20 July 2010 Specification for monolithic crystal filter: MQF 45.0-3000/32 1. General 1.1. Package: 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Type name: Number of poles: Operating temperature range: Storage temperature range: 2. Electric values 2.1. Nominal centre frequency fo: 2.2. Pass band 2.2.1. Bandwidth between 3 dB - frequencies: 2.2.2. Ripple: 2.2.3. Insertion loss: ( measured on smallest attenuation in pass band ) 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. Stop band fo 62 kHz fo 73 kHz Spurious responses Alternate Attenuation MQF 45.0-3000/32 6 -55°C to +85°C -55°C to +85°C 45.0 MHz > fo 15.0 kHz < 1.0 dB at fo 10.0 kHz < 4.0 dB > 70 dB > 80 dB > 50 dB > 80 dB ( except spurious ) 2.4.1 Nominal input power level 2.4.2. Maximal input power level +5 dBm +20 dBm 2.5. Terminating impedance R//C ( input and output ): 50 // 0 pF 3. Marking: manufacturer, date code MQF 45.0-3000/32 4. Environment conditions: Corresponding to Vectron standard CF001 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Edited by: date: ________________________________ name: ____________________________