
MB90340 Series
MB90350 Series
Revision History
29 Sep 2005
07 Nov 2005
13 July 2006
Initial Version
V1.1 re-check, disclaimer added, header/footer modified
V1.2 , HWe: typos (font) corrected
This document contains 12 pages.
Micro DMA Controller
Controller Area Network
REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 2
CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 3
1 OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................... 5
2 AFFECTED DEVICES...................................................................................................... 5
3 OPERATION OVERVIEW OF CPU, "DMAC AND CAN ................................................. 6
µDMAC ................................................................................................................... 7
CAN ........................................................................................................................ 7
Bus Repeater .......................................................................................................... 7
4 MECHANISM OF THE "DMAC PROBLEM .................................................................... 9
5 MEASURES AGAINST THE "DMAC PROBLEM ......................................................... 11
Corrective Action to Current Products ................................................................... 11
Permanent Measures ............................................................................................ 11
Fujitsu does not bear any warranty in the case this handling note is not fully
1 Overview
In contrast to ealier evaluation results, the following basic phenomena has been revealed:
The µDMAC problem is defined as a malfunction that is caused by the garbling of the DMA
transfer source or destination address or transfer data. This type of malfunction may be
caused when one of the F2MC-16LX family devices listed in Chapter 2 “Affected Devices” is
used to perform an access to the CAN message buffer RAM concurrently with a data
transfer using the µDMAC.
An example of causing a malfunction is shown below:
UART transmission is performed by transferring data to the transmission data
register by using the µDMAC while CAN operation is enabled.
This error symptom was confirmed by our operation verification.
Note that this error symptom does not occur if one of the following is met:
The µDMAC is not used.
CAN is not used.
The µDMAC is not used during CAN message buffer RAM access.
2 Affected Devices
The µDMAC/CAN problem occurs in devices with a µDMAC and a CAN Interface. The
following devices are affected:
MB90340 Series:
MB90349A/AS/CA/CAS, MB90V340A-101/102/103/104, MB90V340/S, MB90F038S
MB90350 Series:
MB90F351/S, MB90F352/S, MB90F351A/AS/TA/TAS, MB90F352A/AS/TA/TAS,
3 Operation Overview of CPU, µDMAC and CAN
The symptoms of this problem involve the CPU, µDMAC and CAN operations. Figure 1 is a
block diagram of a F2MC-16LX family CPU and its peripherals.
Transfer request signal (DRQn)
µDMAC control
Address latch and data
read/write signals
(for a case other than
DMA transfer)
Address latch and data
read/w rite signals (at DMA
Bus repeater
Resource bus B
Peripheral clock
Resource bus
clock signal
Resource bus C
CAN control
CAN_RAM access status
signal (FREEZ E)
Clock circuit
CAN_RAM w ait
signal to CPU
CPU wait control
FREEZ E: Signal that indicates that the CAN controller is in
access to CAN_RAM
Transfer request signal issued from a peripheral
resource to µDMAC
Bus request signal that µDMAC issues to the
CPU upon receipt of a transfer request
Bus release signal issued by the CPU upon
receipt of a bus request from µDMAC
Signal that makes a CPU request to access CAN_RAM
wait w hen the request is issued while the CAN controller
is in access to CAN_RAM
Figure 1. Block diagram of F2MC-16LX CPU peripherals
The µDMAC has the function to transfer data directly (DMA transfer) between peripheral
resources and memory without the intervention of the CPU. The DMA transfer procedure is
explained below.
A peripheral resource outputs a transfer request signal (DRQn) to the µDMAC.
Upon receipt of the signal, the µDMAC outputs a bus request signal (HRQU) to the
The CPU returns a bus release signal (HAKU) to the µDMAC to release the bus after
it finishes the instruction in execution.
Upon receipt of the bus release signal (HAKU), the µDMAC drives the bus.
The bus that the µDMAC drives on behalf of the CPU is resource bus B including the bus
control signals. The µDMAC operates with the peripheral clock.
