
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Zetex SPICE Models
Understanding Model Parameters and Applications Limitations
Neil Chadderton
SPICE was originally developed as a
simulation tool for Integrated Circuit
design (SPICE being an acronym for
Simulation Program with Integrated
Circuit Emphasis) by the University of
California in the 1970s. It was quickly
improved into the SPICE2 version from
which all commercial “Spice” programs
are derived. It has since been enhanced
(in terms of faster more robust
algorithms and gra phics handling
capabilities for circuit input, and ease of
an aly s i n g s i m u la tion output) and
marketed by a number of companies for
u s e w i t h i n t h e P C e n v i r on m e n t commercial versions being PSPICE,
Though origina lly intended for IC
design, the availability of low cost
computing, and the push towards robust
design has introduced many other
circuit and system designers to the
advantages offered by analog circuit
simulation. This has led to the
requirement for device models for the
active components under consideration,
an d s o now many sem ic onduc tor
c o m p a n i e s p r o v i de a p p r op r i a te l y
targeted SPICE models as part of the
technical support function.
These models can be extremely useful
when used as a design tool, but care
must be exercised. Any simulation
software text will warn against sole
reliance on the software’s predictions.
Models are (by definition) a
compromise, and are essentially based
on a device’s common features. An
appreciation of the model derivation, the
model parameters, and it’s inherent
limitations should be sought, and would
assist in the interpretation of simulation
results and their application to the real
Zetex have created SPICE models for a
range of semiconductor components.
Many of these models are for the higher
performance Bipolar and MOSFET
trans istors, but models for RF
transistors, variable capacitance diodes,
switching diodes and standard small
signal parts are also available. These
models are available through any Zetex
sales office or agent.
Appendix A includes a printout of the
introductory text file included in version
2 of the Zetex SPICE models disc. This
file provides some background to how
the model files are organised, and a brief
overview of the model parameters for
each type of device model.
AN23 - 1
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
This application note is a guide to the
understanding and use of Zetex SPICE
models. It includes sections on how
some of these models are derived - the
measurements/optimisation necessary,
how to customise models for those
cases where a model is not available,
and the limitations to be aware of.
Measurement of Model
The bipolar transistor circuit model used
by the SPICE software is a modified
version of the Gummel-Poon model
formulated in 1970. The schematic of
this model is shown in Figure 1. For a
com pr ehensive de scription of the
model, including physical definitions of
the model components, please refer to
Appendix B, references 1 and 2.
Figure 2 shows a typical model for a
Zetex bipolar transistor.
Lines beginning with an asterisk indicate
a non-executable comment; so device
details, date of creation, line spaces, and
copyright messages all start with this
The line beginning “.MODEL ....” uses a
standard SPICE command that defines a
model to the software. Following this
command are the device name, it’s
polarity, and a list of the model
parameters - the “+” sign being used for
concatenation to the original command.
The text file reproduced in appendix A
gives some brief details as to the effects
each parameter has on the model’s
The measurements necessary to derive
the bipolar transistor model parameter
values can conveniently be separated
into dc and ac parameters as shown in
table 1. The dc parameters are further
separated into those for forward and
revers e operation. The paras itic
resistance components, and the
saturation current IS being common for
both forward and reverse modes. The
descriptions of the forward parameters
given below is equally applicable to the
r e v e r s e p a r a m e t e r s . (A p pe nd i x B
reference 3).
Spice model
Last revision 8/11/90
.MODEL ZTX688B NPN IS = 1.09E-12 NF = 0.9935 BF = 1180 IKF= 5.2 VAF= 25
+ ISE=1.3E-13 NE =1.35 NR =0.992 BR =790 IKR=.5 VAR=5 ISC=0.174E-12
+ NC =1.399 RB = .3 RE =.036 RC = .034 CJC= 104E-12 MJC= .29 VJC= .46
+ CJE=280E-12 TF = .93E-9 TR =1.05E-9
Figure 2
General Format of Zetex (Bipolar Transistor) SPICE Models.
An explanation of the function of the dc
parameters is most easily accomplished
with reference to a chart - sometimes
referred to as the “Gummel Plot”.
Figure 3 shows a Gummel plot, which
illustrates the variation in collector and
base currents with base-emitter voltage
- a requirement being that the device is
on the edge of saturation, satisfied by
VBC = 0 , ( or VCE= VBE). The collector
current IC (ideally) follows the Shockley
eq uati on th at defines the c ur rent
through a P-N junction:
I = Is [e
IS - the transistor saturation current and
is dependent on the size of the
base-emitter area
k - Boltzmann’s constant=1.38 x 10-23J/K
q - electronic charge=1.602 x 10-19C
T - temperature in Kelvin, (300K is a
common assumption)
VF - is the voltage across the junction.
Figure 1
Gummel-Poon Bipolar Transistor Model.
Table 1
Bipolar Transistor Model Parameters.
AN23 - 2
With reference to the chart, IS is the
y-axis intercept of the collector current
curve at VBE= 0, and NF defines the slope
of the line (referred to q/kT), and within
SPICE defaults to unity. At high currents,
the collector current differs from that
p re d i c te d b y t h e e q u a t i on d ue to
resistances, and high level injection
accommodated within SPICE by
allowing base-emitter de-biasing by the
parasitic emitter resistance (or collector
resistance for the reverse mode), and by
the collector “knee” current parameter,
IKF. (IKF is defined as the collector
current at which the current gain= BF/2,
see below).
The base current (IB) plot would ideally
be parallel to the collector current, the
plot separation being IS/BF, however
there are a number of physical effects
that are addressed by other parameters.
At low values of collector current,
surface leakage and recombination
effects introduce an additional slope to
the plot of IB, causing the line to intercept
the y axis at a higher position than would
be the case if IB was always a fixed
fraction of IC. These effects are described
by two additional SPICE parameters; ISE
- the y axis intercept for the IB curve at
VBE=0, and NE - representing the slope of
the affected region. These parameters
introduce a fall in hFE at low collector
current. (Appendix B, reference 4 gives
some useful illustrations on how these
parameters affect transistor curves).
AN23 - 3
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
This application note is a guide to the
understanding and use of Zetex SPICE
models. It includes sections on how
some of these models are derived - the
measurements/optimisation necessary,
how to customise models for those
cases where a model is not available,
and the limitations to be aware of.
Measurement of Model
The bipolar transistor circuit model used
by the SPICE software is a modified
version of the Gummel-Poon model
formulated in 1970. The schematic of
this model is shown in Figure 1. For a
com pr ehensive de scription of the
model, including physical definitions of
the model components, please refer to
Appendix B, references 1 and 2.
Figure 2 shows a typical model for a
Zetex bipolar transistor.
Lines beginning with an asterisk indicate
a non-executable comment; so device
details, date of creation, line spaces, and
copyright messages all start with this
The line beginning “.MODEL ....” uses a
standard SPICE command that defines a
model to the software. Following this
command are the device name, it’s
polarity, and a list of the model
parameters - the “+” sign being used for
concatenation to the original command.
The text file reproduced in appendix A
gives some brief details as to the effects
each parameter has on the model’s
The measurements necessary to derive
the bipolar transistor model parameter
values can conveniently be separated
into dc and ac parameters as shown in
table 1. The dc parameters are further
separated into those for forward and
revers e operation. The paras itic
resistance components, and the
saturation current IS being common for
both forward and reverse modes. The
descriptions of the forward parameters
given below is equally applicable to the
r e v e r s e p a r a m e t e r s . (A p pe nd i x B
reference 3).
