B2000RU Series 4:1 Input Range, 20W Single & Dual Output DC/DC Converters Electrical Specifications Specifications typical @ +25°C, nominal input voltage & rated output current, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice. Key Features: • 20W Output Power • 4:1 Input Voltage Range • Compact 1 x 2 Inch Case • 1,600 VDC Isolation • High Efficiency • Single & Dual Outputs • Remote ON/OFF • Industry Standard Pin-Out Input Parameter Input Voltage Range Input Filter Input Reflected Ripple Current Conditions Min. 24 VDC Input 9.0 48 VDC Input 18.0 (Pi) Filter Typ. 24.0 48.0 Max. 36.0 75.0 20.0 Units VDC mA P - P Output Parameter Output Voltage Accuracy Output Voltage Balance Line Regulation Load Regulation, Single Output Load Regulation, Dual Output Ripple & Noise (20 MHz) (Note 1) Output Power Protection Transient Recovery Time (Note 2) Transient Response Deviation Temperature Coefficient Output Short Circuit Protection Conditions Min. Dual Output , Balanced Loads Vin = Min to Max Iout = 0% to 100% Iout = 0% to 100% Typ. ±1.0 ±0.5 Max. ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0 75 120 250 25% Load Step Change ±3.0 ±0.02 Continuous (Autorecovery) Units % % % % % mV P - P % IOUT µSec % %/°C General Parameter Isolation Voltage (Input/Output) Isolation Voltage (Case/Input(output) Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance Switching Frequency Conditions 3 Seconds 3 Seconds 500 VDC 100 kHz, 1V Min. 1,600 1,600 1,000 Typ. Max. Units VDC M⍀ pF kHz 1,200 330 EMI Characteristics Parameter Radiated Emissions Conducted Emissions (Note 3) ESD RS EFT (Note 4) Surge (Note 4) CS (Note 4) PFMF Standard Level Class A Class A Criteria B Criteria A Criteria B Criteria B Criteria A Criteria A EN55022 EN55022 EN6100-4-2 EN6100-4-3 EN6100-4-4 EN6100-4-5 EN6100-4-6 EN6100-4-8 Environmental MicroPower Direct 292 Page Street Suite D Stoughton, MA 02072 USA T: (781) 344-8226 F: (781) 344-8481 E: sales@micropowerdirect.com W: www.micropowerdirect.com Parameter Operating Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Cooling Humidity RFI Physical Case Size Case Material Weight Conditions Ambient Case Min. -40 Typ. +25 -40 Free Air Convection RH, Non-condensing Six-Side Shielded Metal Case Max. +66 +105 +125 Units °C °C °C 95 % 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.40 Inches (50.8 x 25.4 x 10.2 mm) Metal with Non-Conductive Base (UL94-V0) 1.06 Oz (30g) Reliability Specifications Parameter MTBF Conditions MIL HDBK 217F, 25°C, Gnd Benign Min. 560 Typ. Max. Units kHours Conditions 24 VDC Input 48 VDC Input 1.5 mm From Case For 10 Sec Min. -0.7 -0.7 Typ. Max. 50.0 100.0 260.0 Units Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Input Voltage Surge (1 Sec) Lead Temperature Caution: Exceeding Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the module. These are not continuous operating ratings. www.micropowerdirect.com VDC °C www.micropowerdirect.com Model Selection Guide Input Model Number Output Over Max Voltage Efficiency Fuse Rating Capacitive Voltage Current Current Protection (%, Typ) Slow-Blow Load (mA) (VDC) (µF Max) Full-Load No-Load (VDC) (mA, Max) (mA, Min) Voltage (VDC) Current (mA) Nominal Range B2001RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 879 50 3.3 5,500.0 0.0 3.9 89 2,000 10,000 B2002RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 957 50 5.0 4,000.0 0.0 6.2 90 2,000 6,800 B2003RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 980 22 12.0 1,670.0 0.0 15.0 88 2,000 1,000 B2004RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 968 22 15.0 1,330.0 0.0 18.0 89 2,000 680 B2005RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 968 65 ±5.0 ±2000.0 0.0 ±6.2 89 2,000 ±2,200 B2006RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 980 25 ±12.0 ±835.0 0.0 ±15.0 88 2,000 ±470 B2007RU 24 9.0 - 36.0 980 25 ±15.0 ±665.0 0.0 ±18.0 88 2,000 ±330 B2011RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 440 30 3.3 5,500.0 0.0 3.9 89 1,500 10,000 B2012RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 413 30 5.0 4,000.0 0.0 6.2 91 1,500 6,800 B2013RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 484 15 12.0 1,670.0 0.0 15.0 89 1,500 1,000 B2014RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 484 15 15.0 1,330.0 0.0 18.0 89 1,500 680 B2015RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 484 40 ±5.0 ±2000.0 0.0 ±6.2 89 1,500 ±2,200 B2016RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 490 15 ±12.0 ±835.0 0.0 ±15.0 88 1,500 ±470 B2017RU 48 18.0 - 75.0 490 15 ±15.0 ±665.0 0.0 ±18.0 88 1,500 ±330 Notes: 1. Transient recovery is measured to within a 1% error band for a load step change of 75% to 50% to 25%. 2. Operation at no-load will not damage these units. However, they may not meet all specifications. 