The CAN macro includes a message buffer memory (CAN_RAM) connected by a dedicated
bus, so during CAN operation, the CAN occasionally accesses the CAN_RAM. When the
CPU issues an access request to CAN_RAM during access between CAN and CAN_RAM,
the CPU access must wait until the CAN access has been completed because the CAN has
higher priority for accessing the CAN_RAM. The procedure is as follows:
The CPU issues an access request to CAN_RAM during access between CAN and
A CAN_RAM wait signal (RFRQ) is output to the CPU from the CPU wait control
circuit to notify the clock control circuit that the CAN is accessing the CAN_RAM.
The clock control circuit stops the CPU operating clock and bus operating clock
Because the clock signals for the peripheral resources are not stopped even while
the CAN_RAM wait signal (RFRQ) is output to the CPU, only the CPU and bus are
made to wait but the peripheral resources including CAN keep operating.
Bus Repeater
To be able to distribute the bus load, the internal buses consist of resource bus B directly
connected to the CPU, µDMAC and CAN, and resource bus C connected to other peripheral
resources. The role of the bus repeater is to
determine the type of bus cycle, address or data
control the signal transfer direction between resource buses B and C based on the
bus control signal.
The bus repeater operates with the resource bus operating clock.
Figure 2 shows an example of the µDMAC control circuit reading data from a peripheral
µDMAC control
bus B
Bus repeater
bus C
(1) Output of address
(2) Output of data
Figure 2 Example of the µDMAC control circuit reading data from a peripheral
4 Mechanism of the µDMAC Problem
Figure 3 shows the timing diagram of the µDMAC problem.
When the µDMAC issues a bus request (HRQU) while CAN is operating, bus control is
transferred from the CPU to the µDMAC ((3)). If the CAN_RAM select signal is active under
this condition, the bus repeater malfunctions. This error mechanism is shown below:
(1) While a µDMAC activation cause occurs during CAN operation and the µDMAC
outputs a bus request (HRQU), the CPU accesses the CAN_RAM.
When the CPU accesses the CAN_RAM, the CAN_RAM select signal is set to active
to latch the CAN_RAM address.
(2) The CAN_RAM select signal is kept active even after the CPU finishes access
Even after the CAN_RAM address has been latched, the CAN_RAM area signal is
kept active until the next address is output.
(3) The bus release signal (HAKU) is set to active, so the bus control is transferred
from the CPU to the µDMAC.
After instruction execution is finished, the CPU sets the bus release signal (HAKU) to
active to transfer the bus right to the µDMAC. The bus control signal is then output by
the µDMAC.
(4) The CPU wait control circuit misrecognizes that the CAN_RAM is being
accessed by the CPU and outputs a bus wait signal (RFRQ).
When the CAN_RAM area signal is still active and the CAN starts accessing the
CAN_RAM, the CPU wait control circuit misrecognizes that CAN_RAM is being
accessed by the CPU and outputs a bus wait signal.
(5) The resource bus B and C operating clock signals are stopped.
The CAN_RAM bus wait signal (RFRQ) to the CPU stops the CPU operating clock
signal and resource bus B and C operating clock signals but leaves the peripheral
resource operating clock signals active.
(6) When a bus control signal is supplied from the µDMAC while no clock signal is
supplied to the bus repeater, the bus repeater cannot operate normally and an
address or data error occurs, resulting in a malfunction.
The bus control signal is not stopped because the µDMAC, which is the supply
source of the signal, operates with the peripheral clock. When the bus repeater
receives the bus control signal while its operating clock signal is not supplied, data
transfer between resource buses B and C does not work normally. For this reason,
address cycle/data cycle information on resource buses B and C is corrupted. This
leads to a malfunction.
P er i p h er a l r e so u r c e o p er at in g
c l o ck s i g n a l B
P er i p h er a l r e so u r c e
o p e r at in g c lo ck s i g n a l A
( 5 ) T h e re s o u rc e b u s o p er at i n g cl o ck s i g n a ls a re st o p p e d .
R e s o u r c e b u s o p er at in g
c l o ck s i g n a l B
R e s o u r c e b u s o p er at in g
c lo ck s i g n a l A
A d d r e s s l at c h
sign a l
sign a l
W RIT E s i g n a l
B us- r igh t
r e l ea s e s i g n a l
O u t p ut f ro m CP U ( R B A E ,, R B R D , R B W R)
B us- r igh t
r e l ea s e s i g n a l
O u t p ut f ro m u D M A C ( R B A E , R B R D , R B W R)
C A N _ R A M d a ta
C A N _ R A M a d d re s s
R e so ur c e
bus C
C A N _ R A M a d d re s s
P e r ip h e r al re s o u r ce
( 6 ) A d at a t ra n sf e r c a u s e s a c o n fl i ct b et w e en
r e s o u rc e b u s s e s B a n d C , d e s t ro y in g t h e a d d r e s s an d
da t a .
( 3 ) B u s r i g h t i s r el e a s e d t o
uD M A C .
R e so ur c e
bus B
uD M A C
A d d re ss 1
( 2 ) A ft er t h e CA N _ RA M a d d r e s s is o ut p ut ,
t h e C A N _ RA M ar ea s i g n a l is k ep t o ut p ut
u n t i l n ex t a d d r e s s is o ut p ut .
A d d r e ss 1
C A N _ R AM
a r e a s ig n a l
B us w a it
sign a l
( 4 ) T h e CP U w a it co n t ro l c ir c u it m i s r e co g n iz e s t h at
C A N _ R A M i s b e i n g a c c e s s e d by t h e CP U a n d
o ut p ut s a b u s w a i t s i g n a l .
Figure 3 Timing diagram of the µDMAC problem
- 10 -
5 Measures against the µDMAC Problem
Corrective Action to Current Products
Use the applicable products listed in Chapter2 “Affected Devices” under one of the following
Condition 1: Do not use the µDMAC.
Condition 2: Do not use CAN operation if the µDMAC is used.
Permanent Measures
The cause of this error is a logical problem in the address decode circuit used when CAN
accesses CAN_RAM, and accordingly the CAN_RAM area signal is left active even after the
CPU finishes accessing CAN_RAM. For this reason, as permanent measures, all error
applicable products will sequentially be subjected to an engineering change. The
engineering change is explained as follows:
Engineering change:
The CAN_RAM area signal (RFRQ) will be set to inactive after the CAN_RAM address
is output. ((2) in Figure 4)
Figure 4 shows the timing chart after the measures are taken. After the above engineering
change, the bus wait signal (RFRQ) is also set to inactive when the CPU finishes accessing
CAN_RAM. Because the resource bus operating clock signal is not stopped, the bus
repeater operates normally.
The redesign schedules and the new part numbers for the affected products will be
announced in a separate document.
- 11 -
P er i p h er a l r e so u r c e
o p e r at in g c lo ck s i g n a l B
P er i p h er a l r e so u r c e
o p e r at in g c lo ck s i g n a l A
R e s o u r c e b u s o p er at in g c lo c k
sign a l B
R e s o u r c e b u s o p er at in g
c lo ck s i g n a l A
A d d r e s s l at c h
sign a l
sign a l
W RIT E s i g n a l
B us- r igh t
r e que st sign a l
O u t p ut f ro m CP U ( R B A E ,, R B R D , R B W R)
B us- r igh t
r e lea s e s ig n a l
O u t p ut f ro m u D M A C ( R B A E , R B R D , R B W R)
B u s r i g h t i s r e le a s e d t o u D M A C
C A N _ R A M d a ta
R e so urc e bus B
C A N _ R A M a d d re s s
R e so urc e bus C
C A N _ R A M a d d re s s
uD M A C
D a ta c an b e t r an s f er re d n o rm a l ly b et w ee n r e so u r c e
bu sse s B a n d C .
A d d r e ss 1
A d d r e ss 1
P e r ip h e r al re s o u r ce
A d d r e ss 2
R E A D d a ta
W R I T E d a ta
A d d r e ss 2
A ft er t h e C A N _ RA M a d d r e s s i s o ut p ut , t h e
C A N _ R A M ar e a s i g n a l i s set t o i n a ct i v e .
C A N _ R A M ar e a
sign a l
B us w a it sign a l
T h e b u s w a i t s i g n a l i s k e p t in a ct iv e b e c a u s e t h e
C P U h a s f i n i sh e d a cc e s s i n g C A N _ RA M .
Figure 4 Timing chart after engineering change
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