ARS/AR35A SERIES 硅整流器 Silicon Rectifier ■特征 Features Io ● VRRM ● ● ● ■外形尺寸和印记 35A 50V~1000V AR ARS 使用环氧胶进行保护 Plastic material used carries underwriters .225(5.7) .215(5.5) .225(5.7) .215(5.5) 耐正向浪涌电流能力高 High surge forward current capability .347(8.9) .327(8.3) ■用途 Applications ● Outline Dimensions and Mark 作一般单相整流用 General purpose 1 phase rectifier applications .410(10.4) .380(9.7) .185(4.7) .165(4.2) .250(6.4) .235(6.0) .185(4.7) .165(4.2) .250(6.4) .235(6.0) Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) ■极限值(绝对最大额定值) Limiting Values(Absolute Maximum Rating) 符号 单位 Symbol Unit 参数名称 Item 反向重复峰值电压 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 平均整流输出电流 Average Rectified Output Current 正向(不重复)浪涌电流 Surge(Non-repetitive)Forward Current 条件 Conditions 005 01 ARS/AR35A 02 04 06 08 200 800 1000 VRRM V IO A 60HZ 正弦波,电阻负载,Tc=150℃ 60HZ sine wave, R- load, Tc=150℃ 35 IFSM A 60HZ正弦波,一个周期,Ta=25℃ 60HZ sine wave, 1 cycle, Ta=25℃ 500 正向浪涌电流的平方对电流浪 涌持续 时间的积分值 Current Squared Time 2 It A2s 50 100 1ms≤t<8.3ms Tj=25℃,单个二极 管 1ms≤t < 8.3ms Tj=25℃,Rating of 400 600 1042 per diode 存储温度 Storage Temperature 结温 Junction Temperature Tstg ℃ -55 ~+175 Tj ℃ -55 ~+175 ■电特性 (Ta=25℃ 除非另有规定) Electrical Characteristics(Ta=25℃ Unless otherwise specified) 参数名称 Item 正向峰值电压 Peak Forward Voltage 反向峰值电流 Peak Reverse Current 热阻 Thermal Resistance Document Number 0087 Rev. 1.0, 22-Sep-11 符号 单位 Symbol Unit VFM IRRM1 IRRM2 RθJ-C V μA ℃/W 测试条件 Test Condition IFM=35A,脉冲测试,单个二极管的额定值 IFM=35A, Pulse measurement, Rating of per diode Ta=25℃ VRM=VRRM Ta=125℃ 结和外壳之间 Between junction and case 扬州扬杰电子科技股份有限公司 Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 最大值 Max 1.1 5 500 0.7 10 ARS/AR35 SERIES 图1:Io-Ta曲线 FIG1:Io-Ta Curve 50 图2:耐正向浪涌电流曲线 FIG2:Surge Forward Current Capadility 40 400 30 300 20 200 10 100 0 125 135 145 155 165 175 Ta(℃) 0 图3:正向电压曲线 FIG3:Instantaneous Forward Voltage 60 IR(uA) IF(A) 500 IFSM(A) Io(A) ■特性曲线(典型) Characteristics(Typical) 40 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 周波数 Number of Cycles 图4:反向电流曲线 FIG4:Typical Reverse Characteristics 100 Tj=125℃ 20 10 10 5.0 1.0 1.0 Tj=25℃ 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.4 0.6 Document Number 0087 Rev. 1.0, 22-Sep-11 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 VF(V) 0 20 扬州扬杰电子科技股份有限公司 Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 40 60 80 100 Voltage(%)