Spice model
Last revision 8/11/90
.MODEL ZTX688B NPN IS = 1.09E-12 NF = 0.9935 BF = 1180 IKF= 5.2 VAF= 25
+ ISE=1.3E-13 NE =1.35 NR =0.992 BR =790 IKR=.5 VAR=5 ISC=0.174E-12
+ NC =1.399 RB = .3 RE =.036 RC = .034 CJC= 104E-12 MJC= .29 VJC= .46
+ CJE=280E-12 TF = .93E-9 TR =1.05E-9
Figure 2
General Format of Zetex (Bipolar Transistor) SPICE Models.
An explanation of the function of the dc
parameters is most easily accomplished
with reference to a chart - sometimes
referred to as the “Gummel Plot”.
Figure 3 shows a Gummel plot, which
illustrates the variation in collector and
base currents with base-emitter voltage
- a requirement being that the device is
on the edge of saturation, satisfied by
VBC = 0 , ( or VCE= VBE). The collector
current IC (ideally) follows the Shockley
eq uati on th at defines the c ur rent
through a P-N junction:
I = Is [e
IS - the transistor saturation current and
is dependent on the size of the
base-emitter area
k - Boltzmann’s constant=1.38 x 10-23J/K
q - electronic charge=1.602 x 10-19C
T - temperature in Kelvin, (300K is a
common assumption)
VF - is the voltage across the junction.
Figure 1
Gummel-Poon Bipolar Transistor Model.
Table 1
Bipolar Transistor Model Parameters.
AN23 - 2
With reference to the chart, IS is the
y-axis intercept of the collector current
curve at VBE= 0, and NF defines the slope
of the line (referred to q/kT), and within
SPICE defaults to unity. At high currents,
the collector current differs from that
p re d i c te d b y t h e e q u a t i on d ue to
resistances, and high level injection
accommodated within SPICE by
allowing base-emitter de-biasing by the
parasitic emitter resistance (or collector
resistance for the reverse mode), and by
the collector “knee” current parameter,
IKF. (IKF is defined as the collector
current at which the current gain= BF/2,
see below).
The base current (IB) plot would ideally
be parallel to the collector current, the
plot separation being IS/BF, however
there are a number of physical effects
that are addressed by other parameters.
At low values of collector current,
surface leakage and recombination
effects introduce an additional slope to
the plot of IB, causing the line to intercept
the y axis at a higher position than would
be the case if IB was always a fixed
fraction of IC. These effects are described
by two additional SPICE parameters; ISE
- the y axis intercept for the IB curve at
VBE=0, and NE - representing the slope of
the affected region. These parameters
introduce a fall in hFE at low collector
current. (Appendix B, reference 4 gives
some useful illustrations on how these
parameters affect transistor curves).
AN23 - 3
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Log I
The Gummel Plot is produced either by
careful curve tracer measurement,
and/or by an arrangement of
Source-Measure Units. The latter being
particularly effective for low current
measurements, and the former for the
high current range. If more than one
measurement system is used to produce
Gu m m e l da ta, the n ca r e m ust be
exercised to ensure that temperature
and accuracy differences do not produce
offsets. The Gummel Plot measurement
is usually automated, and the data
collected into a PC where a logarithmic
regression routine is used to determine
IS, NF, ISE and NE.
parameters CJ, MJ, and VJ are
d e t e r m i n e d b y m e a s u r i n g th e
capacitance against reverse voltage
(known as C-V data) for each junction,
and then either using an iterative routine
based on the equation below, or the P-N
junction capacitance entry screen within
the PSPICE PARTS package, or similar
parameter extraction program.
VR 
1 − ϕ 
The slope of the IC versus VCE output
characteristics, (hoe in h-parameter
p a r l a n c e ) i s d u e t o b a s e w i d th
modulation effects as described by J.M.
Early - and sometimes termed the Early
effect, (please refer to Figure 4). The
Early voltage is the point on the x axis at
which the extrapolated curves would
appear to intercept. This voltage (which
possesses no sign) is known as VAF to
the SPICE software, and allows the
SPICE equations to predict the IC value
from the basic Shockley equation, at any
value of VCE. This allows the model to
behave as expected in the linear region.
Figure 3
IC and IB Vs VBE Transconductance Chart - “Gummel Plot” (FMMT617). (Note 1).
AN23 - 4
The VAF (VAR) parameters are
determined by measuring IC ( IE) a t
several values of VCE (VEC), and using
linear regression to find the voltage axis
intercept. A range of base currents are
used, such that the resultant collector
currents represent the usual operating
CJ0 - is the zero bias value
ϕ- is the junction barrier potential
(known as VJC or VJE to SPICE)
M - is the grading coefficient (known as
VR - is the applied reverse bias.
The transit time parameters can be
found by an iterative approach based on
a m e a s u r e m e n t o f t h e FT p ro f i l e
(transition frequency against collector
current), and switching times for a
particular range of conditions. The
forward transit time TF is adjusted such
that simulations of small signal RF gain
m e a s u r e m e n t s c o n c u r w i t h FT
measurements (Appendix B reference 5)
and turn-on times. The reverse transit
time TR is determined by consideration
of turn-off times, particularly bipolar
storage time, ts.
The ac parameters are the collector-base
and base-emitter capacitances, and the
forward and reverse base transition time
AN23 - 5
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Log I
The Gummel Plot is produced either by
careful curve tracer measurement,
and/or by an arrangement of
Source-Measure Units. The latter being
particularly effective for low current
measurements, and the former for the
high current range. If more than one
measurement system is used to produce
Gu m m e l da ta, the n ca r e m ust be
exercised to ensure that temperature
and accuracy differences do not produce
offsets. The Gummel Plot measurement
is usually automated, and the data
collected into a PC where a logarithmic
regression routine is used to determine
IS, NF, ISE and NE.
parameters CJ, MJ, and VJ are
d e t e r m i n e d b y m e a s u r i n g th e
capacitance against reverse voltage
(known as C-V data) for each junction,
and then either using an iterative routine
based on the equation below, or the P-N
junction capacitance entry screen within
the PSPICE PARTS package, or similar
parameter extraction program.
VR 
1 − ϕ 
The slope of the IC versus VCE output
characteristics, (hoe in h-parameter
p a r l a n c e ) i s d u e t o b a s e w i d th
modulation effects as described by J.M.
Early - and sometimes termed the Early
effect, (please refer to Figure 4). The
Early voltage is the point on the x axis at
which the extrapolated curves would
appear to intercept. This voltage (which
possesses no sign) is known as VAF to
the SPICE software, and allows the
SPICE equations to predict the IC value
from the basic Shockley equation, at any
value of VCE. This allows the model to
behave as expected in the linear region.
Figure 3
IC and IB Vs VBE Transconductance Chart - “Gummel Plot” (FMMT617). (Note 1).
AN23 - 4
The VAF (VAR) parameters are
determined by measuring IC ( IE) a t
several values of VCE (VEC), and using
linear regression to find the voltage axis
intercept. A range of base currents are
used, such that the resultant collector
currents represent the usual operating
CJ0 - is the zero bias value
ϕ- is the junction barrier potential
(known as VJC or VJE to SPICE)
M - is the grading coefficient (known as
VR - is the applied reverse bias.
The transit time parameters can be
found by an iterative approach based on
a m e a s u r e m e n t o f t h e FT p ro f i l e
(transition frequency against collector
current), and switching times for a
particular range of conditions. The
forward transit time TF is adjusted such
that simulations of small signal RF gain
m e a s u r e m e n t s c o n c u r w i t h FT
measurements (Appendix B reference 5)
and turn-on times. The reverse transit
time TR is determined by consideration
of turn-off times, particularly bipolar
storage time, ts.
The ac parameters are the collector-base
and base-emitter capacitances, and the
forward and reverse base transition time
AN23 - 5
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Once a preliminary set of SPICE
parameters have been derived via the
measurements outlined above, the draft
model is verified in various simulation
circuits that reproduce the measurement
conditions, and adjustments made to
appropriate parameters as required.
Temperature: 27.0
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Model limitations
Please refer to Appendix A, which is a
printout of the introductory text file on
t h e Z e t e x S P I C E m o d e l d i s c , and
includes some comments on limitations.
In addition:
1. An important effect to consider for
medium to high voltage device models
t h e “Quasi-saturation Effect”
(Appendix B, reference 3).This effect is
apparent as a two stage slope in the
transistor’s saturation region, and an
abrupt fall in hFE at medium to high
collector currents. This feature has been
addressed within later versions of
PSPICE, which includes additional
parameters to model this region of
operation. Zetex SPICE models are
intended to be of general application, so
these additional parameters are not
included within the SPICE models. Some
Figure 4
IC Vs VCE Output Characteristics Plot, Illustrating the “Early Effect” (FMMT617). (Note
AN23 - 6
experimentation is possible, using
piecewise-linear (PWL) techniques with
current sourc es within SPICE
subcircuits, to enable different values of
series resistance.
NOTE: I t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t
simulations with high voltage models
operating near to, or at their maximum
op e r a ti n g c u r r e n t a r e t ho r o ug hl y
2. D e v ice p ack age . The SP ICE
fundamental device models are not aware
of the package used to encapsulate the
product, so resistance (other than that
measured and accounted for within RC, RE
etc), inductance and stray capacitance will
not be included within the model. If these
components are important within a
particular application, then it is possible to
create a subcircuit within SPICE that could
incorporate the device model with
additi onal pas sive components to
represent parasitics.
Eg. Inductance for RF transistors and
variable capacitance diodes, resistance for
ESR components of RF diodes, and
leakage resistance for MOSFETs. (Please
refer to Figure 5 for an example of a
variable capacitance diode with options
ZETEX ZC830A Spice Model
Last revision 4/3/92
.MODEL ZC830A D IS= 5.355E-15 N= 1.08 RS= 0.1161 XTI =3
+ EG= 1.11 CJO= 19.15E-12 M= 0.9001 VJ= 2.164 FC= 0.5
+ BV= 45.1 IBV= 51.74E-3 TT= 129.8E-9
*RS=0.68 FOR 2V, 0.60 FOR 5V, 0.52 FOR 10V OR 0.46 FOR 20V BIAS.
Figure 5
Zetex ZC830A Variable Capacitance Diode SPICE Model, Illustrating Parasitic and ESR
AN23 - 7
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Once a preliminary set of SPICE
parameters have been derived via the
measurements outlined above, the draft
model is verified in various simulation
circuits that reproduce the measurement
conditions, and adjustments made to
appropriate parameters as required.
Temperature: 27.0
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Model limitations
Please refer to Appendix A, which is a
printout of the introductory text file on
t h e Z e t e x S P I C E m o d e l d i s c , and
includes some comments on limitations.
In addition:
1. An important effect to consider for
medium to high voltage device models
t h e “Quasi-saturation Effect”
(Appendix B, reference 3).This effect is
apparent as a two stage slope in the
transistor’s saturation region, and an
abrupt fall in hFE at medium to high
collector currents. This feature has been
addressed within later versions of
PSPICE, which includes additional
parameters to model this region of
operation. Zetex SPICE models are
intended to be of general application, so
these additional parameters are not
included within the SPICE models. Some
Figure 4
IC Vs VCE Output Characteristics Plot, Illustrating the “Early Effect” (FMMT617). (Note
AN23 - 6
experimentation is possible, using
piecewise-linear (PWL) techniques with
current sourc es within SPICE
subcircuits, to enable different values of
series resistance.
NOTE: I t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t
simulations with high voltage models
operating near to, or at their maximum
op e r a ti n g c u r r e n t a r e t ho r o ug hl y
2. D e v ice p ack age . The SP ICE
fundamental device models are not aware
of the package used to encapsulate the
product, so resistance (other than that
measured and accounted for within RC, RE
etc), inductance and stray capacitance will
not be included within the model. If these
components are important within a
particular application, then it is possible to
create a subcircuit within SPICE that could
incorporate the device model with
additi onal pas sive components to
represent parasitics.
Eg. Inductance for RF transistors and
variable capacitance diodes, resistance for
ESR components of RF diodes, and
leakage resistance for MOSFETs. (Please
refer to Figure 5 for an example of a
variable capacitance diode with options
ZETEX ZC830A Spice Model
Last revision 4/3/92
.MODEL ZC830A D IS= 5.355E-15 N= 1.08 RS= 0.1161 XTI =3
+ EG= 1.11 CJO= 19.15E-12 M= 0.9001 VJ= 2.164 FC= 0.5
+ BV= 45.1 IBV= 51.74E-3 TT= 129.8E-9
*RS=0.68 FOR 2V, 0.60 FOR 5V, 0.52 FOR 10V OR 0.46 FOR 20V BIAS.
Figure 5
Zetex ZC830A Variable Capacitance Diode SPICE Model, Illustrating Parasitic and ESR
AN23 - 7
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
pro vided for
It also follows from the above that for dc
or low frequency operation, and for
those cases where a device model is not
available for the package of interest, it
may be worth considering models for
e l e c tr i ca l ly si mi l a r p ar t s i n o t h e r
3. Breakdown voltage. T h e S P I C E
bipolar transistor models do not possess
a breakdown voltage for any
combination of terminals. This feature
can be added within a subcircuit as
above, by including a diode across the
relevant terminals, with BV set to the
minimum breakdown voltage specified
on the transistor’s datasheet. However,
this will only indicate that there is
current flow under overvoltage or
transient conditions - it will not of course
model the effects this would have on a
device. This includes effects such as hFE
degradation due to reverse emitter-base
current, heating and secondary
breakdown effects, catastrophic
b r e a k d o w n o f th e g a t e o x i d e o f
MOSFETs, oscillation, and noise
generation (at low values of avalanche
4. Safe Operating Area. Partially covered
by the comments above on breakdown
voltage, safe operating area (SOA) is not
addressed by the SPICE model. So the
designer would need to consider the
usual SOA issues such as: maximum
pulse currents (in reality limited by
device gain hFE/gFS and the bond wire
fusing current); thermal resistance of the
basic silicon/package combination; and
secondary breakdown loci. This can be
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
done with reference to the models’
circuit behaviour and the datasheet
charts, but for final design validation full
breadboard analysis is recommended.
5. Parametric variation. The models do
not include Monte Carlo parameters so
statistical analysis of circuit
performance due to lot and device
variation is not available.
NOTE: The model pa ramete rs are
derived using nominal or mid-band
value components.
Application Examples
This section presents several basic
simulation circuits to demonstrate some
of the functions that can evaluated using
Zetex SPICE models. These circuits
represent some of the more basic,
typical applications that can benefit from
using Zetex components, and may serve
as a basis for further experimentation.
It is recommended that any design is
thoroughly checked in hardware before
committing the design to production, to
avoid falling prey to any software
generated optimism, or effects due to
model limitations of the Zetex parts and
other circuit components.
Disc rete Component “Operational
Amplifier”. This form of circuit is very
popular within the audio industry for low
noise pre-amplification of mV level
signals, particularly from low
impedance sources such as moving coil
transducers. The advantage of a discrete
implementation is that it allows the
designer to employ relatively large area,
high gain input devices. These devices
present a low value of base spreading
AN23 - 8
Figure 6
Discrete Component “Op-amp” using Matrix Geometry Transistors for Minimal
Thermal Noise Generation. (Note 1).
resistance to the input circuit, thereby
minimising the amount of thermal noise
generated. (Figure 6).
Automotive Relay Driver. D iscrete
t r a n s i s t o r s a n d D a r l i ng t on s h a v e
widespread appeal as a cost effective
relay or solenoid driver. A first pass
analysis of such a circuit may suggest
that the operating conditions
experienced by the device, (that is the
level of performance demanded by the
load under nominal conditions) are fairly
benign. However, when transient events
( s u c h a s g e n e r a t e d b y th e m a n y
inductive loads sharing a common
supply line) and environmental factors
are considered, it is evident that the
trans istor driver deserves some
As an example, the circuit shown in
AN23 - 9
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
pro vided for
It also follows from the above that for dc
or low frequency operation, and for
those cases where a device model is not
available for the package of interest, it
may be worth considering models for
e l e c tr i ca l ly si mi l a r p ar t s i n o t h e r
3. Breakdown voltage. T h e S P I C E
bipolar transistor models do not possess
a breakdown voltage for any
combination of terminals. This feature
can be added within a subcircuit as
above, by including a diode across the
relevant terminals, with BV set to the
minimum breakdown voltage specified
on the transistor’s datasheet. However,
this will only indicate that there is
current flow under overvoltage or
transient conditions - it will not of course
model the effects this would have on a
device. This includes effects such as hFE
degradation due to reverse emitter-base
current, heating and secondary
breakdown effects, catastrophic
b r e a k d o w n o f th e g a t e o x i d e o f
MOSFETs, oscillation, and noise
generation (at low values of avalanche
4. Safe Operating Area. Partially covered
by the comments above on breakdown
voltage, safe operating area (SOA) is not
addressed by the SPICE model. So the
designer would need to consider the
usual SOA issues such as: maximum
pulse currents (in reality limited by
device gain hFE/gFS and the bond wire
fusing current); thermal resistance of the
basic silicon/package combination; and
secondary breakdown loci. This can be
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
done with reference to the models’
circuit behaviour and the datasheet
charts, but for final design validation full
breadboard analysis is recommended.
5. Parametric variation. The models do
not include Monte Carlo parameters so
statistical analysis of circuit
performance due to lot and device
variation is not available.
NOTE: The model pa ramete rs are
derived using nominal or mid-band
value components.
Application Examples
This section presents several basic
simulation circuits to demonstrate some
of the functions that can evaluated using
Zetex SPICE models. These circuits
represent some of the more basic,
typical applications that can benefit from
using Zetex components, and may serve
as a basis for further experimentation.
It is recommended that any design is
thoroughly checked in hardware before
committing the design to production, to
avoid falling prey to any software
generated optimism, or effects due to
model limitations of the Zetex parts and
other circuit components.
Disc rete Component “Operational
Amplifier”. This form of circuit is very
popular within the audio industry for low
noise pre-amplification of mV level
signals, particularly from low
impedance sources such as moving coil
transducers. The advantage of a discrete
implementation is that it allows the
designer to employ relatively large area,
high gain input devices. These devices
present a low value of base spreading
AN23 - 8
Figure 6
Discrete Component “Op-amp” using Matrix Geometry Transistors for Minimal
Thermal Noise Generation. (Note 1).
resistance to the input circuit, thereby
minimising the amount of thermal noise
generated. (Figure 6).
Automotive Relay Driver. D iscrete
t r a n s i s t o r s a n d D a r l i ng t on s h a v e
widespread appeal as a cost effective
relay or solenoid driver. A first pass
analysis of such a circuit may suggest
that the operating conditions
experienced by the device, (that is the
level of performance demanded by the
load under nominal conditions) are fairly
benign. However, when transient events
( s u c h a s g e n e r a t e d b y th e m a n y
inductive loads sharing a common
supply line) and environmental factors
are considered, it is evident that the
trans istor driver deserves some
As an example, the circuit shown in
AN23 - 9
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Collector Current
Figure 7
Automotive Relay Driver Circuit for Analysis of Transistor Behaviour under Transient
Conditions. (Note 1).
Collector-Emitter Voltage
Figure 7 models the effect of a positive
line transient on the operation of a
simple relay driver while in the on-state.
The resultant SPICE derived traces are
given in Figure 8, which shows the
collector current and collector-emitter
voltage conditions imposed on the
transistor. It can be seen that for the
given bias condition, the transistor is
unable to remain in the saturated state
during the first few milli-seconds of the
transient, but as the transient induced
current falls, the transistor has sufficient
hFE to turn-on to a low VCE(sat). The period
in which the device is within the linear
operation region must be carefully
considered, with respect to thermal and
secondary breakdown compliance.
SPICE could further be used to verify the
transient power generated, and to model
the effects of different base drives.
Positive Line Switch. High gain low
AN23 - 10
Figure 8
Automotive Relay Driver Circuit - SPICE Prediction of IC and VCE when subject to a
+ 80V, 230ms “Load Dump” Transient (Device “on” prior to Transient). (Note 1).
AN23 - 11
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Collector Current
Figure 7
Automotive Relay Driver Circuit for Analysis of Transistor Behaviour under Transient
Conditions. (Note 1).
Collector-Emitter Voltage
Figure 7 models the effect of a positive
line transient on the operation of a
simple relay driver while in the on-state.
The resultant SPICE derived traces are
given in Figure 8, which shows the
collector current and collector-emitter
voltage conditions imposed on the
transistor. It can be seen that for the
given bias condition, the transistor is
unable to remain in the saturated state
during the first few milli-seconds of the
transient, but as the transient induced
current falls, the transistor has sufficient
hFE to turn-on to a low VCE(sat). The period
in which the device is within the linear
operation region must be carefully
considered, with respect to thermal and
secondary breakdown compliance.
SPICE could further be used to verify the
transient power generated, and to model
the effects of different base drives.
Positive Line Switch. High gain low
AN23 - 10
Figure 8
Automotive Relay Driver Circuit - SPICE Prediction of IC and VCE when subject to a
+ 80V, 230ms “Load Dump” Transient (Device “on” prior to Transient). (Note 1).
AN23 - 11
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
VCE(sat) B i p o l a r t r a n s i s t o r s a r e a n
exc ellent c hoic e for this func tion
(otherwise known as high side drivers,
circuit block switches etc) as they allow
a much more compact and cost effective
design than competing MOS options.
The generic form of the circuit shown in
Figure 9, shows an FMMT717 SuperSOT
(optimised SOT23) Bipolar transistor
operating as a high side 600mA switch
-as used for a mobile telephone transmit
switch for example. Figure 10 shows the
conditions experienced by the device at
initial switch-on as the 100µF capacitor
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Collector-Emitter Voltage
Emitter current
Figure 9
Positive Line Switch using Zetex FMMT717 SuperSOT SOT23 PNP Bipolar Transistor,
as a 600mA Load Supply Switch. (Note 1).
AN23 - 12
Figure 10
Positive Line Switch - SPICE Prediction of IC and VCE at Turn-on, showing Capacitive
Charging Current in C1. (Note 1).
AN23 - 13
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
VCE(sat) B i p o l a r t r a n s i s t o r s a r e a n
exc ellent c hoic e for this func tion
(otherwise known as high side drivers,
circuit block switches etc) as they allow
a much more compact and cost effective
design than competing MOS options.
The generic form of the circuit shown in
Figure 9, shows an FMMT717 SuperSOT
(optimised SOT23) Bipolar transistor
operating as a high side 600mA switch
-as used for a mobile telephone transmit
switch for example. Figure 10 shows the
conditions experienced by the device at
initial switch-on as the 100µF capacitor
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Collector-Emitter Voltage
Emitter current
Figure 9
Positive Line Switch using Zetex FMMT717 SuperSOT SOT23 PNP Bipolar Transistor,
as a 600mA Load Supply Switch. (Note 1).
AN23 - 12
Figure 10
Positive Line Switch - SPICE Prediction of IC and VCE at Turn-on, showing Capacitive
Charging Current in C1. (Note 1).
AN23 - 13
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Figure 11
DC-DC Step-Down Converter using ZTX788B as a Switch Element in a 12V to 5V Circuit
Operating at 100kHz. (Note 1).
Switch Element in DC-DC Step-Down
Converter. Figure 11 shows the general
form of the “B uck ” or step-dow n
converter using a ZTX788B PNP
transistor - this being an E-Line (TO92
style) Super-β transistor, having a BVCEO
of 15V and a 3A continuous current
rating. The circuit performs a 12V to 5V
conversion at 100kHz, and supplies a 2A
load. Figure 12 shows the waveforms
recorded at the pulse source V2, and at
the collector of the transistor, both with
respect to 0V. The effect of the bipolar
transistor storage time (ts) can be seen
as a delay between the V2 transition to
0V, and the fall of the collector voltage.
This storage time can be reduced to
some extent by optimising the base bias,
and base-emitter resistors for a
particular load current (perhaps also by
sacrificing on-state loss by operating the
t r a n s i s t o r c l o s e to t h e e d g e o f
saturation) but this may not always be
possible or preferred.
AN23 - 14
Figure 12
DC-DC Step-Down Converter - SPICE Prediction of ZTX788B Switching Waveforms.
Traces show PWM drive (5V level) and Collector-to-0V Waveforms. Note Storage Time
Effects. (Note 1).
AN23 - 15
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Figure 11
DC-DC Step-Down Converter using ZTX788B as a Switch Element in a 12V to 5V Circuit
Operating at 100kHz. (Note 1).
Switch Element in DC-DC Step-Down
Converter. Figure 11 shows the general
form of the “B uck ” or step-dow n
converter using a ZTX788B PNP
transistor - this being an E-Line (TO92
style) Super-β transistor, having a BVCEO
of 15V and a 3A continuous current
rating. The circuit performs a 12V to 5V
conversion at 100kHz, and supplies a 2A
load. Figure 12 shows the waveforms
recorded at the pulse source V2, and at
the collector of the transistor, both with
respect to 0V. The effect of the bipolar
transistor storage time (ts) can be seen
as a delay between the V2 transition to
0V, and the fall of the collector voltage.
This storage time can be reduced to
some extent by optimising the base bias,
and base-emitter resistors for a
particular load current (perhaps also by
sacrificing on-state loss by operating the
t r a n s i s t o r c l o s e to t h e e d g e o f
saturation) but this may not always be
possible or preferred.
AN23 - 14
Figure 12
DC-DC Step-Down Converter - SPICE Prediction of ZTX788B Switching Waveforms.
Traces show PWM drive (5V level) and Collector-to-0V Waveforms. Note Storage Time
Effects. (Note 1).
AN23 - 15
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Figure 13
DC-DC Step-Down Converter using ZTX788B with Active Turn-Off Topology in a 12V to
5V Circuit operating at 100kHz. (Note 1).
An alternative is to consider changing
the passive turn-off (achieved by resistor
R1) to an active turn-off method. Figure
13 shows one option of providing active
turn-off to the base of the Bipolar
t ra ns i s to r , a n d a lth o ug h th i s h as
res u lt e d in t he a d d iti o n o f a few
components, this implementation is
more cost effective than would be the
case with a TO220 MOSFET based
design. The effect of the modification is
apparent in Figure 14, which shows a
combined storage and fall time of 40ns comparable with MOSFETs, and also
producing minimal switching loss.
AN23 - 16
Figure 14
DC-DC Step-Down Converter - SPICE Prediction of ZTX788B Switching Waveforms.
Traces show PWM Drive and Collector-to-0V Waveforms. Bipolar Transistor Turn-off
Time = 50ns. (Note 1).
AN23 - 17
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Figure 13
DC-DC Step-Down Converter using ZTX788B with Active Turn-Off Topology in a 12V to
5V Circuit operating at 100kHz. (Note 1).
An alternative is to consider changing
the passive turn-off (achieved by resistor
R1) to an active turn-off method. Figure
13 shows one option of providing active
turn-off to the base of the Bipolar
t ra ns i s to r , a n d a lth o ug h th i s h as
res u lt e d in t he a d d iti o n o f a few
components, this implementation is
more cost effective than would be the
case with a TO220 MOSFET based
design. The effect of the modification is
apparent in Figure 14, which shows a
combined storage and fall time of 40ns comparable with MOSFETs, and also
producing minimal switching loss.
AN23 - 16
Figure 14
DC-DC Step-Down Converter - SPICE Prediction of ZTX788B Switching Waveforms.
Traces show PWM Drive and Collector-to-0V Waveforms. Bipolar Transistor Turn-off
Time = 50ns. (Note 1).
AN23 - 17
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Gate Charge
Figure 15
Complementary Emitter Follower MOSFET Gate Driver using ZTX618/718. (Note 1).
C o m pl e m e n t a r y Em it t e r Fol l owe r
MOSFET Gate Driver. A high current
buffer is often required to supply the
high transient currents demanded by
Power MOSFETs operating at high
switching speeds, say within off-line
converters. This buffer is used to
interface the power devices to the PWM
controller IC which may have limited
current source/sink capability. Figure 15
shows a conceptual circuit of a typical
gate driver pair using the high gain 3A
D C r a t e d t r a n s i s t or s Z TX 6 1 8 a n d
ZTX718. Figure 16 shows the gate
voltage waveform, and the total gate
charging current for a pair of power
Figure 16
Complementary Emitter Follower MOSFET Gate Driver - SPICE Prediction of Gate
Voltage and Current Waveforms. Gate Turn-On = 50ns. (Note 1).
AN23 - 18
AN23 - 19
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Temperature: 27.0
Gate Charge
Figure 15
Complementary Emitter Follower MOSFET Gate Driver using ZTX618/718. (Note 1).
C o m pl e m e n t a r y Em it t e r Fol l owe r
MOSFET Gate Driver. A high current
buffer is often required to supply the
high transient currents demanded by
Power MOSFETs operating at high
switching speeds, say within off-line
converters. This buffer is used to
interface the power devices to the PWM
controller IC which may have limited
current source/sink capability. Figure 15
shows a conceptual circuit of a typical
gate driver pair using the high gain 3A
D C r a t e d t r a n s i s t or s Z TX 6 1 8 a n d
ZTX718. Figure 16 shows the gate
voltage waveform, and the total gate
charging current for a pair of power
Figure 16
Complementary Emitter Follower MOSFET Gate Driver - SPICE Prediction of Gate
Voltage and Current Waveforms. Gate Turn-On = 50ns. (Note 1).
AN23 - 18
AN23 - 19
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Appendix A
Reproduction of “Zetex.txt” Introductory text from Zetex SPICE
models disc version 2.
Zetex plc
Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 8NP, United Kingdom
T e l e p h o n e + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 6 1 - 6 2 7 - 5 1 0 5 ( S a l e s ) , + 4 4 ( 0) 16 1 -6 27 -4 96 3
(General Enquires), Facsimile: +44 (0)161-627-5467
A Telemetrix PLC Group Company
Zetex GmbH
StreitfeldstraBe 19 D81673 Munchen
Telefon: +49 (089) 45 49 49 0 Fax: +49 (089) 45 49 49 49
Zetex is the largest UK owned specialist semiconductor manufacturer.
Zetex products are based on Bipolar and MOSFET technologies offered
in a variety of package assemblies suitable for either through-hole
or surface mount applications.
The product range includes:
High current, very low VCE(sat) bipolar transistors
Darlington transistors
Small signal transistors
RF and switching transistors
Switching, reference and variable capacitance diodes
Power management linear ICs
A 20V linear ASIC process
Opto-electronic products.
Zetex’s 60,000 square feet production area features cleanrooms
operating to class 10 and class 100, with SPC, ESD, PPM, FMEA, and
FIT programs in place to ensure consistent product quality. The
facility is approved to BS EN ISO 9001 (which covers both
development and production functions), and products are routinely
supplied to many international standards including BS9300, CECC
50000, and IECQ 750000, as well as many customer specific
approvals conferred by major OEMs. All this is supported by a
dedicated sales and marketing team including full technical and
applications assistance.
For more information on the company and its products, please
contact your nearest sales office.
AN23 - 20
Zetex Inc.
47, Mall Drive, Unit 4, Commack NY 11725
Telephone: +1 (516) 543-7100 Fax: +1 (516) 864-7630
Zetex (Asia) Ltd.
3510 Metroplaza, Tower 2, Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Telephone: 26100 611 Fax: 24250 494
Zetex Spice Models
Welcome to version 2 of the Zetex disc of Spice device models. This
release contains Spice models for 108 Zetex device parents that
source approximately 280 device types. These types include
switching and varicap diodes, bipolar (high current low
VCE(sat)),small signal bipolar, RF bipolar, bipolar Darlington and
MOSFET transistors. This range is continuously under expansion as
new products are introduced and retrospective models are generated
for existing products.
This latest version of the Spic e disc al so includes a symbol
library that allows the models to be used with the Windows versions
of PSpice. Further information on the symbol library,including
installation instructions, will be found in an additional text
fi le i n th e ro o t directory of this disc. This file is called
The Spice models supplied on this disc are accessible in three
AN23 - 21
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Appendix A
Reproduction of “Zetex.txt” Introductory text from Zetex SPICE
models disc version 2.
Zetex plc
Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 8NP, United Kingdom
T e l e p h o n e + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 6 1 - 6 2 7 - 5 1 0 5 ( S a l e s ) , + 4 4 ( 0) 16 1 -6 27 -4 96 3
(General Enquires), Facsimile: +44 (0)161-627-5467
A Telemetrix PLC Group Company
Zetex GmbH
StreitfeldstraBe 19 D81673 Munchen
Telefon: +49 (089) 45 49 49 0 Fax: +49 (089) 45 49 49 49
Zetex is the largest UK owned specialist semiconductor manufacturer.
Zetex products are based on Bipolar and MOSFET technologies offered
in a variety of package assemblies suitable for either through-hole
or surface mount applications.
The product range includes:
High current, very low VCE(sat) bipolar transistors
Darlington transistors
Small signal transistors
RF and switching transistors
Switching, reference and variable capacitance diodes
Power management linear ICs
A 20V linear ASIC process
Opto-electronic products.
Zetex’s 60,000 square feet production area features cleanrooms
operating to class 10 and class 100, with SPC, ESD, PPM, FMEA, and
FIT programs in place to ensure consistent product quality. The
facility is approved to BS EN ISO 9001 (which covers both
development and production functions), and products are routinely
supplied to many international standards including BS9300, CECC
50000, and IECQ 750000, as well as many customer specific
approvals conferred by major OEMs. All this is supported by a
dedicated sales and marketing team including full technical and
applications assistance.
For more information on the company and its products, please
contact your nearest sales office.
AN23 - 20
Zetex Inc.
47, Mall Drive, Unit 4, Commack NY 11725
Telephone: +1 (516) 543-7100 Fax: +1 (516) 864-7630
Zetex (Asia) Ltd.
3510 Metroplaza, Tower 2, Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Telephone: 26100 611 Fax: 24250 494
Zetex Spice Models
Welcome to version 2 of the Zetex disc of Spice device models. This
release contains Spice models for 108 Zetex device parents that
source approximately 280 device types. These types include
switching and varicap diodes, bipolar (high current low
VCE(sat)),small signal bipolar, RF bipolar, bipolar Darlington and
MOSFET transistors. This range is continuously under expansion as
new products are introduced and retrospective models are generated
for existing products.
This latest version of the Spic e disc al so includes a symbol
library that allows the models to be used with the Windows versions
of PSpice. Further information on the symbol library,including
installation instructions, will be found in an additional text
fi le i n th e ro o t directory of this disc. This file is called
The Spice models supplied on this disc are accessible in three
AN23 - 21
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
1) The directory ZTXMODS contains a separate Spice model file for
each Zetex device type for which a model is presently available.
New model releases between major revisions of the Spice disc will
be stored in the NEWMODS directory.
2) The directory ZTXLIBS contains the file ZMODELS.LIB in which all
available Zetex device models are collected into a single file. New
model releases between major revisions of the Spice disc will be
stored within the ZNEWMODS.LIB library.
3) The directory ZTXWIN contains a symbol library (ZETEXM.SLB) that
enables Windows versions of PSpice to use the Zetex SPICE models.
model directories. By using the statement <.LIB ZMODELS.LIB> and
<.LIB ZNEWMODS.LIB>, Spice will be able to access any model within
the libraries without the need for multiple <.INCLUDE> statements.
Note that all subcircuits, be they in the library files or the
individual model files use the same connection sequence as Spice
uses for single element models, thus easing their use.
Model Parameters and Limitations
Bipolar Models
All bipolar transistor and Darlington models are based on the
Spice modified Gummel-Poon model. Following is a typical model for
a single transistor:-
Each of these files is a Spice model for a single Zetex device.
They can be loaded into your simulation simply by employing the Spice
command <.INCLUDE Device_name.MOD>. Only the device types
specifically required by the circuit under simulation need be
included in this way. All diode models and all but one of the bipolar
transistor models are simple <.MODEL> files. However, the model for
the FMMT597Q, all Darlington transistors and all MOSFET models are
multi-component subcircuits and so are supplied as <.SUBCKT> files.
The diode models should be included in circuit files using the normal
Spice reference: <Dnum Anode_node Cathode_node Device_name>.
Bipolar transistor models should be included
Collector_node Base_node Emitter_node Device_name>.
All other models should be referenced as subcircuits,ie in the form
<Xnum Collector_node Base_node Emitter_node Device_name> for the
FMMT597Q and all Darlington transistors,and as <Xnum Drain_node
Gate_node Source_node Device_name> for all MOSFET models.
To save disc and directory space,some users may prefer to use the
model libraries. For later Spice versions the ZMODELS.LIB and
ZNEWMODS.LIB libraries are available. These are simply collections
of all Zetex Spice models exactly as they appear in the individual
AN23 - 22
ZETEX ZTX109 Spice model Last revision 4/90
.MODEL ZTX109 NPN IS=1.8E-14 ISE=5.0E-14 NF=.9955 BF=400 BR=35.5
+IKF=.14 IKR=.03 ISC=1.72E-13 NC=1.27 NR=1.005 RB=.56 RE=.6 RC=.25
+VAF=80 VAR=12.5 CJE=13E-12 TF=.64E-9 CJC=4E-12 TR=50.72E-9
A brief guide to the effect of each model element :IS and NE controls Icbo and where hFE falls with high Ic.
ISE and NE control the fall in hFE that occurs at low Ic.
BF controls peak forward hFE.
BR controls peak reverse hFE ie collector and emitter reversed.
IKF controls where hFE falls at high collector currents.
IKR controls where reverse hFE falls at high emitter currents.
ISC and NC controls the fall of reverse hFE at low currents.
RC, RB and RE add series resistance to these device terminals.
VAF controls the variation of collector current with voltage
when the transistor is operated in its linear region.
VAR the reverse version of VAF.
