CO vimag AX3150CJ HIGH POWER TRIODE The AX3150CJ is a high power metal ceramic triode, intended for use in HF industrial generators for frequencies up to 100 MHz and output power up to 240 kW. Cooling is accomplished by water. GENERAL DATA Electrical Filament: Thoriated tungstenum direct heating Voltage (see note 1) Current V A Vf If 15 255 p 22 S 95 mA/V 66 170 4,5 pF pF pF 491 220 mm mm 20 kg Characteristics Amplification Factor atVa= 14 to 12kV;la=8A Transconductance at Va= 12 kV; a = 6 to 8 A Direct interelectrode capacitances Grid-Anode Grid-Cathode Anode-Cathode Mechanical Overall dimensions Length Diameter See mechanical outline drawing Approximative weight .Vertical, with anode up or down (see cooling characteristics) Mounting position Water Cooling type COVIMAG Z.I. La Marquisie Avenue du 4 juillet 1776 19101 BRIVE Cedex Tel: (33) 555.86.49.50 Page- I Marcia 23, 2004 " ' AX3150CJ Accessories Internal cathode terminal External cathode terminal Cathode connecting strip (2 per tube) Grid terminal for f< 10 MHz Grid terminal for f> 10 MHz Handle Water connector (2 per tube) Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 Ref. 8311 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 25801 26001 25201 19401 25601 26201 26801 Cooling To obtain optimum life, the seal/envelope temperature under normal operating conditions should be kept below 220 °C at any point. Additional cooling by an air flow rate of approximately 3 m3/min, channeled on the tube terminal side is therefore required. The cooling water diagram applies to water inlet temperature tl = 35 °C (100 kPa = 1 atm = 1 bar). If the tube is mounted in normal position (anode down), water in the anode cooling jacket has to flow in the arrow-marked direction. If the tube is mounted in reverse position (anode up), input and output water connections should be reversed. Note 1 The cathodes consist of thoriated tungsten and are directly heated. No RF voltage is permitted between the two heater terminals of the tube since this would result in an additional heating of the cathode. For this reason, a capacitive bridging of the cathode is generally required. To reduce resonance effects, a low-ohmic resistor should be provided at the heater terminals. Heater voltage The heating power is primarily determined by the heater voltage applied to the cathode. The rated heater voltage is the maximum voltage required by a new tube to supply its rated output power. I COVIMAG Z.I. La Marquisie Avenue du 4 juillet 1776 19101 BRIVE Cedex Tel: (33) 555.86.49.50 Page - 2 March 23, 2001 AX3150CJ During operation, the heater voltage value should be kept as precisely as possible; the utmost average deviation from the rated value may only amount to +1 % or -3%. Temporary deviations between +5 and -10% are permitted. Since higher voltage variations may occur in industrial power systems, stabilization of the heater voltage will usually be necessary. The heater voltage should be set by means of an rms voltmeter, such as a moving iron meter of 0.5% accuracy, with the measurements being directly carried out at the cathode terminals. An inaccurately set heater voltage has - due to physical principles - the following effects : on the one hand, the cathode service life is shortened by overheating, while underheating, on the other hand, reduces the emission capability and thereby the possible peak cathode current, thus causing a power decrease. Heater current The heater current of a new tube may deviate from the rated value within a set tolerance range. During service life decarburization of the cathode thoriated tungsten filaments causes an increasing heater current which may exceed the initial value by up to 15 %. This has to be considered when dimensioning the heater transformer. OSCILLATOR FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION (Anode voltage from three-phase bridge rectifier) Maximum ratings Frequency DC anode voltage DC grid voltage DC cathode current Peak cathode current DC grid current No load DC grid current Anode dissipation Grid dissipation Grid resistor at blocked tube 30 15 - 2 30 140 4 5 100 2 5 f Va Vg Ik Ikp Ig Ignl Wa Wg Rgc MHz kV kV A A A A kW kW kQ COVIMAG Z.I. La Marquisie Avenue du 4 juillet 1776 19101 BRIVE Cedex Tel: (33) 555.86.49.50 Page - 3 March 23, 2001 AX3150CJ OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Frequency Output power (see note 2) DC anode voltage DC grid voltage Peak RF grid voltage Feedback factor DC anode current DC grid current Grid resistor Anode input power Drive power Anode dissipation Grid dissipation Oscillator efficiency Anode load resistor <30 f 240 Wosc 14 Va - 850 Vg 1310 Vgp Vgp/Vap 10.5 22.3 la 3.1 Ig 275 Rg 312 Wia 3.8 Wdrive 68 Wa 1.2 Wg 77 nosc 325 Ra < 30 210 13 - 800 1250 10.7 20.9 3.1 260 272 3.7 58 1.2 77 325 <30 190 12 - 750 1200 11 20.3 3.3 225 244 3.8 50 1.3 78 310 <30 140 10 - 700 1130 12.3 17.7 3.4 205 177 3.7 33 1.3 79 300 <30 100 8 - 630 1050 14.2 15.8 3.6 175 126 3.6 23 1.3 79 275 MHz kW kV V V % A A Q kW kW kW kW % Q Note 2: Not considering circuit losses COVIMAG Z.I. La Marquisie Avenue du 4 juillet 1776 19101 BRIVE Cedex Tel: (33) 555.86.49.50 Page - 4 March 23, 2001 AX3150CJ °C kPa Q t2 AP L/mn 70 - 140 - tl =35°C 60 / … -- 50- 100 50 --------- 40 - 80 40 - W 010 10 0 2030 20 30 - - 4050607080 40 50 60 70 80 90 /0kW 100 kW -Page-- Table 1I - Cooling water diagram COVIMAG Z.I. La Marquisie Avenue du 4 juillet 1776 19101 BRIVE Cedex Tel (33) 555.86.49.50 Page - 5 March 23, 2001 AX3150CJ ... I /A 6001 V J =f =fV /G~Vg _„..„A 400 300 .. _ii.. .... 0 _--- lou 7001 -400 , s S u - _ _ i -_— -- - 0 ,,2 -200 -800* -__________--~ ~ ~ 0^>^^-'»- ___-700 0 - - 1 -- 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ A~^ ~ '~ 4 5 05 ^~~ · - - -0 ^ 3 A__ -- I I I - OA - s 6 7 8 9 00 Z.1. PageLa Marquisie Tel: (33) 555.86.49.50 Page - 6 120 11 12 13 14 15 KV March 23, 2001 A OES OU COMMUNICATION TIERS INTEROITE SOUS FORME QUE CE OIT QUELQUE ECRITE SANS AUTORISATION DUPROPRIETAIRE. ISSUETOTHIRD PARTIESIN ANYFORMWHATEVER IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT WRITTEN FROMTHE PRO. AUTHORITY PRIETOR. iimag B ZX 3Snf 3891 UOJ 31HdiYl BWZX31IS fl M NOI£YXIJ : C 310N (. i ET-a 9x) '5310 9NSIXIJ9 _0g 0Z— ( .9 V £T=O gx ) 'NOXIXVIJ30 SlOUl 9 :Z 31N0 1VNII31 SY3sn ION00 3l.U)O3 31103 3SIlIln SYd3N 88T 0— I 310N T 'TST 0 c I I 1 f 1 9/l T9 TBZaSI co 8T 0 03f~~~ ' — 85— 31I rn CD < -J _ i-i w rn " § I . 3 I _K i§ 9ZT0 IO 4 — · ^~~~~ T3 ______——, ^ ^ "m~~~~~ F ______ ! · ^~~~~~ — ' NTO 9H0—' "^1 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9TZ —I ^ AX3150CJ AX3150C AX3151C AX360G AX361G CS363 AXEEL2 AXEEL6 AXEEL8 Accessories Internal Cathode Terminal External Cathode Terminal Grid Terminal for freq. <10 MHz Grid Terminal for freq. >10 MHz CATHODE CONNECTING STRIP(2 per tube) Antielectrolytic coupling for 1 1/4" hose (2 per tube) Antielectrolytic coupling for 1" hose (2 per tube) Antielectrolytic coupling for 3/4" hose (2 per tube)