning Naming 03 Jul 2017 2, 5 NOTE All the information contained in this document is considered to be reliable at the time of publishing. However, DOMINANT Opto Technologies does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein. DOMINANT Opto Technologies reserves the right to make changes to any products in order to improve reliability, function or design. DOMINANT Opto Technologies products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval from the Managing Director of DOMINANT Opto Technologies. 13 03/07/2017 V8.0 DOMINANT TM Opto Technologies AlInGaP : DWx-PJG Innovating Illumination About Us DOMINANT Opto Technologies is a dynamic company that is amongst the world’s leading automotive LED manufacturers. With an extensive industry experience and relentless pursuit of innovation, DOMINANT’s state-of-art manufacturing and development capabilities have become a trusted and reliable brand across the globe. More information about DOMINANT Opto Technologies, a ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified company, can be found under Please contact us for more information: DOMINANT Opto Technologies Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Batu Berendam, FTZ Phase III, 75350 Melaka, Malaysia Tel: (606) 283 3566 Fax: (606) 283 0566 E-mail: