(1/2) SMD Inductors(Coils) For Power Line(Wound, Magnetic Shielded) Conformity to RoHS Directive GLF Series GLF1608 FEATURES • It delivers low Rdc with high Idc. • It is lead-free compatible. The product contains no lead whatsoever. It is able to withstand high temperature reflows (260°C during the peak) used in lead-free soldering. • It is a product conforming to RoHS directive. • It’s construction supports bulk mounting. SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS 0.8 +0.2 –0.1 1.6±0.15 0.8 +0.2 –0.1 APPLICATIONS Perfect coil for step-up and step-down circuits, and decoupling circuits for each set power supply circuit • Portable audio visual devices (DSC, DVC, Audio, etc.) • Mobile communication devices (cellular phones, LCD panel, etc.) • Information devices (TVs, DVDs, STBs, PCs, HDDs, etc.) • Amusement devices (Video games, etc.) 0.4±0.15 0.4±0.15 Weight:5mg Dimensions in mm SPECIFICATIONS Storage temperature range –40 to +105°C [Including self-temperature rise] –40 to +105°C RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS REFLOW SOLDERING RECOMMENDED PC BOARD PATTERN 0.70 Operating temperature range 0.70 0.70 0.70 2.10 Withstanding soldering heat condition Solderability condition Dimensions in mm Peak 260˚C 230˚C 200˚C Natural cooling 30s PACKAGING STYLE AND QUANTITIES Packaging style Taping Quantity 4000 pieces/reel 70s Preheating 100 to 150˚C/120s 140 to 180˚C/120s Time(s) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Part No. GLF1608T1R0M GLF1608T2R2M GLF1608T4R7M GLF1608T100M GLF1608T220M Inductance (µH) 1.0 2.2 4.7 10.0 22.0 Inductance tolerance (%) ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 DC resistance (Ω)±30% 0.17 0.33 0.55 0.70 3.00 Rated current∗1 (mA)max. 125 75 70 50 35 Rated current∗2 (mA)max. 220 160 115 90 60 Rated current∗3 (mA)max. 400 275 220 180 100 ∗1 Rated Current Based on Inductance Variation: Current when inductance decreases by 10% of the initial value due to direct current superimposed characteristics ∗2 Rated Current Based on Inductance Variation: Current when inductance decreases by 20% of the initial value due to direct current superimposed characteristics ∗3 Rated Current Based on Increasing Product Temperature: Current when temperature of the product reaches +20°C • Test equipment L: Agilent 4294A IMPEDANCE ANALYZER,or equivalent Rdc: MATSUSHITA DIGITAL MILLOHM METER VP-2941A,or equivalent • Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific bromine-based flame retardants, PBB and PBDE, have not been used, except for exempted applications. • All specifications are subject to change without notice. 003-02 / 20060721 / e531_glf1608.fm (2/2) TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS INDUCTANCE vs. FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS INDUCTANCE vs. DC SUPERPOSITION CHARACTERISTICS 1000 1000 100 22µH Inductance(µH) Inductance(µH) 100 10µH 4.7µH 10 2.2µH 22µH 10µH 10 4.7µH 2.2µH 1µH 0.1 1µH 1 1 0.01 0.1 1 Frequency (MHz) 10 100 0.1 1 10 DC current(mA) 100 1000 IMPEDANCE vs. FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS 100000 Impedance(Ω) 10000 22µH 10µH 4.7µH 1000 2.2µH 1µH 100 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (MHz) • All specifications are subject to change without notice. 003-02 / 20060721 / e531_glf1608.fm