Model No. Rev. FYA-6054AX-XX A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION EXCLUSIVE USE Model No. :FYA-6054AX-XX Descriptions & Features: ■Customer Display. ■Case mold type. ■RoHS compliant. ■Low current operation. ■Low power consumption. ■Easy mounting on P.C. board or socket. CUSTOMER APPROVED SIGNATURES APPROVED BY NINGBO FORYARD OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD Add:NO.115 Qixin Road Ningbo Zhejiang China Tel: 0086-574-87933652 87927870 87922206 Fax: 0086-574-87927917 ( General) Http:// CHECKED BY PREPARED BY Zip:315051 Http:// Page : 1/5 Model No. Rev. Model No. FYA-6054AX-XX A :FYA-6054AX-XX ■ -XX: REF Surface / Epoxy color Color Number REF Surface Color Epoxy Color 0 1 2 ○ White ○ Black ○ Gray ○ Water Clear ○ White ○ Red 3 4 ○ Red ○ Green ○ Green ○ Yellow ■ Mechanical Dimensions Notes: 1. All pins are Φ0.50[.020]mm 2. Dimension in millimeter [inch], tolerance is ±0.25 [.010] and angle is ±1° unless otherwise noted. ≤ 3. Bending Length*1%. 4.The specifications,characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice. Http:// Page : 2/5 Model No. Rev. Model No. FYA-6054AX-XX A :FYA-6054AX-XX ■ All Light On Segments Feature & Pin Position ■ Internal Circuit Diagrams Http:// Page : 3/5 FYA-6054AX-XX A Model No. Rev. Model No. :FYA-6054AX-XX ■ Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25 Parameter Symbol Test Condition VR IF Pd Ipeak Topr Tstr IR=30 — — Duty=0.1mS,1KHz — — Reverse Voltage Forward Current Power Dissipation Pulse Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Value Min Max 5 — — — -40 -40 — 30 100 150 +85 +85 ■ Electrical-Optical Characteristics ● Color Code & Chip Characteristics:(Test Condition:IF=20mA) Emitting Color Standard brightness H Red S Hi Red D Super Red E Orange A Amber Y Yellow G Green B Blue PG Pure Green Ultra brightness UHR Ultra Hi Red UR Ultra Red UE Ultra Orange UA Ultra Amber UY Ultra Yellow UG Ultra Green Dice Material Peak Wave Length(λP) GaP AlGaAs/SH AlGaAs/DH GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaP 700nm 660nm 650nm 625nm 610nm 590nm 570nm 430nm 460nm 470nm 520nm InGaN InGaN ℃) Unit V mA mW mA ℃ ℃ (Ta=25 ℃) Spectral Luminous Forward Line Voltage(VF) Unit:V Intensity halfwidth(∆ (Iv) λ1/2) Unit:mcd Max Typ AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP 640nm 635nm 625nm 610nm 590nm 570nm 460nm UB Ultra Blue InGaN 470nm Segment-to-Segment Luminous Intensity ratio(Iv-M) 90nm 20nm 20nm 35nm 35nm 35nm 10nm 60nm 36nm 20nm 20nm 20nm 20nm 20nm 30nm 30nm 30nm 1.5:1 2.00 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 3.40 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.40 3.80 3.80 3.80 1 15~20 26~38 14~20 13~18 13~18 14~18 0.7~1(mw) 6~12(mw) 6~12(mw) 4~6(mw) 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.80 2.80 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.80 3.80 30~60 60~100 60~120 40~100~150 50~140~190 30~60~80 80~90~120 80~90~120 Note: 1.Luminous Intensity is based on the Foryard standards. 2.Pay attention about static for InGaN Http:// Page : 4/5 FYA-6054AX-XX A Model No. Rev. Model No. :FYA-6054AX-XX ■ Packing Diagram 8PCS/Foam FORYARD O P T O E L E C T R O N I C S RoHS Part NO: FY A-6054XX-XX Q'TY: 32 PCS Date:xxxx/xx/xx PASS QC QC: xxxxxxxxxx 4Foams/Bag 56.0 OUTSIDE LABEL .0 31 0 . 6 3 54.0 0 . 7 1 FORYARD O P T O E L E C T R O N I C S 4Bags/Box .5 14 4Boxes/Carton FORYARD O P T O E L E C T R O N I C S LED PN:FYA-6054XX-XX Qty: 448 PCS Date:xxxx/xx/xx GW: 27.10KG PASS QC: QC NW: 29.20KG xxxxxxxxxx RoHS ATTENTION OUTSIDE LABEL Note: The specifications are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for updated information. Http:// Page : 5/5