MB4000RW Series Compact, 1 x 2 Inch 40W, 2:1 Input Range DC/DC Converters Electrical Specifications Specifications typical @ +25°C, nominal input voltage & rated output current, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice. Key Features: Input Parameter Conditions Min. 12 VDC Input 24 VDC Input 48 VDC Input 12 VDC Input 24 VDC Input 48 VDC Input LC Filter See Note 1 • 40W Output Power • 2:1 Input Voltage Range Input Start Voltage • 1,500 VDC Isolation • Single & Dual Outputs Input Shutdown Voltage • Efficiency to 91% Input Filter Start-Up Time • Compact 1 x 2 Inch Case • Wide Temp Operation Max. 9.0 18.0 36.0 Units VDC 8.3 16.5 33.0 VDC 30 mS Output Parameter Conditions • Industry Standard Pin-Out Output Voltage Accuracy • Low Cost Typ. Output Voltage Balance Line Regulation Load Regulation, Min Load to Full Load Cross Regulation Ripple & Noise, See Note 3 Transient Recovery Time, See Note 4 Transient Response Deviation Temperature Coefficient Over Temperature Protection Output Power Protection Output Short Circuit, See Note 5 Min. Dual Output , Balanced Loads VIN = Min to Max Single Output Models Dual Output Models See Note 2 3.3 & 5.0 Vout Models 12, 15 & 24 Vout Models Dual Output Models Typ. 100 150 150 250 ±3.0 25% Load Step Change Max. ±1.0 ±2.0 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±5.0 ±5.0 ±0.02 Shutdown Temperature 110 150 Continuous (Autorecovery) Units % % % % % mV P - P mV P - P mV P - P µSec % %/°C °C % General Parameter Isolation Voltage Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance Switching Frequency Conditions 60 Seconds 500 VDC 100 kHz, 1V See Note 6 Min. 1,500 1,000 Typ. Max. 1,500 320 Units VDC M⍀ pF kHz Environmental Parameter Operating Temperature Range, Ambient Without Heatsink Operating Temperature Range, Ambient With Heatsink MicroPower Direct 292 Page Street Suite D Stoughton, MA 02072 USA T: (781) 344-8226 F: (781) 344-8481 E: sales@micropowerdirect.com W: www.micropowerdirect.com Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Cooling Humidity Physical Case Size, See Note On Page 4 Case Material Weight Conditions MB40xxS-03RW MB40xxS-05RW, -12RW, -15RW, -24RW MB40xxD-xxRW MB40xxS-03RW MB40xxS-05RW, -12RW, -15RW, -24RW MB40xxD-xxRW Case Min. Typ. -40 +25 -40 +25 -50 Free Air Convection RH, Non-condensing Max. +66 +46 +40 +73 +57 +52 +105 +125 Units 95 % °C °C °C °C 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.40 Inches (50.8 x 25.4 x 10.2 mm) Metal with Non-Conductive Base 1.06 Oz (30g) Reliability Specifications Parameter MTBF Conditions MIL HDBK 217F, 25°C, Gnd Benign Min. 328 Typ. Max. Units kHours Conditions 12 VDC Input 24 VDC Input 48 VDC Input 1.5 mm From Case For 10 Sec Min. -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 Typ. Max. 25.0 50.0 100.0 260.0 Units Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Input Voltage Surge (1 Sec) Lead Temperature Caution: Exceeding Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the module. These are not continuous operating ratings. www.micropowerdirect.com VDC °C www.micropowerdirect.com Model Selection Guide Model Number MB4012S-03RW MB4012S-05RW MB4012S-12RW MB4012S-15RW MB4012S-24RW MB4012D-12RW MB4012D-15RW MB4024S-03RW MB4024S-05RW MB4024S-12RW MB4024S-15RW MB4024S-24RW MB4024D-12RW MB4024D-15RW MB4048S-03RW MB4048S-05RW MB4048S-12RW MB4048S-15RW MB4048S-24RW MB4048D-12RW MB4048D-15RW Input Voltage (VDC) Current (mA) Voltage Nominal Range Full-Load No-Load (VDC) 12 9.0 - 18.0 2,470 120 3.3 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,750 160 5.0 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,750 160 12.0 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,700 150 15.0 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,670 160 24.0 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,790 70 ±12.0 12 9.0 - 18.0 3,790 60 ±15.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,220 75 3.3 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,830 80 5.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,830 85 12.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,830 75 15.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,835 85 24.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,870 50 ±12.0 24 18.0 - 36.0 1,870 45 ±15.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 610 40 3.3 48 36.0 - 75.0 920 50 5.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 910 50 12.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 910 50 15.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 918 50 24.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 940 65 ±12.0 48 36.0 - 75.0 940 65 ±15.0 Output Current Current (mA, Max) (mA, Min) 8,000 8,000 3,330 2,670 1,670 ±1,670 ±1,330 8,000 8,000 3,330 2,670 1,670 ±1,670 ±1,330 8,000 8,000 3,330 2,670 1,670 ±1,670 ±1,330 0 0 0 0 0 ±145 ±110 0 0 0 0 0 ±145 ±110 0 0 0 0 0 ±145 ±110 Efficiency (%, Typ) Over Fuse Voltage Capacitive Rating Load Protection (µF Max) Slow-Blow (VDC) 89 89 89 90 91 88 88 90 91 91 91 91 89 89 90 91 92 92 91 89 89 3.9 6.2 15.0 18.0 30.0 ±15.0 ±18.0 3.9 6.2 15.0 18.0 30.0 ±15.0 ±18.0 3.9 6.2 15.0 18.0 30.0 ±15.0 ±18.0 (A) 21,000 13,600 2,400 1,500 600 ±1,200 ±750 21,000 13,600 2,400 1,500 600 ±1,200 ±750 21,000 13,600 2,400 1,500 600 ±1,200 ±750 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Notes: For heatsink option, add suffix “H” to model number (i.e. MB4012S-05RW-H) 1. Start up time is measured at nominal input and with a constant resistive load. 2. Cross regulation is measured with the output being tested at 100% load. The second output is varied from 25% to 100% load. 3. When measuring output ripple, it is recommended that an external 1 µF capacitor and 10 µF capacitor be connected in parallel from the +VOUT to the -VOUT pins for single output units and from each output to common for dual output units. 4. Transient recovery is measured to within a 1% error band for a load step change of 25%. 5. Short circuit protection is provided by a “hiccup mode” circuit. 6. The switching frequency for 24 VDC output models is 285 kHz. 7. Operation at no-load will not damage these units. However, they may not meet all specifications if operated below the specified minimum load. 8. It is recommended that a fuse be used on the input of a power supply for protection. See the Model Selection table above for the correct rating. External Trim MB40xxS-03RW Trim Down Vout VO x 0.99 VO x 0.98 VO x 0.97 VO x 0.96 VO x 0.95 VO x 0.94 VO x 0.93 VO x 0.92 VO x 0.91 VO x 0.90 RDOWN 72.61 32.55 19.20 12.52 8.51 5.84 3.94 2.51 1.39 0.50 Volts k⍀ Trim Up Vout RUP VO x 1.01 VO x 1.02 VO x 1.03 VO x 1.04 VO x 1.05 VO x 1.06 VO x 1.07 VO x 1.08 VO x 1.09 VO x 1.10 60.84 27.40 16.25 10.68 7.34 5.11 3.51 2.32 1.39 0.65 Volts k⍀ MB40xxS-05RW Trim Down Vout VO x 0.99 VO x 0.98 VO x 0.97 VO x 0.96 VO x 0.95 VO x 0.94 VO x 0.93 VO x 0.92 VO x 0.91 VO x 0.90 RDOWN 138.88 62.41 36.92 24.18 16.53 11.44 7.79 5.06 2.94 1.24 Volts k⍀ Trim Up Vout RUP VO x 1.01 VO x 1.02 VO x 1.03 VO x 1.04 VO x 1.05 VO x 1.06 VO x 1.07 VO x 1.08 VO x 1.09 VO x 1.10 106.87 47.76 28.06 18.21 12.30 8.36 5.55 3.44 1.79 0.48 Volts k⍀ MB40xxS-12RW Trim Down Vout VO x 0.99 VO x 0.98 VO x 0.97 VO x 0.96 VO x 0.95 VO x 0.94 VO x 0.93 VO x 0.92 VO x 0.91 VO x 0.90 RDOWN 413.55 184.55 108.22 70.05 47.15 31.88 20.98 12.80 6.44 1.35 Volts k⍀ Trim Up Vout RUP VO x 1.01 VO x 1.02 VO x 1.03 VO x 1.04 VO x 1.05 VO x 1.06 VO x 1.07 VO x 1.08 VO x 1.09 VO x 1.10 351.00 157.50 93.00 60.75 41.40 28.50 19.29 12.37 7.00 2.70 Volts k⍀ On single output units, an external resister may be added to adjust the converter output. MB40xxS-15RW Trim Down Vout VO x 0.99 VO x 0.98 VO x 0.97 VO x 0.96 VO x 0.95 VO x 0.94 VO x 0.93 VO x 0.92 VO x 0.91 VO x 0.90 RDOWN 530.73 238.61 141.24 92.56 63.35 43.87 29.96 19.53 11.41 4.92 Volts k⍀ To adjust the output UP, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the minus output pin (5) and the Vout trim pin (6). To adjust