Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 1 ADNB 40W Series Up to 40.8Watts Din Rail Total Power: Up to 40.8 Watts Input Voltage: 88 to 264 Vac 124 to 370 Vdc # of Outputs: Single Special Features • • • • • • • • • Universal AC input 88-264Vac Installed on DIN rail TS35/7.5 or 15 Brown-out Protection Protections:Short Circuit/Over load/Over voltage All using 105degC long life electrolytic capacitors High operation temperature up to 70OC Withstand 2G vibration test High efficiency, long life and high reliability 3 Years Warranty Safety* UL /cUL 508 TUV EN60950-1 UL1310 class 2 LPS Pass Note* - Cover AC input only Product Descriptions The ADNB 40W series features a universal 88-264Vac input – enabling it to be used anywhere in the world – and is also capable of operating from a 124370Vdc Input. The ADNB 40W series offers a power rating up to 40.8W with convection cooling, and it provide precisely regulated output voltages of 12V, 15V, 24V and 48Vdc. The ADNB 40W series power supply is comprehensively protected against over voltage, over load and short-circuit conditions. Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 2 Model Numbers Model Output Voltage Minimum Load Maximum Load Efficiency1 ADNB034-12-1PM-C 12Vdc 0A 3.4A 84% ADNB027-15-1PM-C 15Vdc 0A 2.7A 84% ADNB017-24-1PM-C 24Vdc 0A 1.7A 84% ADNB008-48-1PM-C 48Vdc 0A 0.85A 85% Note 1 - Typical value at nominal input voltage(230Vac) and maximum load. Options None Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 3 Electrical Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Stress in excess of those listed in the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the power supply. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the unit is not implied at these or any other conditions above those given in the operational sections of this TRN. Exposure to any absolute maximum rated condition for extended periods may adversely affect the power supply’s reliability. Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings: Parameter Model Symbol Min Typ Max Unit All models All models VIN,AC VIN,DC 88 124 - 264 370 Vac Vdc PO,max - - 40.8 40.5 40.8 40.8 W W W W - - 4242 2121 500 Vdc Vdc Vdc Input Voltage AC continuous operation DC continuous operation Maximum Output Power Convection continuous operation ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C Isolation Voltage Input to Output Input to Safety Ground Output to Earth Ground All models All models All models Ambient Operating Temperature All models TA -20 - +701 OC Storage Temperature All models TSTG -40 - +85 OC All models All models 20 10 - 90 95 % % All models - 459.9 - Khours Humidity (non-condensing) Operating Non-operating MTBF Note 1 - Derate each output at 2.5% per degree C from 50 OC to 70 OC. Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 4 Input Specifications Table 2. Input Specifications: Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Operating Input Voltage, AC1 All VIN,AC 88 115/230 264 Vac Operating Input Voltage, DC All VIN,DC 124 - 370 Vdc Input AC Frequency All f IN 47 50/60 63 Hz VIN,AC = 115Vac VIN,AC = 230Vac IIN,max - 0.8 0.4 - A A VIN,AC = 115/230Vac PIN,no-load - - 5 W All THD VIN,AC = 230Vac IIN,surge - 60 - APK VIN,AC = 230Vac IO = IO,max η - 84 84 84 85 - % % % % VIN,AC = 115Vac PO = PO,max tHold-Up 16 - - mSec VIN,AC = 230Vac PO = PO,max tHold-Up 32 - - mSec VIN,AC = 115Vac PO = PO,max tTurn-On - - 800 mSec VIN,AC = 230Vac PO = PO,max tTurn-On - - 800 mSec IIN,leakage - - 1000 µA Input Current No Load Input Power (VO = ON, IO = 0A) Harmonic Line Currents Startup Surge Current (Inrush) @ 25°C Efficiency (TA = 25oC, free air convection cooling) ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C Hold Up Time Turn On Delay Leakage Current to safety ground Artesyn Embedded Technologies VIN = 240Vac f IN = 50/60Hz EN61000-3-2/EN61000-3-3 Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 5 Output Specifications Table 3. Output Specifications: Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit All VO -1.0 - +1.0 % VO - 12.0 15.0 24.0 48.0 - Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc VO 10.8 13.5 21.6 43.2 - 13.2 16.5 26.4 52.8 Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc VO - - 100 100 120 180 mVPK-PK mVPK-PK mVPK-PK mVPK-PK Convection cooling IO,max 0 0 0 0 - 3.4 2.7 1.7 0.85 A A A A Line Regulation VIN,DC=VIN,min to VIN,max IO=IO,max VO -1.0 - +1.0 % Load Regulation IO=IO,min to IO,max VO -1.0 - +1.0 % VO Over Voltage Protection Latch off (AC recycle to reset) VO 115 - 150 % VO Over Current Protection 1 All IO 105 - - %IO,max Factory Set Point Accuracy Output Voltage ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C Output Adjust Range ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C All Output Ripple, pkpk ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C Measure with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 47µF aluminum electrolytic capacitor Convection Output Current, continuous ADNB034-12-1PM-C ADNB027-15-1PM-C ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C All Note 1 - Constant current and auto recovery after fault condition is removed. Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 6 ADNB034-12-1PM-C Performance Curves Figure 1 ADNB034-12-1PM-C Ripple and Noise Measurement – Vin = 115Vac Load: Io = 3.4A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 2: ADNB034-12-1PM-C Output Voltage Protection – Vin=115Vac Load: Io = 3.4A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 3: ADNB034-12-1PM-C Turn-on delay – Vin= 90Vac Load: Io = 3.4A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch2:AC Mains Figure 4: ADNB034-12-1PM-C Hold Up Time –Vin=90Vac Load: Io = 3.4A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: AC Mains Figure 5: ADNB034-12-1PM-C Transient Response Vin = 230Vac Load: Io = FULL/MIN LOAD, 90%DUTY/1KHZ Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: Iout Figure 6: ADNB034-12-1PM-C Inrush Current Vin = 264Vac Load: Io = 3.4A Ch 1: Iin Ch 2: AC Mains Artesyn Embedded Technologies Ta = 25 OC Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 7 ADNB027-15-1PM-C Performance Curves Figure 7 ADNB027-15-1PM-C Ripple and Noise Measurement – Vin = 115Vac Load: Io = 2.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 8: ADNB027-15-1PM-C Output Voltage Protection – Vin=115Vac Load: Io = 2.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 9: ADNB027-15-1PM-C Turn-on delay – Vin= 90Vac Load: Io = 2.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch2:AC Mains Figure 10: ADNB027-15-1PM-C Hold Up Time –Vin=90Vac Load: Io = 2.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: AC Mains Figure 11: ADNB027-15-1PM-C Transient Response Vin = 230Vac Load: Io = FULL/MIN LOAD, 90%DUTY/1KHZ Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: Iout Figure 12: ADNB027-15-1PM-C Inrush Current Vin = 264Vac Load: Io = 2.7A Ch 1: Iin Ch 2: AC Mains Artesyn Embedded Technologies Ta = 25 OC Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 8 ADNB017-24-1PM-C Performance Curves Figure 13: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Ripple and Noise Measurement – Vin = 115Vac Load: Io = 1.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 14: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Output Voltage Protection – Vin=115Vac Load: Io = 1.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 15: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Turn-on delay – Vin= 90Vac Load: Io = 1.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch2:AC Mains Figure 16: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Hold Up Time –Vin=90Vac Load: Io = 1.7A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: AC Mains Figure 17: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Transient Response Vin = 230Vac Load: Io = FULL/MIN LOAD, 90%DUTY/1KHZ Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: Iout Figure 18: ADNB017-24-1PM-C Inrush Current Vin = 264Vac Load: Io = 1.7A Ch 1: Iin Ch 2: AC Mains Artesyn Embedded Technologies Ta = 25 OC Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 9 ADNB008-48-1PM-C Performance Curves Figure19: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Ripple and Noise Measurement – Vin = 115Vac Load: Io = 0.85A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 20: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Output Voltage Protection – Vin=115Vac Load: Io = 0.85A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Figure 21: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Turn-on delay – Vin= 90Vac Load: Io = 0.85A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch2:AC Mains Figure 22: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Hold Up Time –Vin=90Vac Load: Io = 0.85A Ta = 25 OC Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: AC Mains Figure 23: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Transient Response Vin = 230Vac Load: Io = FULL/MIN LOAD, 90%DUTY/1KHZ Ch 1: Vo Ch 2: Iout Figure 24: ADNB008-48-1PM-C Inrush Current Vin = 264Vac Load: Io = 0.85A Ch 1: Iin Ch 2: AC Mains Artesyn Embedded Technologies Ta = 25 OC Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 10 Protective Function Specifications Over Voltage Protection (OVP) The power supply output voltage latches off during output overvoltage with the AC line recycled to reset the latch. ADNB034-12-1PM-C Parameter Min Nom Max Unit 12V Vo Output Overvoltage 13.8 / 18 V Min Nom Max Unit 17.25 / 22.5 V Parameter Min Nom Max Unit 24V Vo Output Overvoltage 27.6 / 36 V Parameter Min Nom Max Unit 48V Vo Output Overvoltage 55.2 / 72 V ADNB027-15-1PM-C Parameter 15V Vo Output Overvoltage ADNB017-24-1PM-C ADNB008-48-1PM-C Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 11 Over Current Protection (OCP) ADNB 40W series power supply includes internal current limit circuitry to prevent damage in the event of overload or short circuit. In the event of overloads, it will go to constant current model, the output voltage may deviate from the regulation band but recovery is automatic when the load is reduced to within specified limits. ADNB034-12-1PM-C Parameter Min Nom Max Unit 12V Vo Output Overcurrent 3.57 / / A Min Nom Max Unit 2.835 / / A Min Nom Max Unit 1.785 / / A Min Nom Max Unit 0.892 / / A ADNB027-15-1PM-C Parameter 15V Vo Output Overcurrent ADNB027-15-1PM-C Parameter 24V Vo Output Overcurrent ADNB008-48-1PM-C Parameter 48V Vo Output Overcurrent Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 12 Mechanical Specifications Mechanical Drawing (Dimensioning and Mounting Locations) Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 13 Weight The ADNB 40W series packing weight is 0.57lb/260.3g typical. Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 14 Environmental Specifications EMC Immunity ADNB 40W series power supply is designed to meet the following EMC immunity specifications: Table 4. Environmental Specifications: Document Description EN 55022 Conducted Level B and Radiated Level B (stand alone) EN 61000-3-2 Harmonic Distortion EN 61000-3-3 Harmonic Distortion EN 61204-3 EMS immunity EN 55024 EMS immunity Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 15 Safety Certifications The ADNB 40W series power supply is intended for inclusion in other equipment and the installer must ensure that it is in compliance with all the requirements of the end application. This product is only for inclusion by professional installers within other equipment and must not be operated as a stand alone product. Table 5. Safety Certifications for ADNB 40W series power supply system: Document Description UL/cUL508/UL1310 US and Canada Requirements TUV EN 60950-1 Germany and European Requirements (All CENELEC Countries) Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 16 EMI Emissions The ADNB 40W series has been designed to comply with the Class B limits of EMI requirements of EN55022 (FCC Part 15) and CISPR 22 (EN55022) for emissions and relevant sections of EN61000 (IEC 61000) for immunity. The unit is enclosed inside a metal box, tested at full load using resistive load. Conducted Emissions The applicable standard for conducted emissions is EN55022 (FCC Part 15). Conducted noise can appear as both differential mode and common mode noise currents. Differential mode noise is measured between the two input lines, with the major components occurring at the supply fundamental switching frequency and its harmonics. Common mode noise, a contributor to both radiated emissions and input conducted emissions, is measured between the input lines and system ground and can be broadband in nature. Table 6. Conducted EMI emission specifications of the ADNB 40W series Parameter Model Symbol Min Typ Max Unit FCC Part 15, class B All Margin - - 6 dB CISPR 22 (EN55022) class B All Margin - - 6 dB Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 17 Radiated Emissions Unlike conducted EMI, radiated EMI performance in a system environment may differ drastically from that in a stand-alone power supply. It is thus recommended that radiated EMI be evaluated in a system environment. The applicable standard is EN55022 Class B (FCC Part 15). Testing ac-dc convertors as a stand-alone component to the exact requirements of EN55022 can be difficult, because the standard calls for 1m leads to be attached to the input and outputs and aligned such as to maximize the disturbance. In such a set-up, it is possible to form a perfect dipole antenna that very few ac-dc convertors could pass. However, the standard also states that ‘an attempt should be made to maximize the disturbance consistent with the typical application by varying the configuration of the test sample’. Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 18 Operating Temperature The ADNB 40W series start and operate within stated specifications at an ambient temperature from -25 OC to 70 OC under all load conditions (see below derating curves for other amount of convection and orientation. Derate output current and power by 2.5% per degree above 50 OC. Maximum operating ambient temperature is 70 OC (which implies a 50% derating at max 70 OC ambient). Under convection cooling condition, the maximum output power derates linearly from full load. When input voltage is 90Vac, the maximum output power will derate to 90% full load. Derating Curve Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 19 Storage and Shipping Temperature / Humidity The ADNB 40W series can be stored or shipped at temperatures between -40 OC to +85 OC and relative humidity from 10% to 95%, non-condensing. Humidity The ADNB 40W series will operate within specifications when subjected to a relative humidity from 20% to 90% noncondensing. The ADNB 40W series can be stored in a relative humidity from 10% to 95% non-condensing. Vibration The ADNB 40W series will pass the following vibration specifications: Acceleration 5 gRMS Frequency Range 10-500 Hz Duration 10 mins Direction 3 mutually perpendicular axis PSD Profile Artesyn Embedded Technologies FREQ 10-500 Hz SLOPE dB/oct --- PSD g2/Hz --- Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 20 Application Notes Block Diagram DC OK Relay Contact Contact Close When the output voltage reaches the adjusted output voltage Contact Open When the output voltage drop below 90% output voltage Contact Ratings(max.) 30V/1A resistive load Artesyn Embedded Technologies Technical Reference Note Technical Reference Note Rev.04.19.16_#1.0 ADNB 40W Series Page 21 Output Ripple and Noise Measurement The setup outlined in the diagram below has been used for output voltage ripple and noise measurements on the ADNB 40W series . When measuring output ripple and noise, a scope jack in parallel with a 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitor, and a 47uF aluminum electrolytic capacitor should be used. Oscilloscope should be set to 20MHz bandwidth for this measurement. For more information: For support: