UltraHighSpeed Deglitched 0/ A Converter rill ANALOG W DEVICES MODSERIES I FEATURES Ultra-HighSpeed:20MHzWord Rate 8- and 10-Bit Versions Available TTL Compatible Smallest Size Available: 3" X 4" X 0.5" Completely Self.Contained with Input Register, D/A, Deglitcher, Timing, Internal References, and Output Buffering APPLICATIONS Color-Television Video Reconstruction, Time-Base Correction and Frame Synchronization OBS . Graphic Displays Deflection Systems Character Generators High Speed D/A Systems OLE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MDD Series is a subsystem module which contains an input digital register, ultra-high speed current output D/A converter, deglitcher, output buffer amplifier~ precision references, and timing circuitry within a 3"X4"XO.S" case, The output of the device is an ultra-linear analog representation of the digital input. Requiring only external gain and offset potentiometers for final calibration, the MDD D/A solves the . glitch problem associated with high-speed DI A converters. The incorporation of an internal register virtually eliminates the need for input bit time deskewing. While not totally eliminating the glitch per se, the remnant glitch is very smaIl, and more importantly, constant (and therefore filterable) over the output range, The MDD Series is available with 8- or lO-bit resolution and in two versions. The basic versions contain a unity gain output buffer and can deliver ZV POpopen circuit (or 1V Pop into a load) when the MDD output is both source and load terminated. The "A" versions contain a very high speed output gain amplifier to allow the MDD to deliver 4V pop open circuit (or ZV POpinto a load) when the device is source and load terminated. Higher output voltages may be obtained-up to :tlOV by external feedback resistor selection. However, settling time degradation must be expected. the internal operational amplifier is less than H2, the transmission-line match obtained with the internal source terminating resistor is almost perfect. Other applications include waveform generation, automatic test equipment, and fast process control systems. Designed primarily for PC board mounting, these D/A's may also be plugged into pin sockets. The pins are 0,04" diameter, gold plated, and are on O.Z" centers. For increased reliability, each module is burned in for 96 hours at +ZSoC befo~e final test and shipment, TE z. :~1 . 165n. " . -ISmA 19 DIA lB DIGITAL INPUTS Is.. No.. 11 j 2., - AMPLIFIER I I I I I 20 INPUT 93!1OUTPUT 21 7s.n OUTPUT 22 ,. { BIT LSB STROBE DUTPUT DEGlITCHERINPUT son OUTPUT 23 LO Z OUTPUT - 13 16 - -REF OUT 15 .1SV -REf OUT 's.. No..2 NOTES, ,. INPUTSSHOWNfOR IGBIT VERSIONS.FOR."'T VERSIONSPINS11 AND12ARE UNUSED. 2. THESEPARTS'" ARE OMITTEDINBASICVERSIONS.BUTPRESENTIN "A" VERSIONS. TV APPLICATION MDD Series Block Diagram The "A" version of the MDD Series deglitched DI A is ideally suited for color television video reconstruction. Its output can directly drive the low impedances normaIly associated with video baseband transmission. Since the output impedance of --- """"'T"'" ---~ T"ro ".., J\, ro~ rn""/CQTCpC: Ilnl 1/ 1n-.~.q . SPECIFICATIONS (typical at +25°C and nominalsupply voltagesunlessotherwisenoted) MODEL RESOLUTION Accuracy (including linearity) at Maximum Word Rate of 20MHz Monotonicity MDD-O820 MDD-O820A MDD-1O20 MDD-1O2OA 8 Bits 10 Bits iO.2% iO.05% Guaranteed "'>1"" !0.50 1 Standard "S" TTL Load "I" = +2.4V to +5V "0" = OV to +0.4V " DIGITAL STROBE INPUT Risetime and Falltime Width " '" Change 20M Hz max OBS Bipolar Impedance Pin 23, Pin 22, Pin 21, Pin 20, 22, Low Z 50n 75n 93n IOn 50n 75n 93n Amplifier Current max i5% is% i5% MDD-O820A MDD-I020A SETTLING TIME DAC Current Output (to 0.1%) Voltage Output ISns SOns to 0.1% 2V pop = lOOn min, 120ns to 0.1 % 4V pop 30m V for 2V POpF.S. Output or 1.5% of F.S. PEDESTAL 1OmV for 2V pop F.5. Output or 0.5% of F.S. OUTPUT ZERO OFFSET Adjustable to Zero l00ppm/oC GAIN Adjustable i6.2V REFERENCES AVAILABLE POWER REQUIREMENTS +15Vi3% -15Vi3% +5Vi5% Power Supply Rejection Ratio CASE TEMPERATURE PIN DESIGNATIONS -PIN FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GROUND" BIT 1 INPUT (MSB) BIT 2 INPUT BIT 3 INPUT BIT 4 INPUT BIT 5 INPUT BIT61NPUT BIT 7 INPUT BIT 8 INPUT NC BIT 9 INPUT BIT 10 INPUT (LSBI STROBE INPUT GROUND" 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -REF OUT +REF OUT GROUND" DEGlITCHER INPUT DIA OUTPUT 93Sl OUTPUT 7511 OUTPUT 5OIJ OUTPUT LO Z OUTPUT AMP FEEDBACK GROUND" -15V POWER INPUT +15V POWER INPUT +5V POWER INPUT OLE In max 50n il % 75n il % 93n il% RESIDUAL GLITCH 1 OUTPUT ZERO OFFSET vs. TEMP --11--0.",.641 "NS ARE GOlO 'LA TEO "R MIL.Q."" TYPE n OOT ON TOP 'ND>CATES POSInON OF "N ,. Externally Programmable with Gain and Offset Resistors to il0V max =ZOUT + RLOAD +15mA DAC Current VOEW WE>G"U~,'43G i50mA for dc load de load " BOTTOM MDD-O820 MDD-I0W 0 to +2V +IVto-lV 12 H ,. 11 H " Negative-Going Trailing Edge to Occur a Minimum of 20ns After Last Data Bit Timing 1 I.4 2 Standard "S" TTL Loads "I" = +2.4V to +5V "0" = OV to +0.4V IOns max 15ns min Logic Level/Load positive Logic Voltage, No Load, Unipolar 00..,.0210>A~.:r LO"",.>M>N (BIN) Frequency OUTPUT j~ ~ L~ 0 to +70° C DIGITAL DATA BIT INPUTS Logic LeveIlLoad Positive Logic-Binary OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). "ALL TE GROUNDS INTERNALL Y CORRECTED 120mA 150mA 2SOmA 0.1%/V Diallyl Phthalate (per MIL-M-14 type SDG-F) RANGE Operating Storage 0 to +700C -55°C to +8SoC NOTES I Occ:un at the update rate. Specifications ..bject to ch...,e without notice. VOL. II, 10-40 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS -- 1 NOTES ON "DEGLITCHING" An MDD Series D/A converter operating with a full-scale p-p analog output of 1V will typically have a glitch, or transient, in its output which is 15mV in amplitude and is 25ns wide, at the 50% points. These typical values are independent of whether the D/A converter is an 8-bit unit or a 10-bit unit. these 1M products appear in the video pass-band as spurious signals and increased noise level. The deglitcher circuits effectively eliminate these products. When they do, the SIN ratio approaches that of an ideally-quantized signal, where the rms noise is QI.Jli, when frequencies above Nyquist are filtered out. This glitch remains constant, regardless of the transition points. In other words, it is the same for the transition from 0000000001 to 1000000000 as it is for the transition from 1000000000 to 1000000001 or any other two input words. A constant glitch is the purpose of the deglitcher circuits. They are intended to hold the area under the curve at a constant value; they are not intended to get rid of all glitches per se. When the area under the transient curve is held constant, the frequency spectrum of the glitch is a fine line; i.e., a singleline spectrum at the sample rate frequency, and harmonics of the sample frequency. In summary then: OBS , -L- t f- \l- RESIDUAL GLITCH Figure 1. Pedestal/Glitch z DATA INPUTS (CHANGING) -j I- --.J - I z MINIMUM AND 20ns STROBE D/A converters without deglitching circuits have smaller, shorter glitches, on the average; but this type of converter has larger glitches at the major crossings, especially at the midscale transition. OLE If the glitch is a function of signal dynamics, as it is in the case of a D/A converter output which is not deglitched, a multitude of intermodulation products art! formed. Some of PEOESTA~ 8 The residual glitch for an MDD Series D/A converter is typically 15m V for a full-scale IV p-p output; this is 1.5% ofF.S. 8 The glitch width is typically 25ns at the 50% points. 8 The amplitude and width of the glitch are constant, and independent of: -the magnitude of change in successive transitions -number of bits of digital output -input (update) data rates Relationship BETWEEN TRAILING z LAST 1OdB/DIV BIT CHANGE EDGE '--- MINIMUM15ns MAXIMUM65% OF PERIOD 1 ~ OF UPDATE RATE STROBE INPUT 500kHz/DIV !-50ns(MIN!-j I MDD-O820 OR MDD-1020 OUTPUT MDD-O820-A OR MDD-1020-A OUTPUT TE APPROx. !