3. Dual output units may be connected to provide a 10 VDC, 24 VDC or 30 VDC output. To do this, connect the load across the positive (+Vout) and negative (-Vout) outputs and float the output common. 4. It is recommended that a fuse be used on the input of a power supply for protection. See the table above for the correct rating. Recommended Input/Output Components Remote ON/OFF Parameter Min Max Units Supply On 3.0 12 or Open VDC Supply Off 0.0 1.2 VDC Standby Input Current 5 mA Typical Control Common Referenced to Neg. Input (pin 2) To help meet EN55022 conducted emissions requirements, a simple Pi filter should be added externally to the input of the converter. Recommended components (C1, C2 & L1) are shown in the diagram above.These components should be mounted as close to the module as possible. To meet the requiremets of EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5 and EN61000-4-6, an external capacitor is required. It is recommended that the value shown in the figure above (C3) be used. A positive logic Remote On/Off input (Pin 6) can be used to control the converter. An open collector (or open drain) switch (Q1) is placed between the control input (Pin 6) and the -V Input (Pin 2). When measuring output ripple, it is recommended that an external 1.0 µF ceramic capacitor be placed from the +Vout pin to the -Vout pin for single output units and from each output to common for dual output units. For noise sensitive applications, the use of 3.3 µF capacitors (as shown in the diagram above) will reduce the output ripple. If not being used, the control input should be left open. Page 2 Web: www.micropowerdirect.com • Email: sales@micropowerdirect.com • Tel: (781) 344 - 8226 • Fax: (781) 344 - 8481 B2000RU MicroPower Direct Series Output Trim (Single Output Models) A simple external circuit may be used to adjust Vout on single output models. To adjust the output DOWN, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the plus output pin and the Vout trim pin. To adjust the output UP, connect a 5%, 3W resistor between the minus output pin and the Vout trim pin. Resistor values are given in the chart below. For UP/Down trimming capability, connect a 10 kW potentiometer between the plus and minus outputs with the wiper arm connected to the Vout trim pin. Care should be taken that the maximum output power of the unit does not exceed the maximum rating. B2001RU, B2011RU Trim Down Vout = RTRIM Down = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 3.234 3.201 3.168 3.135 3.102 3.069 3.036 3.003 2.970 VDC 79.806 59.153 44.930 34.539 26.616 20.374 15.330 k⍀ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 315.932 172.257 112.528 Trim UP Vout = RTRIM Up = 1 3.267 1 2 3 3.333 3.366 3.399 544.612 184.034 103.305 3.432 3.465 3.498 3.531 3.564 3.597 3.630 VDC 67.715 47.676 34.824 25.880 19.297 14.249 10.255 k⍀ B2002RU, B2012RU Trim Down Vout = RTRIM Down = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 4.900 4.850 4.800 4.750 4.700 4.650 4.600 4.550 4.500 VDC 64.301 43.281 30.643 22.207 16.177 11.651 8.129 5.310 k⍀ 230.566 106.182 Trim UP Vout = RTRIM Up = 1 4.950 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 5.050 5.100 5.150 5.200 5.250 5.300 5.350 5.400 5.450 5.500 VDC 70.631 49.142 36.274 27.707 21.592 17.010 13.447 10.598 k⍀ 244.547 113.776 B2003RU, B2013RU Trim Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Vout = 11.880 11.760 11.640 11.520 11.400 11.280 11.160 11.040 10.920 10.800 VDC RTRIM Down = 327.351 142,100 83.928 55.470 38.591 27.418 19.477 13.542 8.939 5.264 k⍀ Trim UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Vout = 12.120 12.240 12.360 12.480 12.600 12.720 12.840 12.960 13.080 13.200 VDC RTRIM Up = 371.425 183.645 117.623 83.929 63.489 49.767 39.919 32.508 26.728 22.094 k⍀ B2004RU, B2014RU Trim Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Vout = 14.850 14.700 14.550 14.400 14.250 14.100 13.950 13.800 13.650 13.500 VDC RTRIM Down = 433.811 174.916 100.946 65,907 45.468 32.077 22.625 15.596 10.165 5.842 k⍀ Trim UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Vout = 15.150 15.300 15.450 15.600 15.750 15.900 16.050 16.200 16.350 16.500 VDC RTRIM Up = 347.293 178.523 115.235 82.084 61.683 47.863 37.882 30.336 24.430 19.682 k⍀ Web: www.micropowerdirect.com • Email: sales@micropowerdirect.com • Tel: (781) 344 - 8226 • Fax: (781) 344 - 8481 Page 3 Derating Curve www.micropowerdirect.com Pin Connections Pin Single Dual 1 +Vin +Vin 2 -Vin -Vin 3 +Vout +Vout 4 Trim Common 5 -Vout -Vout 6 Remote On/Off Remote On/Off Mechanical Dimensions Mechanical Notes: • All dimensions are typical in inches (mm) • Tolerance x.xx = ±0.01 (±0.25) MicroPower Direct www.micropowerdirect.com 292 Page Street Ste D Stoughton, MA 02072 • TEL: (781) 344-8226 • FAX: (781) 344-8481 • E-Mail: sales@micropowerdirect.com