CJC, VJC and MJC control Ccb and how it varies with Vcb.
CJE controls Cbe.
TF controls Ft and switching speeds.
TR controls switching storage times.
The standard bipolar transistor Spice model includes a parameter
that allows BF, the hFE parameter, to vary with temperature. This
AN23 - 23
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
1) The directory ZTXMODS contains a separate Spice model file for
each Zetex device type for which a model is presently available.
New model releases between major revisions of the Spice disc will
be stored in the NEWMODS directory.
2) The directory ZTXLIBS contains the file ZMODELS.LIB in which all
available Zetex device models are collected into a single file. New
model releases between major revisions of the Spice disc will be
stored within the ZNEWMODS.LIB library.
3) The directory ZTXWIN contains a symbol library (ZETEXM.SLB) that
enables Windows versions of PSpice to use the Zetex SPICE models.
model directories. By using the statement <.LIB ZMODELS.LIB> and
<.LIB ZNEWMODS.LIB>, Spice will be able to access any model within
the libraries without the need for multiple <.INCLUDE> statements.
Note that all subcircuits, be they in the library files or the
individual model files use the same connection sequence as Spice
uses for single element models, thus easing their use.
Model Parameters and Limitations
Bipolar Models
All bipolar transistor and Darlington models are based on the
Spice modified Gummel-Poon model. Following is a typical model for
a single transistor:-
Each of these files is a Spice model for a single Zetex device.
They can be loaded into your simulation simply by employing the Spice
command <.INCLUDE Device_name.MOD>. Only the device types
specifically required by the circuit under simulation need be
included in this way. All diode models and all but one of the bipolar
transistor models are simple <.MODEL> files. However, the model for
the FMMT597Q, all Darlington transistors and all MOSFET models are
multi-component subcircuits and so are supplied as <.SUBCKT> files.
The diode models should be included in circuit files using the normal
Spice reference: <Dnum Anode_node Cathode_node Device_name>.
Bipolar transistor models should be included
Collector_node Base_node Emitter_node Device_name>.
All other models should be referenced as subcircuits,ie in the form
<Xnum Collector_node Base_node Emitter_node Device_name> for the
FMMT597Q and all Darlington transistors,and as <Xnum Drain_node
Gate_node Source_node Device_name> for all MOSFET models.
To save disc and directory space,some users may prefer to use the
model libraries. For later Spice versions the ZMODELS.LIB and
ZNEWMODS.LIB libraries are available. These are simply collections
of all Zetex Spice models exactly as they appear in the individual
AN23 - 22
ZETEX ZTX109 Spice model Last revision 4/90
.MODEL ZTX109 NPN IS=1.8E-14 ISE=5.0E-14 NF=.9955 BF=400 BR=35.5
+IKF=.14 IKR=.03 ISC=1.72E-13 NC=1.27 NR=1.005 RB=.56 RE=.6 RC=.25
+VAF=80 VAR=12.5 CJE=13E-12 TF=.64E-9 CJC=4E-12 TR=50.72E-9
A brief guide to the effect of each model element :IS and NE controls Icbo and where hFE falls with high Ic.
ISE and NE control the fall in hFE that occurs at low Ic.
BF controls peak forward hFE.
BR controls peak reverse hFE ie collector and emitter reversed.
IKF controls where hFE falls at high collector currents.
IKR controls where reverse hFE falls at high emitter currents.
ISC and NC controls the fall of reverse hFE at low currents.
RC, RB and RE add series resistance to these device terminals.
VAF controls the variation of collector current with voltage
when the transistor is operated in its linear region.
VAR the reverse version of VAF.
CJC, VJC and MJC control Ccb and how it varies with Vcb.
CJE controls Cbe.
TF controls Ft and switching speeds.
TR controls switching storage times.
The standard bipolar transistor Spice model includes a parameter
that allows BF, the hFE parameter, to vary with temperature. This
AN23 - 23
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
parameter is called XTB and defaults to zero, Eg. no temperature
dependence. If hFE temperature effects are of interest, then the
following values may be used to provide an estimate, or a starting point
for further investigation. It is suggested that the appropriate data
sheet hFE profile is examined, and a Spice test circuit created that
simulates the device in question and generates a set of hFE curves.
Two or three such iterations should normally be sufficient to define a
value for XTB in each case.
Q2 1 4 3 SUB38B 12.75
.MODEL SUB38B NPN IS=1.1E-14 ISE= etc
+ etc
Note that because Zetex Darlingtons are monolithic, the two
transistors used are identical in all respects other than size.
(The number at the end of the Q2 line multiplies the size of the
SUB38B transistor by 12.75 - the ratio of the areas of the input
and output transistors for this device).
Please remember that these notes are only a rough guide as to the
effect of model para meters. Also, many of the parameters are
interdependent so adjusting one parameter can affect many device
At Zetex, we have endeavoured to make the models perform as closely
to actual samples as possible but some compromises are forced
which can result in simulation errors under some circumstances.The
main areas of error observed so far have been:1. Spice is often over optimistic in the hFE a transistor will give
when operate d above it’s data sheet current ratings. This is
particularly true for a high voltage transistor operated at a low
collector-emitter voltage.
2. Spice can be pessimistic when predicting switching storage time
when current is extracted from the base of a transistor to speed
Darlington Models
These are subcircuits using a standard transistor model. A
Darlington model looks like:-
None of Spice’s standard MOSFET models fit the characteristics of
v e rt i ca l MO SF ET s t oo w el l. C on se q ue nt ly t h e m o de ls o f Ze te x
MOSFETs supplied on this disc have been made using subcircuits
that include additional components to improve simulation accuracy.
A typical MOSFET model:*ZETEX ZVN4106 MOSFET Spice Subcircuit Last revision 11/91
.SUBCKT ZVN4106 3 4 5
M1 3 2 5 5 MOD1 L=1 W=1
RG 4 2 343
RL 3 5 6E6
D1 5 3 DIODE1
.MODEL MOD1 NMOS VTO=2.474 RS=1.68 RD=0.0 IS=1E-15 KP=-.296
+CGSO=23.5P CGDO=4.5P CDB=35.5P PB=1 LAMBDA=267E-6
.MODEL DIODE1 D IS=1.254E-13 N=1.0207 RS=0.222
In the NMOS model,
*ZETEX BCX38B Darlington Spice Subcircuit Last revision 4/9/90
.SUBCKT BCX38B 1 2 3
Q1 1 2 4 SUB38B
AN23 - 24
VTO defines Vgs(th).
RS and RD add series terminal resistance.
IS controls the behaviour of the model’s body diode.
KP controls Gm
LAMBDA controls variation of drain current with drain-source
AN23 - 25
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
parameter is called XTB and defaults to zero, Eg. no temperature
dependence. If hFE temperature effects are of interest, then the
following values may be used to provide an estimate, or a starting point
for further investigation. It is suggested that the appropriate data
sheet hFE profile is examined, and a Spice test circuit created that
simulates the device in question and generates a set of hFE curves.
Two or three such iterations should normally be sufficient to define a
value for XTB in each case.
Q2 1 4 3 SUB38B 12.75
.MODEL SUB38B NPN IS=1.1E-14 ISE= etc
+ etc
Note that because Zetex Darlingtons are monolithic, the two
transistors used are identical in all respects other than size.
(The number at the end of the Q2 line multiplies the size of the
SUB38B transistor by 12.75 - the ratio of the areas of the input
and output transistors for this device).
Please remember that these notes are only a rough guide as to the
effect of model para meters. Also, many of the parameters are
interdependent so adjusting one parameter can affect many device
At Zetex, we have endeavoured to make the models perform as closely
to actual samples as possible but some compromises are forced
which can result in simulation errors under some circumstances.The
main areas of error observed so far have been:1. Spice is often over optimistic in the hFE a transistor will give
when operate d above it’s data sheet current ratings. This is
particularly true for a high voltage transistor operated at a low
collector-emitter voltage.
