電流センサ関連 CURRENT SENSORS UL, CSA 1/3 2 1209 UL508,CSA C22.2 No14への適合について According to UL508 standard and CSA C22.2 No.14 standard Note>Models F01P***S05, F02P***S05 and F03P***S05 may be followed by slash and any numbers from 01 through 99 or blank. Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus - Component UL FILE No.E243511 Series Model Ratings - Environmental Environmental Requirements Evaluated to (US and/or CN) Series Model Maximum Surrounding Air Temperaturerating Pollution Degree F01P F01P *** S05 USR F01P F01P *** S05 105˚C. 2 F02P F02P *** S05 USR F02P F02P *** S05 105˚C. 2 F03P F03P *** S05 USR F03P F03P *** S05 105˚C. 2 L07P L07P *** D15 L07P *** S05 USR, CNR L07P L07P *** D15 L07P *** S05 80˚C. 2 L18P L18P***D15 L18P***D15C L18P***D15-OP L18P***S05 L18P***S05R L18P***S12 SL18P***D15 USR, CNR L18P L18P *** D15 L18P *** D15C L18P *** D15-OP L18P *** S05 L18P *** S05R L18P *** S12 SL18P *** D15 80˚C. 2 L31S L31S***S05S USR, CNR L34S L34S***D15 USR, CNR S21S S21S180D15JN USR, CNR 2 2 2 S22P S22P***S05 S22P***S05M2 85˚C. 80˚C. 80˚C. USR, CNR S23P S23P50/100D15 S23P50/100D15M1 S23P50/100D15M2 USR, CNR S25P S25P***D15* USR, CNR S26P S26P200D15Y USR, CNR S27S S27S300D15Y S27S300D15YM USR, CNR S28S S28S500D24Z S28S500D24ZM USR Note: US indicates United States Standard. CN indicates Canadian National Standard. L31S L31S *** S05S L34S L34S *** D15 S21S S21S180D15JN S22P S22P *** S05 S22P *** S05M2 85˚C. 2 S23P S23P50/100D15 S23P50/100D15M1 S23P50/100D15M2 85˚C. 2 85˚C. 85˚C. 2 2 S25P S25P *** D15 * S26P S26P200D15Y S27S S27S300D15Y S27S300D15YM 85˚C. 2 S28S S28S500D24Z S28S500D24ZM 70˚C. 2 電流センサ関連 CURRENT SENSORS UL, CSA 2/3 2 1209 UL508,CSA C22.2 No14への適合について According to UL508 standard and CSA C22.2 No.14 standard Ratings - Electrical Series F01P F02P F03P L07P L18P L18P L18P L18P L18P Model F01P006S05 F01P015S05 F01P025S05 F01P050S05 F02P006S05 F02P015S05 F02P025S05 F02P050S05 F03P006S05 F03P015S05 F03P025S05 F03P050S05 L07P003D15 L07P005D15 L07P010D15 L07P015D15 L07P020D15 L07P025D15 L07P030D15 L07P003S05 L07P005S05 L07P010S05 L07P015S05 L07P020S05 L07P025S05 L07P030S05 L18P003D15 L18P005D15 L18P010D15 L18P015D15 L18P020D15 L18P025D15 L18P030D15 L18P040D15 L18P050D15 L18P060D15 L18P003D15C L18P005D15C L18P010D15C L18P015D15C L18P020D15C L18P025D15C L18P030D15C L18P040D15C L18P050D15C L18P060D15C L18P003D15-OP L18P005D15-OP L18P010D15-OP L18P015D15-OP L18P020D15-OP L18P025D15-OP L18P030D15-OP L18P040D15-OP L18P050D15-OP L18P060D15-OP L18P003S05 L18P005S05 L18P010S05 L18P015S05 L18P020S05 L18P025S05 L18P030S05 L18P040S05 L18P050S05 L18P060S05 L18P003S05R L18P005S05R L18P010S05R L18P015S05R L18P020S05R L18P025S05R L18P030S05R L18P040S05R L18P050S05R L18P060S05R Primary (Feed-through) 6 15 25 50 6 15 25 50 6 15 25 50 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms Secondary(Sensing) Input Output 5 Vdc, 25 mA 5 Vdc, 30 mA 5 Vdc, 35 mA 5 Vdc, 55 mA 5 Vdc, 25 mA 5 Vdc, 30 mA 5 Vdc, 35 mA 5 Vdc, 55 mA 5 Vdc, 25 mA 5 Vdc, 30 mA 5 Vdc, 35 mA 5 Vdc, 55 mA ±15 Vdc, ±30 mA 5 Vdc, 30 mA Series 2.5±2.2 Vdc, ±0.5 mA 2.5±2.2 Vdc, ±0.5 mA L18P 2.5±2.2 Vdc, ±0.5 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA L18P 0 - 3.75 Vdc, 0.4 mA L31S ±15 Vdc, ±15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA L34S ±15 Vdc, ±15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA S21S S22P ±15 Vdc, ±15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA S23P 5 Vdc, 15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA Model Primary (Feed-through) A A A A A A A A A A A 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms SL18P005D15 5 A 600 Vrms SL18P010D15 10 A 600 Vrms SL18P015D15 15 A 600 Vrms SL18P020D15 20 A 600 Vrms SL18P025D15 25 A 600 Vrms SL18P030D15 30 A 600 Vrms SL18P040D15 40 A 600 Vrms SL18P050D15 50 A 600 Vrms SL18P060D15 60 A 600 Vrms L31S050S05S 50 A 600 Vrms L31S100S05S 100 A 600 Vrms L31S200S05S 200 A 600 Vrms L31S300S05S 300 A 600 Vrms L31S400S05S 400 A 600 Vrms L31S500S05S 500 A 600 Vrms L18P003S12 L18P005S12 L18P010S12 L18P015S12 L18P020S12 L18P025S12 L18P030S12 L18P040S12 L18P050S12 L18P060S12 SL18P003D15 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 3 A A A A A A A A A 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 180 A 600 Vrms S22P006S05 6 A 600 Vrms S22P015S05 15 A 600 Vrms S22P025S05 25 A 600 Vrms S22P006S05M2 6 A 600 Vrms S22P015S05M2 15 A 600 Vrms S22P025S05M2 25 A 600 Vrms S23P50/100D15 100 A 600 Vrms S23P50/100D15M1 100 A 600 Vrms S23P50/100D15M2 100 A 600 Vrms S25P050D15X 50 A 600 Vrms S25P100D15X 100 A 600 Vrms S25P100D15Y 100 A 600 Vrms S25P150D15Y 150 A 600 Vrms S26P200D15Y 200 A 600 Vrms S27S300D15Y S27S300D15YM S28S500D24Z S28S500D24ZM 300 300 500 500 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms 600 Vrms L31S600S05S L34S200D15 L34S300D15 L34S400D15 L34S500D15 L34S600D15 L34S1T0D15 L34S1T2D15 L34S1T5D15 S21S180D15JN 600 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 S25P 5 Vdc, 15 mA 0 - 3.2 Vdc, 0.32 mA S26P S27S S28S A A A A Secondary(Sensing) Input Output 12 Vdc, 15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA ±15 Vdc, ±15 mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA 5 Vdc, 15 mA 1.875 - 3.125 Vdc, 0.3125 mA ±15 Vdc, ±25mA 0 - 4 Vdc, 0.4 mA ±15 Vdc, ±25mA 0 - 1.35 Vdc, 45mA 5 Vdc, 12.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±62.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±112.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±62.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±62.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±112.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±62.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±87.5 mA MAX. ±15 Vdc, ±112.5 mA ±15 Vdc, ±162.5 mA ±24 Vdc, ±130 mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 3mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 7.5mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 12.5mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 3mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 7.5mA 0 - 3.125 Vdc, 12.5mA -2.5 - 2.5 Vdc; -50 - 50mA -5 - 5 Vdc; -100 - 100mA -2.5 - 2.5 Vdc; -50 - 50mA -5 - 5 Vdc; -50 - 50mA -5 - 5 Vdc; -100 - 100mA -5 - 5 Vdc; -50 - 50mA -3.75 - 3.75 Vdc; -75 - 75mA -5 - 5 Vdc; -100 - 100mA 0 - ±7.5 Vdc, ±150mA 0 - ±5 Vdc, ±100mA 電流センサ関連 CURRENT SENSORS UL, CSA(CAUTION) 3/3 2 1209 UL508,CSA C22.2 No14への適合について According to UL508 standard and CSA C22.2 No.14 standard CAUTION Series Model CAUTION F01P F01P***S05 F02P F02P***S05 F03P F03P***S05 L07P L07P***D15 L07P***S05 - L18P L18P***D15 L18P***D15C L18P***D15-OP L18P***S05 L18P***S05R L18P***S12 SL18P***D15 - L31S L31S***S05S - L34S L34S***D15 Do not wrap the primary conductor around the core part of the product for preventing to reduce the required Spacings. S21S S21S180D15JN Do not wrap the primary conductor around the core part of the product to increase measured current. S22P S22P***S05 S22P***S05M2 S23P S23P50/100D15 S23P50/100D15M1 S23P50/100D15M2 Provide two min. 100 by 85 mm, 0.5mm thick cupper conductorcum heat sink as primary conductor of each side for safe usage. The primary coductor temperature and PCB should not exceed 100˚C. S25P S25P***D15* Do not wrap the primary conductor around the core part of the product to increase measured current. S26P S26P200D15Y Do not wrap the primary conductor around the core part of the product to increase measured current. S27S S27S300D15Y S27S300D15YM - S28S S28S500D24Z S28S500D24ZM - The maximum temperature at top of Case shall not be higher than 110°C and busbar shall not be higher than 108°C in the end-use product. -