-40ns- I r-60ns APPROX. Figure 4. Spectrum of TO-bit D/A Operating at 11MHz Update Rate Without Deglitching - Unfiltered v.... f "-. -1 Figure 2. MDD Series Timing Diagram r--- I I ~s..o:, - - - --, 15 750Q 16 19 I :l6.2V I~ 1+ , / -REF OUT 1OdB/DIV +REF OUT DIA OUTPUT J CURRENT CONTROLLED BY INPUT DIGITAL CODE lo~OTO+15mA Figure 3. D/A Current Equivalent Circuit 5O0kHz/DIV Figure 5. Spectrum of TO-bitD/A Operating at 11MHz Update Rate With Deglitching - Unfiltered I 16 MSB BIT 1 I I I DIGITAL I INPUTS I I I I I BIT10 LSB -REF OUT 19 DIAOUTPUT 10k OEGLITCHER GAINADJ INPUT 21 75f! OUTPUT n son OUTPUT 23 DIGITAL INPUTS lk 93n OUTPUT 13 STROBE INPUT MSB BIT 1 OFFSET ADJ 25k 15 IS OFFSET ADJ +REF OUT SELECT OUTPUT TO MATCH 20 OF TRANSMISSION LINE } LO 2 OUTPUT 75On I I I I I I I I BIT 10 LSB 13 STROBE INPUT 115 -REF OUT 19 DIA OUTPUT 0 TO +2V DEGLITCHER INPUT 750n 18 20 93n OUTPUT 21 75'1 OUTPUT 22 son OUTPUT 23 LO Z OUTPUT 24 AMPLIFIER FEEDBACK SELECT OUTPUT TOMATCH } Zo OF LINE TRANSMISSION RGAON Cee VL ~OTO+1V NOTES, ,. SELECT RGAINTO Figure 6. Unipolar Output Configuration Basic Versions GIVE DESIRED OPEN CIRCUIT OUTPUT VOLTAGE. THE INPUT VOLTAGE TO THE DP AMP IS APPROXIMATELY 0 TO +2V. THE OUTPUT OF THE OP AMP IS THEREFORE ((2 x RGAINII5OO'I1VOLTS p.p. 2. THE LOGIC IS INVERTED INTERNALLY FOR THE "A" VERSIONS SUCH THAT ALL "I'S" AT THE DIGITAL INPUTS YIELDS A FULL.SCALE POSITIVE VOLTAGE AT THE DIGITAL INPUTS 15 MSB BIT1 I I I I I I I I I SIT 10 LSB MDD.l02O DEGLITCHED DIA DP AMP OUTPUT. -REF OUT OFFSET ADJ soon ADJUST FOR ZERO VOLTS OUTPUT WITH AN INPUT CODEOFloo 00 19 DIA OUTPUT 18 DEGLITCHER INPUT GAIN ADJ 13 20 21 93!! OUTPUT 75n OUTPUT 22 son OUTPUT 23 LO Z OUTPUT O 0 SELECT OUTPUT . } UNIPOLAR OPERATION, THE NOMINAL OFFSET RESISTANCE SHOULD BE SET FOR A VALUE A 2000!! POTENTIOMETER IDEAL OF APPROXIMATEL POTENTIOMETER Y 800'1. MAKING 4. FOR BIPOLAR OPERATION, THE NOMINAL OFFSET POTENTIOMETER RESISTANCE SHOULD BE SET FOR A VALUE OF APPROXIMATELY 2300<2, MAKING A 5000!! POTENTIOMETER IDEAL THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE SHOULD BE ADJUSTED FOR ZERO WITH ANINPUT CODEOF10. . . . . . . . 00. 5. MAKECFBNOMINALLY IOpF. SELECT FOR OPTIMUM SETTLING TIME IF DESIRED. 6. IF ADJUSTABLE GAIN IS DESIRED, ADD A LOW-VALUE, LDW.INDUCTANCE CERMET TRIMMING POTENTIOMETER IN SERIES WITH RGAIN' BY PUTTING THE GAIN ADJUSTMENT HERE, THE GAIN AND OFFSET ADJUSTMENTS ARE INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER. 51< OBS STROBE INPUT CONVERTER. 3. FOR POSITIVE TO MA"rCHZo OF TRANSMISSION LINE Figure 8. Output Configuration - "A" Versions VL ' -0.5V TO +0.5V OLE Figure 7. Bipolar Output Configuration Basic Versions ANALOG INPUT ANALOG GROUND ENCODE COMMAND INPUT 9 ENCODE GROUND +15V -15V +5V -5.2V 2 MATV-OSll AID 12 CONVERTER ~ I 15 TE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, MEMORY INTERFACE, ETC. CFB 10pF DATA . GAIN AOJ 2k 11 11 10122 READY OUT +5V Figure 9. Typical A/D-D/A Back-to-Back for Video Applications or Testing The typical video differential phase and gain errors (disregarding quantization effects) for the configuration shown are 3° and 3%, respectively, using an encode command frequency of three times the NTSC color subcarrier (l0.74MHz). For applications requiring digitization at frequencies of four times NTSC (14.32MHz) or three times PAL (13.29MHz) the MATV-0816.A/D Converter should be substituted. For applications requiringdigitization at four times PAL (17. 74MHz), the MATV-0820 AID Converter should be substituted. Results are applicable for either NTSC or PAL test signals using the 20 IRE modulated ramp. Due to the inherently stable characteristics of the output operational amplifier, the "A" versions are recommended for driving properly terminated video terminated lines. VOL. II, 10-42 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS -- ~- Connections ORDERING INFORMA nON For 8-Bit Models, Order: MDD-Q826 without output amplifier MDD-Q820A with output amplifier For lO-Bit Models, Order: MDD-1020 without output amplifier MDD-1020A with output amplifier Mating pin socket connectors for the MDD Series is model MSB-2. Prototyping socket is MSD-l. The MDD Series D/A"s are normally burned-in at +2SoC for a minimum of 96 hours. For extended burn-in, consult the factory. All of Analog Devices' data acquisition products are covered by a one-year warranty.