2. Spice can be pessimistic when predicting switching storage time
when current is extracted from the base of a transistor to speed
Darlington Models
These are subcircuits using a standard transistor model. A
Darlington model looks like:-
None of Spice’s standard MOSFET models fit the characteristics of
v e rt i ca l MO SF ET s t oo w el l. C on se q ue nt ly t h e m o de ls o f Ze te x
MOSFETs supplied on this disc have been made using subcircuits
that include additional components to improve simulation accuracy.
A typical MOSFET model:*ZETEX ZVN4106 MOSFET Spice Subcircuit Last revision 11/91
.SUBCKT ZVN4106 3 4 5
M1 3 2 5 5 MOD1 L=1 W=1
RG 4 2 343
RL 3 5 6E6
D1 5 3 DIODE1
.MODEL MOD1 NMOS VTO=2.474 RS=1.68 RD=0.0 IS=1E-15 KP=-.296
+CGSO=23.5P CGDO=4.5P CDB=35.5P PB=1 LAMBDA=267E-6
.MODEL DIODE1 D IS=1.254E-13 N=1.0207 RS=0.222
In the NMOS model,
*ZETEX BCX38B Darlington Spice Subcircuit Last revision 4/9/90
.SUBCKT BCX38B 1 2 3
Q1 1 2 4 SUB38B
AN23 - 24
VTO defines Vgs(th).
RS and RD add series terminal resistance.
IS controls the behaviour of the model’s body diode.
KP controls Gm
LAMBDA controls variation of drain current with drain-source
AN23 - 25
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
voltage when operated in the linear region.
CGDO controls Crss.
CGSO controls Ciss.
CBD controls Coss.
Added to Spice’s standard NMOS model are a gate resistor to control
switching speeds, a drain-source resistor to control leakage and a
drain-source diode to accurately reflect the performance of the
MOSFET’s body diode.
The MOSFET models mirror the performance of the real devices well
in most areas. One area not covered however is the way that Crss
and Coss varies with drain-source voltage. Thus if the models are
used at a drain-source voltage well away from data sheet
capacitance definition voltages, and capacitance is critical,then
the values used for CGSO and CGDO may need adjustment.
Diode Models
Diodes from Zetex’s Switching and Varicap range are presently
modelled on this disc. They use a standard Spice diode model and a
typical file appears as follows:*ZETEX ZC830A Spice Model Last revision 4/3/92
.MODEL ZC830A D IS=5.355E-15 N=1.08 RS=0.1161 XTI=3
+ EG=1.11 CJO=19.15E-12 M=0.9001 VJ=2.164 FC=0.5
+ BV=45.1 IBV=51.74E-3 TT=129.8E-9
*RS=0.68 FOR 2V, 0.60 FOR 5V, 0.52 FOR 10V OR 0.46 FOR 20V BIAS.
ISR and NR (if activated) control reverse biased leakage.
For operation at RF (which would be the norm for a varicap diode)
it is recommended that a 2.5nH series inductor be added as an
extra circuit element to correct for the inherent package
inductance. Also, to give the varicap diode it’s correct Q, the
model value for RS should be changed to the appropriate figure
suggested in the NOTES for the expected reverse bias.
The switching diode models may include a constant value capacitor
rather than the parameters CJO etc if chip and packaging strays
greatly exceed true junction capacitance values.
Further Information
if the
may use
library of Spice models is being continuously updated so
model you require does not appear on this disc, please
us at the address given below or through your local Zetex
If you have any problems with the models supplied here, you
the same address to request applications assistance.
Zetex plc
Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 8NP, United Kingdom
Telephone (44)161-627-5105 (Sales),
(44)161-627-4963 (General Enquires)
Facsimilie: (44)161-627-5467
In this model,
IS contols forward and reverse current against voltage.
N controls forward current against voltage.
RS controls forward voltage at high current.
CJO, M and VJ control variation of capacitance with voltage.
BV and IBV control reverse breakdown characteristics.
TT controls switching reverse recovery characteristics.
AN23 - 26
AN23 - 27
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
voltage when operated in the linear region.
CGDO controls Crss.
CGSO controls Ciss.
CBD controls Coss.
Added to Spice’s standard NMOS model are a gate resistor to control
switching speeds, a drain-source resistor to control leakage and a
drain-source diode to accurately reflect the performance of the
MOSFET’s body diode.
The MOSFET models mirror the performance of the real devices well
in most areas. One area not covered however is the way that Crss
and Coss varies with drain-source voltage. Thus if the models are
used at a drain-source voltage well away from data sheet
capacitance definition voltages, and capacitance is critical,then
the values used for CGSO and CGDO may need adjustment.
Diode Models
Diodes from Zetex’s Switching and Varicap range are presently
modelled on this disc. They use a standard Spice diode model and a
typical file appears as follows:*ZETEX ZC830A Spice Model Last revision 4/3/92
.MODEL ZC830A D IS=5.355E-15 N=1.08 RS=0.1161 XTI=3
+ EG=1.11 CJO=19.15E-12 M=0.9001 VJ=2.164 FC=0.5
+ BV=45.1 IBV=51.74E-3 TT=129.8E-9
*RS=0.68 FOR 2V, 0.60 FOR 5V, 0.52 FOR 10V OR 0.46 FOR 20V BIAS.
ISR and NR (if activated) control reverse biased leakage.
For operation at RF (which would be the norm for a varicap diode)
it is recommended that a 2.5nH series inductor be added as an
extra circuit element to correct for the inherent package
inductance. Also, to give the varicap diode it’s correct Q, the
model value for RS should be changed to the appropriate figure
suggested in the NOTES for the expected reverse bias.
The switching diode models may include a constant value capacitor
rather than the parameters CJO etc if chip and packaging strays
greatly exceed true junction capacitance values.
Further Information
if the
may use
library of Spice models is being continuously updated so
model you require does not appear on this disc, please
us at the address given below or through your local Zetex
If you have any problems with the models supplied here, you
the same address to request applications assistance.
Zetex plc
Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 8NP, United Kingdom
Telephone (44)161-627-5105 (Sales),
(44)161-627-4963 (General Enquires)
Facsimilie: (44)161-627-5467
In this model,
IS contols forward and reverse current against voltage.
N controls forward current against voltage.
RS controls forward voltage at high current.
CJO, M and VJ control variation of capacitance with voltage.
BV and IBV control reverse breakdown characteristics.
TT controls switching reverse recovery characteristics.
AN23 - 26
AN23 - 27
Application Note 23
Issue 2 March 1996
Appendix B
1. “An Integral Charge Control Model of
Bipolar Transistors”, Gummel and H.C.
Poon, Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol. 49, May 1970.
2. “Modeling the Bipolar Transistor”
CAD for Electronic Circuits , Volume 1,
I a n E . G e t r e u . E l s e v i e r S c i e n ti f i c
Publishing Company. ISBN 0-444-41722-2.
3. “MicroSim PSPICE A/D Circuit
Analysis Reference Manual”, Analog
Devices, Pages 170-178.
4.”SPICE- A Guide to Circuit Simulation
& Analysis Using PSPICE” , Paul W.
Tuinenga. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN
5. “Measuring Small Signal Common
Emitter Current Gain of Transistors at
High Frequencies” ASTM Standard, Vol.
10.04 Electronics, F632-79.
Note 1: Circuit diagrams and waveforms
reproduced from PSpice “Schematics”
and “Probe” screens, with permission of
MicroSim Corporation.
AN23 - 28