the output DOWN, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the plus output pin (4) and the Vout trim pin (6). Trim Up Vout RUP VO x 1.01 VO x 1.02 VO x 1.03 VO x 1.04 VO x 1.05 VO x 1.06 VO x 1.07 VO x 1.08 VO x 1.09 VO x 1.10 422.77 189.89 112.26 73.44 50.15 34.63 23.54 15.22 8.75 3.58 Volts k⍀ MB40xxS-24RW Trim Down Vout VO x 0.99 VO x 0.98 VO x 0.97 VO x 0.96 VO x 0.95 VO x 0.94 VO x 0.93 VO x 0.92 VO x 0.91 VO x 0.90 RDOWN 333.39 148.80 87.26 56.50 38.04 25.73 16.94 10.35 5.22 1.12 Volts k⍀ Trim Up Vout RUP Volts k⍀ The trim table at right gives suggested resistor values for this adjustment. VO x 1.01 VO x 1.02 VO x 1.03 VO x 1.04 VO x 1.05 VO x 1.06 VO x 1.07 VO x 1.08 VO x 1.09 VO x 1.10 243.70 108.50 63.43 40.90 27.38 18.37 11.93 7.10 3.34 0.34 292 Page Street Ste D Stoughton, MA 02072 • TEL: (781) 344-8226 • FAX: (781) 344-8481 • E-Mail: sales@micropowerdirect.com www.micropowerdirect.com Derating Curves MB40xxS-03RW Without Heatsink MB40xxS-03RW With Heatsink MB40xxS-05RW, -12RW, -15RW, -24RW Without Heatsink MB40xxS-05RW, -12RW, -15RW, -24RW With Heatsink MB40xxD-12RW, MB40xxD-15RW Without Heatsink MB40xxD-12RW, MB40xxD-15RW With Heatsink EMC Specifications Parameter Radiated Emissions Conducted Emissions ESD RS EFT, See Notes Surge, See Notes CS External Component Connection Standard EN 55022 Class A EN 55022 Class A EN 61000-4-2 Criteria B; ±8 kV Air, ±6 kV Contact EN 61000-4-3 Criteria A; 10V/m EN 61000-4-4 Criteria A; ±2 kV EN 61000-4-5 Criteria B; ±1 kV EN 61000-4-6 Criteria A; 10 V/m Notes: All units should meet EN 55022 (CE/RE) class A/B with the simple external circuit shown at right. To meet the requirements of EN 61000-4-4 and EN 61000-4-5, the value of C1 should be changed to 330 µF/200V. Contact the factory for more information. Standard Model C1 MB4012x-xxRW 10 µF/25V 1812 MLCC EN55022 Class A MB4024x-xxRW 4.7 µF/50V 1812 MLCC MB4048x-xxRW 2.2 µF/100V 1812 MLCC MB40xxS-xxRW 3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S EN55022 Class B MB40xxD-xxRW 3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S C2 ------3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S 3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S L1 ------1 mH 1 mH C3 ------3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S 3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S C4 ------3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S 3.3 µF/100V 1210/X7S C5 C6 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 MLCC 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 X7R 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 X7R 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 X7R 1,000 pF/2kV 1808 X7R Remote On/Off MicroPower Direct Parameter Min Supply On Supply Off Standby Input Current Control Common Control Input Current (ON) Control Input Current (OFF) 3.5 0.0 • Typ Max 12.0 1.2 Units VDC VDC 2.5 mA Referenced to Negative Input (pin 2) 0.5 mA -0.5 mA 292 Page Street Ste D Stoughton, MA 02072 Applying a signal to pin 3 will turn the unit ON/OFF. If the pin is left open, the unit operates. If grounded, the unit will shut off. The specifications for the ON/OFF function are given in the table at left. • TEL: (781) 344-8226 • FAX: (781) 344-8481 • E-Mail: sales@micropowerdirect.com www.micropowerdirect.com Mechanical Dimensions Pin Connections Mechanical Dimensions: With Optional Heatsink Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single Output +Vin -Vin Remote On/Off +Vout -Vout Trim Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dual Output +Vin -Vin Remote On/Off +Vout Common -Vout For the heatsink option, add suffix “H” to the model number (i.e. MB4048S-24RW-H) Notes: MicroPower Direct • All dimensions are typical in inches (mm) • Tolerance x.xx = ±0.02 (±0.50) • Heatsink is black, anodized aluminum We Power Your Success - For Less! 292 Page Street Ste D Stoughton, MA 02072 • TEL: (781) 344-8226 • FAX: (781) 344-8481 • E-Mail: sales@micropowerdirect.com